Veryfing / Cleaning email databases.
Any recommendations for best software to use to clean or verify emails?
I've aquired a database of emails from an old dating provider but I'm not 100% sure how far the data goes back, some emails where registered 5+ years ago and just from looking seem as though they were 'dead' email addresses just used for sign up purposes.
What's the best software or method I should be looking at for cleaning or verifying the database I have?
Many thanks,
PS. I've only recently joined, so I haven't posted enough threads to post this in the Email Marketing section of the Forum. [edit: thread moved by moderator]
20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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