39 replies

So along with "Creating Value" making my own blog and youtube videos. I purchased a list of 6,173 targeted people in my niche.
The list is CLEAN

I wanted to know how can I send emails to a purchased list? Are there specific service providers to use that you know of and used that are trusted. (A simple google search shows me alot I just wanted to ask someone personally)

What were your experiences and results buying a list for self promotion for videos and or affiliate offers?

I plan on disclosing who I am and what I do providing valuable content like anyone else the only thing is I bought my list while implementing all my other efforts.

I don't have the intention of blasting to them everyday....
Many businesses buy cold leads and market to them ex. Cold Calling etc

#buying #email #list #targeted #thoughts
  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    BUYING an email list is the WORST thing you can do.

    You better create in on scratch. In oder to make money with email marketing you need a responsive list of people who have given consent and opted in your opt in page.

    So, you better have an opt in page, a good front end offer, a powerful back end offers, and definately buy solo ad traffic if u want instant and fast opt ins.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I've been monetizing purchased email data promoting affiliate / CPA offers for over 18 years.

    How targeted is the data / what are you promoting?

    I promote PPL (pay per lead) offers and the data I get is targeted to the exact offers that are promoted. Actually, the data comes first. Then based on what it is targeted specifically for, then a 100% relevant offer is sent. For example, I will get data of users that are interested in life insurance and they are sent a life insurance offer.

    The key reason I mainly promote PPL offers is that no credit card / purchase is required. All a user has to do is fill out a form. So conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made. This and highly targeted data is why I have done extremely well doing it.

    However, there is more to it than meets the eye. It's just not as simple as buying data and sending it.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author BornLeader
      I keep getting banned though when I try to email them
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      • Profile picture of the author ronnierokk
        I wish you would have asked us here before you went out and bought a list.

        Buying a list is SPAMMING.

        No matter if whoever you bought the list from said it was clean as soon as you mail to that first email address you are SPAMMING.

        SPAMMING is not only wrong is against the law and you can lose your accounts.

        CAN SPAM specifically states that it is illegal to sell - and so, conversely, buy - email addresses. (It is, however, legal to "rent" a list, but even so, it's shady and I don't recommend it.) ... No reputable company is going to sell one in the first place.

        NEVER, NEVER, NEVER buy an email list.

        I really don't understand people that jeopardize not only their reputations but everything that a real marketer stands for.

        Someone that has been in this biz for a long time knows better than that.

        Look! It's not hard to build an email list of targeted subs.

        Here's how simple it is:

        1. Find a product or create one yourself. After all, if you are a marketer then you should know your niche by the back of your hand so it shouldn't be a problem for you to create some kind of training on the topic at hand. It can be in the form of an ebook, video course, audio course, webinar, infographic, or whatever you choose.

        Please note - I don't recommend you use PLR for this. I recommend that you start branding yourself from the get-go, so please create this yourself.

        2. Set up and optin page to collect the emails (keep it simple and above the fold) and set up your autoresponder to automate the process. If you can buy an email list then you should have money to invest in a good autoresponder like GetResponse or another of your choice.

        When it comes to collecting leads you shouldn't skimp on this. This is very important. You need a good service you can count on. I've been using GetResponse for a very long time now. In fact, they just put out a new feature where you can build a funnel and leads and sell all your products right there inside the autoresponder it's pretty badass.

        3. Make sure you have your autoresponder set up properly first before getting traffic to your optin page.

        This means, make sure day 0 sends the link to your subs immediately.

        Also, make sure to send a welcome email either right after or an hour later that explains who you are and what you are about.

        What I like to do is make a short video of you talking to them, talk like you are talking to ONE person not a group. Tell them your backstory on how you struggled until now and how well you are doing.

        Also make sure to tell them to white list your email address so they can get all your future emails inside their inbox because if you don't eventually your mail will start going to span. So this is very important.

        4. Get traffic to your optin page.

        So how do you get targeted traffic to your optin page?

        The easiest way I found and this is how I build my list up to 10k quickly, was to use solo ads. You can search on FaceBook groups called "solo ad testimonials" that is my number one source.

        Just make sure to read the reviews here and make sure there are more than just for that particular vendor so you can get a good feel if they have good leads or not.

        Start small, say 50 to 100 when trying out a new vendor to see how good the optin rate is. Also, something that is very very important. Make sure you are using tracking software. I recommend clickmagik for this. It's what I've been using for over a year now. This will tell you how many subs you are getting so vendors can't scam with fake bot traffic so you can truly see if the vendor has good traffic or not.

        That is a way to start building your list, but the best way and by far the most lucrative way is the build a buyers list. Create your own product and launch it on JVZoo or Warrior Plus or other platforms of your choice.

        You can also do a WSO right here on Warrior Forum. It's absolutely the best way to go.

        If you know your niche hands down, then it should be a problem to create an entire course in the niche that you know best!

        So I hope this post helps you out. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible.
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        • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
          Originally Posted by ronnierokk View Post

          I wish you would have asked us here before you went out and bought a list.

          Buying a list is SPAMMING.

          No matter if whoever you bought the list from said it was clean as soon as you mail to that first email address you are SPAMMING.

          SPAMMING is not only wrong is against the law and you can lose your accounts.

          NEVER, NEVER, NEVER buy an email list.

          I really don't understand people that jeopardize not only their reputations but everything that a real marketer stands for.

          Someone that has been in this biz for a long time knows better than that.
          Oh boy, another person giving out incorrect information about list purchases....

          Where do I even begin....

          1) Spamming by definition is actually using a virus or infected computers to spread email. People infect computers with malware in order to use their computers and accounts to spread the virus and thus more email.

          1A) I think what your actually referring too is bulk commercial email. Bulk Commercial Email is perfectly legal as long as some very basic rules are followed. People who buy lists, as long as they come with accurate opt in information, including the source url, and the landing page having language stating your info will be shared with third parties, is perfectly legal and an excellent source of getting volume of data that is highly targeted and is far more cost effective then building a list using other methods, as you say.

          2) While you are correct that spamming is against the law and will land you in jail, the type of "spamming" that will get you into that is what I have described above in section 1. Viruses and botnets, malware etc.

          2A) Sending Bulk Commercial Email is not against the law. Not in the USA at least.
          The Can Spam Act of 2003 is very simple to understand and follow:

          As you can see, using purchased list with full opt in information and landing page disclosures is fully within the law.

          3) Just because purchasing a list has not worked for you, does not mean it is not an effective tool for marketing. Myself, Diablo, and a few others around here, have been monetizing purchased lists for years and years and years, and generated tens of millions of dollars between us doing it.

          4) There is no such thing as a real marketer or reputation online. Peoples reputations are hit by people requesting refunds for crappy products. Self proclaimed gurus who offer nothing expect fake promises. Facebook giving you fake traffic for your hard earned cash. Fake Instagram accounts, fake influencers, IG ad agencies doing follow unfollow and using groups to get you fake followers, and fake engagement. Chat bots on dating sites selling you fake women to keep your paid subscription active. Porn sites rebilling you without your consent, Payday loan companies giving you predatory loans, sites trying to steal your identity, etc etc etc. I could go on and on and on and on about all the crappy businesses that are online, and really, for most people, it all comes down to one thing and one thing only. Money! There are plenty of rich people online who dont have good reputations.

          And to get back to my original point, people who buy lists and send email, are millionaires so many times over. You just have to find the way to make it work for your own strategy, but saying it's not effective and illegal is not right, and simply put, not true.

          With all this said, sending email to purchased lists is not easy, its very expensive, and requires a lot of hard work, dedication, connections, and resources to do it effectively. Its not a get rich fast method, and there are likely much easier ways to make a lot of money. But for some who are willing to learn and put in the time and money, the returns are unlike anything in any other form of paid marketing out there.
          LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    As I think you'll find most of these comments agreeing to, paid lists are not a good idea.

    Cutting corners doesn't work in IM the same as it doesn't work in most areas of life. Paid lists is cutting a corner.

    Build your own list of passionate and willing fans. You will thank yourself later for ultimately saving time...and probably making more money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Primescout
    Buying email lists should be avoided even if they are laser targeted because there is a big possibility of you or anyone practicing this method finding themselves in trouble. First of all data tends to be outdated.. You really don't and can't know how much time before was that email list created.. And even worse lists may contain leads that have not opted in to receive communications from your company and may result in you having trouble with data infringement -> legal trouble

    If after all that you still want to do this you probably should use Getresponse as they have not as strict spam policy as other services and your emails will not ( not all at least ) end up in spam folders
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  • Profile picture of the author florishing
    Pity you bought the list. Sometimes it is a good thing to learn from one's mistake. Take heart though as you are learning what to do and how not to do it. List buying is one way not to build your email list.
    Having said that,
    What did you buy the list for? You already have a niche you want to promote so go right ahead and give them value. What will your solution do for them? Produce a valuable piece of free content to them. Then go to Aweber or any other provider of your choice:
    1. get an account
    2. follow the directives on the site to create a list
    3. create an opt in form
    4. go back to your website,
    5. place the form glaringly on your site
    6. Then go back to your list seller after writing your email copy making sure the link to your optin form is on your copy.
    7. Send the email to the list from the console of the list seller(They should have an interface where you can plugin your details.
    8. Anyone from that list you bought who is a real person and wants your free content, will optin.
    Don't hold your breath. Most bought lists will not work.
    The steps above will help you with subsequent paid or free traffic to your websites. Godspeed.
    Signature Helping people prophylactically avoid the pitfalls and pains of start-ups.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Simple fact...the average marketer has no clue how buying / monetizing data works / how to do it successfully. Most that say to never buy a list likely just read it somewhere and then preaches it as the truth. I'm not saying it's for everyone and for many they should likely just build their own opt-in list. But done right, buying / monetizing data can be extremely profitable.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author GudeJob
      Thanks Diablo. Can you elaborate on monetizing purchased lists? I plan on using Udimi again. The first time I used them I had a job-work-employment-resume offer and bought 200 leads, but had no hits. I later found out that the provider was a make-money provider. Please elaborate on what you do and how someone can use your services. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adella Pugh
    I did that a long time ago and it was a waste of money and generated a lot of spam. I would not do it again.
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    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by Adella Pugh View Post

      I did that a long time ago and it was a waste of money and generated a lot of spam. I would not do it again.
      You clearly did it wrong. Data purchases, when done correctly, and more profitable then any type of single or double opt in campaign you can run, hands down. Have also been doing this for years, its more work, more headache, and more money.

      What are you motivated by?
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499794].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GudeJob
        Originally Posted by ProducerK View Post

        You clearly did it wrong. Data purchases, when done correctly, and more profitable then any type of single or double opt in campaign you can run, hands down. Have also been doing this for years, its more work, more headache, and more money.

        What are you motivated by?

        Can you elaborate on data purchases and how you did it right?

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        • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
          Originally Posted by GudeJob View Post


          Can you elaborate on data purchases and how you did it right?

          Well data purchases I simply mean buying third party data in order to monetize.

          How did I do it right? I have spent the last 8 years learning everything I can about email marketing, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on testing systems and data and learning what works and what does not work.

          But as I have said before and will say again, there is no other niche online that even comes close to the ROI you can get on email and third party data if you can inbox and deliver well. NOTHING!
          LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Purchasing an email list has just as many pros and cons like anything else in the world.

    There will always be a chance you get nothing out of it, but that's how business works. You won't know unless you try.

    In saying that, there are more scammers then ever, and more people claiming they have targeted audiences when they don't.

    Do your research.

    The question I have are you purchasing email addresses or just utilizing someone else's large email list?

    The idea is to get the email addresses. Even if the list isn't great, doesn't mean you cannot monetize it.

    You may just need to spend more time separating your list, and being more personable when sending emails then just sending sales emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well the hard part its that you need to create a good relationship with them as they dont know you .start by adding them real value and have patiwnce with the promotion

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Do NOT buy an email list. It's a slippery slope with the CAN SPAM laws. Plus, it's shady.

    Instead, use solo ads or paid advertising to drive people to your capture page and build your own list. That is what I do and suggest.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11503486].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by chuckholmes View Post

      Do NOT buy an email list. It's a slippery slope with the CAN SPAM laws. Plus, it's shady.

      Instead, use solo ads or paid advertising to drive people to your capture page and build your own list. That is what I do and suggest.
      You are wrong.

      Using third party data does not violate can spam in any way.

      You know what does violate can spam?

      *Having misleading or forged headers...
      *Not having a single click opt out process or no opt out at all
      *Scraping data
      *Writing blatantly misleading subject lines
      *Hijacking ips and web proxies to mail from webmail accounts

      That is the kind of stuff thats going to get you in trouble with can spam.

      Also, its shady? Says who?

      And then to say do solo ads, all solo ads are are a bunch of people in a circle jerk selling each other clicks and sign ups so they can build their own lists. Any decent solo ad provider is going to have the same users and click as the next guy.

      Solo ads are awesome because it allows you to feel like your making money (And maybe make a few bucks at it at the same time)

      I can guarantee you there is not a single solo ad provider who is making anywhere close to the biggest email marketers in the game. Do you know guys in solo ads doing 100 million a month in revenue? Didn't think so.

      Sorry for the harsh response, but its just a constant flow of bad and false information on this email marketing forum. I know I am one of the few people here who feel third party mailing is fine, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts about it, but when you say its illegal against can spam, your telling people information that is simply not true.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11503685].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
        Originally Posted by ProducerK View Post

        You are wrong.

        Using third party data does not violate can spam in any way.

        You know what does violate can spam?

        *Having misleading or forged headers...
        *Not having a single click opt out process or no opt out at all
        *Scraping data
        *Writing blatantly misleading subject lines
        *Hijacking ips and web proxies to mail from webmail accounts

        That is the kind of stuff thats going to get you in trouble with can spam.

        Also, its shady? Says who?

        And then to say do solo ads, all solo ads are are a bunch of people in a circle jerk selling each other clicks and sign ups so they can build their own lists. Any decent solo ad provider is going to have the same users and click as the next guy.

        Solo ads are awesome because it allows you to feel like your making money (And maybe make a few bucks at it at the same time)

        I can guarantee you there is not a single solo ad provider who is making anywhere close to the biggest email marketers in the game. Do you know guys in solo ads doing 100 million a month in revenue? Didn't think so.

        Sorry for the harsh response, but its just a constant flow of bad and false information on this email marketing forum. I know I am one of the few people here who feel third party mailing is fine, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts about it, but when you say its illegal against can spam, your telling people information that is simply not true.
        I agree

        Except that I'm more than happy to earn sufficient to "substitute my income" (a realistic goal), and that's how I market/promo my Brand, encouraging my subscribers to have a similar outlook (if they do become very incredibly wealthy, good luck to them).

        Becoming a multizillionaire is A) beyond the capability of 99% of WF members, and B) comes with too much baggage... and a staggering amount of responsibility X 10
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11508635].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wiseguy212
      Originally Posted by chuckholmes View Post

      Instead, use solo ads or paid advertising to drive people to your capture page and build your own list. That is what I do and suggest.
      Good advise!

      Building your OWN email list can be hard work but it will DEFINITELY pay off in the end!
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  • Profile picture of the author brucey666
    Do not buy email list, the least worst thing to do is to buy solo ads because they are already hot prospects and they are ready and interested in your niche products.
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    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by brucey666 View Post

      Do not buy email list, the least worst thing to do is to buy solo ads because they are already hot prospects and they are ready and interested in your niche products.
      Solo ads are not hot prospects.
      While they may join your list, your going to find that rarely these people are going to turn into sales, and the few that do, won't be enough to make an ROI on your cost to acquire them, at least not on a first run.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
    Originally Posted by BornLeader View Post


    So along with "Creating Value" making my own blog and youtube videos. I purchased a list of 6,173 targeted people in my niche.
    The list is CLEAN

    I wanted to know how can I send emails to a purchased list? Are there specific service providers to use that you know of and used that are trusted. (A simple google search shows me alot I just wanted to ask someone personally)

    What were your experiences and results buying a list for self promotion for videos and or affiliate offers?

    I plan on disclosing who I am and what I do providing valuable content like anyone else the only thing is I bought my list while implementing all my other efforts.

    I don't have the intention of blasting to them everyday....
    Many businesses buy cold leads and market to them ex. Cold Calling etc

    My thought is that you're the "BornLeader".... you show us ;-)
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  • As others have noted, It's not a very good idea, unless you execute it perfectly - causing little annoyance.

    Buying lists is never a good idea - these people have no interest in what you have to say (sorry), because otherwise they would have expressed their consent.

    If people you're emailing are EU citizens, you might even be eligible to fines.

    Give this post a read if you're willing to learn more -
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    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by Danas Kurlavičius View Post

      As others have noted, It's not a very good idea, unless you execute it perfectly - causing little annoyance.

      Buying lists is never a good idea - these people have no interest in what you have to say (sorry), because otherwise they would have expressed their consent.

      If people you're emailing are EU citizens, you might even be eligible to fines.

      Give this post a read if you're willing to learn more -
      Also incorrect - People who buy lists still make millions and millions and millions of dollars per year.

      Buying lists is not for everyone, but its not a bad idea. People who buy lists and use them effectively make stupid money.

      Buying lists is simply a numbers game, the more people who see it and you inbox, the more money you make.

      Might not look nice, but the cash is huge.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11509172].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
        Originally Posted by ProducerK View Post

        Also incorrect - People who buy lists still make millions and millions and millions of dollars per year.

        Buying lists is not for everyone, but its not a bad idea. People who buy lists and use them effectively make stupid money.

        Buying lists is simply a numbers game, the more people who see it and you inbox, the more money you make.

        Might not look nice, but the cash is huge.

        There are others than me and PK that are in the data monetization business on WF that advocate buying data. But the simple fact is most marketers have been conditioned from the negative input of those that tried it and had no idea what they were doing and failed into thinking that buying a list is bad and there's no way it will ever work. Plus there are those and probably the bulk, that simply read somewhere that it doesn't work and now preach it as if it is nothing but the truth.

        The reality and most important takeaway that PK and I say is that it's not for everyone. You have to learn how the game is played. Those that do, have the potential to make insane money / ROI.
        How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
        20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11509188].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
          Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post


          There are others than me and PK that are in the data monetization business on WF that advocate buying data. But the simple fact is most marketers have been conditioned from the negative input of those that tried it and had no idea what they were doing and failed into thinking that buying a list is bad and there's no way it will ever work. Plus there are those and probably the bulk, that simply read somewhere that it doesn't work and now preach it as if it is nothing but the truth.

          The reality and most important takeaway that PK and I say is that it's not for everyone. You have to learn how the game is played. Those that do, have the potential to make insane money / ROI.
          Hey DB,

          We are in the minority here for sure, but I am glad we work together to set the record straight.

          There is no online marketing industry that has the potential ROI that email can offer, even in bulk. Allow me to elaborate:

          FB/LI/IG....PPC.....10-100% ROI MAX - With huge potential to lose money and requires ongoing optimization

          Solo Ads - Circle Jerk, lots of clicks, no real conversions, barely a real business. Anyone doing solo ads running clicks to a real advertising would be shut down within minutes as click quality would be terrible.

          PPV/Media Buy - Same as PPC, just impressions instead of clicks..... Probably harder then PPC.

          Call Center - Much better ROI then the above, but upfront costs for numbers, minutes, agents, data, DNC, and more is costly up front, ROI can reach 500% though but be prepared to spend tens of thousands up front.

          SMS - Lots of legal BS, carriers blocking, need really high quality first party data, TCPA, big up front cost, but ROI can be good.

          Email - With experience, low outlay of costs, data can be obtained cheap with good sources, and ROI can reach up to 50,000% monthly. There is nothing in the online space that comes close to email.

          But please note, third party emailing is not easy, and not for people who have no money to test and lose. Third party email is a grind, but after you do it for a decade and almost two decades for DB, you figure out what works and what does not work.

          Anyone and everyone who says third party emailing is a bad idea, are simply people who are ignorant to the fact that people are making millions of dollars doing it right before your eyes.

          While reading this - Check your spambox and note how many hundreds of emails are in there. When that box stops filling up, you will know email is dead.

          People do not send out bulk email because its fun, they send it because it making money. When they stop making money, your spambox will be clean.

          Basic economics people.

          Some people like to get on their high horse and call it illegal and frowned upon etc etc etc, but at the end of the day, you can do it legally, and well, why would you care what other people think when you're making millions. Just sayin....

          To all the haters, I salute you. All you do is keep less competition for me and allow me and DB to make money easier. Thank you for doing what you do.
          LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author Nikolas Yugo
    How much does this product cost?
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Originally Posted by BornLeader View Post


    So along with "Creating Value" making my own blog and youtube videos. I purchased a list of 6,173 targeted people in my niche.
    The list is CLEAN
    When done in the right way, and as part of a larger online/offline marketing strategy, this prospecting method can be extremely powerful for quickly building your marketing pipeline. It is commonly used by top affiliate marketers and network marketing professionals, including myself.

    Always always test purchased lists by first emailing about 200 max per day. Even if there are a high percentage of "bounces", this most likely will not result in being banned by your ISP.

    What I always do first (with purchased "business opportunity" lists) for my MLM business is to randomly call prospects to see if they are even open to the opportunity or products. Note that nearly everyone will check you out, so you need to have a strong online presence.

    Taking this qualifying step is perhaps better for what you are doing to reduce the "bounce" rate and getting banned by your ISP. Even so-called "clean lists" may have a high number of blocked or invalid emails.

    And of course be sure all of your emails are compliant within all jurisdictions for which you are marketing. With rare exceptions, all affiliate programs generally prohibit direct cold email marketing in their TOS.
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  • Profile picture of the author Delboy Trotter
    Don't... Bad idea!
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    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by Delboy Trotter View Post

      Don't... Bad idea!
      I agree, it's a very bad idea to post on threads and provide absolutely no useful information, insight, or any value to the conversation.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11517037].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 17
    Don't buy a list.

    They say it's targeted. You don't know for sure.

    If it is, they don't know you.

    People open like 20% of emails from somebody they know that's been providing help for years... For someone they don't know = Trash.

    If you go for cold leads, obtain them from PPC, it'll be cheaper in the end
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11519321].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by 17 View Post

      Don't buy a list.

      They say it's targeted. You don't know for sure.

      If it is, they don't know you.

      People open like 20% of emails from somebody they know that's been providing help for years... For someone they don't know = Trash.

      If you go for cold leads, obtain them from PPC, it'll be cheaper in the end
      Another person for the anti don't buy a list I see.

      Once again, just because you do not know how to monetize a list, does not mean it is not a viable way to make money.

      Its very easy to confirm if a list you buy is targeted or not. Like anything in business, its about finding good suppliers who can sell you legit data. Like all industries, there are good and bad sellers, although in lead and data sales, there seems to be more bad sellers then not.

      Your stats are also wrong, its very each to achieve similar open and click rates on colder or slightly warm leads, even if they don't have a prior relationship.

      And finally, your last statement about PPC being cheaper to generate leads is simply not true. PPC will cost 5-10X the cost of buying leads within the same niche.

      I am not saying PPC or not buying lists is wrong, but its not the only way and data monetization is still a very effective tool for email marketers.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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      • Profile picture of the author 17
        Hey man !

        Thanks for your feedback.

        U seem to draw decisions quickly I mean, because I don't agree with you, I don't know how to use a list. That's nice^^.

        I don't know when u stopped doing email marketing but a 20% open rate is a decent one nowadays.

        And maybe you're god and you can achieve same open rates with cold and warm lists. Most people just can't man.

        And finally, you say buying leads from PPC vs list is 5-10x more expensive. Man. It'd be true if you could get the same engagement from the list than from the PPC ads.

        But it aint man. I mean, it's obvious... A list with emails that could be 10-30 or 100 days old... Of course you'll get that lead way cheaper on there... Because the lead is just worth less... I mean comon.

        Buying lists can work. It won't for most people. It's like PPC, you need to know what you're doing. And, in my opinion, yes, just my opinion, it's easier to know what you're doing with PPC, where u can see your stats all the way, than with a list you're buying, and have no clue how the emails got there, or how old they are or if they're targeted at all.
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        • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
          Originally Posted by 17 View Post

          Buying lists can work. It won't for most people. It's like PPC, you need to know what you're doing. And, in my opinion, yes, just my opinion, it's easier to know what you're doing with PPC, where u can see your stats all the way, than with a list you're buying, and have no clue how the emails got there, or how old they are or if they're targeted at all.
          Those that monetize data don't buy lists of emails in the way you are thinking.

          There are companies that sell their form submission data of those that have granted permission for their info to be shared and receive messages from third parties. You get the info along with their IP, time/date stamp and the URL of where the lead was generated from. So you have the answers to all the questions that you said there is no way to know.

          I've been buying and monetizing email data for over 18 years. Done right, you can make insane money. The biggest problem with a place like WF and those that say don't buy a list is because they have no clue how monetizing email data really works. Which is simply because they are focused on promoting MMO or mainstream products and have never been exposed to it since it's not a mainstream marketing strategy.

          Also, you can get what is called rev-share data. Which is data that you can get for $0 upfront cost and then you split the revenue generated from sending it with the data provider. Which wouldn't exist if it wasn't profitable because no one would spend the time/cost to aggregate the data and then provide the data up front for free if they weren't making money doing it.
          How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
          20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Griffin
    It's a bad idea. you'll never know what emails exist in the email list, you'll have a high bounce rate because a lot of emails will be nonexisting. You also won't be sure that you have an email list of your target audience. That's why I recommend you to find emails by yourself with Snovio,, Voila Norbert or another email extractor.
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    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by Joshua Griffin View Post

      It's a bad idea. you'll never know what emails exist in the email list, you'll have a high bounce rate because a lot of emails will be nonexisting. You also won't be sure that you have an email list of your target audience. That's why I recommend you to find emails by yourself with Snovio,, Voila Norbert or another email extractor.
      Scraping data is illegal and a terrible idea.
      If you want to have huge hard bounces and spamtraps and bad data, this is the way to do it.

      Purchasing data may have a higher bounce rate then generating it yourself, this is true.
      But there are services like EMail Oversight that can verify and score the data for you, so its ready to be loaded into an ESP with no issue.

      Note: I have no affiliation with Email Oversight, they are simply a provider I have used in the past for verification who I think are quite good.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11522614].message }}
  • Hi
    Follow these steps:
    Purchase an email list.
    Lease an email list.
    Possess a select in email list.
    You'll damage the standards of assent under GDPR.
    Respectable email advertising administrations don't give you a chance to send messages to records you've purchased.
    Great email address records aren't available to be purchased.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11522196].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
      Originally Posted by onlinemarketing88 View Post

      Follow these steps:
      Purchase an email list.
      Lease an email list.
      Possess a select in email list.
      You'll damage the standards of assent under GDPR.
      Respectable email advertising administrations don't give you a chance to send messages to records you've purchased.
      Great email address records aren't available to be purchased.
      Great email records are available to be purchased if you have the right sources and knowledge to those people who have access to them and who do sell them.

      Further to that, third party data is allowed as long as its clearly stated how information is shared on a landing page, and the company information is clearly indicated in the privacy policy pages. I am referring here to TCPA compliance mostly, GDPR might have slightly different rules.

      Most third party data can be run thru "reputable" esps as long as its clean, verified, and very responsive.
      LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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