Considering purchasing some solo ads

11 replies
Hello everyone,

I'm relatively new to the forum (been a long time lurker).

Edit - I read an article on Get Response's blog about looking for people in your niche who have similar demographics and offering them the proceeds of driving traffic to your offer to build your email list. Not sure what you guys think about that tactic, but I was considering it as well.

I have an in-person personal training and nutrition coaching company that I've been working at bringing online with digital products and coaching for some time, though without sustainable success. My Facebook ad spend hasn't brought back a return, and I've heard solo ads can be quite lucrative/less expensive for people looking to get their business off the ground.

I've read through the forum and seen some success strories from a few years ago, but wondering if anyone has recommendations for solo list providers and about how they're typically converting now.

Thanks in advance! Appreciate your isights
#ads #purchasing #solo
  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    If your services as in-person, then it's unlikely you'll find a mailing-list which targets your specific location only.

    As an alternative to FaceBook ads, I've watched several webinars by people making a lot of money using YouTube ads as a more effective alternative. And, of course, they can still be geo-targeted, which I presume is what you need. Have a look at other YouTube ads offering something similar, and base yours on how they are advertising.

    Hope that helps

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    • Profile picture of the author powerplantbody
      Thank you, Chris! Much appreciated. My services are online, so not locked to one location. I tried YT ads a while ago with not a ton of success, but I'll try them again.
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Most solo sellers on here will only have MMO type traffic. offers Health & Diet solos but I have not used them.

    You can also try display ads on sites like
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    • Profile picture of the author powerplantbody
      Thank you! Appreciate the insight. I'll check out TrafficForMe. I was thinking of trying some display ads on outbrain, so we'll see how that goes.
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      • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
        Originally Posted by powerplantbody View Post

        Thank you! Appreciate the insight. I'll check out TrafficForMe. I was thinking of trying some display ads on outbrain, so we'll see how that goes.
        I suggest you do some research before trying Native ads. Look for independent info. (not provided by ad platforms) as there is a learning curve and you can burn through a lot of money with little or no return. I'm not saying they don't work but you need to be set up right to use them profitably.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSiteSeeder
    IMO, I think that using content is the way to go to promote your business and products. Using ads can work if you have an understanding of the strategy and are willing to pay to see what works.

    Using affiliates, like the GetResponse article suggests, is also a decent idea in theory but I've never sold products through affiliates before so I can't really speak on that.
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    When buying make sure you test EVERYTHING,,track conversion and more important engagement rates.

    Udimi is SO SO finding a good vendor is a challenge.

    Good luck

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    before using paid ads in any form make sure your product funnel is good enough because otherwise it will always burn your money
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  • Profile picture of the author cheese1688
    I recommend double, triple checking that you know you'll be making money off of your product. It'll just be a waste if it doesn't and you spend copious amounts on ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author SmartSoloAds
    You can try smarttargetads, targeted traffic in 12 different niches including health niche.
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  • I have so far had ZERO positive results from Solo Ads in the last 4 years. They are bottom of the barrel in 99% of cases.
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