Best email swipe for outreach

by lublu
6 replies
Can you please tell me the best way to form a text in an outreach email?

Do you send an offer right away or do you start by getting the person on the other side of the screen interested and ask them to contact you and then offer your services or exchange backlinks in an article, etc.?

This sounds ridiculous... But, nevertheless, I have a hope that someone will write their own example of such letters. I want something to write my own sales text or order it ...

(edited by mod)

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#email #outreach #swipe
  • Profile picture of the author akulaclass
    Tell them what you can do for THEM, and ask for a call.

    Personalize the **** outta your emails. Preferably something personalized on the first line.

    Tweak it based on your offer, but this has worked great for me before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    We have a copywriting subforum here, which may get you better answers. This is the best subforum on WF, though, so I'm sure you'll get something good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elliott Pak
    The more templated and less personal your email is, the easier people will see through it. Name of the game is to research a lot about your target's needs and pain points and address how you can help them, not how they can help you. If you can find any commonalities (went to the same college, have a mutual friend, etc), it can be huge for getting their defenses down in the beginning.
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  • Profile picture of the author davistheraraavis
    There is no universal rule for writing an outreach email. A perfect outreach email is completely personal to the receiver. So, to craft an ideal outreach email, you can keep in mind specific points -

    personalize it, don't waste their time, get to the point quickly, name a mutual contact, include attachments, don't send messy emails, and don't beg.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brackwom
      davistheraraavis, Well said, in email outreach, you have to give a human touch to readers, who read your mail, is feel the thing that you want to say that in the mail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaditya m verma
    Subject line: Collaborate?
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