What works for you with cold emails?

by WF- Enzo Administrator
13 replies
Getting customers to know about your product is essential. What has worked well for you when cold emailing potential users?
#cold #emails #works
  • Profile picture of the author motivational me
    I need solo ads for my new offer
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    • Profile picture of the author AllanMungai
      What offer are you promoting?
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    • Profile picture of the author felisitie
      Originally Posted by Charlotte Rosenberg View Post

      Giving Value before even thinking of selling a product always work wonders.
      Thank you. I agree. Its all about helping the business owner see the value of what you are offering for his/her business. For me it's Video marketing for small businesses. A business owner will be enticed by the prospect of video for their
      customers, but only if they understand the value of video, and
      believe that the video will compel their prospects to take some
      buyer action. So doing some research on the company and creating a custom email can increase your success with your cold emails

      With video, your mission with the prospecting emails is to find the business
      owners who meet one or more of the following criteria:

      1. Recognizes video marketing as a way to increase sales
      2. Has always desired a video but has no idea how to make one.
      3. Is interested in using videos to sell their business.
      4. Has some web content that you could use as a starting point for the video
      5. Has positive customer feedback that you may utilize as testimonials

      Our prospecting and outreach emails will pull on these strings in
      an attempt to get a response:

      You also have to make sure you are targeting the business owner and not the gatekeeper so again a little research on the business will go a long way on having success with your cold emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author adek202
    More will be on products evaluation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Never tried cold emailing.

    But I ask myself what cold email have I ever received and did not place it in a spam category.

    Fact is...we can sometimes join so many newsletters if you stop checking them for a while any one of them could be cold and you do not remember.

    So naturally you fall on the core elements of that email.

    First did it make the Inbox and not spam.

    Was the email title catchy and click worthy.

    Is the content personalized and or a story theme. Based on trending news?

    At that point cold or not it could get a click to the offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Back before I started our SEO agency in 2009, I was a prolific cold email spammer. We had one million real estate agents on our list, and I had a bulletproof server that sent to it 5x a week. We also were able to keep the list fresh with new emails.

    When I started, we got sales from every 300 emails sent.

    Then it turned to 1 sale in every 1000 sent. Then 5,000. Then 10,000.

    Conversions eventually stopped altogether.

    Today, I see "gurus" advising new SEOs to send out vast amounts of cold outreach messages. You can guess the results they get.

    Of course, this style of cold emailing is different than one-offing prospects. But emailing is a dish best served warm, not cold.

    My two cents.

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  • Profile picture of the author AllanMungai
    A broad topic... Like knowing their dreams... Then continuing to niche down the topic till I can finally turn warm then hot and ready to buy.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottmccall
    But, it's actually a powerful tool in any entrepreneur's arsenal, as long as it's used properly (and doesn't amount to begging). Personally, I've had a response rate of approximately 1 in 5 with cold emailing, which is higher than a typical opt-in email campaign.
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  • Profile picture of the author Old Molases
    Adding perks, discounts, addons they can get beside the primary service.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I started cold emailing back in 1996. For the first four years, I created lead generation offers for companies that purchased lead directly from me. Then in 2000 CPA networks started popping up and I started promoting PPL (pay per lead) offers that the networks had. Which was a fraction of the work, but I got 90% of the lead cost. Which is what I still do to this day.

    90% of cold email is still lead generation because it's far easier to get someone to fill out a short form than pull out their credit card and make a purchase. So conversions rates are typically much higher than sales offers.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    For me it sell when i write my email as a story .People like stories and its not like this hating selling emails
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Well people love reading stories, innit?

      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      For me it sell when i write my email as a story .People like stories and its not like this hating selling emails
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