Email Marketing Levels The Playing Field

12 replies
Email Marketing Levels The Playing Field

No doubt, as you surf the web looking for deals, offers, gift ideas, information, etc... you are seeing many examples of email marketing in action.

Today, as I was searching for some office related stuff, I went to my favorite office supply store website and ... when I got to the site, I was greeted with a popup window offering me a 25% discount for joining their list.

This is a textbook example of a simple capture form that offered me an incentive (25% off) to enter my email address. Did I do it? Absolutely. I knew I wanted to buy some stuff for the office and I like savings, so ... I subscribed.

Let the power of this sink in as a perfect example of how email marketing levels the playing field.

From your desktop, you can utilize the same strategies being used by nationwide and international stores to build your lists, build rapport, and drive sales.

That, to me, is pretty exciting!
#email #field #levels #marketing #playing
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Yes, businesses saw that email marketing is still relevant despite social media "overtaking" its apparent use.

    And I still signup for email newsletters so I can get cart discounts.
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    • Profile picture of the author trafficwave
      The ROI on email marketing way outpaces social media advertising, for sure. Together, they are a powerful combination!

      Brian Rooney, CEO Email Marketing AutoResponders
      Email Marketing Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author davehayes
    I have to say after reading this thread I would agree with Brian, for sure.I've been in this game a long time, during which I have marketed both ways using email marketing and also social media

    While Social Media is a great way to build the followers who might eventually buy from you, my own stats show that when I use email marketing, then it way outpaces SM by an absolute mile

    So effectively the only peice of automation software any business really does need is email marketing software, but one that has a decent affiliate marketing plan to it, which is also well established

    Having that is the true key to making money online
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  • Profile picture of the author robchapman
    Yes, this is very true. You capture the leads with an enticing landing page, then cultivate those leads with engaging emails.

    I still place email marketing over social media because of the higher response rate and return on investment.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11685524].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Established brands have higher response rates on email marketing.

      Originally Posted by robchapman View Post

      I still place email marketing over social media because of the higher response rate and return on investment.
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      • Profile picture of the author trafficwave
        I think it's pretty safe to say that established brands will have higher everything since they are .... established.

        That's part of the benefit of doing marketing. It helps your brand become ... established.

        Brian Rooney, CEO Email Marketing AutoResponders
        Email Marketing Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author AllanMungai
    Agree to disagree..

    Well, congratulations for having the discount...however that is just half the picture of what happened on your side... How about the store? - what results are they getting?

    People that are only willing to buy at a discount?... Maybe they might turn on the profit... But I would like to see the picture of what happens 3 to 6 months down the line...

    As far as my internet business is conerned... Offering discounts especially on services is like suicide.. It chokes you slowly until you realize your doing more that the value is worth which isn't scalable.

    My take is to increase value not the price... nor giveaways that will give you freebie seekers in your business.

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    • Profile picture of the author trafficwave
      I think you may be lost. This reply has nothing to do with the actual post.

      Brian Rooney, CEO Email Marketing AutoResponders
      Email Marketing Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Ristoriel0359
    I sign up for newsletters everytime I see a website is offering free resources in exchange. Some websites don't offer quality content but for those who do, I don't mind getting bimonthly updates in my inbox.
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    • Profile picture of the author trafficwave
      I've really begun going through my emails and keeping only those that add real value and/or content that truly holds my interest.

      I unsubscribed from a LOT of lists this past few days!

      Brian Rooney, CEO Email Marketing AutoResponders
      Email Marketing Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Mamun Hossain
    I definitely agree with Brian because email marketing is the best way to make money online. When I start email marketing with social media marketing, it helps me get a return on my investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author VictorLoanz90
    In this ever changing climate of social media platforms email still stands firm although typically hard to crack when cold emailing to prospects , it's still powerful when collecting emails in exchange for value such as discounts etc.

    I help Small Businesses obtain Fast Funding

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