Seeking PLR Autoresponder Software

3 replies

Does anyone know of a source for PLR email autoresponder? I need access to autoresponder software code so I can modify it for my needs.

#autoresponder #plr #seeking #software
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Have you check the marketplace section for anything?

    Originally Posted by Pai Mei View Post


    Does anyone know of a source for PLR email autoresponder? I need access to autoresponder software code so I can modify it for my needs.

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  • Profile picture of the author MountProxies
    Have you considered hiring a developer to get you a little software built specifically for the purpose?
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  • Profile picture of the author ashtondunhill
    There is a site I have been visiting it is called h-educate and the site owner has a free email sender. I think it is open source. you can probably send him an email and ask. It is called super email sender. I do not use this as I am not tech savvy enough to handle the programming needed for this, but it might be what you are looking for
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