Open rate drop down dramatically - what should we do?

3 replies
Hi guys!

For some reasons, i had to move my list to another autoresponder service
I went from 20% open rate of my broadcast email to 1% open rate

Do you have any tip for this to change?

Warm up my email before i use it to send mass emails can help, but that take time
I don't want to wait, i want instant results

I mean the open rate will be the same 20% or even 10%

Thanks for reading.
#dramatically #drop #open #rate
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  • Profile picture of the author godsepallavi17
    I would suggest to send emails to smaller segments first and those who are highly engaged with your product or services.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11811352].message }}
  • Sayin' sumthin' useful always helps.

    Whichevah funnel you shootsy on outta.

    1) I gaht sumthin' people want.

    2) I can kinda reach 'em xxx

    Simplista stategies till'n you gotta write the actschwl WOIDS, I guess.

    Bubbedy bubbedy

    schlubbedy schlubbedy ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Mabu Map View Post

    Warm up my email before i use it to send mass emails can help, but that take time
    I don't want to wait, i want instant results
    Seems like you got instant results - just not the results you were hoping for. People respond better to being treated as, well, people. If they feel they're just another address on a mass-produced list, you can't blame them for ignoring you.

    You don't say why you had to move from your last autoresponder service. Maybe your new one has stricter guidelines for bulk broadcasts. Have you compared the delivery stats?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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