Import List To Autoresponder No Verification

by sprice
12 replies
I know that with GetResponse you are allowed to import leads without having to get your subscribers to re-optin.

But they require a verification process in which you must mail to your list and they will accept you based on your open/complaint/bounce rate etc...

Does anyone know of any reliable autoresponder services which do not require you to mail in order to verify the legitimacy of your leads... but can verify them without you having to mail to the list.

It's a good list. But the open rate is too low for them to accept.
#autoresponder #import #list #verification
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by sprice View Post

    Does anyone know of any reliable autoresponder services which do not require you to mail in order to verify the legitimacy of your leads...
    It doesn't seem likely that an autoresponder service which didn't require (at least!) that could possibly be "reliable", surely, because it would be so open to abuse?

    Absolutely no "critical tone" intended, but I certainly wouldn't want to be a customer of an autoresponder service that allowed other customers to do that (would you, really)?

    If they allowed that, people with lists nowhere near as good as yours would also be using that service, incurring spam reports, and so on, and the delivery-rates for my emails would drop through the floor as a result.

    I suspect that some kind of self-hosted solution may be what you're really looking for, here?
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    • Profile picture of the author sprice
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      It doesn't seem likely that an autoresponder service which didn't require (at least!) that could possibly be "reliable", surely, because it would be so open to abuse?

      Absolutely no "critical tone" intended, but I certainly wouldn't want to be a customer of an autoresponder service that allowed other customers to do that (would you, really)?

      If they allowed that, people with lists nowhere near as good as yours would also be using that service, incurring spam reports, and so on, and the delivery-rates for my emails would drop through the floor as a result.

      I suspect that some kind of self-hosted solution may be what you're really looking for, here?
      Thanks for the response Alexa. I've heard that deliverability rates drop with self hosted solutions. I've heard of running Interspire off of a vps or dedicated server... but that you must also have your own ips to rotate?

      If you knew of anywhere to point me in the right direction toward learning about self hosted that would be much appreciated.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Not my subject, I'm afraid - I haven't used one.

        My own two first avenues of approach, if wanting to use a self-hosted one, would be (i) to find out as much as I could about arpReach (which I've seen very widely recommended by people I trust, and its owner is a highly respected Warrior), and (ii) to ask John McCabe for advice (because I know he uses a self-hosted autoresponder, and I trust his judgment at least as much as anyone else's here and a good deal more than most). Again, speaking only for myself, and based on second-hand information only, Interspire would be something I'd want to avoid. All second-hand impressions and no use at all, probably. But someone who knows far more than I do will doubtless be along, soon enough, to comment further.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    The only company I'm aware of that was allowing imports without verification was iContact. I'm not sure if they're still allowing it. I do know if the first round of bounces or complaints are bad, they'll shut you down asap without a refund.

    Self-hosted gets a bad rap. You can get excellent deliverability rates if you're running an ethical email business. I don't think it will last very long in the solo business, though. I'm not implying it's unethical, but the complaints in that industry can get pretty high.

    One last thing, whatever you do, make sure you spend the money to clean your list before mailing out. Why MailChimp Doesn’t Clean Lists |

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    • Profile picture of the author sprice
      I did notice that icontact allowed import but wasn't sure if there was the added verification required, so thanks for clearing that up.

      Maybe I will start off with a small account of theirs and see how it goes.

      I think I will eventually get into something like arpreach... but I'm not ready for the commitment to learn something like that right now. Maybe a few weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    I actually imported a part of my list with no problem when I moved from Aweber to Getresponse. It was no problem at all
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  • Profile picture of the author NewEnglandah
    I was wondering about the comment that Mitro said: "If your subscribers are double opt-in subs already (and you have a way to prove it)". How do you prove it?
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    You are reading a thread that is over 2 years old.

    You can upload data without a problem to ESPs as long as it is clean.

    If it's not fairly bounce free 1st party opt-in, then have it cleaned by a reputable list hygiene service that cleans bounces and threats..
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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