
  • 6 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Any bad consequences for deleting an ebay listing ?

    kelogs in eCommerce

    This listing has gathered most of my feedback, views and watchers, and not many reviews. i want to take it down due to the currency - I have an identical ... [read more]

  • 13 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Minor change to title tag and consequences on SEO

    Sven300 in SEO

    I wish to update an article on a website. The title is: "The Different Types and Costs of ..... in 2017" and I want to change it for "2018" without ... [read more]

  • 3 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    SEO consequences of replacing all content on a domain?

    DifferentEngineer3 in SEO

    Hi everyone I'm planning to buy a domain and turn it into a commercial landing page targeting keywords where I think I can overtake the competition. As a beginner I'm ... [read more]