
  • 27 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Pros and Cons of Pen Names?

    Looking for thoughts on pen names. This situation is a little different than the typical pick a name for your little Kindle book. It would involve a person with published ... [read more]

  • 40 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Is it ok to use a pen name for my online business?

    kingspark in Internet Marketing

    Hello everyone I own a site and a facebook page which use my brand name I was thinking of putting a pen first name in my "to" field of my ... [read more]

  • 45 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How To Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime - SELL ME THIS PEN

    boblev in Copy Writing

    Dan Lok posted an interesting challenge on his face book feed...he posted the video below and asked his followers to write their pitch in the comments. Egads, I was horrified ... [read more]

  • 14 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Pen Name Conundrum

    My newest series of products and services (it's a whole lineup of various things for a particular market) will be sold online and in person through classes in multiple formats. ... [read more]