
  • 27 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    The power of a good subject line...

    Kay King in Email Marketing

    After all these years it's rare that I see a subject line that truly catches my interest. I was reminded yesterday how powerful targeted subject lines can be. I received ... [read more]

  • 37 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How do you know what subject your visitors want?

    whitehat in SEO

    When creating new content, how can you make sure you are writing about something the visitor will find interesting? What method do you use? E.g., like Google keyword popularity. If ... [read more]

  • 213 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    RECURRING INCOME SHOCK! $2,877 Month 1... $14,380 Month 2... $18,593 Month 3... $124,340 Month 4

    dean_holland in

    ***NEXT PRICE RISE HAPPENING VERY SOON*** This Was Recently Awarded WSO Of The Day Originally Posted by craig crawford I had the privilidge of getting priority access to this! ... [read more]

  • 21 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    5 of my weirdest (but highest converting) subject lines + done for you templates

    I'm going to give you these as sorta "fill in the blank" copy & paste templates. Yup, I know I'm teaching some of you to suck eggs with this, but ... [read more]

  • 17 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Suggest an Appealing Subject Line

    PriyankaDST in Email Marketing

    Hello Everyone, I have been trying to look for a catchy subject line for my emailer, which will contain information on a website design package with great deals due to ... [read more]

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    Three Steps To Get Up To Speed On Any Subject Quickly

    Jeffery in Internet Marketing

    Three Steps To Get Up To Speed On Any Subject Quickly (The Full Article) Nir Eyal Came across a nifty article today that applies to niche research and the problem ... [read more]

  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Use Negative-ish Subject Lines because we LOVE a train wrecks?

    TheBigBee in Internet Marketing

    Here's a quick brain fart. My list is growing at a more predictable pace. I'm adding more BUYERS these days and I'm taking OPEN rates a lot more seriously than ... [read more]

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    What everyone ought to know about subject lines

    timokeefe from blog.intercom

    Ok, you get it, subject lines are important, but what ones perform best? Let's find out.

  • 10 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Concocting Content Ideas - A Guided Exercise For Those New Writers Stuck Without a Subject

    rhealy29 in Internet Marketing

    I've seen a number of posts on this forum asking about filling blogs, coming up with content, and generating ideas. I'm always a bit surprised when people say they're not ... [read more]

  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Product name by subject or benefit

    kabuli in Beginners Area

    Hi, First, i would like to make excuse if am breaking any terms of service as i am new this forum. I am making a sales copy for my ebook ... [read more]

  • 44 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Free FB Ebook & Software - Easiest FB Marketing Tricks & Build your FACEBOOK Fan Page in just 5 mins

    goldclubmember in

    How You Can Dominate Facebook Traffic With Ease, Even On A Shoestring Budget And Flood Your Business With Leads! & Brand New WORDPRESS Plugin Allows You To Generate IFrame FanPages ... [read more]

  • 55 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Article Writing | Copy Writing | Autoresponder Series | ANY SUBJECT | 100% Original - Keywords LSI

    catthecopywriter in

    Looking for the Best Copywriter on the Market? Tired of second rate writers who claim to understand English but keep delivering nonsense? Then I'm Your Girl! My name is Catherine ... [read more]

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    How To Near-Effortlessly Rake In $9,995+ Each And Every Month

    Rachel Rofe in

    "The Hands-Down Easiest Way To Rake In $9,995... $19,995... Even $99,995 (Or More) Each And Every Month... From Just One Site!" $32K From Just One Membership Site... Dear Warriors: It ... [read more]

  • 35 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    [LAST DAY!] Inbox Intelligence - The REAL Secret To Getting Your Emails Opened! (It's Not Subject!)

    Coby in

    **This WSO Closes September 13th** How To Really Get People To Open & Read Your Emails... Even Without Using "Fancy" Subject Lines...All The Secrets Revealed In This 90 Minutes of ... [read more]

  • 25 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}
  • 4 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    The critical link for better open rates: email subject lines

    Jeff Nolan in Email Marketing

    I have been looking for at apps that help email marketers improve subject lines for better open rates. Kahuna Subject Line is one app (disclosure, they published a blog post ... [read more]

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    Getting back to work after a long vacation

    It's so hard working after coming back from a long vacation. How do become productive when coming back?

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    Collective business cards through networking, now I need a subject line to capitalize.

    wheelstb in Email Marketing

    I am a relatively new copywriter. I have collected a lot of business cards through local groups and networking events. I want to start a monthly newsletter. These business cards ... [read more]

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    The Clumsy Copy&Paste and the Clever what to write shockin subject lines

    JohnVianny in Email Marketing

    When you dive in email marketing sea, you encounter for sure lots of folks who wanna give you "Swipes" and templates to full you account by easy money flowing from ... [read more]

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    Pet Niche Content By Subject Matter Expert

    Audrey Harvey in

    This WSO is now closed. Dear Warrior According to the 2009/2010 National Pet Owners Survey, 62% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 71.4 million homes. This ... [read more]