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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 12:56 AM   #151
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Re: IM Beginner November Challenge
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Originally Posted by mattward View Post

Good luck! I can't wait to make my first sale. I think once that happens I'll really know that this is a viable business. Not really too sure about the goal I set ($100 profit in November) but I thnk if I make a single sale that would be good enough too.
Good luck!

Making the first sale feels great! Had my first ten days ago or so. But still waiting for my second, hm...

Best Regards
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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 04:49 AM   #152
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I have revised my previous plan of building more backlinks. I don't think the sites I have are very viable after really looking at them this week and I am thinking of taking them down altogether.

Starting tomorrow I am going to be writing reviews and articles for one new Domain I brought today. I have the main keywords I want to target and write around so hopefully I can get it up and running next week and as a long shot ranking mid December.

After I have it up I will start slowly building backlinks.

My other 4 sites I am going to try to stay away from for the rest of the month and see what happens I think.
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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 01:06 PM   #153
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I finally got my first site up and start link building. Moving onto my second site which I've already done the research for. Lack of time is killing me this week. But hopefully I should be able to get in some good time this weekend.
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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 03:59 PM   #154
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Woo, got indexed on my main keyword and am on page 20 of Google! I'm going places! LOL

Guess I have some work to do. :p
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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 04:15 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by mattward View Post

Woo, got indexed on my main keyword and am on page 20 of Google! I'm going places! LOL

Guess I have some work to do. :p
Have to start somewhere. Your only going to go up from there. That is where it should get fun to watch your site crawl up the rankings.

I am finishing my first site right now and will start on my second tomorrow. Still on track to have 2 sites up by the end of the weekend.

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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 06:43 PM   #156
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I am a beginner. I have 2 sites now, just need to start working on backlinks and keyword research. Still learning about both. My goal is to have one site making sales. I'm not concerned with how much money I bring in yet, just want to get something happening and prove I can do it.
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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 06:51 PM   #157
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I'm in. Starting a little late though.

Have a few sites now. Just going to focus on adding more content and backlinks for these sites this month.

I have had one $100 day, so my goal for the end of this month is to get a little more consistency in traffic and sales.

best of luck,

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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 08:58 PM   #158
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Kind of a slow weekend on my end. I know my goal was to launch 10 MFA type sites but I am not sure if I want to pursue that - I put up one MFA site last week (and sold a $6 amazon product to boot - $.24 aww yeah!), but after searching domains and finding soooooo many terrible xfactor type MFA sites, I just feel slimy putting up sites that don't contribute to the betterment of the web.

A few days ago I put up a new review based affiliate site based on a site someone showed me that I guess Dan Brock is using as part of his new Deadbeat Affiliate program. Anyhow, the site is content weak atm but it looks nice and is actually very helpful to someone who wants a review of the particular product so I feel a bit better about putting out that site.

Long story short, I think I am going to try and launch more MFA sites but I need to find content niches where I can make good sites that help the people who find them, not ugly content weak sites that clutter up the net.
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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 09:00 PM   #159
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this seems like a great idea...welcome me to the thread haha

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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 09:38 PM   #160
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First time since I have started doing this IM on the side that I actually feel like I am going to make it.

Saturday night, 11:30pm, hustle.

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Unread 6th Nov 2010, 09:45 PM   #161
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Go from 300 to 400 people a day on my main site. Get one person to use my article directory. Get a 75 HubRank on Hubpages for dofollow.

Affiliate Bum Marketing Friendly Article Directory

Use as affiliate landing link for Ezine Articles and less clutter for your articles than squidoo. Totally free and more features to come!
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Unread 7th Nov 2010, 12:46 AM   #162
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Originally Posted by rizzy View Post

First time since I have started doing this IM on the side that I actually feel like I am going to make it.

Saturday night, 11:30pm, hustle.

That's fantastic Rizzy Keep it up, You sound like you are on task to meeting your goal for the weekend
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Unread 7th Nov 2010, 07:13 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by bitriot View Post

A few days ago I put up a new review based affiliate site based on a site someone showed me that I guess Dan Brock is using as part of his new Deadbeat Affiliate program. Anyhow, the site is content weak atm but it looks nice and is actually very helpful to someone who wants a review of the particular product so I feel a bit better about putting out that site.
That's one thing I like about his system. For all that he stresses the speed with which he throws together his reviews, by the time he finishes with his sample review, it's actually very helpful. It's not a huge amount of content, but it presents the important points about the product clearly and is very readable. Most people don't want to read thousands of words anyway; they just want a couple questions answered and their decision reinforced.

Ditto with the site LMC shared with us. Yeah, it doesn't have a huge amount of content, but it's a Halloween costume, and a silly one at that! How many words do people want to read about it? They want to know what it is, what deal you're offering, and to be told people will laugh with them and not at them. That's what he gives them there.

Making these sites is a lot more appealing if you feel you're giving people some value somehow, and not just throwing spam out there.
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Unread 7th Nov 2010, 10:08 PM   #164
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Ok, I hope the lack of activity I have seen on here is due to lots of goal meeting busy work

I put up my new website today. It only has one article/review on it at the moment but I am going to aim to write one a day this week to drip feed in over the next month or so. then one a week if I am getting the traffic numbers I want.
My next task is to build some backlinks to it, when I add new content I am going to try to do at least 20 to each page to start with.
I have a question though. Should I backlink to the "home" page and or just the content pages? In the past i have done the home page as well i am just a bit unclear on it today.
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Unread 7th Nov 2010, 10:47 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by SarahAnn View Post

Ok, I hope the lack of activity I have seen on here is due to lots of goal meeting busy work
I did actually make some progress today, wrote some content for a site that I haven't yet created.
Two thumbs up for getting your site up today!
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Unread 7th Nov 2010, 11:18 PM   #166
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I'm in.
I've got two websites done, and in on the third.
I do a daily video update on my progress.
You're welcome to check it out there.
Anybody who really wants to be accountable to themselves should consider doing a daily video update. It literally FORCES you to take action every day, because you know that broadcast is coming.
I do mine while driving, so I don't feel it takes away from my blogging activities.
You can find it on Facebook at "Todd Mark Schafer". Feel free to befriend me there.

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Unread 7th Nov 2010, 11:23 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by ToddieM View Post

I'm in.
I've got two websites done, and in on the third.
I do a daily video update on my progress.
What an awesome idea, Todd. I'd do it right now if I weren't wearing pajamas and had on some makeup.
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 12:31 AM   #168
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haha I can't picture putting myself on video today. lol But such a good Idea ToddieM.

Well Done Lynn on getting some content done.

I have just done some backlinks and am finding it So very boring but will do more before bed tonight. I am off to burn a couple of feeds then I will have a break for a couple of hours.

Edit to add: If someone could tell me how to multiquote and have it come up that would be great lol Thanks Sarah
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 12:35 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by Melkien View Post

I'm in! I've already started 2 niche sites in the past week or so but I'm having a hard time with backlinks, how to generate em, etc. I write articles but I'm considering getting some article rewriter to get more articles (some sort of spinner but giving it various paragraph, sentence, etc different choices) so that my content is all unique! I still dont understand if I can publish it on different or same sites for backlinks or how that tends to work.

Hello Mel,

I would suggest posting your articles in this order: your site/blog first. Then post to article sites. Put the best stuff/longer stuff on your site. use the articles from the article sites to lead your readers there. The uniqueness doesn't really matter... yet. Get good a writing REALLY GOOD articles before you hit spinning. People want to read good, relevant, entertaining content.

Each article submission site is looking for GOOD original content. not necessarily unique stuff. Make sure you link back you your site/page through the author's box, preferably with anchor text.

As for backlinks for ranking, use bookmarking sites. Rather than posting a gajillion articles, although that's ok too, but bookmarking is huge in the long term if you have great content to link it to.

Your articles/pages will rank faster with the bookmarking. Do a couple after everytime you post/submit everyday. This will help tremendously down the road. You may even want to purchase this service from someone in here, but even a couple a day by yourself is good.

It all leads to bigger and better things.

hope this helps you out!

Ask all the questions you want, but in the end they will all be answered by just doing it!... Get to work!
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 06:47 AM   #170
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I have several blogs but haven't yet managed to work out how I find out the number of visitors I have received each day. Do I need a plugin for this???

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 06:56 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by ljmatt View Post

I have several blogs but haven't yet managed to work out how I find out the number of visitors I have received each day. Do I need a plugin for this???
I use statpress on 2 wordpress sites but I don't know how reliable it is, It differs from the views adsense says on those blogs.

I just started using SlimStat on another one but only put it up today so have no idea how it is.
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 07:31 AM   #172
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"make a team" maybe meaning we outsource everything?
All we need to do is manage the sites...
Anyway, I'm still a newbie and in learning stage.
Like all, suffering too much of info overload and lose focus.
My plan for November will be getting my adsense approve and try to build one or two website if possible.

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 08:02 AM   #173
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Everyone have a good weekend?

I have one site up and a partial second site up. The second site took a little longer as I am setting up a template to make new sites a whole lot faster.

Once I am complete with these first 5 sites I should have good templates to go off of. Then I can really start scaling up next month.

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 09:20 AM   #174
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My update:
Well week 1 of November has passed, I have completed my first WSO and I am really excited that it's going to work.

This morning I woke up and did my usual adsense check and lo and behold, I made my first $1.00!!!!!!!!!! I am over the moon. Hey we all have to start somewhere right?

This gives me the motivation to keep on keepin on! November is going to be a great month

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 10:54 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by IMaNewb View Post

My update:
Well week 1 of November has passed, I have completed my first WSO and I am really excited that it's going to work.

This morning I woke up and did my usual adsense check and lo and behold, I made my first $1.00!!!!!!!!!! I am over the moon. Hey we all have to start somewhere right?

This gives me the motivation to keep on keepin on! November is going to be a great month
That's awesome. A dollar is a dollar. More than you had yesterday.

Glad to hear you are progressing well. I look forward to hearing you next update.

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 01:05 PM   #176
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Quick update from me.

10 hours a day in my day job and 3 kids to entertain when I get home but still going strong, KW research done, domain acquired, on 3rd post...I want have the site finished with articles written by the 30th Nov.

ps Great thread for the challenge to keep us all motivated.

Originally Posted by GrowTallerNiche View Post

Go from 300 to 400 people a day on my main site. Get one person to use my article directory. Get a 75 HubRank on Hubpages for dofollow.
- How do you get a person to use your article if you don't mind sahring?
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 01:22 PM   #177
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I saw you carry this post over from the VRE 250+ website forum. it was kind of funny because, i only came back to the forum because i was deleting bookmarks from my browser, and i found this one again. haha

so i clicked.

the first threat i saw was the vre. and then followed it for the next few days.

i stayed and signed up because i had the same idea last year, and took it to my webdesigner friend. he thought i was retarded. i talked to a few more people about it and then voila! i became the "nutcase" "dreamer" "money scammer"

too bad i listened to "them".

another funny thing is, i sent my friend an email about how to make money online and outlined a system i had used that worked, and NONE of it included needing a website. hahahaha! he didn't like that. he builds websites for tens of thousands of dollars. i told him i only need a $100 to start making money online. boy oh boy. he never returned my email after that.

do what i have been doing is breaking down the system, and turning it into a product.

i decided this when i found this forum again and this thread.

i will to have my freebie done this week, as well as my squeeze page. i want to have an autoresponder set-up, and ten follow-up emails.

i will have my "super product" in 14days, a mix o video and pdf.

then will start it off by posting a wso. looks like it might be a christmas!

depending on how well the follow up emails do, by the end of the month, i will think about seo.

in order to drive traffic right for the time being, i will just be using ads and pdf stores.

i'm really glad you posted this thread because writing down goals is one of the first steps to taking action.


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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 01:30 PM   #178
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WOO HOO to you, IMaNewb!!!
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 01:36 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by mattcraven27 View Post

Can someone help me with bookmarking, me not understanding what or how to do it ?
Any takers ?

bookmarking is taking a link (to your article, blog post, website... anything you want ranked) and copy and pasting that link on a "social bookmarking website"

go find them in google: here's some for now:

bibsonomy, linkagogo, jumptags, corank, searchless, diigo, misterwong, buddymarks, A-1webmarks, bookmarktracker, mypip, delicious, digg, propeller, bma access, mix, connote, spotback, sitesays, Igooi,

basically pick one, i'd say 'delicious' and go through the process of signing up, and posting a bookmark. some only let you place a certain number of BM's so for more BM's you need to make more accounts.

you will understand more about bookmarking by doing it.

here is a video with some more info:

Ask all the questions you want, but in the end they will all be answered by just doing it!... Get to work!

Last edited on 8th Nov 2010 at 01:57 PM. Reason: add a link
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 05:50 PM   #180
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Woo, up to google page 12! haha. It's probably lame to people that are into this full time, but it's actually encouraging to check my rankings every day and see it going higher. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right, at least. From what I can tell, high up on page 1 should be possible, unless I'm really not looking at the stats correctly. On another note, I am top of page 2 for variation of my main keyword (which isn't nearly as popular a search, but still would be very cool to hit the top spot).

I really wish I could see if my methods are viable or not (ie, make some money), because I have a bunch of ideas for websites but don't want to put time/money into them if I'm going about this wrong.

(I wasn't able to do any work on my site today due to other obligations)
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 06:29 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by mattcraven27 View Post

excuzemee, you are a legend its so easy now you have explained it cheers. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO YA !
you're welcome!

keep at it.

remember nobody is going to find your sites by "accident".

get back to work!

Ask all the questions you want, but in the end they will all be answered by just doing it!... Get to work!
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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 08:19 PM   #182
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I'm going to be making $100 a day by the end of the month.

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 08:27 PM   #183
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I know its like a week late but I will also have a challenge for myself which is to set up 20 blogs that will bring in at least $10,000 a month altogether.

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Unread 8th Nov 2010, 10:58 PM   #184
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[quote=excuzemee;2839030]bookmarking is taking a link (to your article, blog post, website... anything you want ranked) and copy and pasting that link on a "social bookmarking website"

go find them in google: here's some for now:

bibsonomy, linkagogo, jumptags, corank, searchless, diigo, misterwong, buddymarks, A-1webmarks, bookmarktracker, mypip, delicious, digg, propeller, bma access, mix, connote, spotback, sitesays, Igooi,

basically pick one, i'd say 'delicious' and go through the process of signing up, and posting a bookmark. some only let you place a certain number of BM's so for more BM's you need to make more accounts.

you will understand more about bookmarking by doing it.

here is a video with some more info:

That video is awsome. Thank you! Im a newb I dont know how to officially give you thank you credit.
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 12:00 AM   #185
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Nice thread guys, I am impressed by many of you.

Right now I am working on 3 niche websites that I bought here on warrior. I am competing for a 600 daily google search three word term, and a 6600 google daily search term, as well as a few others. The 600 has low competition (66 backlinks to page), and the #1 site on for the 6600 daily search term has 1200 backlinks to that page. Since I am working from an SEO basis, I don't expect to make money for a few months. Once I get these all original content, I plan to work on some Amazon review sites, then back to my original three to work on opt-in bonuses and autoresponder sequences.

My offline business website has been a good testing ground for SEO, I am #1 in google for my keywords there. Over 800 backlinks on that site, 70 of them gov or edu.

I use Market Samurai too much, I love to keep checking my backlinks!

I find myself spending a lot of time working with Wordpress, I hope this learning curve will flatten soon! Right now I have a dead site, displaying blank pages only; and I still haven't figured out how to put stars into reviews.

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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 12:36 AM   #186
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Originally Posted by excuzemee View Post

bookmarking is taking a link (to your article, blog post, website... anything you want ranked) and copy and pasting that link on a "social bookmarking website"

go find them in google: here's some for now:

bibsonomy, linkagogo, jumptags, corank, searchless, diigo, misterwong, buddymarks, A-1webmarks, bookmarktracker, mypip, delicious, digg, propeller, bma access, mix, connote, spotback, sitesays, Igooi,

basically pick one, i'd say 'delicious' and go through the process of signing up, and posting a bookmark. some only let you place a certain number of BM's so for more BM's you need to make more accounts.

you will understand more about bookmarking by doing it.

here is a video with some more info:

That video is awsome. Thank you! Im a newb I dont know how to officially give you thank you credit.
haha! you're welcome!

as to the "thank you" find my original post on the thread and there will be a 'thank' button. press it.

Ask all the questions you want, but in the end they will all be answered by just doing it!... Get to work!
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 01:10 AM   #187
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I have recently started internet marketing. The beginning of october is when i first gained interest and now i'm figuring out ways to make money online. So far i have made a couple websites but i'm having a little difficulty trying to get on the first page of google. I am sure i will start to see a trickle of money come in once i can get my SEO techniques down pat. any advice would be great

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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 01:24 AM   #188
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I too have just begun. I have hammered out 3 sites. I have switched form blogs (i currently have 2 that get very small traffic) to straight html sites. Thanks to Zeuss66 I have a new mission to build 1 site per week. (dang day job)

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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 02:50 PM   #189
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I signed up on Commission Junction then found a product I wanted to use on one of my sites and I was denied. No idea why, no reasons were given.

All I did was hit apply and accept the terms and it came right back and said nope.

Not how I wanted to start that.

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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 03:09 PM   #190
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Hey Rizzy,

I got your email and appreciate the offer. I don't have the required number of posts to respond by email so I apologize.

The link of great joy and happiness...but this one? This is the one that all window cleaning companies in the free world are inspired by. Hey, where did the sarcasm font go?
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 03:11 PM   #191
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in most cases, depending on the CJ advertiser they have revenue prerequisites as they don't want to work with new affiliates and only existing ones. Sometimes all it takes is $20 in your CJ balance to by pass the automatic rejection.

In other cases, advertisers want to hear from their interest, meaning contact them, send them an email that says something like this:


Dear (name of affiliate manger),

I am a new affiliate to commissions junction, but not new to the likes of Internet Marketing, I run a small marketing firm that builds websites and ranks them in Google to receive traffic from organic sources. This traffic is then directed towards your products.

Upon applying to your program I was instantly rejected, and believe it was because I either don't have earnings inside Commission Junction or because I am a new affiliate. Your program is needed for my website's success as your products are in direct relation to my website.

Please let me know what I can do to be approved into your program,

Thank you for your time,



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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 03:16 PM   #192
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My little UPDATE:

As of last night, I now have two sites going. One is local ran by Wordpress, the one that bogged me down for about three submitted finally!

The other I got going yesterday on Blogger and start to finish took my about an hour. Wrote two articles and submitted a total of four yesterday.

What I'm seeing is that along with many tweeks to my funnel system over time, it will take about 25 hours per week to write/submit articles and add backlinks (the backlinks take some time to do so my target is about an hour per day).

If I put in the work, this should provide a decent income.

The link of great joy and happiness...but this one? This is the one that all window cleaning companies in the free world are inspired by. Hey, where did the sarcasm font go?
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 03:18 PM   #193
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LMC is on the rookie thread!

Right on

The link of great joy and happiness...but this one? This is the one that all window cleaning companies in the free world are inspired by. Hey, where did the sarcasm font go?
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 03:36 PM   #194
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Okay I was doing this post and got sidetracked but I found something most (if not every single one of them) veterans already know. But for those of us learning how to walk still this is very important in the working smart vs just working harder game.

1. Either download the free version of TrafficTravis or add the SEO toolbar plugin for Firefox

2. Google your primary keyword

3. now look at the sites on the first page, your direct competition

4. click on the site (if you have downloaded SEO toolbar), go up to the toolbar, click on "Ext links" and BAM! You have all of their backlinks

5. start signing up for all of their backlinks, some of them you can, others you can't for various reasons (like a $500 fee to be added to certain directories). Either way, you have access to hundreds of excellent BLs.

This will narrow your search for effective, niche related backlinks. Talk about a major time saver. And this will work for any niche just don't try to do the backlinks for article directories.

***One more important site is called It takes one of your competitor's at a time and gives you all of their BLs...pretty thorough, you just have to deal with two pop ups.

The link of great joy and happiness...but this one? This is the one that all window cleaning companies in the free world are inspired by. Hey, where did the sarcasm font go?

Last edited on 9th Nov 2010 at 03:50 PM. Reason: forgot something
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 03:41 PM   #195
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I'll bite. I am trying my hand at Amazon which I haven't previously done. I have already made 3 sales this week off one site. It is about 3 weeks old or something.

So what I want to do is build a total of 6 websites for November.

**Reply Edit because I just looked in Google not Scroogle Scraper- duh!**
Competition (same url but has a underscore and I have a hyphen) is #8 and I am #9, so with a little work I can take number #1 position

I would also like to make any amount of money $$$ and more so focus on getting #1 in Google for all my terms, as the money will come with these products. In December I think I will push hard though and do a site a day.

Last edited on 9th Nov 2010 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Quoted wrong stats
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 04:12 PM   #196
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Up to google page 6. I really hope this works, I've put a lot of time into this...

It would be nice if ezinearticles would publish my articles.
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 04:31 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by LMC View Post


in most cases, depending on the CJ advertiser they have revenue prerequisites as they don't want to work with new affiliates and only existing ones. Sometimes all it takes is $20 in your CJ balance to by pass the automatic rejection.

In other cases, advertisers want to hear from their interest, meaning contact them, send them an email that says something like this:


Dear (name of affiliate manger),

I am a new affiliate to commissions junction, but not new to the likes of Internet Marketing, I run a small marketing firm that builds websites and ranks them in Google to receive traffic from organic sources. This traffic is then directed towards your products.

Upon applying to your program I was instantly rejected, and believe it was because I either don't have earnings inside Commission Junction or because I am a new affiliate. Your program is needed for my website's success as your products are in direct relation to my website.

Please let me know what I can do to be approved into your program,

Thank you for your time,


Thanks for info. I have sent them an email and contacted them. Hopefully it works. If not I have a few other ones I can try.

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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 04:41 PM   #198
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I'm really targeting making my first $500 from affiliate marketing this month!

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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 04:47 PM   #199
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I really do enjoy reading all the posts on this thread. It's great to see people take action on building a ton of niche sites. The thing I really enjoy is how supportive everybody is on this thread.

The key to staying consistent with this plan is to have a goal in mind. Don't look at it like "I'm going to build 250 websites." Set a goal of building one site a month. When you get better at it, go for 2 a month.

Also what's very important is when you begin making some money, invest in having somebody do the work for you. This is when you'll begin seeing all of your work paying off.
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Unread 9th Nov 2010, 04:50 PM   #200
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My goal is to bring in some temporary worker to field some support calls for the software were we built and launched a couple weeks ago --- we are going to be advertising and promoting soon and need some help to feild calls --- hopefully right! ?haha

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