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Unread 9th Aug 2011, 12:32 PM   #101
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Re: I challenge you to MENTOR a warrior in need...
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Im personally not gonna wait around to be mentored. Im taking action now!
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Unread 9th Aug 2011, 10:02 PM   #102
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I am smart young and passionate. I go after keywords that I can obtain and have received remarkable success from using only the free paid methods. All white hat, all on my own. I have 5 domains that I own and my most popular has made the impossible a reality. I have a real and genuine passion for seo and obtaining internet marketing knowledge.

I don't need a mentor per say because it would be really hard for me to find the time on top of running my website so I know it will be difficult for someone to hold my hand throughout this process. What I am hoping for is a kind heart-ed person who will look over my website, talk to me candidly about the things I can improve on and answer at most two or three emails a month. I am interested only in white hat, only in seo and traffic and only in the free options.

If you can spare your time and knowledge please get in contact with me. I am willing and eager about learning. I crave knowledge so intensely its hard to believe how much passion I have for what I am doing. I am not lazy and I am willing to do the work.

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Unread 10th Aug 2011, 09:51 PM   #103
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I can't belive it's quiet here... Are people still so lazy and looking for quick fix/magic bullet?

I took 8 warriors from this thread. 2 guys are left only...others don't email me anymore and don't want to work . They saw that work is involved...

2 warriors who are still with me, got their first sales...

So i'm taking few more, but this time don't email (, or PM me, if you are looking for a quick fix and want to be super successul in 7 days. You need to work if you want to make money...

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Unread 11th Aug 2011, 10:18 AM   #104
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Re: I challenge you to MENTOR a warrior in need...
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Originally Posted by Margo Tuul View Post

I can't belive it's quiet here... Are people still so lazy and looking for quick fix/magic bullet?

I took 8 warriors from this thread. 2 guys are left only...others don't email me anymore and don't want to work . They saw that work is involved...

2 warriors who are still with me, got their first sales...

So i'm taking few more, but this time don't email (, or PM me, if you are looking for a quick fix and want to be super successul in 7 days. You need to work if you want to make money...
Hallo, count me in. I just send you an email
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Unread 11th Aug 2011, 12:17 PM   #105
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Its an amazing thread... nice to see so many peoples willing to mentor newbies

If you need any help in affiliate marketing, blogging or product creation. PM me.

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Unread 12th Aug 2011, 04:39 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by AmandaT View Post

I have actually been doing this in the other thread. I may not have spent a lot of time in IM, but my time working in IM has been successful. In only a few months I am making a steady income using a mixture of affiliate marketing, product creation, and providing services.

Basically, what I said was that before people go asking for someone to pay for their War Room, they could talk to me and I would help them by either answering their questions or showing them towards free resources. The War Room is great, I don't regret the purchase at all... but there is so much free information to learn from first!

So anyone that has some questions or needs a little boost getting started, feel free to PM me or use any of the instant messenger contact information I have listed.

I can't teach you to make millions over night... in fact, I only make around $1000-1500 a month right now, but everything I have been doing I can duplicate with more websites and none of my sites have reached #1 in Google yet, though they are climbing. I can help you get started, point you in the right direction, and hopefully help pave your way to success.
Hi Amanda,

Can you mentor me, pls? I can't pm you as I don't have enough posts as yet. I've just started IM a few months ago and going nowhere. Currently promoting clickbank stuff.

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Unread 12th Aug 2011, 07:20 AM   #107
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Hi there,

Just found this thread and I would be over the moon if someone would consider taking time out of their busy schedule to give me some advice.

I am very new at Internet Marketing per se but I have been a relatively successful Digital Scrapbook Designer. I am changing focus to the health and beauty niche with my first product being a e-book that will be launched in October.

My challenges are as follows:
1) I know absolutely nothing about SEO
2) I have a fairly good idea of how and why squeeze pages work but have yet to setup a really successful one myself.
3) I just finished the Ultimate Traffice Challenge with Art and Maria ( so know a tiny bit more now)
4) I am bootstrapping this business at the moment. Using cash from the sales of my scrap kits to fund the business which I am selling through DigiResults and hosting the downloads on my own website.
5) I ran two Facebook Ad capaigns on a limited budget. First one was a complete flop. Second one had a better CTR but still no sales on an Affiliate product I was marketing to generate operational capital.
6) I have a few technical skills - mostly through using free Website designers and learning the hard way with Blogger and Wordpress.

I have included the links to my blog and my first ever sales page. Any open and honest critism would be great appreciated.

Di @ Legacy4Life <---- Blog and squeeze page for the ebook

Di @ Legacy4Life: Scrap-Kits<---- Sales page


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Unread 12th Aug 2011, 08:20 PM   #108
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I am glad this thread was started. This is my first post and glad there are generous people out there to help noobs like myself. I will be contacting a few of you warrior mentors.

Its nice to see someone pay it forward.

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Unread 14th Aug 2011, 03:07 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

PS - if you do not have enough posts to PM why not?? It's only 50 posts to be able to PM - work your butt off for a day and add something of quality to just 50 posts and your problem is solved - that way you prove to your mentor that you can work hard - which is priceless...
Just want to add my 2 cents on that ...

Many people who just got onto a new forum have a fear of the "what do you know, you're new" attitude from others who have been on the forum for years. Not saying that happens here but I've seen it in many different forums. This does have a tendency to turn people off when it comes to making posts and trying to actually add something of value to the conversation.

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Unread 14th Aug 2011, 03:52 PM   #110
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Ok, now that i got that out of the way, I guess this thread was exactly what I was looking for ... one of the first threads that came up when I put "mentor" into the search box.

Ok, so why am I posting? Easy ... I'm looking for a mentor.

Here's me:

I'm 38 years old, run my own contracting/consulting business. I'm young, successful, make good money, and my wife and I have a good life. However, our lifeSTYLE really sucks. Why do I say that if I make good money at a job I don't mind?

Well ... here's my routine ... I'm up at 04:45, leave the house at 05:30, drive for an hour to get to work, I'm on site for 10-14 hours (depending on the time of year and the projects we have going on) and drive an hour (or more, depending on traffic) to get home. I do that every day for 10 days straight, then I get 4 days off. Repeat ad naseum. Frankly, I'm tired of my lifestyle. I get a couple vacations a year and a couple weeks of at Christmas. Other than that, I work, eat, sleep. My 4 days off are typically filled with relaxation and some "me" time. Not ideal.

I do get a bit of time to myself while at work, but not a lot. When I get home in the evenings, I only have a couple of hours to spend with my wife before bed.

What do I know about IM? Very little. Over the last 8 years I've tried a few different programs, following them as best as I could. Got to a roadblock that I didn't understand/couldn't figure out/got no replies back from where I purchased it, etc. Google is usually your friend, but can be frustrating. In the couple months I've been lurking around here, I've discovered there is a whole ton more than article writing and affiliate marketing, which is honestly what I thought IM was about for the most part.

So, what am I looking for? A mentor that has the time to coach me ... 1 on 1 ... start to finish what they do which made them successful ... I'm NOT looking for someone to hold my hand or do it for me. I'm looking for someone to teach me where to start. Basically, how do I get a website up and running, starting from zero, to my first sale. I learn by visuals so I need something to see, be it live over skype maybe or other means. I think you know what I'm getting at here .....

I'm willing to offer money in exchange for your time. However, I would like a commitment that we can both agree on.

Think you can be my mentor? Send me an email ... sborsy at me dot com

BTW .... thanks for the great thread start by Venturetothetop!

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Unread 15th Aug 2011, 05:45 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Margo Tuul View Post

I can't belive it's quiet here... Are people still so lazy and looking for quick fix/magic bullet?

I took 8 warriors from this thread. 2 guys are left only...others don't email me anymore and don't want to work . They saw that work is involved...

2 warriors who are still with me, got their first sales...

So i'm taking few more, but this time don't email (, or PM me, if you are looking for a quick fix and want to be super successul in 7 days. You need to work if you want to make money...

Hi... I want to know more. Could you guide me? Thanks.

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Unread 15th Aug 2011, 11:53 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by Hotness View Post

Great thread!

Well, let's see. I must admit that after years with Internet Marketing, I have never ventured into Adsense Sites. I'd consider myself pretty good with SEO, and I have rank both my clients' and my sites on Page 1 for easy to medium keywords. I have experience working with another team of SEO guys to rank tough keywords to page 1 too.

Well, Adsense sites are something that I have a lot of interests in but never had the right mind to get into. As such, if anyone is generous enough, I'd be happy to be a good student.

Who I am seeking for:
- A great guy (not boyfriend) who has had experience making consistent profits with Adsense.
- If you have been making over $2k monthly with Adsense sites, then I need you
- My mentor should have about a 30 minutes to 1 hour a day to spare to mentor me for about a week
- I see myself as a quick learner, so if you have a ~7 days to spare, I'm all yours.
- Keyword Research is the part I really wish to improve on
- I'd like to hear your personal opinion on how not to get banned from Adsense

Why I could be an easy disciple:
- I am well versed with On Page SEO
- I am very familiar with Off Page SEO
- Sensei, I have Market Samurai (which I have not master) and is familiar using Google Keyword Tool
- I can do (or outsource) my own writing and content
- The only Adsense guide I have ever read is Adsense Strategy yesterday, and I'm hoping it'll get me ready at least
- I already have an Adsense account
- I wish to communicate via email
- I have money to spend on domains, etc so there's no waiting time to "get started"

Thank you in advance,

This is truly incredible.

Everything in your post is about what YOU want and NOTHING about what you can offer back (other than your "hotness" which is worthless quite frankly. I could walk out my front door and trip over 10 "hot" women.) What makes you different? And exactly why do you need a "great guy" who has experience with adsense? Why not a girl, or better yet, a woman?


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Unread 15th Aug 2011, 12:03 PM   #113
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Dee k,
Thanks for starting this thread.

You mentioned we should post if we want to be send the link to your beginner course.

I would love to see your beginner course.

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Unread 15th Aug 2011, 01:30 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by mattlaclear View Post

Very come on Warriors! Who are you going to mentor???

Is the offer still open? I cant pm but I would like to join your program
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Unread 15th Aug 2011, 03:00 PM   #115
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Good evening from Southern tip of Africa. I've been online for years and only started taking online marketing serious a few years ago. What I need more than anything else is a business mentor. A older, experienced person who can advice me what to drop, what to focus on, what to fix. I cannot decide what the focus should be, and I need help to refine my message about who I am, and what I do to the market.

So I'm looking more for brainstorming then coaching. How can I get help?


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Unread 18th Aug 2011, 03:08 AM   #116
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ok, i got a little sidetracked with all the rioting in uk (ps - the van and car they burnt in West Brom/Birimingham was my friends so have been a little in the thick of it!)

The beginners course will start next week.... the link will go live then

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Unread 18th Aug 2011, 11:59 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

The beginners course will start next week.... the link will go live then
Hi Dee, could you accept me in this opportunity?

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Unread 20th Aug 2011, 04:22 AM   #118
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Hi, I am new to the site and starting a new business. I am very new to SEO and would LOVE the chance to be mentored by one of you guys.

I will put the WORK in and work blood, sweat and tears as I really want this, and want my business to work.

I'm from the UK, and so there are lots of sites out there offering the golden pill, I know it will be a hard slog but I need some guidance of which I will be very grateful.

Internet marketing is so important and I will do ALL that is necessary and more to get there.

Please PM me if you are interested in mentoring me, I would love to soak up the knowledge to make internet marketing work for me


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Unread 20th Aug 2011, 12:33 PM   #119
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I need mentoring :-)
ill tell you why .........
<<<<<the problem>>>>>
i have many ideas and i have many internet and social skills though im finding all this far too overwhelming
where to start?
what to sell?
what avenue would be the best for me with my skills?
how do i learn facebook marketing as well as google ranking ?
although i can design websites, and was a senior technical and creative consultant for a web design and new media company (i really know my tecchy stuff).
i know sales backwards, forwards, upside down ! in fact so much so i am now being refused jobs in my field for being the illusive "overqualified"
this brigns me to the REAL problem.
google changed their algorithm .......our lead sources dried up now whilst i know tech stuff i don't know SEO and i suffer information overload.
i lost my job within 6 weeks. i even went in and did my job on a commission only basis.
with losing my job came losing my home ....i was homeless and terrified.
luckily a friend came to the rescue and i moved to the other end of the country to find work and get a home.
i now have internet and very little cash
i have the drive and need for success
i have the website know how to build entire sites within hours and if i dont know how to do it i have enough contacts and outsource contacts to get the job done quickly.
i am a keen salesman and there is nothing i enjoy more than to communicate with people even if it is through email.
gratification through targeted offers will suit me down to the ground.
i am changing my life, getting healthy getting there and making things better for my daughter and myself :-) even though im overqualified and the big wigs think ill get bored and go somewhere else, and management see me as a threat all i want to do is succeed and be loyal, even in this recession where there is little work and little cash floating about, when everything is becoming more and more expensive ......... i must invent my own job :-)
i did so for a while i even became a power seller on ebay and know that site upside down though the market i deal in has taken a dip so much so that it became non profitable to sell those products.
I strongly believe that with a little direction and a little guidance in the right direction i can become a mighty warrior!!!
i joined this forum years ago though i have only just started to REALLY have a yearning to learn internet marketing :-)
i have my own server space (unlimited) and little money to buy domain names though im very keen to learn from the right person so even if someone wants to just give me a nudge ...a seasoned warrior to give me advice i know i can CAN make this happen
p.s i also love photoshop and can do some decent graphical stuff!!!
i thought you had to work slowly toward your 50 posts?
...............walkin the mile here guys its do or die if i cant change my situation i lose everything and that is NOT gonna happen :-)
help connect all the pieces, plug in the correct wires .......and polish the rough diamond :-)
positivity is the key for me,that and i utterly believe that there is no such thing as a problem it is a puzzle to be solved
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Unread 20th Aug 2011, 09:35 PM   #120
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Hi My name is Jonathan,

I am 22 and still in college.
First my skills assets
- I dont know if this is a skill, but I follow a moral code of SOGR( science of getting rich). I follow this, not only because I believe in the law of attarction ,but also because of the manner in which it teaches us to live fully in all parts of our lives (mind-studies mental cultivation, body- health, soul- faith and loved ones). SOGR also teaches us to do all we can each day (not be lazy) and there is no need to cheat or steal from others( I stay away from black hat)

- I have a website with lots of good content. I own the domain have many articles posted and a live forum. However i Have for some reason failed at this because although I feel i did a good job with SEO I do not seem to have alot of visitors.

-Joined CPA networks ( I am already part of peerfly , maxbounty, and pepperjam) Just got in haven't made anything much but made a .info and am planning to forward that address with masking to the CPA offers I have.

I want to learn All i can, Many questions plague me. Am i doing this right? whats the next step? am i being to inventive? am i breaking a law? Why am i not getting visitors? I feel i have all the Pieces of a puzzle but I put them in the wrong order.

In all honesty I am a student who made a little bit a long time ago, and has just recently gotten serious about. I don't have a lot of free time, I have a job and school, but I spend all my free time on IM and have enjoyed it immensely.I am well educated and strongly motivated. ( I am even taking a writing class for articles and a Computer science class to supplement IM at a local CC). I have no Sob story Just dreams of reaching a dot com lifestyle which I hope will allow me to pick up new hobbies and live without worry of debt. If I can even just get a few emails with pointers and criticism I would be more than thankful to anyone.
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Unread 20th Aug 2011, 11:56 PM   #121
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I need a mentor. I bought courses make money online but never made a dime. I have market samurai and can find low competition keywords and analyze top 10 seo competition using market samurai. I bought magic article writer and have hostgator for hosting.

I joined CPA networks peerfly, Maxbounty and Wolf storm media. I am willing to work 100% to make this work. My first goal is make $50 a month online.

Thank you very much and I really appreciate any help from mentor.

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Unread 21st Aug 2011, 02:03 AM   #122
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I am willing to help in any way I can. I am here all day and can offer real time chat via skype, real chat via voice (telephone or skype - I'll call you), webinars (so I can show you) and even offer some of my resources (I'm a private webhost) if I see you are really trying and have some potential.

I know how expensive it is to buy one on one help but I also know how invaluable it is to just spend a few minutes talking about this stuff with someone who is just as excited (if not more!) than you. I love helping people and welcome any newbie to contact me for a free no obligation chat anytime (I'm open 12 hours a day). It will help me too as I love talking IM as much as anyone and I have some ideas I need fresh perspective on as well.

I have over 12 years experience in selling on the internet, have sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of info product, personal coaching and help services. I'm an MCP (since 1999) and the one thing I never get tired of is helping people who need and appreciate it. The only thing I ask is that if I get a paying client who needs help while I'm in a session with you that you occupy yourself for a few minutes while I stop and help. Apart from that if I'm idle I'd rather be talking with you anyway.

Bring it! I dare you to out "big think" me!
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Unread 21st Aug 2011, 06:12 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

I am willing to help in any way I can. I am here all day and can offer real time chat via skype, real chat via voice (telephone or skype - I'll call you), webinars (so I can show you) and even offer some of my resources (I'm a private webhost) if I see you are really trying and have some potential.

Bring it! I dare you to out "big think" me!
adding you to skype now :-)
this is too good to miss thank you :-)
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Unread 21st Aug 2011, 06:15 AM   #124
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I look forward to a nice long chat Ian. I LOVE talking IM with Warriors.
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Unread 21st Aug 2011, 03:35 PM   #125
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I love how people are taking the time to help each other, it is really inspiring.

My new beginners course will start this wekk... details coming shortly.

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Unread 21st Aug 2011, 08:03 PM   #126
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I would love the opportunity to be mentored. Please someone take me under your wing and show me how to supplement my income from internet marketing.
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Unread 21st Aug 2011, 08:30 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by caramel craze View Post

I would love the opportunity to be mentored. Please someone take me under your wing and show me how to supplement my income from internet marketing.
my candid advice, know what you are good at, start on it, find someone who has knows his onions in the forum and stick to them like glue!
If you dont start off something, nobody will listen to you, why? cos you have to show the intiative......
This may sound harsh but its the reality.... it has to start from you.



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Unread 22nd Aug 2011, 01:34 AM   #128
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Hello Warriors!!!!
This is my first post and i m a newbie want to learn IM.
If anybody could help me out i will b very thankful to you.
Looking for ur replies!!
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Unread 22nd Aug 2011, 11:47 AM   #129
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Re: I challenge you to MENTOR a warrior in need...
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I would like to be mentored.

Why I Need A Mentor

I just started a PLR business and although I have made some sales, I have not really made a lot.

My business is 2 months old.

I have had several visitors in that time but they don't buy anything.

I need help with conversions

What I Bring to the Table

If you need any articles written, I can do that.
I write quality and very well researched, keyword filled articles.
I can also handle your blogging for you in exchange as I'm pretty good with working in WordPress.

I would like to be able to run a WSO someday; right now, I'm clueless.

I also just finished writing a Twitter report which I intend to offer free; so I'm working on a squeeze page for that.

I would appreciate any help I can get.

I also want to thank Dee for starting up this thread ... I'm really grateful. Thank you!

PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.
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Unread 22nd Aug 2011, 09:32 PM   #130
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Sharon (Writerwahm) that is a good example of a person I can work with. You have tried something and you bring somethign to the table. You also have an idea of what your aim is.

I have sent you a pm.

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Unread 22nd Aug 2011, 11:06 PM   #131
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Hi Dee,

Thank you so much for getting in touch. And for the tips you gave; that was particularly awesome because I went back to my site and saw immediately how I could implement them.

No, I cannot PM you right away, but you are right; You will be hearing from me soon.

Thank you!

PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.
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Unread 23rd Aug 2011, 10:06 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

I love how people are taking the time to help each other, it is really inspiring.

My new beginners course will start this wekk... details coming shortly.
Thanks DEE, just sent you a PM. Can't wait to see the details...
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Unread 23rd Aug 2011, 02:57 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

I am willing to help a few people with offline marketing if they are interested.
A quick conversation or two to get you back on the right track.
just sent PM
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Unread 24th Aug 2011, 11:15 AM   #134
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I will get you great jobs if you write well
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If anyone feels like they need a mentor in the internet writing game, go ahead and email me. I just joined warrior forum but I have been making about 300 bucks a months writing for a long time with basically no effort. I am sure I could make up to 2000 a month if I made it a full time job. There are some tricks to finding higher paying jobs but if you do not understand how to write with perfect grammar I just do not think your meant to make the big bucks. I can help with spelling, punctuation and finding jobs but grammar is something that is either natural to you or not in my opinion. That is if English is your first language.



Above are a couple examples of my work. One is an extensive literature review and the other is a simple add-on for an e-commerce site.
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Unread 27th Aug 2011, 04:40 AM   #135
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@ajhumm , since english isn't my first language i do not think i would be able to be a writer

if any warrior out there willing to teach a new player on the marketing game online, im the newbiest u can find! so teaching me would be the greatest challenge!
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Unread 27th Aug 2011, 05:35 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by Margo Tuul View Post

I can't belive it's quiet here... Are people still so lazy and looking for quick fix/magic bullet?

I took 8 warriors from this thread. 2 guys are left only...others don't email me anymore and don't want to work . They saw that work is involved...

2 warriors who are still with me, got their first sales...

So i'm taking few more, but this time don't email (, or PM me, if you are looking for a quick fix and want to be super successul in 7 days. You need to work if you want to make money...
I need your please, I promise to work whatever you say. I want somebody to just keep me in direction and just don't let me go here and there.. Sound like small kid!!!! Lol

Oh! Ya ! I sent you the email too, please reply or I should say please take me in.


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Unread 31st Aug 2011, 12:20 PM   #137
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Do you still need help with this? write me at
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Unread 31st Aug 2011, 06:52 PM   #138
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I always have a spare hour a two most days for a motivational chat if anyone needs one. I might even open a webinar and we can have a mass session. Guaranteed to pick you up. What am I good for? You'll just have to call and find out. Mention this thread and I'll even do something special for you (depends what you need). You might even be able to help me with some perspective from your eyes. If you're feeling a bit confused, down, frustrated or just want to talk to a person with a positive attitude and a special different and unique view of wealth creation and this whole "money" thing...I will always have time for you. If not, I'll make time. I'm open every day. Click the sig.
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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 04:56 AM   #139
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Its about 7 am here and I have been up all night soaking up the information one of the Mentors downloaded to my brain. An awesome night of education...that will save me HOURS and so much money. Its "2X" from here on out! Thanks Bill. My recommendation: People take advantage of the help the mentors are willing to give!
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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 06:39 AM   #140
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That was a great (and very long!) session Kyle (StudenFL). Glad you enjoyed it and glad you got something out of it. I got a lot out of it as well. Things are generally much clearer when you can talk them out. Speaking of "things", I expect BIG things out of you very soon as we work through what we discussed. Go for "2X"!

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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 07:51 AM   #141
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Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

That was a great (and very long!) session Kyle (StudenFL). Glad you enjoyed it and glad you got something out of it. I got a lot out of it as well. Things are generally much clearer when you can talk them out. Speaking of "things", I expect BIG things out of you very soon as we work through what we discussed. Go for "2X"!

Bill, if you are available I would love to have a quick chat just to get some direction. I have been absorbing knowledge like a sponge and I am feeling a little overwhelmed because there is so much that I do not know.

Please let me know what your rates are? You can PM me or Skype me.

Thanks Di

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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 08:20 AM   #142
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Hi Di, of course! Please call anytime. You'll find me at the site 12 hours a day. No charge for people responding to this thread as per Dee's request. I could talk about this stuff all day (so get ready because I probably will!). I love it and love sharing what I know and I get as much out of it as you do. Please call in anytime (goes for anyone reading this thread). The link is in my sig.
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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 11:14 AM   #143
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I am a warrior in need. I have just completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Information Systems in a college in US, and I am planning to go home. Home is poor country with some people making less than a dollar a day. Its a landlocked country, with very minimal infrastructure like roads, factories and school.

I plan to go home and teach people how to make money online. I could launch conferences and workshops and assist people in making money online. That would be great for country like mine because we have very less exports because of transportation problem, and since internet has no transportation barrier, this approach would be very feasible.

Thus, I want to start "Digital Revolution" in my country, and improve the life standard of people in general.

Personally, I do not know programming but I have used Wordpress and Drupal extensively. I can come up with a good looking website in couple of hours. During my four years of internet marketing, I have only earned 38 dollars through Adsense. My peerfly account has less than 10 dollars. I have a blog, and another website. I have almost 7 domains registered to me.

I am willing to work hard, all I need is a mentor to show me a right path.
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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 11:47 AM   #144
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Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

Hi Di, of course! Please call anytime. You'll find me at the site 12 hours a day. No charge for people responding to this thread as per Dee's request. I could talk about this stuff all day (so get ready because I probably will!). I love it and love sharing what I know and I get as much out of it as you do. Please call in anytime (goes for anyone reading this thread). The link is in my sig.
That call with Bill was not what I was expecting at all - but it was EXACTLY what I needed. Great advice. I had 2 and a half hours of mind blowing information. My head is swimming Thank you so much Bill.

Thanks to all the great Warriors that offer their services to help out newbies.

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Unread 3rd Sep 2011, 02:36 PM   #145
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I can help 5 people I have done seo for 6 years. I also have been doing affilate marketing for 4 . Pm if you would like some free coaching
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Unread 4th Sep 2011, 05:07 AM   #146
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First of all, big thank you to all the warriors who already offered their help on this thread. I would have contacted you guys already but I prefer to explain my "project" here first... as I know, by experience, that some of you might NOT want to help me on this because of the nature of my product. And I would totally understand
(the theme is quite controversial but, no, this is not about the adult industry )
So, what is it that I'm trying to sell and what help would I need?

As I explained in another thread, I launched a new brand of t-shirts about 3 months ago. This brand (called EvilPeople) is geared towards young people who dream about being a
bad boy (target: 15-23 yeard old); think Tony Montana or other gangster figures. So, all my efforts went into making my website and everything around it as badass as I could.
And, mainly, my facebook fanpage. For the latter, I tried to get as many "fans" as possible by using some targeted ads. And I built it to a few hundred members.
But my problem is that, whatever I try, I can't seem to get them to buy my tee's. Yes, I tried A LOT of different techniques... but nothing seemed to work.

That's why I would need advice from someone with IM experience, and especially someone who was able to sell PHYSICAL PRODUCTS with consistency

Some warriors offered to help some newbies out only if they showed great motivation. Let's just say that I've been - from the moment I had the idea of this brand to the day it came out - working on this for the past 2 years. I think that speaks for itself

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Unread 4th Sep 2011, 10:23 AM   #147
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Hey Steven, thanks for the offer that I'll gladly accept
There's just 1 small problem: the computer I'm using has no microphone included... so I can't reach you via skype. Is it OK if we talk by email for now?
I'll have to go out and buy a mike

By the way, I'm from Europe... so I don't think we're on the same "time".
Please PM me your email address.
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Unread 5th Sep 2011, 02:50 PM   #148
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I really love this idea!
It sounds very good it is like "Together to the Top"

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Unread 6th Sep 2011, 01:35 PM   #149
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I would love to be mentored. I have 10 sites that I have built to be sniper sites however they are just sitting around. I havnt done backlinking to 9 of the 10 sites so its a little hard to make sales with no traffic. I know how to do keyword research, but seo is a bit of a problem with me. If I could somehow get 3 or 4 of my sites ranked 1st in the US then Im sure I could reinvest back into my other sites. Im just looking for someone that can help me do that.
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Unread 7th Sep 2011, 01:58 PM   #150
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Thanks to the OP for this great thread, I have been following it silently for a while! Its great the way everyone is helping each other out.

I decided to take action and contacted Bill (WSOHelp) via Skype to see if he could help me find a way forward for my online business, the call was different from what I had been expecting, and we talked for almost 2 hours. It has given me a different way to look at where I am and where I want to be, and has fired me up to continue to work towards earning a full time income online.

I will definately be talking to him more in the future to continue moving my business forward and would say to anyone else who needs help and motivation to just contact him via Skype, he is very approachable and friendly and has some great ideas to help others with their business and will help you to put a different perspective on the way that you look at your future.


Originally Posted by WSOHelp View Post

Hi Di, of course! Please call anytime. You'll find me at the site 12 hours a day. No charge for people responding to this thread as per Dee's request. I could talk about this stuff all day (so get ready because I probably will!). I love it and love sharing what I know and I get as much out of it as you do. Please call in anytime (goes for anyone reading this thread). The link is in my sig.

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