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Unread 23rd Sep 2011, 11:06 AM   #451
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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I accept the challenge
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Unread 23rd Sep 2011, 11:10 AM   #452
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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i accept the challange ^^
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Unread 23rd Sep 2011, 04:04 PM   #453
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 24-25-26

Over the last three days I added a couple of articles to a variety of article directories.

I haven't had any clicks to my site yet. It would be great if I got at least one genuine click before the end of the challenge.

Congrats to Rick for making a sale - well done.

Good luck to everyone else.


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Unread 23rd Sep 2011, 08:38 PM   #454
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post


Here are a link to free a report which has some great information that can help with traffic generation. Could you add to the resource list:
If not already done, you need to download this report ASAP! I got a ton of ideas and plan on using several of them to gain traffic. Thanks TipTopCat for the link.

I'm very tired, didn't get anything else done as I spent the day in the rain working an outdoor festival... I hope the weekend is dryer. :confused:

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Unread 23rd Sep 2011, 11:12 PM   #455
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

YEA-HA!!! I made my first sale today! After posting several posts on business threads just last night, I got home to find a this....

What ever you do, don't take this as being braggadocios or NA,NA,NA, Yes I'm excited! Yes it's only ten dollars, but it's a start and proof (to me) that this can and does work. Rather, take this post as the motivational moment it is meant to be, and get going, get started... do something. I'm sure there are to be many more reports like this from the rest of you and I look forward to that.

Originally Posted by acethegunnerzzz View Post

Looking forward to hearing more about generating traffic.
If you look in the first post, there are some great resources about about generating traffic. (There will be more posted along the way)

Originally Posted by Adi Boustead View Post


Is negativity just plain pessimistic, fear of success or picking the bones from the meat?

Let me state, if you don't mind my queerness, I'd like to cast your mind to this concept to tantalize your cognitive's.

If your going back many paces to this contest 'as a newbie', please don't forget that not only does a newbie not have any list or tools for the trade, but also no idea of getting the foot on the first rung of the ladder a far as skills and knowledge are concerned.

I'd be excited to gain a '1st' sale from scratch without any layout at all following your guided hand. Please be elaborate in your theorized steps.

Regards Adi.
Well, you make a good point.

Even "starting from scratch" in my case doesn't mean starting as a newbie. I have several years of experience in IM, plus in sales, etc.

I ill try to give as much detail as I can.

Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

If not already done, you need to download this report ASAP! I got a ton of ideas and plan on using several of them to gain traffic. Thanks TipTopCat for the link.

I'm very tired, didn't get anything else done as I spent the day in the rain working an outdoor festival... I hope the weekend is dryer. :confused:
I haven't done nearly as much with this project as I'd like. Like I said, paying the bills comes first, and being sick for 2 weeks put me way behind.

I'll get back in the groove soon, though.

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Unread 24th Sep 2011, 09:38 AM   #456
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Your a 'darling' I'm sitting with my son and were getting all excited. I must confess, your month scale is going to be different because I only stumbled on this this week, however I feel the barriers lift as I progress and I'm structurally learning and researching all the time.

Big Hugs .

P.s and thanks to all you guy's.
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Unread 24th Sep 2011, 10:49 AM   #457
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As 'A newbie' with no idea, I've started downloading tools(from sites suggested by all), I've built two blogs (just for practice), thought up some absolutely ridiculous ideas, but hey, I'm sure there's a good one in here somewhere and now, I'm going to practice with the tools some more.

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Unread 24th Sep 2011, 12:38 PM   #458
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Originally Posted by Adi Boustead View Post

As 'A newbie' with no idea, I've started downloading tools(from sites suggested by all), I've built two blogs (just for practice), thought up some absolutely ridiculous ideas, but hey, I'm sure there's a good one in here somewhere and now, I'm going to practice with the tools some more.

Nice, you sound like a go getter. I'm sure you'll do well. Good luck!

Aspiring Marketer.
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Unread 24th Sep 2011, 02:08 PM   #459
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Hi ShayRockhold,

I have just finished reading all the posts, as I am a late joiner, and subscribed to the thread.

I noticed you do a lot with Twitter, that has never been something I used however, I like the idea. I have been trying to think out side the box a bit. I have a site that targets younger single women, its gets about 300 - 400 unique visitors a day; but I can't get it to convert, it makes like $5.00 a week in CPA ads. I would of thought that it would be getting a lot of dating site leads, but no luck with that. Do you have any thoughts on how I could leverage that site to get more conversions. If you PM me your email address, I can email you the link. I don't have enough posts to send it to you through WF.

I love the thread, and really want to use your twitter strategy to try to have the same successes you are having. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this thread, it is quite a contribution.
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Unread 24th Sep 2011, 02:49 PM   #460
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Originally Posted by Adi Boustead View Post


Your a 'darling' I'm sitting with my son and were getting all excited. I must confess, your month scale is going to be different because I only stumbled on this this week, however I feel the barriers lift as I progress and I'm structurally learning and researching all the time.

Big Hugs .

P.s and thanks to all you guy's.
Glad to have you join us!

Originally Posted by david2012brown View Post

Hi ShayRockhold,

I have just finished reading all the posts, as I am a late joiner, and subscribed to the thread.

I noticed you do a lot with Twitter, that has never been something I used however, I like the idea. I have been trying to think out side the box a bit. I have a site that targets younger single women, its gets about 300 - 400 unique visitors a day; but I can't get it to convert, it makes like $5.00 a week in CPA ads. I would of thought that it would be getting a lot of dating site leads, but no luck with that. Do you have any thoughts on how I could leverage that site to get more conversions. If you PM me your email address, I can email you the link. I don't have enough posts to send it to you through WF.

I love the thread, and really want to use your twitter strategy to try to have the same successes you are having. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this thread, it is quite a contribution.
Hm. Traffic isn't an issue, it sounds like. Are you asking them to sign up to your list? It can take anywhere from 5-11 exposures before a sale is made. You need to get them on a list so you can send your offer more than once.

Sending you a PM.

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Unread 25th Sep 2011, 08:58 AM   #461
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Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post

My 30 Day Challenge - Day 24-25-26

Over the last three days I added a couple of articles to a variety of article directories.

I haven't had any clicks to my site yet. It would be great if I got at least one genuine click before the end of the challenge.

Congrats to Rick for making a sale - well done.

Good luck to everyone else.

I noticed that you were on a thread for a free WSO that was offering an opportunity to submit 1 article and possibly get 1000+ visitors to your site.

I guess I was just wondering if you had a chance to actually follow the advice given, and what your results have been.

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Unread 25th Sep 2011, 01:29 PM   #462
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Originally Posted by alwayswillingtolearn View Post

I noticed that you were on a thread for a free WSO that was offering an opportunity to submit 1 article and possibly get 1000+ visitors to your site.

I guess I was just wondering if you had a chance to actually follow the advice given, and what your results have been.
Thanks for the question.

I had actually done a couple of the things suggested in that ebook. It can take days and even weeks to see results but I am keeping my fingers crossed.


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Unread 25th Sep 2011, 01:40 PM   #463
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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 27 & 28

I am coming to the end of my challenge and it is just filled with trying to get backlinks for my website. Both days involved submitting articles to a variety of directories and then pinging the new URLs.

I have learned quite a few things from this process, which I will summarise on Day 30.

Good luck to everyone else.


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Unread 25th Sep 2011, 02:04 PM   #464
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I am starting late, but I am glad I did find this, and subscribed to the thread.
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Unread 26th Sep 2011, 08:00 AM   #465
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Originally Posted by akif mahmood View Post

My concern is only about the on going recession which is making markets difficult to achieve and after once your website is running . It is hard to get the traffic and convert it . though I do have solution for this problam but I have serious concern about resession which is making it hard to milk the cow .
Just my opinon, but that is why I'm leaning toward low end product releases ($10.00 or less) as the gateway. People I think, if interested will drop ten bucks or less and not think a whole lot about it. I don't see many of those two and three thousand dollar product launches these days that all the "gurus" were putting out a couple years ago.

Yes money is tight for many, but money never goes away, it just shifts around. There are always those that profit. The real trick/secret is finding who has the money this week. :rolleyes:

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Unread 26th Sep 2011, 08:31 AM   #466
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Morning people,

To be honest, I'm running around like a headless chicken, but that's probably down to my Aspergers=Learning difficulties. However, I need learn to develop both commitment and structure in my life, this is where this challenge comes into play for me most.

Just so I'm on the right track, I'd like some feedback.

I have searched a keyword (or what I believe to be a keyword) in google adwords and came up with a 'low competition' field that has 83.1million global and 24.9million local monthly searches, something that my hobby reflects on.

Is this where I should be going?
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Unread 26th Sep 2011, 10:45 AM   #467
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Originally Posted by akif mahmood View Post

My concern is only about the on going recession which is making markets difficult to achieve and after once your website is running . It is hard to get the traffic and convert it . though I do have solution for this problam but I have serious concern about resession which is making it hard to milk the cow .
Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

Just my opinon, but that is why I'm leaning toward low end product releases ($10.00 or less) as the gateway. People I think, if interested will drop ten bucks or less and not think a whole lot about it. I don't see many of those two and three thousand dollar product launches these days that all the "gurus" were putting out a couple years ago.

Yes money is tight for many, but money never goes away, it just shifts around. There are always those that profit. The real trick/secret is finding who has the money this week. :rolleyes:
I totally agree with Rick.

Inexpensive products are always selling. It's like the candy you see at the checkout counter - anyone can impulsively spend a dollar or two and not feel bad about it.

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Unread 26th Sep 2011, 10:46 AM   #468
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Originally Posted by Adi Boustead View Post

Morning people,

To be honest, I'm running around like a headless chicken, but that's probably down to my Aspergers=Learning difficulties. However, I need learn to develop both commitment and structure in my life, this is where this challenge comes into play for me most.

Just so I'm on the right track, I'd like some feedback.

I have searched a keyword (or what I believe to be a keyword) in google adwords and came up with a 'low competition' field that has 83.1million global and 24.9million local monthly searches, something that my hobby reflects on.

Is this where I should be going?
Sounds like a great start.

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Unread 27th Sep 2011, 01:14 PM   #469
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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 29 & 30

This is another short and sweet report. Yesterday I created more backlinks by distributing an article to a variety of websites. Today I checked on the ranking of my website.

The website is ranked No.1 for its name but it is not a keyword friendly search term. The couple of keywords that I targeted have not yet registered in Google's search engine, but one of my articles has hit the top 40.

This is the end of my 30 day journey. I will write a short update tomorrow about all the things that I gained by taking part in this challenge.

Until then - Good luck to everyone else.


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Unread 27th Sep 2011, 02:04 PM   #470
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Originally Posted by akif mahmood View Post

My concern is only about the on going recession which is making markets difficult to achieve and after once your website is running . It is hard to get the traffic and convert it . though I do have solution for this problam but I have serious concern about resession which is making it hard to milk the cow .
Don't worry about the recession. It is NOT a problem. It is an opportunity.

If one niche is not doing well that doesn't mean they ALL won't be doing well.
As an example, a recession like the one we are experiencing opens the door to a very profitable income helping people learn to save money. Coupon sites, budgeting, how to reduce debt, etc will all see huge growth during hard times.

Change your way of thinking to seeing opportunity all around you instead of difficulty!

Take care!

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Unread 27th Sep 2011, 02:08 PM   #471
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Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post

My 30 Day Challenge - Day 29 & 30

This is another short and sweet report. Yesterday I created more backlinks by distributing an article to a variety of websites. Today I checked on the ranking of my website.

The website is ranked No.1 for its name but it is not a keyword friendly search term. The couple of keywords that I targeted have not yet registered in Google's search engine, but one of my articles has hit the top 40.

This is the end of my 30 day journey. I will write a short update tomorrow about all the things that I gained by taking part in this challenge.

Until then - Good luck to everyone else.


Thank you for taking part in this.

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Unread 27th Sep 2011, 03:26 PM   #472
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Well I'm still on hol's at the moment so have done little more than tweet, like, dig and stumble my daily posts.
My earlier backlinking has started to pay off. website is now ranking for 10 related keywords - all in the top 20. the primary three keywords are moving around a lot in the last week running from #4 to #15 but this is to be expected in a websites early life.
Sign up's are now up to 74 but only 12 of them are at the selling follow up emails so far.
Although both adsense and clickbank wont produce any income during the challenge I have implemented them within the website as they where a better match for my content.

Adsense earnings - £5.29 ($8)
Clickbank earnings - $316 (2 sales so far)

So although I haven't made any physical money within the first 30 days I'm very happy with the out come.
Thank you Shay for this great Idea and well done to everyone who has and is taking part in the challenge.
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Unread 28th Sep 2011, 11:30 AM   #473
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Originally Posted by povchef View Post

Well I'm still on hol's at the moment so have done little more than tweet, like, dig and stumble my daily posts.
My earlier backlinking has started to pay off. website is now ranking for 10 related keywords - all in the top 20. the primary three keywords are moving around a lot in the last week running from #4 to #15 but this is to be expected in a websites early life.
Sign up's are now up to 74 but only 12 of them are at the selling follow up emails so far.
Although both adsense and clickbank wont produce any income during the challenge I have implemented them within the website as they where a better match for my content.

Adsense earnings - £5.29 ($8)
Clickbank earnings - $316 (2 sales so far)

So although I haven't made any physical money within the first 30 days I'm very happy with the out come.
Thank you Shay for this great Idea and well done to everyone who has and is taking part in the challenge.
I haven't read everyone's post, but you seem to be one of the top gainers (if not 'The' top gainer) in this contest. That clickbank earnings looks quite impressive in this context.

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Unread 28th Sep 2011, 01:24 PM   #474
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I accept the challenge .. Looking forward to learn how to make money without spending any money ..
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Unread 28th Sep 2011, 03:03 PM   #475
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Is this still on?...if yes i would like to participate. Pm me please
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Unread 28th Sep 2011, 06:37 PM   #476
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I'm also nearing the end of the challenge. I have been plagued it seems (as well as others) with unavoidable delays. Overall I have benn focused on this and only distracted by a couple shinny objects. That is a huge accomplishment for me.

As I get some time I'll try to post a review of what I have done. In the mean time, I'm looking forward to the new challenge of get more traffic to the site.

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Unread 29th Sep 2011, 03:16 PM   #477
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My 30 Day Challenge - Completion & My Thougts

So the 30 Day Challenge has come to the end for me. Here are a few things that I have learned during the 30 days of this project, things about myself and about trying to make money online.

This information should help me to focus on the things I do well and enjoy so that I am always motivated to do exactly what I need to in order to make money online.
I really enjoyed the article writing aspect of this challenge, which is why I enjoy working on my PLR site, The PLR Boutique.
  • I am not very good at doing targeted keyword research
  • I am not really interested in doing targeted keyword research
  • I enjoy putting a website together and sourcing great free clipart photos and images
  • I enjoyed the interaction on this thread of the forum and got to meet some really helpful warriors
  • I was introduced to some really cool free tools, in particular the ebook Cover creator.
  • I lost interest in my project half way through because I was not passionate enough about the subject matter. If I had recorded better results, I think that this would have motivated me to work harder but lack of measurable progress led to lack of interest towards the final few days.
  • I was able to maintain a 30 day challenge diary, which I didn’t think I would be able to achieve.
That’s about it. I wish everyone else lots of luck on their own Challenge and will definitely check in to read about people’s progress. I will also report any interesting occurrences with my own challenge.

Good luck everyone


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Unread 29th Sep 2011, 05:14 PM   #478
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Well my 30 days has come to an end as well.

Here is what I got from the challenge:

I was able to build the site without any difficulty, never used Blogger before.
I was able to get the site indexed in a couple of days.
I was able to overcome my problems with an autoresponder and got some signups.
I actually got to write some articles on subjects I knew nothing about and I did combine them with some PLR for the sake of time.
I got to help some others with their problems, a lot of satisfaction from that.

What did I learn?

I learned I was absolutly useless at traffic generation.
I suck at motivation in some areas.
I have a problem asking for help, stubborn might describe it well.
I found I knew a lot more than I thought I did, when subjected to a time frame I was able to do far more than I normally would.
I am a person that needs to be put under pressure.

What do I intend to do next.

Next month Shay says she will take the traffic challenge and show us how to get that part sorted. I intend to build another site since I have learned to do them quickly and then promote both sites for traffic. This part I am really impatient about, I am sure I will learn some real answers.

Some of us have had better results than others and for those who didn't do too well should take heart. As they learn they too will see results. It's all a learing curve and I am sure that next month we will see more input from participants, as either questions or suggestions. I personally have enjoyed the last month and look forward to the next month.
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Unread 29th Sep 2011, 05:18 PM   #479
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post

My 30 Day Challenge - Completion & My Thougts

So the 30 Day Challenge has come to the end for me. Here are a few things that I have learned during the 30 days of this project, things about myself and about trying to make money online.

This information should help me to focus on the things I do well and enjoy so that I am always motivated to do exactly what I need to in order to make money online.
I really enjoyed the article writing aspect of this challenge, which is why I enjoy working on my PLR site, The PLR Boutique.
  • I am not very good at doing targeted keyword research
  • I am not really interested in doing targeted keyword research
  • I enjoy putting a website together and sourcing great free clipart photos and images
  • I enjoyed the interaction on this thread of the forum and got to meet some really helpful warriors
  • I was introduced to some really cool free tools, in particular the ebook Cover creator.
  • I lost interest in my project half way through because I was not passionate enough about the subject matter. If I had recorded better results, I think that this would have motivated me to work harder but lack of measurable progress led to lack of interest towards the final few days.
  • I was able to maintain a 30 day challenge diary, which I didn’t think I would be able to achieve.
That’s about it. I wish everyone else lots of luck on their own Challenge and will definitely check in to read about people’s progress. I will also report any interesting occurrences with my own challenge.

Good luck everyone

This is not my review of the project, but I did want to thank you TipTopCat for your candid thoughts and experiences.

It's been great getting to know a few of you better through this challenge, the unselfishness in the sharing has been great without doubt.

One of the big things I learned that no matter how focused you plan to be "Life Happens!" It was interesting to see (unfortunately) the things that have happened in a mere 30 days to distract, delay and derail a project. Although not real comforting to me, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that has "stuff" happen.

My interest in this project has been many fold but the main thing was getting involved in "like" thinkers. As a result of Dennis Beckers $5 a day book, I sought out and active (and hope to continue) roll on the Warrior Forum. Dennis pointed out how this can be a lonely business and that it is. Most people I know give me a stare like a deer in headlights when i start talking about IM so this has been great for that and the feedback and cu dues have been motivating to keep going and push on, despite the nay sayers who abound around me.

OK got to get back to a writing project I'm doing for a client.

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Unread 29th Sep 2011, 06:46 PM   #480
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Did I see auto responder? Woud a newbie, which I almost am, have an auto responder? Are there any that give free memberships?
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Unread 29th Sep 2011, 06:47 PM   #481
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I love this concept, though, just don't have the time, right now, to accept.
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Unread 30th Sep 2011, 10:27 AM   #482
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Interesting and nice challenge......
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Unread 4th Oct 2011, 04:22 AM   #483
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I have fallen really far behind on this challenge due to the flu. I have not gotten the flu in years so I guess I should count myself fortunate but this one really did a number on me.

I am starting to regain my thought processes so I am going to probably start back from the beginning to make it a fresh start on my 30 day journey. This is a great challenge and I want to take full advantage of it! I know I already have some steps in place already but it sure wouldn't hurt to give it a fresh look by starting over. After all, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I am going on holiday but when I get back it will be time to get started and I will be sure to post my progress. Thanks again for this challenge. It is inspired!

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Unread 4th Oct 2011, 11:23 AM   #484
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Well guys, my 30 days have passed and then some. This challenge isn't going to officially close until tomorrow, but I wanted to give an update. I will give another update tomorrow.

I think the biggest lesson that can be learned from this thread is that life sometimes just gets in the way. People get sick, things happen with family members, and sometimes you have to set aside projects so that you can make some immediate income.

The important thing is that you don't quit. You keep going, even if you get sidetracked along the way.

I wanted to have our next challenge be about traffic generation, and it will be. It's just taking a couple of days to get that set up. I will be submitting the thread for approval by the end of the week.

I will be posting a longer update tomorrow, but I just wanted to make sure I chimed in here - I went out of town, and I've also had some fires that I've had to put out, so I wasn't able to participate in this thread for last couple of days.

I want to thank everybody that has participated in this challenge, and I love seeing all the updates and results. I also want to thank everyone that offered resources and help to others.

I'll be posting a longer summary post tomorrow for the official end of the challenge - but for those who started late, please don't stop! This can be an ongoing challenge.

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Unread 5th Oct 2011, 08:53 AM   #485
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I'm curious, did anyone manage to make any sales other then me? I'm still looking forward to the next challenge.

Shay is right about "life" getting in the way. Knowing that for the future is one of the most valuable take a ways from this.

Of course doing all this without spending a dime was a big challenge in and of itself. Of course if you can't do things without money chances are you'll just flush a lot of money away if you do have it to spend. Being resourceful was a key to doing this. In normal situations you can do more with outsourcing, something fairly new to me. I have a hard time 'letting go' of control sometimes. But, it does help in that "life" stuff area if your not doing it all by yourself. It's important to have done it though, otherwise you don't know what to expect or how to explain it to someone else.

I feel bad for the ones who dropped out after only a few days... but then that's what makes the strong, stronger and the weak, weaker. As with most things, when it is seen that a certain amount of work is involved and results are not always instant the curious and naysayers drop out quickly.

For the few who remained, congratulations. For the ones who are just reading this thread and getting started I encourage you on... you know have a big push up the ladder that we didn't have, so it should be just a bit easier for you.

Thanks to all who posted the valuable links and gave input along the way, that was most helpful and I bookmarked most of them. Most of all thank you Shay for getting this started in the first place.

To sum up, here are the links to my project:

Blog: Gotta Love QR Codes | Small Business Advertising | QR Codes | Mobile Marketing

Web page: QR Code|Bar Code|Quick Response|Mobile Marketing|Allen Direct Marketing

I didn't do much to drive traffic, that was the one and most important areas I feel behind on. I posted comments to niche networking groups that I found mostly on LinkedIn. The comments were about QR codes and how you had to "Love them" with a link to the blog for more information. This is were the one sale I made came from. I didn't do much of anything else.

Here are the stats from the blog for the month:

I hope this adds a little in site on this project and encouragement. I do hope that others will post their experiences... good and bad, as it all becomes a learning experience for all. Thanks again.

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Last edited on 5th Oct 2011 at 08:59 AM. Reason: formatting
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Unread 13th Oct 2011, 01:17 AM   #486
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What is happening with the next stage of the challenge, I haven't been able to find the thread for the traffic stage of he challenge?
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Unread 13th Oct 2011, 07:52 AM   #487
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Originally Posted by Thomas-West View Post

What is happening with the next stage of the challenge, I haven't been able to find the thread for the traffic stage of he challenge?
Me either, This has turned into a Ghost Town here. I was looking forward to continuing this challenge and hearing the followup results. :confused:

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Unread 13th Oct 2011, 12:28 PM   #488
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Originally Posted by ShayRockhold View Post


I have been asked if I'm going to award some kind of prize for this.

After thinking it over, I think that it would be a lot of fun.

I'm just not sure what the criteria would be for awarding a prize.

Mentorship program
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Unread 13th Oct 2011, 03:25 PM   #489
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Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

Me either, This has turned into a Ghost Town here. I was looking forward to continuing this challenge and hearing the followup results. :confused:

Is there a follow up? If not, can WE just start one up?

Does anyone here feel they can lend value to the thread regarding traffic generation?

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Unread 14th Oct 2011, 04:29 PM   #490
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Originally Posted by alwayswillingtolearn View Post

Is there a follow up? If not, can WE just start one up?

Does anyone here feel they can lend value to the thread regarding traffic generation?
As far as I know, yes any results anyone had or didn't have can be posted here. As far as continuing the "Challenge" into October with the lead generation, that Shay was going to do. I was looking forward to being a student not a leader. I sure don;t know enough about IM lead genration amd really would like to get better results. :confused:

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Unread 15th Oct 2011, 04:27 AM   #491
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I've recently started IM, and this thread has been a wealth of invaluable information. I wasn't in a position to join in (I started with absolutely zero knowledge of website design / IM), however if there is another 30 day challenge I would definately get involved with it.

Thanks to everyone who posted techniques / help on this page, it's really appreciated!


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Unread 21st Oct 2011, 12:09 AM   #492
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To every one who is part of or following this challenge. I had an email from Shay to the effect that she may be moving interstate. SO things are very busy for her right now.

Shay has informed me that as soon as she is able she will post concerning the next step in the process. I believe she is waiting on approval for the thread and that may mean we will be delayed a bit.

In the mean time if any one has some traffic ideas please share them so some of us can do something while we are waiting. I'm keen to see this through. Stay in touch guys.
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Database errors!!
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Unread 13th Feb 2012, 05:24 PM   #494
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My name is George Marklin ( and I accept the challenge
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Unread 22nd Oct 2012, 09:28 AM   #495
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Am I too late to join??

This is 22 Oct now!!!

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Unread 16th Mar 2013, 10:51 AM   #496
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Any success stories from this, or, did it just die out.
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 05:02 AM   #497
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Originally Posted by theory expert View Post

Any success stories from this, or, did it just die out.

I think a few people got to the end of the challenge but there was no follow up.

I completed the challenge but made nothing from it, though the experience of putting together a campaign was great.

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Unread 2nd Apr 2013, 08:47 PM   #498
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Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post


I think a few people got to the end of the challenge but there was no follow up.

I completed the challenge but made nothing from it, though the experience of putting together a campaign was great.
Oh cool. I was just being nosey Thanks for the reply.
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Unread 4th Apr 2013, 03:10 AM   #499
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This looks great! I am defiantly interested in getting on board for the next time you run this course
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Unread 6th Apr 2013, 07:41 AM   #500
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I am super excited ,I started my journey back in 15 March and I was kind of lazy.

I was very passionate about getting started as I was fed up of all the hype.

I was really depressed and frustrated of being lazy going from a site to another
and checking my email all the day long.

I started my simple blog,got dome traffic and to 2 days ago I got my 1st commission
It is a Whooping $13.5

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