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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 07:45 AM   #401
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Nice, I'll be watching this challenge. Do post your updates!
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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 09:27 AM   #402
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Originally Posted by zabereu View Post

Oh!! **** how did i miss this o.k i`m gonna start the challenge today & gonna post my updates .Hope this is gonna work out for me!!!!!!

I'm sure it'll work out for you one way or another...provided you're willing to do the work.

I am in no way an Internet Marketing guru, but what I do know is that ANYONE can make money online, but not everyone WILL- That's just a fact!

People buy into the dream that making money online is the easiest thing you can do to make money, which I believe is true...just not right away.

You'll get what you put into it, like anything else...right?

I like this forum because everyone here is so helpful - I've learned so many things just from this thread to take me to the next level in my opinion, and I've been making money online for some time now.

Just stick with it - NEVER GIVE UP! Something will hit, and when it does...LOOK OUT!

Last edited on 16th Sep 2011 at 09:32 AM. Reason: misspelling
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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 11:04 AM   #403
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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[QUOTE=alwayswillingtolearn;4691285]I'm sure it'll work out for you one way or another...provided you're willing to do the work.

I am in no way an Internet Marketing guru, but what I do know is that ANYONE can make money online, but not everyone WILL- That's just a fact!

People buy into the dream that making money online is the easiest thing you can do to make money, which I believe is true...just not right away.

You'll get what you put into it, like anything else...right?

I like this forum because everyone here is so helpful - I've learned so many things just from this thread to take me to the next level in my opinion, and I've been making money online for some time now.

I like your sentiment but have disagree that online marketing is the easiest way to make money. I've had, and know people who still have attendance based jobs. I agree that not everyone will make money online and for some jobs like this are why. It's always easier to stay in your comfort zone than to strive. You have to work to get out of your comfort zone and while it's worth it, not everyone is willing. Like you said they enjoy the dream.

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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 12:38 PM   #404
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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 19

Today I did something that was suggested by a couple of people here. I created a short video and uploaded it to Youtube. I know that there are quite a few video sharing websites so I will also upload it to a few others too.Yesterday’s article has been accepted and is now published. So I am still waiting for that first visit and sign up to my blog. Fingers crossed that it will happen over the weekend.

That's all for now

Shay - I hope you are feeling better.


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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 01:18 PM   #405
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Glad to see, that everybody is making progress with this challenge. As I mentioned before, I am focusing on freelancing for now. I have earned some money and spent some money on some good quality PLRs. Made me think whether I should start a blog and put an optin form as well. Have to decide, seems that most people are past this stage now.

As for traffic generation, one thing that worked for me all the time is posting on Craigslist forum. You have to wait 7 days to activate your handle in order to post a link if you don't have an account yet, but it is totally free. Just make sure, that your link directs on information-based page (you are not supposed to promote anything there, so be creative), otherwise Craigslist can flag and even ban your account. It always worked for me to get a spike in traffic, I never tested conversion rate from CL. Hope it might help somebody.

Send me a PM if you have any questions.

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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 01:34 PM   #406
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I've been searching for places that will securely host a digital download of my ebook after purchase and happened to find it at Fetch (no aff link).

You can store up to 1MB for free on their system and link it up to your paypal account with no time limit. Just wanted to share this as a reference for those who are not a part of ejunkie or any other paid services at the moment.
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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 01:55 PM   #407
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Day 17 - 18

I'm now settled into my system for the rest of the month and it looks boring, painfully so. But it needs to be done. I have enough content for the rest of this month and have set it up to post one a day.

each day I will go to the new post I will Tweet the url using my Primary keyword in the description, I will then do the same on my fan page.
Now this is the fun bit I click on the time stamp on my fan page for the new post and copy this url and link it to my Twitter account. this is mainly for link bait but I also promote my sign up page via my fan page. more fans, more money.

I then submit the website post to 30 top social bookmark sites (painfully slowly ie manually) I then take the article and Spin it using a free tool at Free Article Spinner - Article Spinning Software its not great but its good enough to get past most of the article directories (at least the one that allow spun content) These are submitted with two links one to my homepage (Primary Keyword) and the second to the post url (Post keyword)

The using my Blog finder tool ( I find 10 blogs with relavent content to comment on, 10 forums/profile site to create a profile link on.

One thing I always do now is take a copy of every url I have placed a backlink on I'll keep these and at the end of the week will create a RSS feed from them and Ping that. ( I use RSS Feed Generator and XML Creator online on for this)

All of this is targeting at most 3 Keywords - My primary keyword (the money phrase) and my two supporting keywords (used for content)
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Unread 16th Sep 2011, 09:54 PM   #408
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Originally Posted by povchef View Post

Day 17 - 18

The using my Blog finder tool ( I find 10 blogs with relavent content to comment on, 10 forums/profile site to create a profile link on.

One thing I always do now is take a copy of every url I have placed a backlink on I'll keep these and at the end of the week will create a RSS feed from them and Ping that. ( I use RSS Feed Generator and XML Creator online on for this)

All of this is targeting at most 3 Keywords - My primary keyword (the money phrase) and my two supporting keywords (used for content)

Can you explain a little more about the above mentioned process? I just tried your backlink tool, and it's AWESOME!

Whatever you could share would be greatly appreciated.


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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 09:16 AM   #409
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Yes, please elaborate on your process. I'm trying the backlink tool now and am not sure I've got it right.

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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 11:13 AM   #410
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Originally Posted by povchef View Post

Day 17 - 18

I'm now settled into my system for the rest of the month and it looks boring, painfully so. But it needs to be done. I have enough content for the rest of this month and have set it up to post one a day.

each day I will go to the new post I will Tweet the url using my Primary keyword in the description, I will then do the same on my fan page.
Now this is the fun bit I click on the time stamp on my fan page for the new post and copy this url and link it to my Twitter account. this is mainly for link bait but I also promote my sign up page via my fan page. more fans, more money.

I then submit the website post to 30 top social bookmark sites (painfully slowly ie manually) I then take the article and Spin it using a free tool at Free Article Spinner - Article Spinning Software its not great but its good enough to get past most of the article directories (at least the one that allow spun content) These are submitted with two links one to my homepage (Primary Keyword) and the second to the post url (Post keyword)

The using my Blog finder tool ( I find 10 blogs with relavent content to comment on, 10 forums/profile site to create a profile link on.

One thing I always do now is take a copy of every url I have placed a backlink on I'll keep these and at the end of the week will create a RSS feed from them and Ping that. ( I use RSS Feed Generator and XML Creator online on for this)

All of this is targeting at most 3 Keywords - My primary keyword (the money phrase) and my two supporting keywords (used for content)
Wow, what a gem! Thanks! This goes in the save file.

Aspiring Marketer.
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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 12:26 PM   #411
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Hey, guys!

I am feeling somewhat human. Antibiotics are kicking in and helping, it seems like.

I am very, very happy to see everyone's progress. I'll update the first post to reflect the new resources given - this is going to be a great reference post for the whole WF!

I keep seeing "traffic" as a big issue. I'll make sure to focus on that for the rest of the challenge. (Maybe we should have a 30-Day Challenge on traffic generation? Just a thought.)

Give me until Monday and I'll be back to posting about my progress. This illness has put me behind on a LOT of things, so I'm trying to bring myself current with my biz while still not feeling 100%.

I am very, very happy to see everyone helping each other. That's what this challenge is all about! You guys rock! *hugs*

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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 04:21 PM   #412
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Day 10

Things are not moving as quickly as I had hoped they would at this point. So far I'm still working on my autoresponder messages - my goal is to have them finished by Tuesday so I can put my opt-in form on the site.

I managed to upload my product onto and link it to paypal... I think it worked (crossing fingers)... I guess we'll find out.

Also, in the process of writing my very first sales page for the E-book and honestly, even though I've been in sales all of my life, this is a totally different animal!

For those of you writing sales pages, I found a few nice (free) resources for sales page graphics you can use for your page: wikimedia (pretty generic, but some are decent), Stuart Stirling (no need to opt-in to download these), premium marketing graphics (just download and go).

Well, that's it for now... I better get back to writing my messages.

Glad to hear you're getting better Shay! Looking forward to a more detailed update next week.
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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 04:34 PM   #413
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Oh yeah, before I forget, here are two good resources I found that can help you write a sales letter too (I'm using these to help me write mine):

Found on warrior forum:

Re: How to start in a sales letter
10 Ways To Start An Internet Sales letter

The first sentence of an internet sales letter is like a
hook. It must grab the reader’s attention and lead them into
reading the entire letter.

According to copywriter Joseph Sugarman, the purpose of the
first sentence of a salesletter is to get the reader to read
the next sentence. And the second sentence? To get the
reader to read the third sentence.

This becomes even more crucial on the internet than in
print, since attention spans are very short online.

There are certain types of letter openings that prove very
effective in pulling the prospect into the rest of the copy.
We’ll briefly look at the ten most effective ways.

1. Tell a Story

Stories have been used for ages to relate lessons. From
bedtime stories to the greatest philosophers, we all love a
good story.

A story creates empathy with the reader and helps to draw
him into the sales pitch. This works best if the story
identifies with the problem that the prospect is now
experiencing for which you’ve found the solution. Some of
the most effective direct mail pieces used this technique.

2. State the offer upfront

If your product or service is well known to your audience
and doesn’t need any special introduction, then you can just
state the offer right away. This serves best if your offer
is a very attractive one. In this case the real appeal is in
the offer itself.

A common example is if you have a free offer or deep
discount on products your target audience is already
interested in. Your entire salesletter can then be based on
the offer and not on the product features or benefits.

3. Use a startling quote or statistic

This type of opening is really intended to get the reader to
sit up and pay attention. It should be ‘newsy’ and have some
’shock value’. It should raise a question in the prospect’s
mind and build some curiosity to read the rest of the

4. Make an announcement

This will work best if you have a new product that you are
introducing to the market. This should sound like a press
release. In other words, there should be little ‘hype’ and
more factual type statements emphasizing what’s new about
this product.

5. Ask a question

Questions are very effective in pulling the reader into your
salesletter. This is especially true when the answers to the
questions are very important to the reader. These questions
also force the prospect to think and get involved with your
copy. The questions remain unresolved until you answer them
in the copy. Questions also make the letter sound
conversational and more personal.

6. Write to the reader as a colleague

If your target audience consists of a narrow special
interest group then you can address the reader as such. You
may address the reader as “Business Owner”, or “Webmaster”.

Right away this qualifies the prospect and saves them having
to read further to know if the letter is of interest to
them. It also serves another purpose: to make the reader
feel as part of a special group-a type of flattery.

7. Offer a free report

This will work best with higher ticket items. In this case
you want the prospects to send for the “special report” that
will further sell them on your product or service. The
report must not be pitched as a salesletter but as providing
genuine information that the reader can benefit from

8. Pinpoint the reader’s problem

Most products or services provide a solution to a problem.
You can therefore start the letter by stating the problem
that your product solves. This will immediately qualify the
reader and provide a logical transition for the letter in
explaining how the product solves the problem in the next

9. State your strongest benefit

If your strongest benefit has a real striking appeal to your
prospect then you may start by stating this benefit upfront.
This benefit must reach out to the reader’s self-interest
and go beyond just addressing a feature of your product.
Copywriters commonly refer to this as selling the sizzle and
not the steak. Just think about it, if your strongest value
you are offering the reader doesn’t capture his interest
then the others will fail also.

10. Offer some ’secret’, privileged information

You can make an offer that is not open to the ‘general
public’ but only to a select few. This will work well with
your present customer base who may receive this announcement
ahead of other people. The point here is that the reader
feels special because they are getting the ‘inside deal’.
This will also work well with any select group such as new
subscribers, repeat buyers or any group you care to

This list is not exhaustive but shows those techniques that
I find most effective as I create salescopy for my online
clients. If you fail to grab the reader’s attention in those
precious few opening seconds then the entire battle is lost.
The majority of online readers simply scan before they
choose to read the entire letter. If the start of the letter
doesn’t capture their attention then they are lost for

Sometimes the conversion rate for a website can be
drastically increased by just changing the opening paragraph
for the copy. Use anyone of these ten techniques to boost
your online sales.

-Ray Edwards
and this article here, found on copyblogger:

Four Sales Page Elements That Get People To Buy Now | Copyblogger

Ok that's it. Now I'm really getting back to work, I promise!
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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 04:51 PM   #414
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Thanks to everyone for these helpful links and ideas. They include a good tool set for a beginning marketer who cannot afford more costly tools -or who wants to participate in this challenge to spend no money :-) as well as good advice and good encouragement.

Last edited on 17th Sep 2011 at 05:18 PM. Reason: improve contextual wording
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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 07:55 PM   #415
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Speaking of writing copy. I have done copy writing for many years now. I've studied with the best Halbert, Kennedy, Voils, Lant and read the classics. Sometimes I found myself really struggling to get it all together. A year or so ago I was listening to Frank Kern who gave his formula for writing killer copy, it was short, to the point and in fact I have it written down on a note taped in front of me here on my computer.

Here's the 3 steps:

1, This is what I got...

2, Here's what it will do for you...

3, Here's what you need to do next...

If you follow those three statements you will never have trouble getting started again. You can write a lot or a little. My personal preface of late has been shorter sales copy. People are getting busier and busier in my opinion and longer copy often gets put aside and never read. Depending on the offer and the target market I may write longer copy as well.

Hope this helps if you struggle to write your own copy.

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Unread 17th Sep 2011, 10:04 PM   #416
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Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

Speaking of writing copy. I have done copy writing for many years now. I've studied with the best Halbert, Kennedy, Voils, Lant and read the classics. Sometimes I found myself really struggling to get it all together. A year or so ago I was listening to Frank Kern who gave his formula for writing killer copy, it was short, to the point and in fact I have it written down on a note taped in front of me here on my computer.

Here's the 3 steps:

1, This is what I got...

2, Here's what it will for you...

3, Here's what you need to do next...

If you follow those three statements you will never have trouble getting started again. You can write a lot or a little. My personal preface of late has been shorter sales copy. People are getting busier and busier in my opinion and longer copy often gets put aside and never read. Depending on the offer and the target market I may write longer copy as well.

Hope this helps if you struggle to write your own copy.

You're a wealth of information, thanks.

Aspiring Marketer.
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Unread 18th Sep 2011, 11:38 AM   #417
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o.k so here`s the thought, as how i`m gonna proceed to make my first dime online instead of going with the wind i tried to do something different today that is i focus on my problems -physical though & i`m gonna promote products in those niches let`s say i have pimples on my face & i want to cure it & i`m quite ashamed to say this being only 22 but i have fat around my stomach & wanna reduce it

so the products i want to promote are
1. weight loss products
2. face related products

Guys is this a new approach or anyone has tried before this kind of way& what do u suggest me go promoting 2 products at a time or 1 at each..........
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Unread 18th Sep 2011, 03:19 PM   #418
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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 20 & 21

Yesterday I didn't get anything done for this challenge although I did check and see that my little Youtube video has now been indexed.

Today I submitted a new article and used a suitable keyword as my anchor text. I should have done this from the beginning but better late than never. If I can get at least one person to find my site and sign up this will be an achievement.

Oh well. Hope everyone else is still motivated and having better luck.


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Unread 18th Sep 2011, 07:55 PM   #419
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Weekend progress, as expected, little, I did add a o-in to my blog and saw that it has been indexed as [Gotta Love QR Codes] on Google. Got back in tonight and will get some sleep and go at it Monday. Although this is being a learning experience, things are taking longer then I had planned. I'm figuring however once I get through this once the next will be easier and faster and the next and so on.

Truth is this past week I did a affiliate offer to my established list and Twitter/Facebook followers. Made a couple sales so was excited about that, it all goes into my $5 a day plan in the end. But that's another thread on another board.

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Unread 18th Sep 2011, 11:59 PM   #420
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on my end, I got a little stuck.. yah, i think the 30 day challenge on traffic generation would be a big hit. everything is setup on my blog. but still not much visitors coming in, and sad to say,none had signed up yet, got some articles on ezine and other article directories, had a twitter accnt just for this campaign too.. got some followers.. but we'll see.. i'm still very positive on this campaign.

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Ok, y'all finally did it. You got me to register for the Warrior Forum . I'm a long time lurker and have found some pretty helpful information here as I try to figure this IM stuff out.

I've been following this challenge since the very beginning hoping this was going to help me get over that initial hurdle (you know actually doing something) and it did. I was able to take a dormant domain that was just sitting there collecting dust and put it to some good use.

So why did I decide to give up lurker status now? I've had a stressful night and I need to vent a little. I've got 10 posts up on my blog. I made a little change in cpanel (added Cloudflare) and Bam! website gone. Internal Server Error message everywhere. Luckily it got fixed (I had to correct the .htaccess file that got screwed up when I installed Cloudflare). Everything was still there; the site is back up and working but for about an hour it was major panic time since I didn't have my posts backed up (I should know better by now, always backup).

It seems like I'm in the same boat as a lot of people. I'm having trouble generating traffic. I'm with jezbiz, a 30 day challenge on traffic generation would be a big hit. I've got twitter up with my band of 18 followers. I'm submitting to article directories, attempting some social bookmarking, and working on other back links. It's slow going. I've got a question about the back link tools. Are these the things responsible for the spam I've been getting on my blog or is that something else? Because I know I've been deleting those. I'm just curious how it works before I start using.

I also had a question about opt-in forms on a blog. There are lots of different kinds of opt-in form styles that I've noticed. Footer opt-ins, pop up, pop under, stationary forms to the side of the page, exit pop-up, Lightbox, Fancybox that appear after a certain amount of time. Just curious since this is the first time I'm attempting list building what your take is on the different options, if you've had more success with one over the other in previous projects? Is it better to go with something less obtrusive or go in your face?

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better Shay. It's no fun being sick.
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Feeling human! Hooray! Not 100% yet, but sooooo much better.

Okay, let's get back to the challenge.

Working on traffic and sign-ups at this point. I have a sign-up form on the side of my blog and I also invite people to join my list after each blog post.

I was planning on only having something for sale via my autoresponder, but I am also going to put a place on there so that people can order directly from the site, and in the PDF I'm going to put an invitation to join my mailing list if they haven't already.

I think because of all the people who have said they need help with traffic generation - and I will admit that this is not my strong suit either - next month's challenge is going to be about traffic generation. We will take an existing site and we will do nothing but try to drive traffic to it for 30 days and get conversions, sign-ups, etc.

Now that I am actually feeling a little better and my voice is holding out so that I can use Dragon NaturallySpeaking, you'll notice that my posts are longer than they have been for the past week or so.

I really do apologize for the delay in this challenge on my part - this bronchitis really did a number on me and put me way behind.

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Okay. What are you guys doing to drive traffic?

Are you bookmarking your site with Stumbleupon, Reddit, etc?

If you have a mailing list and you're going to be offering some kind of newsletter, then you can submit your site to free newsletter sites. ( I will work on getting a list of those.) just keep in mind that the traffic from those sites may not be much more than freebie seekers.

Whatever your offer is, you have to figure out three things:

1. Who is your ideal customer?
2. What do you hope to get from a lead?
3. Where would your ideal customers hang out?

So let's look at this from my perspective.

1. Since I am targeting a weight loss product and site, my ideal customer is probably female, and she probably is in the 20 to 50-year-old range. She has some weight to lose, but chances are it's in the neighborhood of say 20 pounds. (Although once I get more content on my blog, I may attract ladies that need to lose more than 20 pounds because of my keywords that will progress.)

2. At this point I am looking for people who will sign up for my list - as opposed to people that are going make a sale as soon as they visit my site.

3. Aside from the obvious places - such as weight loss forums and such - I can probably find prospects in a variety of places online that would be appealing to females, like stay-at-home mom forums, work at home moms forums, parenting forums, etc.

So if you take some time to figure out these three things, and then you think about how to reach them, it will help you with lead generation.

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when is the new ending date? it looks like there's a couple!

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Unread 19th Sep 2011, 03:19 PM   #425
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Day 12

Glad to hear you're feeling better Shay!

So, here I am on day 12 of the challenge and things seem to be moving along a little smoother.

I have my sales page up, opt-in form up and about a weeks worth of autoresponder messages set to go (my goal is to have 3 weeks worth, but I figured now would be as good a time as any to get that bad boy up there!).


-Already submitted one of the articles from my site (after it was indexed) to ezinearticles.

-I've checked out a few "relevant to my niche" sites with decent PR that I can also submit my articles to after noticing that they seem to use mostly syndicated content and have contacted the webmasters in an attempt to build a relationship with them. I plan to allow them to use already indexed content from my site on theirs with links back to me (just like a press release).

Things I need to do still:

- Make a couple of youtube videos
- Start marketing my site to my twitter following
- Work on my facebook page

That's it for today!

Edit: Just want to share a freee app I just found for automating tweets called You can't schedule the times in the free version (it automatically spaces them out for you), but it'll def save on some time, so it works for me!

Last edited on 19th Sep 2011 at 04:24 PM. Reason: Needed to add reference
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Originally Posted by KAMK1C View Post

Ok, y'all finally did it. You got me to register for the Warrior Forum . I'm a long time lurker and have found some pretty helpful information here as I try to figure this IM stuff out.

I've been following this challenge since the very beginning hoping this was going to help me get over that initial hurdle (you know actually doing something) and it did. I was able to take a dormant domain that was just sitting there collecting dust and put it to some good use.

So why did I decide to give up lurker status now? I've had a stressful night and I need to vent a little. I've got 10 posts up on my blog. I made a little change in cpanel (added Cloudflare) and Bam! website gone. Internal Server Error message everywhere. Luckily it got fixed (I had to correct the .htaccess file that got screwed up when I installed Cloudflare). Everything was still there; the site is back up and working but for about an hour it was major panic time since I didn't have my posts backed up (I should know better by now, always backup).

It seems like I'm in the same boat as a lot of people. I'm having trouble generating traffic. I'm with jezbiz, a 30 day challenge on traffic generation would be a big hit. I've got twitter up with my band of 18 followers. I'm submitting to article directories, attempting some social bookmarking, and working on other back links. It's slow going. I've got a question about the back link tools. Are these the things responsible for the spam I've been getting on my blog or is that something else? Because I know I've been deleting those. I'm just curious how it works before I start using.

I also had a question about opt-in forms on a blog. There are lots of different kinds of opt-in form styles that I've noticed. Footer opt-ins, pop up, pop under, stationary forms to the side of the page, exit pop-up, Lightbox, Fancybox that appear after a certain amount of time. Just curious since this is the first time I'm attempting list building what your take is on the different options, if you've had more success with one over the other in previous projects? Is it better to go with something less obtrusive or go in your face?

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better Shay. It's no fun being sick.
Did this happen when you activated through a CloudFlare hosting partner?

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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 22

I see that there are quite a lot of different start dates for this challenge but I will stick with my own daily record as I want to complete this in 30 days as I will be starting another challenge soon (Branding Challenge that Tiffany Dow will be running on her site).

Back to this Challenge:
I didn’t have any time to do anything for this project as I was working on puttnig up a WSO today. (See the link in my Sig Box.)
All the articles I have submitted to ezinearticles have been accepted and published so I need to distribute them further.

That's all for now.


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Unread 19th Sep 2011, 04:59 PM   #428
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Originally Posted by damoncloudflare View Post

Did this happen when you activated through a CloudFlare hosting partner?
I am using Hostgator since I already had an account with them before starting the challenge. I had never added CloudFlare before on that server. When it happened I did some searching and found out that it's an issue with Hostgator and the fix is to edit the .htaccess file (during CloudFlare configuration, an extra space was added to the .htaccess file that had to be deleted, worked fine after that). I've used CloudFlare with other hosting services and never had this issue. Since the Internal Server Error started coming up right after I installed it I knew what was causing the issue so that made finding a solution a lot easier.
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Unread 19th Sep 2011, 05:44 PM   #429
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I seem to have lost some days somewhere. LOL

Ok, here is my status as of today. My 3 sites are all still on page one for search term without quotes, so far so good.

Now I have been promoting 2 of the sites via the usual stuff, forums, articles, social networks etc and nothing is happening yet. Traffic is reasonable for a new site, around 30 visitors daily.

The 1 site I have not promoted is taking signups, I don't know why that is. I'm happy with the stats but cannot explain why I m getting the signups with low traffic compared to the other 2 sites.

I'm leaving at 2am tomorrow for a 16 hour trip north to see some frends, taking the laptop to keep the project going but will only have dialup via my mobile phone so it will be email checks and limited challenge work for the next few days.
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Unread 19th Sep 2011, 06:06 PM   #430
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I've gone through and attempted to see what I have done and not done yet, made-up a check list of sorts. I'm doing pretty well on the done side so need to get busy on driving the traffic to the blog and sales sq page to produce the ultimate goal of sales.

My focus at this time is paying the bills, so keep getting pulled away on other projects, that eat up my time it seems. Once I get this into a system I will be able to do allot of this more quickly.

Glad to see your back on the road to recovery Shay.

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day 19, 20, 21 and 22ish.

Really lots more of the same, I've been spending a lot of time on my other Business needs for at least two of the days. Bit of Twitter follower building, and have boosted my Fan Page to around 200 fans now (Still only 7 sign ups but the fans are been quite responsive - so far.

I'm going on holiday tomorrow so Day 23 to 37ish will be minimal effort from me. Will still keep up the daily tweeting, fan page linking and bookmarking of my posts and seen as they are all set to publish each day.

The good thing is I'm starting to get some traffic - 50 to 100 a day (over the past week) and they all seem to be hanging around for a bit (low bounce rate) - Just need some conversions now
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Unread 20th Sep 2011, 05:42 AM   #432
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Hi everyone!

It's so good to see all the progress taking place here and with such great recommendations of resources. I accepted this challenge on September 11th, so officially on Day 9. Lost a few days due to the body not a willing participant of this challenge. Irregardlless, I managed to pull off some productive moments.

Brief over view so far:

Researched keywords, title, and content for posts. (I enjoy writing my own aritcle but does take me a bit of time to do).

Reviewed available PLRs as recommended by Thomas-West. Great site. Thank you again.

I scrapped my original plan of using Aweber as this would have only given me 3 weeks of free service thus would not work for this challenge. 3 weeks likely very doable for some, but at this point it would definitely be in my best interest to take the full 30 days to give myself a fair advantage.

I decided on Get Response as recommended by Shay after reviewing other autoresponder potentials.

Oh and I also went with eblogger as it is free and proceded to add content. Buying a domain name would have certainly been a worthwhile endeavor but that wouldn't be free would it.

By the way TipTopCat, Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your WSO.
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Unread 20th Sep 2011, 09:11 AM   #433
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Shay....thank you so much for this!!!! this is absolutely fantastically wonderful(hahahaa)! I know i'm about 3 weeks late, but I'm going to try and start this today!

I accept the challenge (even though I'm's never toooo late, right?) I've been jumping around and pretty much inactive for about a year n a half....and decided that I need to change things right away. My son started preschool and my daughter is 15 months old now....I can probably manage to get some work done, hopefully!

Watch my's going to dance!

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Originally Posted by MariaVC View Post

Hi everyone!

By the way TipTopCat, Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your WSO.

Thank you soo much for your birthday wishes. The actual day is Thursday but I thought why not celebrate for the whole week! LoL.

The WSO is going well. I hope you get a chance to pick something out.

Good luck with this challenge here.

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I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about your offer. First of all, what exactly is a PLR and how can I use them?

Judging by the responses, I assume they have some value.

Whatever you could share would be appreciated.



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Here are a link to free a report which has some great information that can help with traffic generation. Could you add to the resource list:

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Originally Posted by alwayswillingtolearn View Post


I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about your offer. First of all, what exactly is a PLR and how can I use them?

Judging by the responses, I assume they have some value.

Whatever you could share would be appreciated.


Hi Chris

Thanks for the question.
PLR articles can be articles about any type of subject. People choose to buy them because they are cheap - Usually $1 per article. You can use them for whatever you would like, eg: blog posts, to create ebooks, as part of an autoresponder series etc.

Different sellers have different rules as to how you can use the articles but the general rule is that you can not resell as PLR.

If you need a batch of articles but you do not want to go through the hassle of either writing them yourself or outsourcing then PLR is a good alternative. It is recommended that you rewrite parts of the articles so that they feel like your "voice" and are then unique to you.

Hope this helps.


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Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post

Hi Chris

Thanks for the question.
PLR articles can be articles about any type of subject. People choose to buy them because they are cheap - Usually $1 per article. You can use them for whatever you would like, eg: blog posts, to create ebooks, as part of an autoresponder series etc.

Different sellers have different rules as to how you can use the articles but the general rule is that you can not resell as PLR.

If you need a batch of articles but you do not want to go through the hassle of either writing them yourself or outsourcing then PLR is a good alternative. It is recommended that you rewrite parts of the articles so that they feel like your "voice" and are then unique to you.

Hope this helps.


That's awesome! I love how this thread shows me almost daily how I've been doing things the hard way for so long. Thanks for sharing - I'll get on this later tonight!

It;'s time to make some big moves!

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Unread 20th Sep 2011, 01:15 PM   #439
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Originally Posted by bdelhamer View Post

when is the new ending date? it looks like there's a couple!

October 5th, but there are lots of people who got a late start, so this will be an ongoing challenge.

Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post

My 30 Day Challenge - Day 22

I see that there are quite a lot of different start dates for this challenge but I will stick with my own daily record as I want to complete this in 30 days as I will be starting another challenge soon (Branding Challenge that Tiffany Dow will be running on her site).

Back to this Challenge:
I didn’t have any time to do anything for this project as I was working on puttnig up a WSO today. (See the link in my Sig Box.)
All the articles I have submitted to ezinearticles have been accepted and published so I need to distribute them further.

That's all for now.

There are lots of dates - I was sick, and other people joined in at different times.

Tiffany's branding challenge sounds awesome!

Congrats on the WSO! I'll be taking a look!

Originally Posted by Thomas-West View Post

I seem to have lost some days somewhere. LOL

Ok, here is my status as of today. My 3 sites are all still on page one for search term without quotes, so far so good.

Now I have been promoting 2 of the sites via the usual stuff, forums, articles, social networks etc and nothing is happening yet. Traffic is reasonable for a new site, around 30 visitors daily.

The 1 site I have not promoted is taking signups, I don't know why that is. I'm happy with the stats but cannot explain why I m getting the signups with low traffic compared to the other 2 sites.

I'm leaving at 2am tomorrow for a 16 hour trip north to see some frends, taking the laptop to keep the project going but will only have dialup via my mobile phone so it will be email checks and limited challenge work for the next few days.
it may be that you're getting more targeted traffic for the site that is having a higher conversion rate. Sometimes that happens.

Check-in as you can, but don't sweat it - this really is a go at your own pace challenge. I didn't really mean for it to be, but stuff just happened.

Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

I've gone through and attempted to see what I have done and not done yet, made-up a check list of sorts. I'm doing pretty well on the done side so need to get busy on driving the traffic to the blog and sales sq page to produce the ultimate goal of sales.

My focus at this time is paying the bills, so keep getting pulled away on other projects, that eat up my time it seems. Once I get this into a system I will be able to do allot of this more quickly.

Glad to see your back on the road to recovery Shay.
Paying the bills always comes first! Just work on this as you can.

Originally Posted by povchef View Post

day 19, 20, 21 and 22ish.

Really lots more of the same, I've been spending a lot of time on my other Business needs for at least two of the days. Bit of Twitter follower building, and have boosted my Fan Page to around 200 fans now (Still only 7 sign ups but the fans are been quite responsive - so far.

I'm going on holiday tomorrow so Day 23 to 37ish will be minimal effort from me. Will still keep up the daily tweeting, fan page linking and bookmarking of my posts and seen as they are all set to publish each day.

The good thing is I'm starting to get some traffic - 50 to 100 a day (over the past week) and they all seem to be hanging around for a bit (low bounce rate) - Just need some conversions now
Traffic is a good thing! Hope you have a good holiday!

Originally Posted by Theresa_wahm View Post

Shay....thank you so much for this!!!! this is absolutely fantastically wonderful(hahahaa)! I know i'm about 3 weeks late, but I'm going to try and start this today!

I accept the challenge (even though I'm's never toooo late, right?) I've been jumping around and pretty much inactive for about a year n a half....and decided that I need to change things right away. My son started preschool and my daughter is 15 months old now....I can probably manage to get some work done, hopefully!

Watch my's going to dance!

Glad to have you on board!

Originally Posted by Tiptopcat View Post


Here are a link to free a report which has some great information that can help with traffic generation. Could you add to the resource list:
Added! Thank you!

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My 30 Day Challenge - Day 23

Today I only managed to submit a couple of articles to another article directory but that’s about it.

I was busy tweaking my new WSO. People have said some lovely things and left positive feedback. I feel very honoured.

Watched the first episode of 2.5 Men. Ashton Kutcher is a cutie - let's see how long the series will last.

That's all for tonight.


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Been a looong, but productive day. Couldn't sleep last night so was up at 4am setting in the office working, so as not to keep my wife awake as well.

Went over my check list from yesterday and tweaked a couple things and changed my free opt-in offer from a report & 10 day mini course to just the mini course. My logic was that the course if enough to offer for now and frees me up to not have to write the report.

Did a 3 min video welcome with eye-jot and loaded it. eye-jot is free and easy to use if your doing a cam video.

Loaded the last of the autoresponders and checked the whole opt-in process to make sure it did all the things it was suppose to do:

send opt-in request email
opt-in directs to 3 min welcome video
confirmation emailed back
first mini course lesson delivered via email
notification to me that someone has opted in via email
I should get an email lesson at 7am for the next ten days

So that took me up to tonight, were I started to find small business groups through Twitter and Linked-in to invite to my newsletter blog. I seemed to be having trouble getting some of the messages to load in the various discussion groups so that was frustrating and time consuming. I'll try again tomorrow.

Good productive day. I hope to have everything in place and running in the next couple days, as I have yet another busy weekend coming up.

Thanks everyone for the great tips and suggestions along with the resource links. This has been just what I had hoped it would be.

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Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

This has been just what I had hoped it would be.

I have to say that I am very pleased with the way this challenge has gone.

Yes, there have been some delays and sometimes life gets in the way. But I like how everybody has contributed to the thread and updated with their progress.

I am still playing catch up from when I was sick, trying to get my other business stuff up-to-date from when I had to take some time off, but I will try to give a lengthy update in the next day or so.

I am very pleased with everybody's progress!

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I have fallen very far behind due to a hand injury but I received my first comment which is awesome, no sales yet but the item I am promoting is a big ticket item so I am patient. The fact that it was a real comment, let's me know I am moving forward in the right direction.

This is a great challenge and I am looking forward to reviewing the 21 different ways to increase traffic. Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

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YEA-HA!!! I made my first sale today! After posting several posts on business threads just last night, I got home to find a this....

What ever you do, don't take this as being braggadocios or NA,NA,NA, Yes I'm excited! Yes it's only ten dollars, but it's a start and proof (to me) that this can and does work. Rather, take this post as the motivational moment it is meant to be, and get going, get started... do something. I'm sure there are to be many more reports like this from the rest of you and I look forward to that.

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BTW, I forgot to add this. THANK YOU, so much to all who have contributed links and sources here, I have used many of them, especially those related to traffic.

I want Shay and all of you to share in the success of this WIN!

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Unread 21st Sep 2011, 05:01 PM   #446
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

YEA-HA!!! I made my first sale today! After posting several posts on business threads just last night, I got home to find a this....

What ever you do, don't take this as being braggadocios or NA,NA,NA, Yes I'm excited! Yes it's only ten dollars, but it's a start and proof (to me) that this can and does work. Rather, take this post as the motivational moment it is meant to be, and get going, get started... do something. I'm sure there are to be many more reports like this from the rest of you and I look forward to that.
That's amazing congradulations!

Aspiring Marketer.
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Unread 21st Sep 2011, 11:14 PM   #447
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Looking forward to hearing more about generating traffic.
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Unread 22nd Sep 2011, 01:34 PM   #448
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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Is negativity just plain pessimistic, fear of success or picking the bones from the meat?

Let me state, if you don't mind my queerness, I'd like to cast your mind to this concept to tantalize your cognitive's.

If your going back many paces to this contest 'as a newbie', please don't forget that not only does a newbie not have any list or tools for the trade, but also no idea of getting the foot on the first rung of the ladder a far as skills and knowledge are concerned.

I'd be excited to gain a '1st' sale from scratch without any layout at all following your guided hand. Please be elaborate in your theorized steps.

Regards Adi.
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Unread 22nd Sep 2011, 02:25 PM   #449
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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That is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing.

Originally Posted by RickAllen View Post

YEA-HA!!! I made my first sale today! After posting several posts on business threads just last night, I got home to find a this....

What ever you do, don't take this as being braggadocios or NA,NA,NA, Yes I'm excited! Yes it's only ten dollars, but it's a start and proof (to me) that this can and does work. Rather, take this post as the motivational moment it is meant to be, and get going, get started... do something. I'm sure there are to be many more reports like this from the rest of you and I look forward to that.

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Unread 23rd Sep 2011, 10:57 AM   #450
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Re: 30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money
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I accept the challenge

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