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Unread 21st Jun 2012, 06:10 PM   #51
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I'm not sure if you are still running the promotion, but I'll answer. If you are still running it, I'd like to be considered.

I'm done with playing games. I'm done with being the person with "all the potential in the world" and having nothing to show for it. 2012 is my year because I am finally ready to achieve my potential and to have the freedom that I desire to have.

So far, I have started a blog, which you can view in my signature. It's still a work in progress, but it's getting there. Also, I have made an affiliate relationship with a wordpress designer and have begun to outsource web design projects to him at a handsome rate. I'm beginning to learn about affiliate marketing and I have gathered a list (not a big list by any means, but a list nonetheless).

My plans for the future are to learn more about adsense and how to improve my list, as well as to master SEO. I would also like to learn how to create video and software content, as well as webinars. With my talent for learning, I know that I can do this as quickly as possible.

If you are looking for just another addition to your list, then forget about me. If you are looking to guide me with mediocre content, don't consider me. But if you are a great teacher who is looking for a dedicated student who will actually apply the techniques you teach and use them with maximum efficiency, then add me to your group. I assure you that I will be the BEST testimonial you will ever refer to!

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Unread 21st Jun 2012, 07:08 PM   #52
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hey, Karson. Cant PM yet, have an email address where I can reach you?

And thanks for the compliment about my blog article! I have personally held myself back for 2 years by believing the myths that I talk about...

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Unread 22nd Jun 2012, 02:29 PM   #53
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Originally Posted by Karson View Post

Thanks Kumar, .
My name is Dee

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Unread 22nd Jun 2012, 02:32 PM   #54
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Originally Posted by KKM017 View Post

I'm not sure if you are still running the promotion, but I'll answer. If you are still running it, I'd like to be considered.
Dude seriously - you give me a list of expectations at the end of your post, but you cannot even be bothered to scroll through and note the dates of my relies (I replied to the thread just yesterday).

You may have high standards - but perhaps i have even higher.

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Unread 22nd Jun 2012, 05:48 PM   #55
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

Dude seriously - you give me a list of expectations at the end of your post, but you cannot even be bothered to scroll through and note the dates of my relies (I replied to the thread just yesterday).

You may have high standards - but perhaps i have even higher.
I said that because I wasn't sure if you had finished selecting the group or not. Not everyone has the decency to post when things like this have been completed.

And if you have higher standards than I do, then I would improve myself and attempt to meet those higher standards.

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Unread 29th Jun 2012, 08:19 PM   #56
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

My name is Dee
It's not Kumar?
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Unread 3rd Jul 2012, 08:37 PM   #57
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Im totally new here! I dont know if this contests ended already.
Im 18 years old and this is my first year trying to learn the ways of making money online. This was my last years in high school and im lucky to go college. I started designing banners 2 years ago. For a very low price i didn't know that i could sell my designs for 20 times more. Now im learning about blogging and i already stated a blog. My parents dont believe that i could make money online and im trying to prove to everybody that i can make it.
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Unread 4th Jul 2012, 12:17 PM   #58
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hope this contest still open..
Just want to follow you coaching.. because i have 1 goal..that this year have to be my freedom.. freedom from anything... especially financial freedom..
I have to make my family happy and proud with me.. they know that I can succeed at this business..
And I can make my parents proud with me too.. and make them happy in their old age.

So, I have more spirit to get succeed at this business..with your coaching ofcourse..
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Unread 11th Jul 2012, 04:56 PM   #59
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Just saw this, hoping it's still open.


Twenty twelve is my year because of my ingrained belief in being better than I was the day before. Whether I make a profit or not, my goal is to provide quality in everything I do. I view 2012 as a launching point towards personal excellence and leadership every chance I get. This will be true whether working with a client or helping a friend. I see no difference.

Like anyone here, I want to make money. However this is not the end goal. If I provide something excellent, money will follow. This is not my year to engage in a get rich quick scheme, shoot out a bunch of low quality websites for clients, or half ass my way through school. ( University )

My goal is to be better than the day before. Every day. 2012 is merely a starting point on a long road to personal excellence. 2012 is my year to create something I'm proud of.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Unread 31st Aug 2012, 05:44 AM   #60
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I was born on 1972...turned 40 this begins at 40 ^_^ I need to hurry before I kick the bucket...I want to spend the rest propagating the Word of God and doing charitable works

Last edited on 31st Aug 2012 at 05:57 AM. Reason: the truth behind my struggles
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Unread 4th Sep 2012, 01:09 AM   #61
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My partner and i saw my own light initially of 2012. Hope of which my problem is going to be vanished and let me become loaded.

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Unread 23rd Sep 2012, 08:13 AM   #62
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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hey man..just ran across this thread and am curious ...

...out of those that you picked to get free coaching from you...which ended in May of this year... many of those who you gave free coaching....actually went on to apply what they've learned from you....and are making money online now?

....I'd like to hear some testimonials from those folks...that actually did something....took action...and made their life in 2012 a better one.

....I've found that coaching....even stellar coaching from a bad ass marketer...doesn't mean squat to those that are unwilling to take action.

...Also...I've found that if they get coaching for free...they tend to not value that as if they would have paid for it...

...I think I understand what the guy was going for in his post....but coaching someone...who just thinks in terms of this make money online a hobby..or only part time...well they won't see results that are worth writing home about.
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Unread 7th Jun 2013, 07:37 PM   #63
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Another GREAT thread. Venturetothetop, thanks for this. It was enjoyable simply to read all the different responses. I only wish that you had been doing this for 2013.
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Unread 7th Jun 2013, 07:39 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by tylerjaysen View Post

hey man..just ran across this thread and am curious ...

...out of those that you picked to get free coaching from you...which ended in May of this year... many of those who you gave free coaching....actually went on to apply what they've learned from you....and are making money online now?

....I'd like to hear some testimonials from those folks...that actually did something....took action...and made their life in 2012 a better one.

....I've found that coaching....even stellar coaching from a bad ass marketer...doesn't mean squat to those that are unwilling to take action.

...Also...I've found that if they get coaching for free...they tend to not value that as if they would have paid for it...

...I think I understand what the guy was going for in his post....but coaching someone...who just thinks in terms of this make money online a hobby..or only part time...well they won't see results that are worth writing home about.
Yes, that's what else I meant to ask. Would really love to hear if this reaped any harvest for the people who got offered the free training/coaching opportunity. Would be really cool to hear a success story.
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Unread 8th Jun 2013, 02:17 AM   #65
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This is my year, plain and simple and im ready to get crackin - Learn how to make over $50,000 per month!
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Unread 8th Jun 2013, 09:08 AM   #66
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Well i am to get into video marketing and want to learn to get on top of YT and if you can really help in this area then there is nothing like it

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Unread 15th Jun 2013, 07:37 AM   #67
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Wow - how did this ancient thread get found and resurrected?

The coaching program is still solid and some fantastic candidates have come out of it. I'm actually thinking of revamping it all as one of the biggest feedbacks I get is that there was simply too much to learn! Yep, I kid you not, people thought I had put far to much knowledge in there!

So, I'm making much shorted 5 min bitesize videos - same content, but in much smaller chunks.

I'll open the challenge out again to 25 people who really want to change their lives and learn business. I don't teach individual methods.. that will make you a one hit wonder. I teach you the theory that brings all these methods together so instead of putting food on your plate - you can go out fishing whenever you like (or they say something like that on the advert!)

You already know how to apply...

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Unread 4th Jan 2015, 02:45 AM   #68
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hello Venturetothetop

This thread relates to 2012 going through above threads

Have tried my hands on affilaite marketing for years and have put all efforts in trying to achieve , but in vein

Would really like to get into your group and try once again to see if i can succeed

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