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Unread 29th Feb 2012, 04:22 AM   #1
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10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year.
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Hello there!

Please take a look though my feedback here to know I am for real.

I'm offering 10 people the chance to join my 6 month long Video based coaching program for FREE - with no strings attached! ($500 value)

All you have to do is simply write below why 2013 is YOUR year. What makes you believe this is the year you finally make it.

I like people who have drive and an inspirational aura. If you have already taken positive steps to your success be sure to list them because I'm sure it will both inspire me and others too.

You can view the content of the coaching program here (BUT DO NOT BUY! - I'm giving it away free here!)

It is most suited to those who have some form of product online but struggled to make it work. Perhaps not suited for complete newbies, however these are free places so newbies have nothing to lose by joining in!

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Unread 13th Mar 2012, 01:19 PM   #2
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I believe 2012 is my year because I am very determined to put up my business this year which is an online grocery store. I have already studied my competitors and have also saved- up for the start- up capital that I need so I'm very optimistic that it will happen this year. What makes it more exciting is that this would be my first business venture as I have been an employee since I finished my degree in University so I can't wait to work for myself.
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Unread 14th Mar 2012, 04:03 AM   #3
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Chicka great resolve. Can you show me some of waht you have planned /created so I can see you have really put energy into it?

VK3 - This progra will not give you a system - it will teach you business so which ever system you have works better for you. Perhaps you should find a system that fits you first and really start something with it so you can clearly show you are trying to earn your respect online.

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Unread 16th Mar 2012, 05:31 AM   #4
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Guess I may just as well give this a shot.

I think 2012 is my year to finally break through with IM, because - basically it has to. But, on a more detailed reason - since last December, 2011, just some months ago, I purchased a joined a program, purchased a domain + webhotel, sat down and read up and down lots and lots of articles, ebooks and more about online marketing - straight through CHRISTMAS! And New Year eve too..
Few months later, I found the "golden nugget" to really make the big money online - I needed a product. I'm not gonna make one, because, frankly, who would purchase a "make money online" program from a 19 year old lad who hardly makes money on his own? Right, no one.

So what have I done to step towards my success? Got domain, hosting, read and read, then I read some more and read a bit more. Learned and failed - and failed, and a few more fails.

So, what would I like to promote and sell with success? Why not anything I can make a commission on? Okay, bad idea. So more detailed. My website is about making a living online, so I obviously have to sell something like that. Selling through an affiliate central I'm a member of, would contribute me the most so it would have to be products from there.

I am a newbie for this, granted, I haven't made any sales at all, but I know my way around, basically know how all this IM works, just can't put it into action (lack of money, time and yea, knowledge to actually make it work as intended..)

Do I feel like having a chance for this? Who knows? Nothing ventured nothing gained, right? And I'm gonna fail all actions I don't take anyway. So that's my entry to this.

Rocking a new project at Kan Leve Uden, focusing on everything for a lovely night.
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Unread 16th Mar 2012, 07:15 AM   #5
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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2012 my year of online success - This year I have started 2 websites and I am about to finish my first ebook (to be finish ASAP). I am determined to make money this year, I have invested in some courses and ebooks.

All I need is a mentor to guide me with my money making journey. It will be a great pleasure to have you as a mentor and guidance in my ONLINE BUSINESS. I will be glad to have you as a mentor.

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Unread 16th Mar 2012, 09:14 AM   #6
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I have been a stockbroker and Vice President of Investments for the last 12 years. Unfortunately, due to extreme medical needs of my daughter, it was necessary to find a new career that gave me the flexibility to meet her needs...which is why I decided to pursue internet marketing as a new career. I have spent the last two months learning the basics of internet marketing. I have learned about adsense sites, and affiliate marketing, blogs and more. I am focusing on building a new career. I know that eventually I would like to write ebooks on financial services, but I also know that in order to be successful it is necessary to learn the lay of the land, which is what I have spent the last couple of months doing. I know that 2012 will be my year to succeed online because I am seeking out information from those that have already seen success, such as yourself. I know that I can spend the next twelve months struggling, and eventually I will find success, or I can stand on the shoulders of giants and see where the path leads. I would appreciate the opportunity to work with you, it sounds like you have a vision for success and that is exactly what I am looking for. Great people become great, because they know their own limitations and in the areas that they need help, they find great people to stand by them. I want to be Great in 2012!
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Unread 16th Mar 2012, 02:00 PM   #7
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Guess I will post too as I've been looking for a good couch for a while

I am very determined to make 2012 my success year because it would basically be a dream come true for me to earn full time from IM. I'm a 17 (18 in 2 months) year old student on high school (actually not sure what to call it as here in Finland the system is a bit different) studying something that I don't really have an interest in and no idea where I would continue after finishing my studies. Also 9-5 regular job really seems not to be my thing.

I discovered IM only 4 or 5 months ago and at the beginning didn't do much about it. Recently I've just been trying to find a great coach and spending time to become more familiar with hosting and editing sites, aweber etc.

Allthough I've earned about 300$ already from selling an ebook at different forums but I can't base anything on this or scale this as the ebook is about a "short time" method.

I am mostly interested exactly in marketing my own products and a little interested in affiliate marketing. My first goal would be to even make 300$ a month from something that is consistent and scalable (I've made 300$ in a month just last month but it is not something that will be consistent for a long time) and something that I could work on knowing that it will bring results.

I think I own a great work ethic. I have never looked for a "push button" system and never will. I realize it will take work and I am more than willingly putting big amounts of effort and time if I know it will bring results. Also when I see my first results of something, I will push it forward EXTREMELY hard and nothing won't stop me, honestly.

I can't think of anything else to write for you. I hope I'd get a chance to try it out with you From the posts of yours that I've read you seem like a very nice guy and I bet I'd enjoy working with you.
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Unread 16th Mar 2012, 02:41 PM   #8
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I would be interested in your coaching program, as I could use direction, and advice from a more experienced marketer.

I know that 2012 will be my year to be successful. I'm doing positive affirmations everyday, I believe in myself, and have my squeezepage online. Each day I make sure I am blogging, posting in forums, writing articles, and networking on Facebook and Twitter.

The most important thing is that I am taking action everyday. Am I making mistakes? Absolutely, but I'm also learning from mistakes, so I won't repeat them. Each action step I take brings me that much closer to my goal.

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Unread 17th Mar 2012, 05:46 AM   #9
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I saw my light in the beginning of 2012. Hope that my problem will be vanished and i will become rich.

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Unread 20th Mar 2012, 04:10 AM   #10
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I would like to ask a question to all those that have expressed interest, which they must answer below (I know most people applied because it is free and will never come back to check on the thread so this save me a lot of time and shows me something important.)

The question is: Did you actually read my sales page so you understand my program? If so what exactly am I teaching?

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Unread 20th Mar 2012, 01:54 PM   #11
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I read your salespage and watched the first video of your free course (last time I didn't notice there was an email signup for more videos, but now I signed in for those too).

In your main course you help businesses to achieve better results, and this is done in many different areas.

I also noticed that the main course is not aimed for beginners, but I think I'd still benefit from it greatly, even though I don't at the moment have a business. I am highly interested in affiliate marketing to begin with & then moving on to creating my own products, and I think both of these were in your list of who would benefit.

Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

I would like to ask a question to all those that have expressed interest, which they must answer below (I know most people applied because it is free and will never come back to check on the thread so this save me a lot of time and shows me something important.)

The question is: Did you actually read my sales page so you understand my program? If so what exactly am I teaching?
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Unread 20th Mar 2012, 02:20 PM   #12
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Your are teaching Online Business, not Marketing per se. I do not have flash player available on this computer(not mine), so i wasn't able to watch the video, but your sales page leans towards more of a "business" aspect.
I am guessing your are teaching a more tactical approach, maybe split testing? Selling strategies, learning how metrics work and guiding the student on where and when to act on that data. Actually knowing what your target audience wants, and how to influence the buying decisions that are presented.
Again i could be wrong, didn't get to see the video.
But if I'm correct, keep me in consideration for your coaching program, Ive been learning about IM for about a year. Finally took action two weeks ago. I'm not looking for someone to hold my hand.
Just a helpful brain to pick at when i get stuck.
2012 is my year because I am going to make it MY Year.
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Unread 20th Mar 2012, 04:03 PM   #13
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hi Mr. Dee Kumar,

I hope this post finds you well. I won't make a long post in an attempt to secure a coaching spot with you. However, I do believe that you and I would be a "perfect fit" as a coach & student. I made a post on here a little while ago, which I think will help you understand my case. Here is the link to that post:

The question is: Did you actually read my sales page so you understand my program? If so what exactly am I teaching?
Yes, thoroughly. You are not pushing a "let me take you from newbie to super affiliate in six months with my amazing step by step system", or a "if you follow this system for 6 months straight word for word, there is no way you cannot clear six figures with FaceBook", etc, type of system. I hope that makes sense.

You are teaching how to take our existing business and take it to the level where we want it to be, where it should be. For example, if you read my above-linked post, you will see that I have been trying to make it with IM for a few years now, and I have some web properties which generate a bit of revenue, but nothing which could help me quit my day-job. Nothing which could bring the lifestyle changes for my family which they deserve. It is more like some extra cash in my pocket every month (which, thank God, I am very thankful for).

I think 2012 is, God-willing, the year when I fill in the missing ingredient (a coach) and, by the end of the year, have a strong internet business headed in the right direction.

I need a coach, someone who can help guide me, in order to make that happen.

After coming across this post of yours (which I think happened for a reason, because I had been thinking lately that maybe I need a coach, and there your post was), I think you might be 'it'.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or PM me with your e-mail address if you would like me to email you (I don't have enough of a post count for PM's yet).

I hope you consider my application.

Thank you.


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Unread 21st Mar 2012, 12:25 AM   #14
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Ironically, I just made a long post about looking for a mentor. Describing what i want to achieve and why. I cant post links do to my low post count or i could link you to it. But here is a brief part of what I posted in the (Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum titled This is my story - Please Read)

My Goal
To make money! Isn't that everyone's goal or dream, to be able to support a lavish life style or just earn an honest living doing what they love.

Well, while this is of course the bottom line, my intentions and goals are a little different than just making the quick dollar online. Over the last 6 months or so I have became very fascinated with internet marketing, and online businesses. I have spent many sleepless nights browsing, searching, and trying to learn anything from web-design to internet marketing. From e-books, tutorials, to videos, I've seem to have went through them all. One thing i have noticed about trying to make money online is that it's a huge circle of the "gurus" trying to sell you the same watered down products.

Finally I figured out what it is I am after, and what my actual goals are. To be able to help others that are as committed and as serious as I am about learning and venturing into the online world. Offer real help, point others in the right direction to products and services that REALLY work. It would give me great satisfaction to help someone gain financial stability in doing something that they actually love doing.

The question is: Did you actually read my sales page so you understand my program? If so what exactly am I teaching?
In short your teaching exactly what I am looking for. How to create and maintain the business for the long haul. This is the first type of course I have came across that hasnt tried to sell me the "make millions overnight" story. As you can see in my post this is NOT what im looking for.

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Unread 21st Mar 2012, 12:41 AM   #15
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Of course, I opted into this thread because of the FREE service. But i just did a little bit of research and read a few of your articles on your Venture To The Top blog. I now am even more interested in working with you as you have a lot of great insight. Knowing that you actually are who you say you are (and from what i have seen pretty honest about your success AND mistakes) makes this a great hope of mine to be able to work with you.

Also have just helped with one of your 2012 goals by following you on twitter. So I hope you can now help me with my goals for 2012.

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Unread 21st Mar 2012, 06:41 AM   #16
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I am an executive in a MNC and have been looking how I can have multiple income streams. In 2012, I would like to establish another income stream that hopefully replace my job in time to come.

I have already taken action. I have started a blog which chronicles my adventures into making money on the internet ethically.

You can see my blog if you google the words "Make money on the internet ethically - My adventure"

Looking at your introduction video, what you are doing is to set the pace of the lesson, have students think about their strengths and see how this fits into the world of internet marketing.

With regards to your homework, I would have answered some of your questions in my reflections on the blog.

Your structured thinking is along the line with a product/course for children that I want to develop online.
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Unread 21st Mar 2012, 11:51 AM   #17
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As what I can read, without going through it all, as I got a keyboard tapping lady sitting next to me, making it hard to keep reading without being disturbed by the tik tik tik tik, you offer a 26 week course to optimize marketing, usable both on- and offline.
The program teach how to build a good foundation, and.. screw it, too hard to read up a long salespage which really isn't super clear (from my point of view), and some annoying tik tik tik tik. Basically, your program offers the same as a sport coach and you mention: Helps on get up on ones field, and stay there! (Or at least motivate one with knowledge how to stay there..)

So, sign that I, personally, didn't just type in because it's free and then never follow up, but again, can't really 100% clearly tell what it is, because my mind is constantly interrupted.
Where's a confused smiley to be found when one is needed??

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Unread 22nd Mar 2012, 06:07 PM   #18
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Nevermind... your videos are broken and your sales page is cookie-cutter.
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Unread 8th Apr 2012, 01:16 PM   #19
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Hey Dee. Thank you for the generous offer to teach some of us how to make our online career a lot more successful. You teach people how to be creators and make something of value. You inspire people who are having trouble finding their way.

I have decided that 2012 is my year. I have been working for a long time to make it online and have had some minor successes. This year I will make it to 20k a month or a lot more. I am hoping that you will want to be a part of it.

I am going to be starting a hospital that cures cancer naturally within the next 5-10 years and part of the stepping stone along the way will be getting wealthy. Thank you for the opportunity, I would love to be a part of it.

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Unread 9th Apr 2012, 08:53 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by uyin View Post

Where is OP?
lol... These types of threads often pop up but then don't go anywhere, the OP usually disappears. I don't know why but I have seen it happen before also.

*shrugging shoulders* :confused:

Oh well.

As long as the OP is OK, it is fine.
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Unread 9th Apr 2012, 10:53 AM   #21
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hello Dee,
I'm 16 and coming from Serbia.
I have problems with my English that is not really bad but I can't write articles and I have problems with money but that problem will be fixed when Google activate my Adsense account. I created MNS 2 months ago and till now I have 5 articles that are 500 words each on my website and I'm on 7th position for my main keyword, evry day I reciving 40-60 visits and waiting for my Adsense account to get aproved(it will help me to cover all expenses that I have).
Why 2012 is my year?
2012 is my year bescause I just started with IM and I already found out few most important things:
adapt, test, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket".
Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

The question is: Did you actually read my sales page so you understand my program? If so what exactly am I teaching?
What I saw in first video it is that you helping beginners to understund that IM is really big and you can't enjoy in all parts of it - if you can't enjoy it is pretty hard to successes there.
For me personaly from these four category I can see me in two of them(adsense and product owner). Answer is that you learning us to how to find out what are our mistakes and how to fix them for the reson to make more sales - earn more money.
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Unread 9th Apr 2012, 03:00 PM   #22
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I'm still here and alive and some people from this thread are already onboard - i just didn't publicly announce it.

I will add a few more people until the end of May ...

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Unread 9th Apr 2012, 07:59 PM   #23
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hi there Dee,

Well 2012 is my year I actually have taken the steps to success.. I already tried to offer my service here in WF it's in my sig, and also built a Web Dev team. I am really thrilled about your offer and you will not be disappointed with me cause I do take action and I do it very well. If you could help me out to be more successful then I will return the same favor to others in need in the near future.

More Power to Warrior Forum. God Bless Dee.

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Unread 10th Apr 2012, 05:23 AM   #24
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Hey Dee. I'd like an opportunity to participate.
Just yesterday I posted on the main forum asking for a mentor with detailed explanation of what I need.

I believe 2012 will be my year because I've spent the past year & a half at my current job soaking in the right info and building up my skills to create my own product. Although I'm still trying to work out the details of what my product will be, I have experience in the niche & my current job gives me respect from peers that see the work I'm doing as a positive thing. Just need guidance on how to get the ball rolling. Currently in information overload.
cheers. danny
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Unread 13th Apr 2012, 11:15 PM   #25
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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Hey Dee, I just wanted to come back and let you know that I am still interested in working with you. What can I do on my end to give back to your cause? After all, it's not just about what you can help me with. Thanks in advance...

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Unread 14th Apr 2012, 08:48 AM   #26
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Re: 10 Strugglers - FREE places on my $500 coaching course,just for telling me why 2012 is YOUR year
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I believe that 2012 is my year!

I already have my websites online: & How To Become Wealthy | Joseph Burgess - Internet Marketer, Entrepreneur and Coach..

I want to be successful online and i have the motivation to do so. I won't stop at anything. I created those websites in a matter of a few days, I am working on them constantly and want to build my list more and more and more!

I am a very hard worker and won't stop until I have achieved what I am aiming for.
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Unread 17th Apr 2012, 09:29 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Xeraco1994 View Post

If you can already lead others to wealth then you do not really need me.

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Unread 17th Apr 2012, 09:34 AM   #28
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Marvin and Dvega I'll be contacting you soon. Marvin your WSO is interesting and a skill you bring to the table which will be very valuable.

Dvega, I love that you have something DIFFERENT to offer. Your experience will be incredible in making your successful this year.

You still have to do a quick interview with me, but I have shortlisted you.

Jeff - I like your attitude but struggling to see what you actually currently do/want to do. Please expand on this.


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Unread 17th Apr 2012, 02:27 PM   #29
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Hey Dee,

I am struggling to find and work a system that will make me money from start to finish. I have trouble moving forward without the help of someone who has been there and succeeded. I know deep down that that is the best path to success rather than trying to invent the wheel.

I will tell you what I am currently working on to give you a better picture. I have an amazon affiliate site, a cpa site and a service based website. The are all active and not performing. I do not know the best ways to drive traffic to them and monetize them. Are any of these methods ones that you would suggest? Or am I going down a path that is less than optimal? My strong suit is that I will have a year off coming up starting in June. I have that time to devote RELENTLESS hours to making this happen.

Thanks again and I hope this helps...

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Unread 17th Apr 2012, 08:53 PM   #30
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I'm a newbie and want to make A LOT of money. It's as simple as that. And by A LOT of money i mean 5 figures weekly. I have the drive. I just need the coaching.

“The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them”― Jim Rohn
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Unread 17th Apr 2012, 09:47 PM   #31
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Want to know why 2012 is my year? because i spent 14 years living in hell after i beat cancer twice. i am going to make big moves this year!
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Unread 18th Apr 2012, 02:23 AM   #32
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I'll tell you why 2012 is my year. I battled a prescription drug/heroin addiction, from 2005-2010, an addiction that almost made me lose my family, my dignity, and my life. The fact that I'm still alive, and just passed the two year mark of being clean and sober is the hardest thing I will ever have to endure, and knowing deep down that I could do that is what kept me motivated, and kept me going through the other hardships that have gone on in my life. Maybe it's Karma or some sort of test but everything I have been through that I overcame just makes hungrier for success every single day. In addition to that some of the things I went through will eventually help me be successful, and by that I mean my own standards of success which are higher than than most. During the time, I was addicted (from the age of 17-22) there was a good 2 year stretch where I didn't have a job. Yet without selling drugs, or robbing people, I managed to maintain a $2000/week habit. I have ADD, but with ADD medications, and remedies, my mind has the ability to process new ideas very quickly, instead of having a bunch of scattered thoughts, how I was able to maintain this habit was broker deals between two parties who had no knowledge of each other, realize who to trust and who not too, so when the people you trust needed, help I helped them, and they would return the favor 2-3x fold. Anyways enough of that talk, that was a lifetime ago, and for the most part a different person, what we shared was the ability to know what we wanted and made it happen, and failing wasn't an option. In mid 2009 I started a career in sales, not only was I good at it because I have a hustler mentality, my mind has a knack for thinking up ways to make money without any to begin with. Once I got clean I started my third sales job (the first one selling leveraged silver and gold, with a minimum investment of $10,000, I eventually got screwed over twice on getting paid and I left, the second sales office I worked at got shut down. The third sales job I had was a B2B sales job. I worked in office with about 8 employees and 2 owners. In 6 months I brought in almost 2 million dollars in new business, while the rest of the employees didn't have a single deal, on my last month working there, I landed a half million dollar deal with a hotel owner in Beverly Hills, because the owners talked to him like used car salesman, and I had to get on the phone as the "CEO" of the company and salvage it, a chain of restaurants in Florida for $400,000 with 13 other brokers all vying for his business, and $125,000 deal to an owner of 3 restaurants in the Hamptons. On top of getting their business I also got them to switch their credit card processors (which is a business in its own, and if I was doing just that for a living, I would be making an easy 5-$8,000 a month in residuals off those three processor changes alone. On top of that my bosses at the time tell me they made $5,000 off all three deals, which made no sense, since they acted like they hit lotto. I soon found out why, between all of three deals they made over $100,000 commission, and another 30-50,000 depending on if the loan was paid back in 3 or 6 months (they were cheap, the walls where thin, and it was blasting on speakerphone), not to mention as a broker I would've made 5-$8,000 a month on residuals, they are still probably clearing over 10k a month on the processors alone on those deals. I got paid $1100 for all that, and they told me that one of the deals had some technicalities and I would get paid more when it was resolved. I was commuting a minimum of 7 hours a day on just subways, trains, and driving, let alone 45 minutes to and from the subway stop in Brooklyn to the office. It was in December if I remember correctly, and in this cheap office, I sat next to one of those old radiators, and it was broken, it kept going up and down from 40 degrees up to 90 and back down, and I felt sick, so I left an hour early. Keep in mind I would stay till midnight some nights, to call the west coast, and work weekends, because I love money, I love nice things, I will never deny that. So on my ride home, I get to thinking about all I have done for them (save there business, there homes from being foreclosed, and I was the ONLY one who was an actual worker their), so I call one of my bosses up, he is normally a relaxed guy, he let people where shorts and tees to work, smoke in the office etc.. So I call him and I level with him, I tell him, I want the money from those deals by the end of the week, on top of that, from now I want a piece of every person I sign up for a new processor, and I want a 10% raise on the commission (I aimed high, expecting to settle at 5%), he replied with who do you think you are? Not only did you leave early, but now you want a raise? I have fired better employees than you, so I said some things I wont type here lol, and quit. The next day my other boss called my house asking why I didn't come in, I told him what happened, and I heard him yelling at my other boss, ex-boss, and he begged and pleaded for me to come in, but I know first hand people can change, but it takes a while, and I didn't have time to wait. So 6 hours later I got a new job. (I have never interviewed for a job, and not gotten it). It was door to door sales, selling $2000 vacuums, they were a great product but very expensive. On top of that it's hard enough to get someone to let you in their house let alone, sell them on a product. While most people let the young women canvass, and set up appointments, I set up my own because I didn't want them taking half the money I made. There was a two week training class, out of 10 people that stuck around, about 5 canvassed themselves as well, in 2 weeks the other four spent a good 40+ hours knocking doors and couldn't get in. Now I'm about 6ft 220, so I looked more intimating compared to the others, (hence why young attractive women usually canvass), I knocked in 5 appointments out of 6 doors I knocked, (one person wasn't home). On top of that I sold all 5. My first month there I single handily out sold the entire office (20 employees, one with 20+years experience, and 5 with 30 years amongst them). I got paid on half of them, one day the owner just ups and leaves and screws over everyone, down to the landlord, phone company, any dollar he owed was not paid. So I then worked for another kid my age, the only reason was because they have this stupid policy you have to have 5 months of over 15 sales, to be able to open an office. So me and this guy (who at the time was a good friend) just went out on our own, put every deal under his name so he got his last month of 15. He had the "credentials", and I had the money and investors (my parents helped), to get this up and running. Between what I had saved and what my parents lent I got 20grand up. The first few months everything was going great, in fact I had a customer who was very big with the church, a BIG gospel church with a lot of members with money and credit. I sold her the product at cost (I made nothing off her sale), because while I was their she had the church buy 3, so I sold 4 in one house. I sold her it so cheap, because making a couple hundred wasn't worth the amount of referral business I assumed I would get off her. Off her referrals alone I sold 20 more in a row, and I never finished the other half of the list. The business account was in my partners names, since he had to be the one to be registered with the finance company. He told me that there was an issue with the bank, that they rejected the wire, and that it would have to be an ACH, and it would be 10 business days to get the money back to the middle bank then back to them, then repeat the process back to us. This was a stretch where every single deal we had was financed, usually you get 1/3 1/4 that pay in cash or check and 1/5 that pay with credit card, but everyone financed it, and put small or no down payments. So we had to pay the employees and bills, so we borrowed 5grand from my parents. Two weeks go by and he is at a distributor meeting, he had post dated a $9,000 check to my parents for the money he borrowed. It bounced, I called him up and he said he would be bringing a check back to deposit from his distributor (he was still considered a Distributor Trainee, you need 6 months of 50+ sales as an office). He gets back and tries to tell me that the deals all canceled, so I said cut the BS, there is no money is there, he stopped and said no, I'm like how could you spend that much money in such a short period of time, and he said bills, paying people, etc, and I said some words I wont repeat, told him to get out of my car. I started to get the worst panic attack of my life, I was gasping for air, the world was spinning, and felt like it crashing down, I revved my car up and was going to run him over, the only reason I didn't is because he had kids. It wasn't the fact I was taken for everything I had saved, it was the fact he had knowingly taken thousands in the weeks prior from my parents, and that just made me not think about any consequences, thank god he had kids or else I would probably be in jail right now. The crazy part was my parents weren't even mad, they were just happy I didn't go out and relapse. O and on top of that I found out someone either stole or he pawned off 20grand in merchandise, that same day, a topic I don't like talking about, but its relevant to what I'm getting at. So fast forward 7 months, I get about 5 calls a day to go work on wall street, 2 problems though, 1. The commute would be to hard with the hours I'd work, 2. I don't trust really any employer anymore. So what I have been doing is writing reviews for $5 a review, and doing surveys, daily clicks, and that other nonsense, and made about $100 last month on that site, I also entered a bunch of contests on forums and all in all made $500 in 1 1/2 months. Which is garbage IMO. I'm as new to this as new can be, be I also have a drive in me that grows everyday, I want to answer to myself and that's it, I'm sick of working harder than anyone else in an office, and then putting in extra hours to make more money just to get screwed again and again. Other than 2 years of doing drugs, and a year at college, this last 7 months has been the longest I haven't worked, and I could have had, and quit 50 jobs already, but I'm done running a business for some of my employers because they don't feel like coming to work, or because their to stupid to function a business, I had more business sense in my pinky than my last 3-4 employers and it makes me sick. So even though I'm new, I'm also a sponge, I pickup on concepts very quickly, I have an eye for seeing how two things can work together and how I can broker a relationship for them so they both prosper and I make money out of it, and most of all I have the time, the internet, and for once the patience to learn something that can make me money in the long run, and not jump into the first offer I get.

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Unread 21st Apr 2012, 01:05 PM   #33
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@ Ian

Please format you text with spaces, lines and paragraphs or I just get tired looking at it.

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Unread 27th Apr 2012, 10:12 AM   #34
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Dear Dee,

My name's Joan and I believe this year will be my year because hopefully I'm going to start university next September. To do so, though, I need money to pay all the fees. As I don't have it I decided to start IM.

I've had many problems so far and I'm struggling to make money. To be honest, I don't know where to start from. I'm a newbie who need help.

If you let me join your Online Marketing Foundation course and succeed in doing IM, I will be able to attend university next year. If not, only God knows where I'll end up.

I'm looking forward to your help.

Thank you very much indeed.

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Unread 16th May 2012, 03:08 AM   #35
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No offense Joan, but you should not be using those type of signatures if you didn't make money from it yourself.

This course is also for people who have a product or have tried to sell a product already online. It's not how to make money course - it's more why you didn't make money the first time course and how to correct it.

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Unread 16th May 2012, 12:01 PM   #36
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Hello Dee and everyone else reading this,

My name is Billy Levin and I am 14 years old. 2012 has already been a special year to me for plenty of reasons and I think that this year is really my time to shine both in the IM world and indeed, anywhere else life takes me.

This has been the year where I've started out with IM.

This has been the year where I've decided to take action.

This is the year that I will succeed.

This is the year that I will define myself as a person.

So why do I want to get involved in this coaching program? Well, with all the determination and willingness, I lack structure. I'm still a newbie to the IM game, and it would honestly be a true honour to have someone of Dee's stature giving me that structure and knowledge that will help me succeed.

I'm determined that 2012 is going to be the year that I look back on as the start of my success, and the start of my independence as a human being.

In 2012, I will prove to myself and to others that anything is possible with the correct mindset and belief.

I'm not a greedy person. I'm not looking for millions. I'm simply looking for the self-belief I've scarcely possessed throughout the course of my life, and I will do all this in 2012.

Thank you for reading.
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Unread 18th May 2012, 10:24 PM   #37
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Hey, Let me begin by telling you why I think "2012" is my online making money year.

At the starting of this year, I won an Iphone 4S in a contest that I participated which was nice considering the fate that my job was minimal. ;-D

And To sum it up, I have a new website started in April this year and is selling some services and have made some good cash to date and still counting. My converting rate ATM is almost 100%, like last night I got two clicks using Google adwords and make two sales. Haha! I am making sales every other day. The customers are happy they are getting my services at affordable rate and I am happy I am making fast sales. The best part is that my job is minimal.

However, I know I can make more on this but I am still new on selling online and is checking out other avenues of selling.

And I really want to make a considerable amount of money online this year enough to get a new car or something. I have a job offline which is paying considerably okay for me but I consider "making money online" as my side business.

I have just found out the best way is selling your own services/products. I had some success being an affiliate for one month( made 5 sales using Facebook ads) but it held no interest for me thinking whether/when/how I will be paid. I am in the process of selling another new services and is researching on it ATM.

Just saw your thread and thought "yea, 2012 is definitely my year online" and would love to hear your views.

Thanks :-D
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Unread 19th May 2012, 02:47 PM   #38
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Hey Dee,
I am a determined and motivated individual. I have seen some tough times lately loosing my job to downsizing but have continued to pull myself back on my feet to do whatever it takes for my family. I will always survive and refuse to let tough times drag me down no matter what the circumstances are.

I have tried affiliate marketing in the past using amazon products with a review site. I had very little success but did actually make a couple sales but had to cancel my hosting as times got harder which i regret but needed to make the sacrifice to pay for other things.

I'm hoping 2012 is going to be my year, actually I know it's going to be my year. Things are getting better here on the home front and I'm looking forward to making this year a successful one.

Thanks for the opportunity and hopefully I can be one of the chosen few to be granted access to your program.

Have a good one Dee!


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Unread 24th May 2012, 12:57 AM   #39
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i say to myself that every year that rolls around will be my year but iu seem to be in the same space i was when that year ends and another begins, all i can say is that ive looked for years to make money online and havent been sucessful, so is this my year? i hope so, can you help me? i hope so, i have nothing to lose!
and yes im hungry to earn big $
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Unread 24th May 2012, 01:06 AM   #40
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wow interesting additions here. I got sidetracked with a WSO I released yesterday, but I will be responding to many of you later today for more info.

I must clarify that this is not a affiliate marketing course, it is designed for people who have a product or service - and it teaches both business mindset and tricks to ramp up profitability.

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Unread 8th Jun 2012, 03:14 PM   #41
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Hi Dee,
I am determined to make this year another year to remember. The birth of my daughter last November has pushed me to work harder at my internet marketing venture. The cuts to my works salary and pension as well as my sideline income taking a little dive i am focusing all my available time to develop my online service. It is very much a work in progress at the time of writing this but with the hand of solid information and guidance I will not fail. I know the value a successful testimonial can bring to your own business so its a win win for both of us. I will not fail you or myself.

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Unread 13th Jun 2012, 12:32 AM   #42
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@8485 -

Interesting how many UK marketers are now showing up on WF (I'm British too).

PM me your Skype details and lets talk - your design skills will be a nice addition to the group...


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Unread 13th Jun 2012, 12:33 AM   #43
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ps- To those who are not getting replies - you have to show me that YOU HAVE A BUSINESS. I look to help those that have a business.

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Unread 19th Jun 2012, 02:11 AM   #44
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Hello Dee Kumar,

Good to see that you're giving valuable content to warriors for free! My name is Jerrel and I just started my own business. I created my own blog (see signature) and I will launch my first WSO this week, so I'm very excited.

2012 is going to be my year because I think taking action is the most important aspect of Internet Marketing and I'm taking action right now. This is the first time I'm really taking action. 2012 will be my succes year!
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Unread 20th Jun 2012, 10:27 AM   #45
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2012 will be the year I complete my setup. I have had a few irons in fire for the past year. I currently run a hosting business, an outsourced web development business and am getting established in the IM market ( I have a blog, a funnel and small list).

I have a few obstacles in my way and to be honest probably lack a bit of focus but thats where I'm hoping you'd be able to help me.

Here's what I picked up up from your sales page:
- You teach how to increase your productivity
- You teach how to align with your customers
- You teach how to leverage Social media to increase conversions
- You teach how to form JVs to maximise sales
- You teach product price management and how to effectively run discounts to sell to existing customer base (something I'm very interested in)
- You teach how to manage outsourcers effetively (something I am doing already but would love some advice on how to take it further)

So what can I bring to the table:
- Offline sales knowledge - Getting leads and converting them through networking
- Online project management
- Effective cross promotion techniques
- Web development skills
- Positioning for differentiation

I'd love to chat with about this further. My skype id is on the left hit me up anytime.

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Unread 20th Jun 2012, 10:10 PM   #46
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@ Jerrel,

The first thing you should do to help your blog is join: Blog Commenting Tribe: Over 170,000 NEW blogs are created EVERY day…

It's one of my project and totally free, but it's a group of dedicated bloggers who all comment on each others blogs, so that you blog looks active, instead of empty comment sections (active blogs create more action).

Secondly - send me a pm with your Skype details and we can chat to see if you fit the program.

@ Toby - I think I like the way you think! Send me a pm also with your Skype details and lets chat.


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Unread 20th Jun 2012, 10:56 PM   #47
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wow, nice to see so many people are so fascinated about this topic. Developing systems like this takes time and effort. So much time and effort, some times years.

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Unread 21st Jun 2012, 12:15 PM   #48
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Lets see... I could make you read your pants off but I'll try and stick to the good stuff.

2012 will be the year I completely rearrange my business to make it online. I have had mild success with offline marketing but am looking to take it online from here on out. I currently have a great blog thats active, a brand new green screen studio, friendships built up with a few other great marketers that could be good JV partners or affiliates and plenty of product ideas. Like Toby, I am on my way to getting established in the Internet Marketing market.

So I have...
Good WordPress skills and tools, an active blog, squeeze pages, MRR products and some of my own reports I have written, video creation studio and skills, experience selling offline in person and through writing sales letters, and lots of drive.

This is what I am looking to do:
- Build a brand and name in the IM niche
- Start building a list through:
-my blog
- solo ads (about to start solos in a week or so)
- Free WSO's
- 100% Commission WSO's

- Offer quality content to my list
- Start affiliate marketing
- Begin building & selling small products

As far as obstacles go... haha I'm sure there will be plenty as far as figuring all the technical stuff out but thats not gonna stop me.

If you would like to speak with me further you can shoot me a PM or my email addy is in my contact info.

Thanks for the opportunity Kumar!


P.S. Thanks for the heads up on
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Unread 21st Jun 2012, 02:39 PM   #49
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You do not mention anything really about a product but I see one in your sig. Is that yours?

Well here is a way to get 100% improvement in downloads. Don't make some download 250 mb of instructions just to see what the damn thing does. Have a few pictures that show what it does, add a video and some text and then your download rate will increase amazingly. It may be one of the best plugins out there, but nothing goes on my site unless I feel I need it - and without seeing I have no way of knowing. Get my drift?

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Unread 21st Jun 2012, 04:28 PM   #50
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Thanks Kumar, I just threw that up a few days ago, only been at it for 2 weeks with that blog. I'll make sure and throw some images up and a better description. I originally just had the plugin there for my blog goers but it turned into my signature link here.

As for the product... I wrote up the and created the eBook on copywriting. Yes, I have some experience doing copywriting for offline clients. Once again, just threw it up a few days ago and could probably use a better description and some copy lol.

Been busy working on the actual squeeze pages and sales pages for my OTO for my solo ads as of late.

Anyways, once again thanks for the blogcommentingtribe resource and the tips.
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