Thank you Warrior Forum for Freemarket.

2 replies

Where do I start? For once in my life I can post something positive about WarriorForum. I was getting tired of Flippa constantly raising their fees because of their greedy fingers wanting the whole pie. Your free structure is perfect at a 5% success fee, because any more than that means killing the profit for 90% of the sellers.

I fear that your main competitor is now scrambling, not knowing where to turn, because of the launch of Freemarket.

I tip my hat to you. You have finally listened to the groans of us 'little' IMers.
#forum #freemarket #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
    Thanks Chickenfillet

    We want this marketplace to be the best - designed by Warriors, for Warriors. Any feedback you have on how to improve it would be most valued.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499385].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maqua
    Looks like a interesting site, congrats on the launch
    Two Guys Domains in business since 1997 lets make more $$$ EMO Domains one stop shop for a premium domains and expired domains.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499493].message }}

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