How to double your website traffic within a Month?
1. Make sure your website/blog is fully search engine optimized
2. Submit to relevant web/blog directories
3. Submit your website/blog to search engines, specially google using google webmaster tool
4. Learn how to use Google webmaster tool thoroughly
5. Identify your competitors and keep an eye upon them
6. Use Google keyword planner to find relevant keywords and use Google search to find the related searches.
7. Write content rich long blog posts based on long tail keywords you found from Google keyword planner/Google related search results.Blog post should be fully search engine optimized.
8. Promote in social media. You must create facebook page, twitter account, Instagram account, Stumble upon account, Reddit account, Pinterest account, and all most all the popular social sites.
9. Share the contents you made in your social audience.
10.Use popular hash tags in twitter
11.Tweet more than once every day. But make sure not to scam
12.Tweet at the peak time. Specially your target audience's peak time.
13.Try to engage your audience as much as you can. By starting an interesting conversation
14.Provide a pop up subscription feature in your website/blog. In order to build a loyal audience.
15.Re-post your old posts in social media.
16. Start backlinking, Try getting backlinks from government websites and educational website.
17, Comment relevant blog post which will give you to build good relation with other bloggers.
18. Find guest posting opportunities and invites others to write for your blog
19. Participate in forum discussion
20. Create an eye catching profile signature for your forum account.
Hope these tips will boost your traffic than now.
24 Useful SEO On-Page Optimization Tips For Your Blog
To know more or if you need any sorts of help
E-mail : s.m.asif@zestapps.com
Learn Blogging for Free - Beginners Guide for 2017. Visit Learnwebskills101.com