How to know if there is demand for the video course I am working on

2 replies
I am working on a 2 to 3 hour video course, to teach basic coding principles for newbies. I plan to teach 4 languages and the promise is to teach it in one day. The course is not about getting someone a coding job in one day but it is about getting someone from zero to three in a scale of one to ten in one day. How can I know if there is a demand for what I am working on beforehand and build a list to launch?
#demand #video #working
  • Profile picture of the author nazerahtahir
    I don't fully understand what your product will be about but, from what I know... usually product creators do their research on where their target market is at. For example like for internet marketing niche WF is one the place to go to. You could also check out Udemy if the topic you are looking to create is in demand (i.e. if there is an existing course, how many people are purchasing and reviewing the course, etc.)

    Hope this helps!

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    • Profile picture of the author Sathish Manohar
      Originally Posted by nazerahtahir View Post

      I don't fully understand what your product will be about but, from what I know... usually product creators do their research on where their target market is at. For example like for internet marketing niche WF is one the place to go to. You could also check out Udemy if the topic you are looking to create is in demand (i.e. if there is an existing course, how many people are purchasing and reviewing the course, etc.)

      Hope this helps!
      Thanks. I'm collecting feedback on Reddit and other places now.
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