Four growth hacking techniques that actually work

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Growth hacking is transforming into some kind of mith nowadays, everybody talks about it, everybody share their "success cases", but only a few really know good techniques that can actually work.
The truth is, growth hacking is not some sort of magic, deep inside, is actually a very complex form of social engineering, used to generate and enlarge audiences in different channels.
Ive been working as a marketer for a few years now, and I wanted to share with you some of the growth hacking techniques that had actually work for me:
  • Two sides referal program:
People is more likely to buy something when they have been referred by a friend, and this proccess helps a lot to enlarge the audience of your account as well. A good referal program would include benefits for both sides of the transactions, this benefits can be simple things, like discount coupouns, free products, etc.
  • Contests:
This is one of the oldests growth hacking techniques, but is still a very valuable one, a good contest can get you thousands and thousands of suscribers, and if you include a good form in them, you can also use them to get emails and build a solid email list.
  • Design special campaigns for the competitors audience:
If you have big competitors in your business or niche, stop worrying about them, and start using them as a way to grow your own accounts, create targeted ads to their audience, or use automation tools in Twitter or Instagram to "stole" their followers, if you add some kind of special promotion for them, this will work even better.
  • Retargeting ads:
I think retargeting ads are a extremely powerful tool, and only a few people are actually using them as they should. With a good retargeted campaign, you can bring back the visitors that left your website without buying anything, this is can be of great help to generate leads, in some of the accounts I have managed, the use of retargeted ads can generate an 1000% increase in brand searches.

This are some of the techniques Im currently using, I would be glad to hear your own techniques and experiences.
#growth #hacking #techniques #work

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