How to create a lead magnet that CONVERTS
Sounds simple.
With a lead magnet, the problem is you only have a limited window in which to grab the attention of your target market and get them to give you their email address so it's really important that you get it right straight away.
I played around with this a lot when I first started in the industry so I can tell you that it's experience that has got me where I am today in this area. I just thought I'd share a few things I've learnt on how to create a useful lead magnet as I know there are a lot of people who are just starting out so it's cool that we can all jump in and help each other.
It would also be good to know if anyone has any other pieces of information that they think would be useful for others to know?
So basically marketing is way more sophisticated these days than it used to be and it's not enough to just ask someone for their email address any more so people are coming up with new and creative ways to get the info. The key things to consider are as follows:
First thing to think about is providing something of VALUE to your target market. This means giving them awesome content and the best way to do this is, in a really broad nutshell, is SOLVE A PROBLEM for them.
People are on your site because you can help them solve a difficulty in their life and getting them to give you their email address won't be easy - but if you give them what you're looking for you'll be wonning hands down!
Now obviously your future customer isn't going to just tell you what their problem is and it's really quite dangerous to assume, so there's a bit of work involved in finding out what it is. The first way is to ask them. On the phone, face to face (if you can), in all of your comms, get to know the customer and compile a list of their problems. People use social media, blog sites and your website to leave their feedback - and now you know what you can do with it! You'll notice common themes emerging and this is where you should focus your attention.
Next check your Google Analytics to see which of your pages are the most popular. This will also give you a good indication of what you're going to address when you come to create your magnet.
The second thing to consider is how you're going to get that content out there. eBooks are good because they're short, sharp and to the point and provide quite a lot of information. Podcasts are great because people can listen to them on the go. Webinars are also popular because people feel like they're getting value for (no) money. The avenue you choose to share your topic really depends on your audience and also on your resource, no good going for an eBook if you can't write and don't have budget to pay for one, or choosing a podcast if you don't have adequate recording equipment!
It's possible to mix up your content and present it in a variety of styles, but this is up to you and how your business works.
So there's a bit off advice from me, over to you - what's your experience with generating lead magnets and have you got anything that we can all learn from?
reubenswartz -
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