What are some advice you could give to an entrepreneur with no connections?

18 replies
I believe your input here might help a lot of future entrepreneurs. Let us hear your advice...
#advice #connections #entrepreneur #give
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  • Profile picture of the author Haris Tahic
    Add "no capital and no experience" to the question.
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    • I started with minimal connections as well, but over time, I have increased this dramatically.
      Best place I think is Facebook....Start to join a lot of groups in your niche, then slowly friend request people in those groups.
      You will have hundreds, if not thousands of new contacts in no time.

      Don't go crazy with the friend requests though, slow and steady wins the race.

      Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    No connection - no money - no experience....

    I'd tell him to get a job and do the 'entrepreneur thing' part time till he figures it out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Haris Tahic
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      No connection - no money - no experience....

      I'd tell him to get a job and do the 'entrepreneur thing' part time till he figures it out.
      I'd agree with you. That's the most obvious way to get connected, get the funds, and get the experience needed for the entrepreneurship.
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  • Profile picture of the author DarkDark
    The above advice is solid, but not much use if - like many of us are - you're bloody-minded and eager to be proactive.

    So, here are some alternative suggestions for steps to take, employed or not:

    Social: Follow influential people on LinkedIn/Twitter and leave intelligent comments and insights on their posts. Engage others and build connections.

    Local Interest: Find local interest groups for business people/marketers/designers/entrepreneurs... whatever your skills are. Also look for groups which may contain complimentary skills or potential clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    From "no", you should "add" more connections (both on Internet and real life), this is the way you get some first clients to maintain your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Hunsons
    It's never too late to start moving to get new experienced connections.
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  • Profile picture of the author thomarv37
    If you want to build high value connections I would use the following system:

    1. Use scraping software to scrape LinkedIn profiles of people in the field your niche appeals to.

    2. Using your email list, invite those contacts to join you on LinkedIn

    3. LinkedIn will only allow you to invite so many people a day so find out what the limit is and keep adding people. You will also need to remove email addresses who haven't responded and connected within a few days.

    4. Once you have connections on LinkedIn, you will be able to send them direct messages.


    Join relevant groups for your niche to increase the number of second and third level connections to expand your potential follower base.

    Create separate LinkedIn accounts if you want to reach more than one niche

    Make sure your LinkedIn profile is niche oriented so it appears that your profile is relevant to your niche
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  • Profile picture of the author vasskachk
    for this you still need good connections or all the same excellent abilities and hard work. Try to register on Linkedin and make a profile. And work. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin evans
    For a successful entrepreneur, they must have the connection in the related field. They need to keep them self-updated with day to day changes. If there is an entrepreneur with no connections, Well there are multiple platforms that allow you to get connected with your target audience. Nowadays social media is your best friend who can introduce you to the market quickly. All you need to know about your target audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Spend 6-8 hours daily Haris making connections by:

    - commenting genuinely on blogs
    - commenting genuinely on social media updates
    - promoting top pros in your niche through social media and your blog

    Ask for NOTHING in return and expect nothing. Friendships form. You get connected.

    You get connected by actively making connections through your generosity.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Connections belongs on how much authority you have, which belongs to how much content you spread, how many happy customers etc.

    As an example it's good to open a youtube channel, to open a blog, to make 1 post a day, etc.

    So if you spread the world with your effort, naturally people in your niche will seek you.
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  • Profile picture of the author newton
    You answered your own question right away.

    But my 2c...I'd start from the very beginning. There's no point finding connections if you don't know what/who you want to be. You must first decide what value you are going to bring to the market, then go out and provide that value. That will get connections for you and you can grow from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author ncinsure90
    If you have a good connection with people you can get success.
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  • Profile picture of the author newton
    No connections, no capital and no experience.

    Well firstly, they need to stop calling themselves an entrepreneur. If they were, then they'd already be working on that stuff and not asking for help and advice. Entrepreneurs figure things out for themselves, or hire people to do it for them.

    But advice wise....choose something they are passionate about, find a need in the market and create a solution they can charge for.
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    Invest in a mentor!

    Although it may sound trivial it is crucial to have someone that have done this before you and can show you the right direction.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnissamcGary
    My suggestion would be keep on trying don't giveup. Because we never know when the success comes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Hunsons
    Find connections. This is MUST DO.
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