Indiegog Vs kickstarter Vs GoFundme,What is the Best ?

4 replies
I want to know what crowdfunding platforms do you use to raise money if you are already raise money online for a specific project ?
#gofundme #indiegog #kickstarter
  • Profile picture of the author Roth
    Neither. You might as well set up a page for whatever you want to fund, yourself. Then get a paypal link in there for collecting donations. At least this way, you cut out the unnecessary middle man that is crowdfunding websites. They don't help you at all...they just take their money for doing nothing. Did you ever see that South Park episode? They nailed it right on the head. Go fund yourself and save money at the same time.
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    • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
      Originally Posted by Roth View Post

      They don't help you at all...they just take their money for doing nothing. Did you ever see that South Park episode? They nailed it right on the head. Go fund yourself and save money at the same time.

      Clearly you know nothing about crowd funding!

      Originally Posted by Roth View Post

      Neither. You might as well set up a page for whatever you want to fund, yourself. Then get a paypal link in there for collecting donations. At least this way, you cut out the unnecessary middle man that is crowdfunding websites.

      Good luck with that!

      Indiegog Vs kickstarter Vs GoFundme,What is the Best ?
      I can't speak for GoFundme but out of the remaining two sites, I prefer Indiegogo for the simple reason that they offer flexible funding.
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  • Profile picture of the author Skystar

    Thee are lots of good CF sites - depends on your experience, product / service / cause, goal, budget etc.

    * Kickstarter - the 800 lb gorilla - has 75% of the industry. Average customer service. All-or-nothing funding. No help with marketing. Fussy on what they will or won't accept. Has a great rep. I wouldn't use them for your first gig.

    * IndeiGoGo - flex funding. PayPal donations go right to your PPal account. Slava Rubin, CEO - good guy. Will accept almost any campaign. Tons of competition.

    Several other good ones, - CrowdSupply, RocketHub, Tilt, Fundable, CrowdCube (equity) etc. They all charge about the same - 5% + 3% payment [processing.

    I'm afraid I must disagree with Roth (above). Unless you're Star Citizen ($55M), Coolest Cooler, ($13M), Ouya ($8M), or Pebble ($10M), you'd best stick with one of the majors. They have the rep, WYSIWYG page set up, payment processing and analytics a newbie needs to get his feet wet. I'm a crowdfunder & those are my thoughts - good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Robinsh123
    Try KickStarter
    You can save upto 75% on this awesome deal, so hurry up and GRAB it before the price hike.
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