41 replies
I found 1 good worker on Fiverr but I find it to generally suck. The people never respond, and when they do they are terrible communicators.

Does anyone else have this issue with them? Craigslist is way more reliable.
  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    I recall Fiverr was very good a few years ago. I would go on and get great logos for $5.

    Now all the example logos I see suck and if you want anything "extra" like color then its +$5 for color, +$10 to not let my 5-year-old son do the work, +$10 to remove typos

    Same with writing. I ordered a couple of articles from someone (highly reviewed) and got awesome articles. I don't get articles any more because it seems English is nobody's first language on Fiverr.

    I think it started of as a great idea and site and attracted a lot of skilled people who delivered quality products for a low price because they had low cost of living, etc.

    Now Fiverr has evolved and the sellers are either very low quality because they know they can get away with it or they are higher priced service providers using Fiverr as a loss leader selling services that really are crap unless you pay $50 for upgrades. Which defeats the whole purpose of a site like Fivver.
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    • Profile picture of the author BizMath
      Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

      I recall Fiverr was very good a few years ago. I would go on and get great logos for $5.

      Now all the example logos I see suck and if you want anything "extra" like color then its +$5 for color, +$10 to not let my 5-year-old son do the work, +$10 to remove typos

      Same with writing. I ordered a couple of articles from someone (highly reviewed) and got awesome articles. I don't get articles any more because it seems English is nobody's first language on Fiverr.

      I think it started of as a great idea and site and attracted a lot of skilled people who delivered quality products for a low price because they had low cost of living, etc.

      Now Fiverr has evolved and the sellers are either very low quality because they know they can get away with it or they are higher priced service providers using Fiverr as a loss leader selling services that really are crap unless you pay $50 for upgrades. Which defeats the whole purpose of a site like Fivver.
      Sellers are right. They are teaching a nice lesson for the people who're willing to buy their skills for a cheap price.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zak L.
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  • Profile picture of the author ColinChia
    You pay for what you get with Fiverr, I mean from my experience it has been very good with video intro's and small tasks that you'd pay $5 dollars for... don't expect them to bend over backwards, that's all I'm saying. Be careful when reading the service descriptions, because as mentioned before they do tend to include a bunch of upsells enticing you to spend more money - it's only natural.

    I'd definitely recommend fiverr if you are on a budget and are wanting to keep cost down. There are gems to be found on there still
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    • Profile picture of the author 102beano
      I am in a position where I am following other people's outsourcing guides and trying to implement what they recommend. WRONG.
      Fiverr has a huge number of people who speak a second language poorly... mainly English. Sorry, but that is the way it is.
      Bad communication, poor execution... the worst part is not necessarily that buyers are out a few bucks but it is the lost time. I would rather pay 4 or 5 times as much, get it done right and get it done on time. Fiverr really is going to go downhill very quickly because they are simply not reliable any longer like they were in the beginning. IMO
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      • Profile picture of the author pintara3
        My experience with Fiverr has been good, yes there probably are some shady operators, do you due dilligence look at reviews and amount of work they have done. I have been using the same people for months.Great quality quick service,
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  • Profile picture of the author David Mcalorum
    More often than not I go with the featured providers.
    But there are gems as well that are not featured ,
    you just have to take the risk and try them out
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    • Profile picture of the author dbsmitty
      Originally Posted by David Mcalorum View Post

      More often than not I go with the featured providers.
      But there are gems as well that are not featured ,
      you just have to take the risk and try them out
      I agree with that. I've gone with the featured people when it came to gigs involving any kind of real product or work such as writing an article and I haven't really had any problems.

      Also I look for people who have some kind of samples - and I do look at the reviews.

      The one thing I have had my doubts about have been things like website visitors. They'll advertise "real" visits - but when your visits seem to go up but your conversion rates sit solidly at zero - that raises doubts.

      There are certain gigs I will order there and ones I won't. I will order writing gigs because I can tell by the way their description is written if they write in broken English. I usually do most of my writing myself, though. But I have also ordered the gigs because I don't always have time.

      I'll order YouTube views because whether they're real or not, more views help you rank. Of course you have to be careful to get someone who will provide those views a bit at a time over a certain period - you don't want to get flagged.

      I would not be opposed to ordering a graphic related gig because they'll generally show samples - but I typically do my own graphic work.

      I would also not be opposed to ordering voice-over work, though I have not had cause to do so as of yet. I do my own voice-work too - lol.

      I have ordered music tracks for some of my own music. Got a guy to do keyboard and a sax solo on one of my songs and that worked out really well.

      I will - though it can be a gamble - order social bookmarks, depending on what they're offering. The deal with social bookmarks is that you have to use them to bookmark something that people would actually be interested in. I won't use them to bookmark a site, but a YouTube video. Also not a video promoting something like a used car lot - unless the video employs humor. Humor, btw, is an under-rated tool of great value in marketing.

      I'm actually very seriously considering creating a Fiverr gig myself re-writing people's sales copy in plain English. I don't really expect to make any serious money on it - if at all. Mostly I want to do it for my own satisfaction. When I get marketing emails written in broken English I'll email the people back and say, "With all due respect, you're losing sales." Then I'll refer them to my Fiverr gig.
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  • Profile picture of the author HDRider
    I have always had good luck with fiverr, I contact the person first before ordering to see how they respond to my questions.

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  • Profile picture of the author hbennick
    I used fiverr to make some flat 2D logos. I was looking for simple and clean, not complex. I paid $10 for 3 logos, and the guy reconfigured one of them two different times for me. Overall I was quite pleased.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    Yea I try find gigs that have a high amount of positive feedbacks. Also i tend use fiverr for smaller jobs such as banners or ecovers. I notice bigger jobs like getting traffic or writing articles tend to be poor.
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  • Profile picture of the author DenEdBiz
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by dbsmitty View Post

      I would not be opposed to ordering a graphic related gig because they'll generally show samples - but I typically do my own graphic work.
      Yes, ordered some cleaning up of edges for complex images and overall she did a fast and great job. I still had to clean the white background off some of the edges here and where, but she literally saved me a days effort, and my wrist as well.

      I gave two positive reviews, that attracted one newbie with no orders and someone more experienced.

      I tired out both to design a flyer for Graphicriver, (very high standards) the first, didn't do a good job, and the second a bit better, either would have got slammed by GR, so for simple labour intensive work, Fiverr is great, but complex, creative stuff not so great!

      I had a third guy contact me, but his English was terrible, so l corrected one of his big spelling mistakes and kept my distance!

      I used to do service based gigs for them, but after realising that l was working a few hours for maybe $10 -$15, l realised that it wasn't worth it!
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  • Profile picture of the author habibkhan01
    I think fiverr is the largest market place of seo service. You can get better service from experienced seller.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Eh, there's a lot of crap on fiverr and the fact that their system is now tailored to higher priced gigs with upsells some sellers have gotten a bit out of hand with what $5.5 really gets the buyer.

      But i have a pool of sellers who know me already and treat me well. I don't mind giving these people more than the fiverr ($5) for good work, and they know i always come back, so as long as the work quality is there even $20 - 30 is a STEAL for some of the stuff i get.

      I consider Fiverr more of a gateway for sellers to connect with strong willing buyers. Once you find the shortcuts and ways to communicate with sellers and buyers outside of fiverr, you bypass their needless fees and make a solid lasting relationship with a quality vendor
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  • Profile picture of the author Dec Mc
    The high rated sellers are the Only ones to go for on Fiverr , they care about their reputation and want good reviews all the time so with that they produce what they are asked for !
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    I agree. Heard too many bad stories about bad sellers & would only order from top rated sellers as well. Usually get what you pay for though.


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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    I have found so many pirated image and graphics packs on Fiverr it's hard to trust most of the sellers in those categories.


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  • Profile picture of the author Shri Gp
    Fiverr team must do something to maintain gigs quality or else they soon going to pay the price for it


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  • Profile picture of the author cashcowonline
    Its become more of a gamble with Fiverr these days. If you are lucky enough you end up finding the right seller or buyer (in case you are a service provider).
    The best strategy is to go with highly rated sellers. If you are on a tight budget, I guess Fiverr is still a viable option.
    All in all Fiverr is still a great place provided you are willing to do your homework diligently.
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    • Profile picture of the author prashanthk
      Originally Posted by habibkhan01 View Post

      I think fiverr is the largest market place of seo service. You can get better service from experienced seller.
      You are kidding right? SEO on Fiverr is limited to running GSA SER/SENuke/<fill in the blank> on spammy sites (that look about to be de indexed).
      Back in the hay day of spam links this might have mattered, but not any more. But I agree that there are a few services that work well (and they are not featured for some strange reason).
      You want cheaper service for SEO (mail accounts, web 2, etc.) head to SEOClerk.

      Originally Posted by NeedBucksNow View Post

      I agree. Heard too many bad stories about bad sellers & would only order from top rated sellers as well. Usually get what you pay for though.
      Yeah. But why don't you get a refund? The sellers seem to *know* when they have delivered a bad deal and back away when asked to cancel the order. I have done this multiple times and have not seen anyone disputing the action since they care about their ratings more.

      Fiverr rules are simple. If the work seems too good to be true for the money, it definitely is.

      An example -
      I had a designer tell me in a recent order that he will take at least 4 weeks to design a logo on Fiverr. He has a crowded pipeline, is rated really good, and his sample work impressed me. That led me to believe him rather than the 2-4 hr delivery time for the "best logos in the industry". Most of these are just re-colored versions from free logo sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Originally Posted by moneymagneto View Post

    I found 1 good worker on Fiverr but I find it to generally suck. The people never respond, and when they do they are terrible communicators.

    Does anyone else have this issue with them? Craigslist is way more reliable.
    How can you even compare fiverr to craigslist? I agree that fiverr has begun to suck nowadays but comparing fiverr to craiglist?

    The key to fiverr is to search and find the 10% of the sellers that really rock there.

    Once you do that you'll get yourself some fantastic price to value services. You need to "burn" some money first (or ask for a refund) and then keep the "good" seller list.

    Nothing sucks, you just need to tweak it a bit.

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  • Profile picture of the author Skystar
    Fiverr is tricky but can be good.

    1. Forget about any of the marketing / promo gigs - mostly crap that doesn't work.

    2. Always check out their work samples and videos then email them fist before buying a gig.

    3. It's real important to let them know _exactly_ what you're looking for

    4. I've talked to 2 people who are making great money on Fiverr. They both say the site primarily connects them with prospects, many of whom need a lot more services than they originally sign up for.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcowonline
    While all talks of crap seller hold merit we must try to look at this issue from a different angle as well. Fiverr and its buyers ask for the best service by shelling out as little as possible. In fact, a lot of buyers forget that sellers are making only $4 per gig and the rest $1 goes to Fiverr. So what more can you expect for such a bargain of a price. Its very frustrating for the sellers to provide the best for so little.
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  • Profile picture of the author concerro
    I have had good quality and some garbage. I was trying to get a logo done for a site that I eventually decided not to make, and the logo was nothing like what I asked for. I simply bookmarked the seller so I would know not to buy from him again. He actually had good ratings. I don't know how.
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  • I also work on fiverr and i never communicate with customers like that. Keep in mind that currently are holidays
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  • Profile picture of the author Dellco
    Fiverr sucks for sure. You can send messages to 10 people, and only 1-2 will reply back. And the top sellers are often booked up so they don't reply, while the less popular sellers cannot be bothered to reply or communicate. Even if they do, they take HOURS, sometimes DAYS.

    I wonder why they even bother creating their Fiverr pages. 90% crap.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      People good at what thy do will always move on from $4 pay

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      • Profile picture of the author niles
        I have ordered over 60 gigs and only had one minor problem.

        I always start with one gig and read at least the last 10 reviews.

        Also, as a test, ask them a question to see if they answer.

        Check their response time and samples of their work.

        You really can't go very wrong for $5.5.

        If they suck, more on to the next one.

        Niles Miller

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  • Profile picture of the author SunnyDays81
    Originally Posted by moneymagneto View Post

    I found 1 good worker on Fiverr but I find it to generally suck. The people never respond, and when they do they are terrible communicators.

    Does anyone else have this issue with them? Craigslist is way more reliable.
    I have 3 Fiverr people that I have found I can rely on to get quality, reliable work from on a regular basis.

    However I have had to try out over 50 different people to acquire this solid group of 3 people.

    Really, all you can do is browse through the reviews and test each person yourself. That way, over time you WILL find good people.

    On a side note, this past year I have found the % of people offering service on Fiverr to continue to be less and less from the United States. Is this a bad thing? Well, I guess it really depends on what type of work you are looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author regize
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    • Profile picture of the author geoscash1
      I find fiverr to be almost a waste of time anymore for just about everything. It is so saturated with crap and some users have umpteen profiles selling the same crap gig so it makes it hard to sift thru all the b.s.

      As someone above mentioned "what do you expect", well I (you) should expect the work properly done if they are willing to post that they will do the work for that price, simple as that...That's why its called fiverr and that's what the original intent was...

      Now what cracks me up is the fact that they are charging a processing fee of .50 cents for any gig order....lmao.... And people adding a gig for tips when their gig sux..

      Obviously there are a few good services offered but it is a pain to find them anymore, so when you do find one, make sure to save them...

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      • Profile picture of the author Dellco
        Actually most will upsell you even though a gig is meant to be $5. Really, Fiverr is a joke. I always get people charging me $50-100+ on a $5 site, or at least they claim to be.

        Fiverr really sucks. Be prepared to spend at the very least, $10-30, on Fiverr. It's only $5 in name.

        And be prepared for a lot of NON REPLIES. 90% sellers are not bothered to reply. Or take very long time to make a half assed reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author quinng123
    It is relative to the service not applicable to fiverr as a whole
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  • Profile picture of the author HCVNI
    Fiverr's gone downhill badly. I actually closed my account after a dispute (alluded to above) where I ordered an intro video but they wouldn't deliver it unless I upgraded to HD for another $5. I didn't want, nor need, HD so I refused to pay and Fiverr took the seller's side.
    The gig I bought was SD, and HD was listed as an extra. It turned out they didn't have an SD version of it to sell.

    That was a while ago. I opened a new account 2 days ago, just to buy one particular service I was looking, and the highly rated seller I bought from immediately contacted me to say that if I left him/her fantastic feedback, like all the others they already had (and why I picked them), they would send me a brilliant bonus.
    I politely told them to deliver the gig first, and then I would leave honest feedback, but it seems I am in the minority.

    So yes, it sucks compared to what it was.
    They don't up to their name any more, literally.
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  • Profile picture of the author Face Cap
    I have never order from fiverr, no much idea how effective
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  • Profile picture of the author TaniasMoney
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  • Profile picture of the author RecessionPROOF

    Like everything on the internet, what worked yesterday does not mean it will work today, never mind tomorrow. Fiverr is a 50/50 gamble at best today.

    Success to all,
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucasp
    Originally Posted by moneymagneto View Post

    Fiverr seems to suck
    That kinda summed up my experience of it too.

    I got $40 stuck in that account, refunded from a software guy who wasted 3 weeks of my life because he couldn't do what he persuaded me he could do.

    And every time I try to spend it I come across bad work, poor communication and sellers who treat it like a farm.

    And nothing on Fiverr seems to be a fiverr anymore - what's that all about?
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  • Profile picture of the author austria
    Originally Posted by moneymagneto View Post

    Fiverr I find it to generally suck. The people never respond, and when they do they are terrible communicators.

    I got $40 stuck in that account, refunded from a software guy who wasted 3 weeks of my life because he couldn't do what he persuaded me he could do.

    And every time I try to spend it I come across bad work, poor communication and sellers who treat it like a farm.
    Yes, exactly, fiver is the sure way to waste your time and throw your money out the window.

    And the fiver fees commissions are simply outrageous, they practically take almost 2.00 $ commissions fees in total, while the seller / provider gets only 3.60 $ per gig,
    making fiver one of the top greediest companies online...
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    • Profile picture of the author Slade556
      Originally Posted by austria View Post

      And the fiver fees commissions are simply outrageous, they practically take almost 2.00 $ commissions fees in total, while the seller / provider gets only 3.60 $ per gig,
      making fiver one of the top greediest companies online...
      I agree, commissions are outrageous. But they're 20%, so that means you pay $5, and the seller gets $4. Or you pay $10, the seller gets $8, and so on.

      Back on topic. I'm with Nauman on this one.
      There are a ton of bad service providers, who registered just to make a quick buck but they don't bother to offer anything of quality.
      However, there are plenty of good service providers! It's a shame they have to 'compete' with these people who are practically ruining everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nauman K
    I don't think that Fiverr sucks at all though there are many bad service providers nowadays on Fiverr. If you want find a good one, you will have to search for it. Contact them before order, you will know about their services by communicating with them.
    Besides the sellers also care about their ratings. They will have to provide good services if don't want bad reviews on their gigs. Also if you don't like the work at all, just cancel the order.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxqsoft
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