Traffic Geyser Or Tube Mogul?

4 replies
I was wondering if anyone has tried one of these services?

If so what should I go for as I want to use videos for marketing?
#geyser #mogul #traffic #tube
  • Profile picture of the author MarkH45
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    • Profile picture of the author Clyde Dennis
      Originally Posted by MarkH45 View Post

      I use Tube Mogul to submit to Myspace, viddler, etc... But for YouTube I hand submit my video. And this is why...

      When you upload a video, Tube Mogul changes the file name of the video to a bunch of numbers.

      This is not good if you're trying to optimize your video for the search engines. If you want your video to rank higher in the search engines and even on YouTube itself, your videos file name should be the keyword you are targeting i.e. How-to-train-your-dog.avi will normally outperform 23544335433.avi
      Fantastic, even vital point but often overlooked.
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      • Profile picture of the author Pelician
        I recommend Traffic Geyser. It have a video software creator and editor that is top notch.

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        • Profile picture of the author sarahstaar
          Traffic Geyser , but still hand submit to youtube. I do this because youtube is windscreen so i upload a widescreen video to youtube. I then upload a letterbox version to TG.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    Its too bad you have to manually create accounts in Traffic Geyser, where services like SENuke etc allow for automatic account creation
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