Amish Shah (and some posts on Magic Bullet)

by 2Quick
54 replies
watched a very interesting first video today from Amish Shah. Any thoughts out there, anyone else see it? He gives away 20 Great Niche's that his secret software produces for him, and he shows in the video how his friend named Styles Kills it under the radar.
Amish says he has talked Styles into being in the next video possibly and he is going to give away much more value in the coming days. No mention of any Course, Product, System or Methods for sale.....yet.
His trick blew my mind and I am quite sure people are jumping all over it, which brings up my demons called Competition.

#amish #shah
  • Profile picture of the author Lokki08

    I saw the video too but I haven't tried the methods yet that he provides. Propably I will try it when I have good situation. Have you tried already? How has been your results?
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  • Profile picture of the author routonc38
    I saw the video too and researched the method he details and I believe it's a bit of bluefart. He's using the videos and the freebies to promote a conference in California. I haven't unsubbed to his list yet but I have my bull meter on high right now.
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    • Profile picture of the author JBanis
      The trick he explains involved cloacking and iframing. I wonder what anyone feels about the "google-friendliness" of it. It looks google unfriendly to me, yet, it also looks like a very cool trick that ups your quality score. Hmm...pondering about trying it...

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      • Profile picture of the author Jacksprat
        Is this all above board? I'm new to IM and was wondering if this method is okay or not?
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        • Profile picture of the author routonc38
          Originally Posted by Jacksprat View Post

          Is this all above board? I'm new to IM and was wondering if this method is okay or not?
          The method using the framing is bluefart and despite what he says about Google loving it, no, Google does not love it.

          Since you are new to IM, just keep reading and learning, pick up some free ebooks and remember to keep your bull meter on high for a lot of this stuff. Amish is trying to get people to go to his conference so just keep that in mind. And even if you HAVE the $4k to go, I doubt you need to. There is a lot more stuff you can find out free or at low cost here on the forum.
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          • Profile picture of the author davemiz
            lol gotta love the cynics.... amish is the real deal.... the dude is hellasmart with this stuff and makes a KILLING with ppc/cpa stuff.

            yes, he's trying to get you to go to his event, but we still get amazing content regardless if you go or not (which is good for us)

            He gave away this technique.... routonc38, instead of bashing the guy and saying it doesn't work have you actually got off your rear end and used it???

            maybe you should try it before making any bashing comments....

            “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
            ― Dalai Lama XIV

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            • Profile picture of the author routonc38
              Originally Posted by davemiz View Post

              He gave away this technique.... routonc38, instead of bashing the guy and saying it doesn't work have you actually got off your rear end and used it???

              maybe you should try it before making any bashing comments....
              I'm not bashing anyone. There was nothing hateful or mean or bashing in any of my comments. The question was asked regarding what people thought of the video and I made my comment. And as I believe this trick to be more on the grey side than the bluefart side, I do plan to use it.
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      • Profile picture of the author markmannh
        The technique he shared was very similar to one of the things Affiliate Prophet does (direct fetching a vendor's page under your domain). What he "exposes" about his software is interesting. If it does all he claims, it's really useful. I'm considering signing up for his seminar, but $3995.00, it's expensive and I really don't know anything about him. Does anyone have more info on him??

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  • Profile picture of the author khairi
    Amish is a really great guy. If you want to learn about
    CPA stuffs, he is the man!



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    • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
      I was unimpressed with the free video he sent. He hyped it up so much that I thought it would be something valuable. His "trick" to beat quality score is a crock. Even if it does work, Google would change things and close the loophole. It doesn't take that much work to just do it right the first time.

      The way I do it is I put a blog on the main domain and use Caffienated Content to fill it with relevant articles. Then, I make a webpage with original reviews of a couple products and add in a privacy, contact me and a link back to the blog. Things are working fine quality score wise.

      I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

      Connect with me at

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      • Profile picture of the author davemiz
        i don't think you got the trick.... its not really to beat the quality score.... lol

        but the dude made like what? $50k on it so far, did you try it yet?

        the dudes making like up to 100k a day, if he says somethings working I'd be more open to listening to him vs someones opinions on whether they like the technique or not.

        at the end, test... test... test....

        “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
        ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Just a heads up, for those who don't know Amish is the brains behind Hexatrack. It's also known that he has been doing 5-6 figures PER DAY with CPA offers for awhile now. Hes a true big dog when it comes to the CPA affiliate scene.

    Spy & Track Winning Facebook Ads

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    Winning Google Content Network Ads
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    â„¢ACP - Click Here For Details

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  • Profile picture of the author st0rm
    I am using this info he gave, but having said that i am running very tight busgets on it to control the testing, as way said earlier, not for newbies, you will loose your bollox if your not testing everything ans tweeking daily untill a sweet spot... dont do more damage to yourselfs by just putting this up there and hoping to see 50k in the clickbank next week, that wont happin.

    but i nust also say it has doubled my sales to products i was allready selling
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    • Profile picture of the author davemiz
      obviously its not for noobs..... and test you have to test, thats a given in this business.

      so its doubled your sales? thats pretty huge.

      “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
      ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author st0rm
    Huge anit the word, the sales volume was in the low $100's but not any more...

    If anyone wants to see how good Amish is and I would travel from Ireland to San Deigo to learn from these guys if i get the funds sorted in time, Take a look at this video where he exposes CPA Empire.. this will open your eyes
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    • Profile picture of the author snapper
      Does anyone know what happened to Larry? He was quite active in the business with Amish and they made a number of videos together...but Larry has disappeared.

      Where's Larry?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Moffatt
        Originally Posted by snapper View Post

        Does anyone know what happened to Larry? He was quite active in the business with Amish and they made a number of videos together...but Larry has disappeared.

        Where's Larry?
        Larry has been working with David Wolfe (raw food expert), and they just got off a million dollar launch themselves!

        As far as Amish goes, he's just straight up gangster.
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        • Profile picture of the author st0rm
          [quote=As far as Amish goes, he's just straight up gangster.[/quote]

          Do you have any info that you can P.M me? i am considering heading to san deigo , but dont want to risk traveling half the world if for ganster sh1t..
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          • Profile picture of the author Gauher
            Amish Shah is the real deal.

            I have seen his account with one CPA network with about 20 consecutive days of over $50,000+ in CPA commissions.

            The guy knows his stuff.


            Download My Free 95-Page Report On Making Money With CPA Marketing
            Follow Me On Twitter

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            • Profile picture of the author st0rm
              Originally Posted by Gauher View Post

              Amish Shah is the real deal.

              I have seen his account with one CPA network with about 20 consecutive days of over $50,000+ in CPA commissions.

              The guy knows his stuff.

              Ok end of discussion for me, Im reading this from one person i do respect. Thanks for intervening Gauher
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              • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                There are a couple of positive opinions in here that I really respect...

                But, Google is already smacking the shit out of PPC to CPA on many different levels...throw on top of that doing something that we should all know that Google doesn't like and it doesn't really sound like a great recipe to me.

                Google is laying the hammer down on review sites and everything else that seems to be affiliate orientated. Sure, everyone might not have felt the hand of god yet, but plenty of people have. This is especially true in the CPA realm.

                Is there any other info on this in addition to the one video?
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            • Profile picture of the author PMB
              Originally Posted by Gauher View Post

              Amish Shah is the real deal.

              I have seen his account with one CPA network with about 20 consecutive days of over $50,000+ in CPA commissions.

              The guy knows his stuff.


              Thanks Gauher.

              Coming from somebody who has credibility in the PPC game this helps a ton. Amish is showing numbers that most people wouldn't even dream of making up. He claims are bold. So it is good to hear it is legit.

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  • Profile picture of the author MeCanX
    I saw it too and have a friend who is doing this technique with one of her test and see what happens...

    I thought about doing it too and will try this weekend to see what I can do...

    Any more with people and training I just stick to what I know and teach...cuz it works and it works well...maybe not $50k in 2 weeks but it continually brings me money in...

    I teach people how to create a steady/stable income on the internet without all the hype. $19.95 a month get's you 24/7 Access to training videos + more that will teach you the same as the big guys. Niche Marketing Zorro -

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  • Profile picture of the author malcasid
    I really wanna go but I can't
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  • Profile picture of the author wandaramos
    I watched his video also...he seems to know his stuff and with that kind of success, why not try it he married?
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  • Profile picture of the author naonline
    I implimented his trick and got a qs of 10/10 right off the bat. The only problem I have is it doesn't seem to work with Firefox (Ican't click out of my landing page) or maybe it was a coding error on my part.

    He is the real deal and he gave away 20 excellent niches. Yes it was a pre-sell but it was a good one!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Deiboldt
    @Jeremy - They have a way around it, and their software cloaks links to the point where Google has NO idea it's an affiliate link. We're talking about all that stuff at the seminar.

    That's why it's such a huge opportunity - cause people who don't know how to deal with the recent slap (which is almost everyone) is gonna suffer, and a small % of those who learn how to get around it will have very little competition to deal with.

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    • Profile picture of the author Virtual Banker
      Originally Posted by Jay Deiboldt View Post

      @Jeremy - They have a way around it, and their software cloaks links to the point where Google has NO idea it's an affiliate link. We're talking about all that stuff at the seminar.

      That's why it's such a huge opportunity - cause people who don't know how to deal with the recent slap (which is almost everyone) is gonna suffer, and a small % of those who learn how to get around it will have very little competition to deal with.
      Hey Jay

      I have been doing exactly that using a small varation of this technique
      Basically IFraming the merchants landing page, and maybe even setting up real content on a 2nd frame.

      Is this basicly what the kind sir will be teaching, or will it be something new?

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  • Profile picture of the author mentorondemand
    Giving a negative review on a person isn't
    a crime. Giving a negative review without
    even knowing the person, or trying a technique
    is bad taste.

    I will say one thing @ $4000 dollar for an event
    he sure believes in his product and message.

    Good for you Amish


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  • Profile picture of the author tomson
    The example Amish Shah gave is nice - although there is a spelling mistake in the script - might be for purpose maybe not.
    Another thing is - google will find this trick and what you will need to increase the success of this trick is to add another "Base 64" or others option that google will not track it.

    Just my 2 cents,
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    • Profile picture of the author st0rm
      Originally Posted by tomson View Post

      Another thing is - google will find this trick and what you will need to increase the success of this trick is to add another "Base 64" or others option that google will not track it.

      Just my 2 cents,
      Yoru right Google will find this, i have had my account that i have had a year banned, the only new introduction was this i frame... i am gutted, trying to come up with some way to get my account back but what google have tole me is that that account and every other account that i try and open will be suspended... im fooked, i have been ppcing full time its my only income
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      • Profile picture of the author tyrese213
        Originally Posted by st0rm View Post

        Yoru right Google will find this, i have had my account that i have had a year banned, the only new introduction was this i frame... i am gutted, trying to come up with some way to get my account back but what google have tole me is that that account and every other account that i try and open will be suspended... im fooked, i have been ppcing full time its my only income

        Hi all...

        Regarding Amishs Money Trick

        1) I was wondering if using this trick to test markets could get your google account account banned from using it... has anyone here been banned or know anyone that has been banned from using this iframe money trick he has outlined in his video?? or something similar?

        2) Just thinking outside the box here, I was wondering if Amishs iframe trick can be combined with dynamic content generating tools like LPGEN to produce dynamic content instead of the static content as per his video...

        3) Silly question, but what makes his iframe trick different to a standard iframe that we all know and use with cloaked content. I am not a coder and dont understand what that extra file actually does.

        Thanking you in advance for your response and your time taken to view this message...

        Peeeeaacceee outzz
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Deiboldt
    The iframing tactic he gave away is just one of the 'tricks' they use to test markets. Things like that are obviously just techniques though.

    At the seminar (which is now sold out) we're talking about building an actual BUSINESS with CPA marketing. It will include lots of stuff on media buys, psychology, preselling, outsourcing, hiring, funding, etc.

    Everything you need to know to run an actual business promoting CPA offers. As they say there are moneymakers, and then there are businesses.

    Amish is opening his up and showing how he built it from the ground up.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lokki08
    Thank you for posting that great video about CPA Empire. We want to get rid of all scammers.
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  • Profile picture of the author se7en

    If I where in your situation I would:

    1)Get a new credit card registered at a close relatives address
    2)Change my ISP as radically as I could from dsl to cable or even get dial up for adwords use only
    3)New email address not relating to name on a different email provider(not google)
    4)Sell all your domains and start again on new server
    5)change your affiliate id or get new account

    Not that I know but I think this would shake them off.

    As for Amish Shah his video 3 and pdf are good and give for free what a lot of courses charge for.

    I`m sure also that someone spending $20,000 a month plus with google if caught being naughty will get a reprimand not a ban.

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    • Profile picture of the author st0rm
      Originally Posted by se7en View Post


      If I where in your situation I would:

      1)Get a new credit card registered at a close relatives address
      2)Change my ISP as radically as I could from dsl to cable or even get dial up for adwords use only
      3)New email address not relating to name on a different email provider(not google)
      4)Sell all your domains and start again on new server
      5)change your affiliate id or get new account

      Not that I know but I think this would shake them off.

      As for Amish Shah his video 3 and pdf are good and give for free what a lot of courses charge for.

      I`m sure also that someone spending $20,000 a month plus with google if caught being naughty will get a reprimand not a ban.

      thanks for the info, I was spending 2k a month with adwords, small compaired to most but they could have given a warning or something, what a kick in the weights to get
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    • Profile picture of the author digabot
      Originally Posted by se7en View Post

      I`m sure also that someone spending $20,000 a month plus with google if caught being naughty will get a reprimand not a ban.

      What? There are people who spend 1 million a month that got their accounts banned. Google doesn't give 2 craps. They make over $2 million an HOUR.
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      • Profile picture of the author GIahGroup
        Originally Posted by digabot View Post

        What? There are people who spend 1 million a month that got their accounts banned. Google doesn't give 2 craps. They make over $2 million an HOUR.
        you're right G does not really care too much about how much you spend if you game their system they will kick you out.. but you have to be pretty bad to get a bann..

        As for Amish he does walk the talk.. but trust me he aint going to give away his golden goose at those events.. but you will get some good tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rappaport
    To me, Amish Shah is another one of those guys that sets off my trust alarm.
    I don't think he seems to be a well-educated marketer, so perhaps that biases me against him.
    The whole "I'm the guy that makes $50K every single day for years, at least that's how I want it to come across" is reeeeeeally something, I guess.
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    • Profile picture of the author digabot
      Originally Posted by Rappaport View Post

      To me, Amish Shah is another one of those guys that sets off my trust alarm.
      I don't think he seems to be a well-educated marketer, so perhaps that biases me against him.
      The whole "I'm the guy that makes $50K every single day for years, at least that's how I want it to come across" is reeeeeeally something, I guess.
      Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. That guy is 100% legit. He's one of the top CPA marketers out there with a huge business that does everything from being the Advertiser to Affiliate Marketing to Media Buys to building Ad Networks.

      Easily one of the smartest and most cutting edge internet marketers out there and comes up with most of his own techniques. Unlike the copy/paste crowd who are too stupid to know that what they're doing will lead them nowhere.

      Do your homework and you'll find out that Amish (and Jay Styles) are big time and extremely sophisticated.
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  • Profile picture of the author iminfo
    Originally Posted by 2Quick View Post

    watched a very interesting first video today from Amish Shah. Any thoughts out there, anyone else see it? He gives away 20 Great Niche's that his secret software produces for him, and he shows in the video how his friend named Styles Kills it under the radar.
    Amish says he has talked Styles into being in the next video possibly and he is going to give away much more value in the coming days. No mention of any Course, Product, System or Methods for sale.....yet.
    His trick blew my mind and I am quite sure people are jumping all over it, which brings up my demons called Competition.

    The first video posted by Amish is full of new info. I liked the way how he promoted CPA offer with a related blog where the search engine can't slap your site...
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
    Whatever he's doing it works.

    I'd like to know details about his new software Hexatrack Platinum. What it is, what it costs, and if it will be available to those who did not make the seminar.

    Personally I like how he is not afraid to disclose stats, etc.

    It's not hype and it's not bragging if you can back it up IMO.

    WOW I just watched his video to catch an Affiliate network BUUURRRNNNNN!

    I laughed my ass off. They F'd with the wrong dude!

    I really wish I could afford what he's releasing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Antony103
    Amish Shah = Drake
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    • Profile picture of the author Arfan
      Originally Posted by Antony Le View Post

      Amish Shah = Drake
      Hhaha probably is in the Affiliate Industry hahaha
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      • Profile picture of the author Craig Beckta
        I met Amish last year at the
        Mass Control seminar in San Diego.

        He seems like a straight cat.

        Respected by a lot of the gurus as

        He knows his stuff.

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        • Profile picture of the author Sean A McAlister
          Originally Posted by Craig Beckta View Post

          I met Amish last year at the
          Mass Control seminar in San Diego.

          He seems like a straight cat.

          Respected by a lot of the gurus as

          He knows his stuff.

          Yeah man....have heard nothing but Excellent things ...and from all of the content I have seen being released from him....he is a Ninja Bad Ass who
          OVER Delivers IMHO!
          New Product Launches, Affiliate Marketplace

          Need More Sales? More Affiliates?
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          • Profile picture of the author chassm
            I missed out on the San Diego event last year, I was keeping up with the emails and all, but it's hard for me to part with 4K, I don't even make that in a month.

            I have met Amish before twice, actually and while I have no doubts he knows his business and is one of the world's top CPA pimps, I got plenty of other opinions from others who bought stuff from him that he's a bit flaky, but it's just what I've heard. I'm looking forward to seeing what the price is going to be on the new thing he's doing now with the Magic Bullet software.
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  • Profile picture of the author Manivannan
    Gotta meet this guy, Amish Shah.
    It seems a lot of you had the chance to meet him.
    As for his latest product is concerned- I'm in.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
      Hey guys...

      I just purchased "TheMagicBullet" from the "Suprise Early Testing Email" and waiting login details...
      (apparently it takes about 4 hours).

      The cost is One Time Payment $2997
      Or 4 payments of $797

      There's a (Totally Optional) Upsell for a Mastermind Club for $297 per month. First Month Free.

      I'll post an honest review once I crank out a campain...

      Hopefully before the full launch tomorrow so you guys might be able to make
      a more informed decision.

      The main feature(s) that hooked me is the ultra fast keyword/competition research ability and
      the landing page/blog creation in ONE simple step by step place.

      and also the ability to TEST paid campaigns to focus quickly, efficiently
      then automatically weeding out the losers...

      to focus on the winners (where you would then concentrate your efforts on FREE Traffic, instead of paid).

      Overall sounds like great software to have.

      Looking foward to sharing the results with you guys.

      Talk soon!

      - aj
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    amish and jay are the real deal.... no doubts.

    question is can they teach what they know to you?

    I say yes.

    why? i was at the event in aug and it was one of the best, most NINJA events I've been too, i learned real world stuff that blew my mind.... stuff that actually WORKS.

    (hint; no theory, just stuff that works really well)

    no doubt this course is gonna rock, the software is INSANE... and i'm sure anyone who actually goes out and implements what they're teaching will do well.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author sargshep
    I have done quite a bit of research on Amish.
    There are some heavy hitters saying he is legit


    He is offering a FULL REFUND no questions asked which has
    to make it a NO BRAINER....
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  • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown
    Please continue this discussion in the thread called 'Magic Bullet'


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