Traffic Spiker - 2015 Version

8 replies
Got an e-mail about Andy Brocklehurst's latest offering of Traffic Spiker.

I'll be honest, I'm curious.

Was looking for any feedback, negative or positive, from people who have used it or are currently using it.

The price is reasonable, but I just don't want to jump in unless some people can tell me the "water's fine"...

#2015 #spiker #traffic #version
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The best thing to do is to try it out for yourself. Some will tell you that it did not work for them and others will say that it did. I never heard of this person before nor did I ever hear about his product.
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    • Profile picture of the author OliviasDad
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      The best thing to do is to try it out for yourself. Some will tell you that it did not work for them and others will say that it did. I never heard of this person before nor did I ever hear about his product.

      Website is Traffic Spiker | Push Button Web Traffic

      Some reviews would be helpful.

      I've never been one for jumping into things quickly and refunding when it's not what I want.

      And software is such a slippery slope.
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  • Profile picture of the author cabenb
    I'm curious as well.

    Sounds like some bot to me. "If it looks to beautiful to be true it is in most cases!"

    I'd like to see some proof of real users first before harming my rankings with some bot........
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  • Profile picture of the author OliviasDad
    I bought the basic version of the software... runs on the desktop, in the background

    You put in the website you want and traffic does hit it... did some testing... most of the hits are from china, asia, macau... a few canada, us... one hit from my local chicago...and it wasn't me...

    Bounce rate high

    As a tool for creating traffic to a site not bad, but if you are looking for quality seo traffic, not so much...

    However, Andy opened it up for a week and now he is flipping the site on Flippa... he does talk about the product and gives some more info, if you want to check out the link...
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    "Traffic Spiker is a push-button software for Windows (sorry Mac users!). It is a one of a kind “set it and forget it” traffic tool…
    Fire it up, pop in the web address you want to generate traffic to and press the start button. Minimize it and leave it running in the background while you get on with other things."

    Use some common sense from a technical perspective. Where is that traffic coming from? In what process do you install software on your home computer and get traffic to your website? Assuming the traffic is coming from links, it's obviously a spam bot of some kind. Don't be surprised if Google gives you a good slap for unnatural links.
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    • Profile picture of the author OliviasDad
      Oh I don't doubt that a bot is involved with it...
      if you aren't trying to build a site up with CLEAN traffic, this is a way to send traffic volume to a site.

      there are times this would be a goal, because let's be honest, high bounce rate with many visits and quick visits to boot... not SEO quality traffic...
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  • Profile picture of the author kennyreigh
    I purchased the PRO version, and as of now the software is in beta. The creator of the software did mention that it was not targeted traffic, but human traffic that will help boost your site rankings, and for me it is doing just that. They also mentioned that they will add more US,UK,& CAN traffic in the future. JWPower mentioned that his traffic is the majority of China, as well as mine, but as I mentioned before...and that is that the software creator said that it would be so, and with that, has not promised anything about the software that isn't true. He proposes that the best use for the software, would be to help rank web pages and or websites, and also for those who like to flip sites, it would provide traffic to make those sites more easily saleable. So if you read what the software is about, it states right out, that this is not targeted traffic, but that it is indeed human traffic and not a bot. He also states, that once out of beta, there will be more US & CAN traffic.
    I myself like the plugin so far. It does what it was said it will do. For $17.00 to get traffic to your sites (human) I think it is a deal. He stated that once the US & CAN traffic is better integrated,...then the plugin will cost a whole lot more, and that for those who have his beta version will not have to pay a penny extra. My opinion is this, if the integration of US traffic is added to this software at a higher %, it will indeed be a wicked piece of software. So I recommend the small investment, because it works as promised.

    I have copied and paced this from a prior review. A review where I mistakenly called it a plugin and was thrashed by some guy, and was also primarily said that the owner did not disclose how it worked, or as it is working that the traffic is not US traffic but mostly from China. I was thrashed for that too. But anyway,I use the software and I like they way it gets me traffic, that will help with my rankings, and if US & Can are integrated, that would be awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author kennyreigh
    Did the Pro Version ever get developed?
    There was suppose to be a free upgrade to the prior version.
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