by Vortex
43 replies

Interested to know if anyone else has purchased this and experienced any issues in getting the program to run ?

Many thanks.
#aladdin #ant
  • Profile picture of the author moneymarker
    Originally Posted by Vortex View Post


    Interested to know if anyone else has purchased this and experienced any issues in getting the program to run ?

    Many thanks.
    bump! not sure what the sales page means where it says "Max No of PBNs: 20"

    Also, the testimonials seems to be from people who purchased Ant Multinator, NOT Ant Aladdin...hmmmm
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  • Profile picture of the author rslaing
    Yes, I have installed it and nothing happens when I try to run it. I also bought SAM (same seller) a few weeks ago and am having loads of problems with that too. When I asked for a refund, having sent a number of emails over a few weeks asking for tech support and a resolution all I got back was a statement suggesting I was over the 10 days period for refunding so basically - no, you can't have a refund. I am still waiting for answers to lots of questions. I doubt I'll get them and it looks like my purchase for Aladdin is another waste of money with this fellow. He needs investigating?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rifel
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    • Profile picture of the author moneymarker
      Originally Posted by rslaing View Post

      Yes, I have installed it and nothing happens when I try to run it. I also bought SAM (same seller) a few weeks ago and am having loads of problems with that too. When I asked for a refund, having sent a number of emails over a few weeks asking for tech support and a resolution all I got back was a statement suggesting I was over the 10 days period for refunding so basically - no, you can't have a refund. I am still waiting for answers to lots of questions. I doubt I'll get them and it looks like my purchase for Aladdin is another waste of money with this fellow. He needs investigating?
      There is a similarity to SE-Nuke in the setup when connecting the money site ( or page you want to rank in Google) to all the web 2.0 properties included in Ant Aladdin... You will need to drag and drop after installing the software...what exactly did you do when you said you tried to run the software?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9934923].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vortex
        The install pops an icon on your Desktop which you just click to open the software - except that it doesn't open. Task manager shows the process fire up, then terminates immediately - nothing in any of the event logs either.

        In addition, on one of the 4 machines I tested on, Symantec terminated on that machine as "suspicious heuristic software" ... nice!

        Have requested refund as it has been over 24 hours since purchased and seeing as how it only launched yesterday you would imagine they would be falling over themselves to communicate fixes etc.

        Not recommended in my book.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9934937].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author moneymarker
          Originally Posted by Vortex View Post

          The install pops an icon on your Desktop which you just click to open the software - except that it doesn't open. Task manager shows the process fire up, then terminates immediately - nothing in any of the event logs either.

          In addition, on one of the 4 machines I tested on, Symantec terminated on that machine as "suspicious heuristic software" ... nice!

          Have requested refund as it has been over 24 hours since purchased and seeing as how it only launched yesterday you would imagine they would be falling over themselves to communicate fixes etc.

          Not recommended in my book.
          That probably explains it...Symantec is well known for that and can even delete a file before it is able to fully run.. It does the same to my Soci Synd exe file, HOM, my Wik jacker etc... You will need to setup your anti-virus to allow Ant Aladdin, then run back here to update us....

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9934961].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Vortex
            Yes thats true, but the other 3 machines I tested on don't run Symantec, and it still didn't run. Plus I have disabled the Symantec services and tried to run and same issue.

            Software is written for 32 bit also, and although shouldn't really be an issue, you would think it would run on at least one of my test machines.

            They said they developed it on Windows 64 bit, but not sure about that as process explorer reports it as a 32 bit app.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymarker
    I am going to subscribe tonight. I've got a 64-bit and 32 bit PC and will run on both...I'll keep this thread updated
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  • Profile picture of the author candom
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    • Profile picture of the author Blazon1
      So, what is the cost of OTO2? Sounds like there is more than once choice of monthly payment.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymarker
    I purchased and downloaded the exe file. It appeared to freeze while I was installing it but all went well. I was even able to play around with the software. Imo, Rankwyz is miles ahead from ant Aladdin. If posting unique article is the issue, then just use Wordbotic , which is what I do.

    OTO1 is $149 ( this was the option that appealed to me)

    OTO2 is $37/month

    My verdict? I'll stick with Rankwyz
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    • Profile picture of the author BeachBoy
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10588449].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author skidog30
        Thanks for the info. I have tickets and emails into support with Oz and his team with no response! Not cool. I just want the product I paid for, but his system never sends login info. Guess I'll be putting refund request into Paypal if I don't hear from them soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
    With the exception of one product I bought from this vendor, in my experience I have found that most of his products are either difficult to install or difficult to configure so I will only buy now if I see a favorable review of the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrwayne85
    Social link machine is way better than this Ant Alladin. You actually have to subscribe to monthly package in oto 2 to get access to 30 sites. The oto 1 should have included the 30 sites. This is not cool. The basic version is worthless and dangerous for your money site. You need the full package for it to be effective and safe. I bought the basic version.
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  • Profile picture of the author DruSeefried
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    • Profile picture of the author PaidAllDay
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      • Profile picture of the author DruSeefried
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        • Profile picture of the author PaidAllDay
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Wilson
    I purchased several days ago but have been unable to access the product. Support (a bloke called Max) has yet to provide the obvious solution - to resend the initial email and I am no longer expecting much from this process apart from a refund.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Wilson
    I gave up. refund claimed.

    A shame it looked interesting but if new purchasers can not access the product then longer term confidence is destroyed.

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    • Profile picture of the author imbossok
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939182].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
        I make it as habit not to buy products from folks that mess with forum posts.

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        • Profile picture of the author Angels&Demons
          Originally Posted by Chris Grable View Post

          I make it as habit not to buy products from folks that mess with forum posts.


          Agree. Not looking good on this thread.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9954892].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Joe Lombardo
          Originally Posted by Chris Grable View Post

          I make it as habit not to buy products from folks that mess with forum posts.

          I should have learned my lesson and listened to my instincts, as I have always had issues with his softwares messing up and licenses stop working for no apparent reason.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9966389].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author newbiesam82
            I think they must have been reading these forums though because I got my refund within 10 hours. Thankful that I didn't have to go through what some of you guys went through. I'm glad I found this thread and read the product reviews of people with more experience. Thanks to you all who posted on this thread.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9994412].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Mattie
              In this age of everything happening "immediately" people forget that its a big world out there and when you are sending messages the people receiving them are sound asleep. Be reasonable if you are going to conduct business on the Internet. Did you Mommies never teach you, "Patience is a Virtue?"

              One final thing, immediately after a product launch is not the best time to start emailing companies. Give it a day or two and you'll be surprised at the difference in response time.

              Please read the Forum Rules Affiliate links are NOT permitted.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10542301].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author smb111
        Originally Posted by imbossok View Post

        So my comments were removed aswel, wonder why?
        The guy's complaining about having their posts removed, maybe it's simply because you don't have 20 posts yet, as per the rules for this forum.

        "In the rules for this forum, it is clearly stated

        8. To prevent spammers from posting fake reviews you need to have at least 20 posts to leave your feedback."
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9940676].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
          Good catch smb111!

          I hope that is the case. I almost always come here to research a product before purchasing.... well not every product...but if the cost is high or the time investment is significant... I DO check here. I am very comfortable with the 20 post rule,... would be very uncomfortable if valid negative posts just started going away for no reason....


          Originally Posted by smb111 View Post

          The guy's complaining about having their posts removed, maybe it's simply because you don't have 20 posts yet, as per the rules for this forum.

          "In the rules for this forum, it is clearly stated

          8. To prevent spammers from posting fake reviews you need to have at least 20 posts to leave your feedback."
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9940968].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author anaconda
    If this product is sold as a WSO why is there no Product thread? You could probably do much of this via for free and not be reliant on someone keeping their software up to date.

    There are only 2 ways to fail - not starting and not finishing. - Anon
    You miss 100% of the shots you never take - Wayne Gretzky Canadian Hockey Player

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9945478].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Angels&Demons
      Originally Posted by anaconda View Post

      If this product is sold as a WSO why is there no Product thread? You could probably do much of this via for free and not be reliant on someone keeping their software up to date.

      Yes, Tony does much, much better with his products. His support is quite good.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9957244].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    I did not buy the product, mostly because of past purchasing experiences, however, its not likely to be something that is going to deliver the hyped up sales copy, will it work? Possibly, but only for a short period of time, I have seen the product, there appears to be a lot of work required, (which interestingly enough is partially covered by an OTO, (hmmm, have to wonder about that) I dislike products that are designed to require more work unless you pay more money, this is a bad business model, but its a free market let people vote with their wallets, I have seen other products as mentioned by other posters here, that also fall into this false God hype...
    Bitcoin | Crypto | Blockchain Secrets |
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  • Profile picture of the author subbun
    I have purchased the professional version, but i don't thing this will very use full to get better keyword linking and ranking websites, there is so much manual work required.

    The Basic and Professional Version
    My Review:
    1) Account Creation - Manual (very bad)
    2) Adding created accounts into the tool - Manual (very very bad) (no import / export for basic & professional)
    3) Accounts limited 20 for each network - this is very bad.
    4) Social network + Web2.0 +Bookmarking sites - very bad, there are only limited 13 including all
    5) Backlinks Tire 1, Tire 2, Tire 3 can be done - this is ok. But not good.
    6) Content Creation - Manual .. very boring work
    7) The network creation pyramid - you can create good but there is no SAVE option for multiple - this is very very bad..
    8) Reports - Reports shows but there is no Export options / even you don't copy the reports. very very bad...

    My Recommend. If you purchase
    1) Enterprise Edition
    2) OTO 1
    3) OTO 2

    Then It is good ....

    Don't Buy Basic Version.. It's waste of Time and Money!


    There are so many tools available with better options...

    Bulk Moz Checker Tool moz checker

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Wilson
    The refund was received yesterday. Support folks were courteous in their communications,

    When the guys provided access they asked if I wanted to stay on. I chose to not do so. Apart from the credibility issues caused by the lack of access to the system and the run-around to get it I found a larger issue and one that caused me to decide to not continue, the final straw.

    The 'buy in' is a lowish cost but it became obvious within minutes via the up-sell attempts and looking at the product and documentation that the sold system is not really functional. The REAL cost is much higher than the buy in price. That's misleading. Worse yet, in my opinion, if used as it stands there's a real risk of harming one's sites unless one either buys the up-sells or does the work manually.

    If one takes the reasonable assumption that the sold system is viable then sites will be torpedoed.

    Another concern was, that given the willingness of the vendor to dis-aggregate everything and charge extra for needed functionality that is already part of competing systems, how can a buyer of an up-sold system today be confident that future enhancements will not be charged at a separate and additional price?

    My mistake in product selection was to have not made for myself a written specification for the attributes that I needed to see from a link building tool of this type. As a result, I made the mistake of assuming the product features not mentioned in the sales spiel were present when they were not - unless one paid for the up-sells.

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  • Profile picture of the author Angels&Demons
    Purchased the Pro Version and the upgrades. My Office Manager has spent the better part of 3 plus days going thru everything to get it set-up. Very frustrating. Despite what their support desk claims the manuals are not detailed. In fact, their support is rather slow in responding. At this moment it has been 48 hours with one ticket and no response yet. Even when we do get a response it is virtually of no assistance. Many bugs in the software that won't even allow us to move on to the next step (cannot copy and paste articles into the system). I can only imagine what support will be like 6 months from now when there is little recurring income from the software. It appears certain we will be requesting a refund in the next 48 hours. Will update.

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  • Profile picture of the author Area
    i started a refund about 6 days ago they told me to try the software (again) and rejecet. now 3 days ago i started my second refund ( i paid with credit card) but since then no respond
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9957335].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Area
      can anybody give me a advice how i can get my Money back (i paid with credit card)

      i started a second refund request and i get this message from the support team :

      Posted on Mar-20th, 2015 12:12Hi,

      Sorry for the delay.

      I've escalated your ticket to our Billing department, and you'll receive a response from us as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

      Addictive Text, Support.

      sorry for the delay was the answer ! and since 4 days also no respond..
      what is their goal? to pass the 30 day Money back guarantee time ?
      where can i report these people (i dont say scam yet but i will if they dont refund asap) ?

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      • Profile picture of the author Andrew Wilson
        That was the form of message I received along the way, before receiving the refund.

        I am sure that the refund will be processed.

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        • Profile picture of the author moneymarker
          Originally Posted by Andrew Wilson View Post

          That was the form of message I received along the way, before receiving the refund.

          I am sure that the refund will be processed.
          How long did it take for you to get your refund from the time you got a ticker reply?
          ( I asked coz its been about 4 days since I got my reply and still no refund)

          UPDATE: I finally got my refund. Lesson learned...
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  • Profile picture of the author mirosa
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Lombardo
      I requested a refund about 4 days after my purchase of Aladdin Pro and HF.

      I discovered about 3 days later that my ticket had been closed without my consent and thus ignoring my request for a refund. Please note that the software had issues at the time and so I didn't want to waste the little time I have on the product whilst it wasn't ready for release (basically in beta).

      My real gripe was that after I made the initial purchase of the PRO version (as John Pierce and his partner Chris Cantell distinctly told us in their 'review' video NOT to bother buying the first offer and if we bought the PRO version than we NEED to buy the HF (Hands Free) version or not to bother at all.) They obviously said this so as to get repeat affiliate commissions (as far as I'm concerned).

      I no longer trust these two, John Pierce or Chris Cantell anymore and have since unsubscribed from their list. Also, I hate it when John Pierce states that we can trust him because he is a Christian. Obviously, there's NO Christians in prison! "hey everybody, guess what - I'm a Christian - so you should trust me!" implies, John Pierce.

      Well, I'm Joe a 'RC' - does that mean you can trust me?

      My last and and most important concern...

      The initial purchase was via Paypal - and that's good for me but than I was forced to buy the OTO (the HF version) by using my debit card account. They didn't allow us to use Paypal for the ongoing monthly payments for the OTO!


      That means that I now do not have control over my own money! If I needed to cancel that $37 a month payment quickly (OR FOR WHATEVER REASON) - than I would be unable to do so. I would need to go through their super slow support to request that they cancel that payment and also confirm there will be no more future payments taken from my account.


      As their support is slow anyway, and due to the fact that they decided to 'cancel' my ticket requesting a full refund (unbeknowing to me at that time) and to cancel further debits from my card - HOW CAN I EVER TRUST THEM!

      Why do they need to have control over my payments anyway. That's my right NOT their's.

      It's obviously designed to make it difficult to stop payments!


      Legitimate businesses don't do that!
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  • Profile picture of the author theendof925job
    Purchased this software a few days ago the professional version. It works but now I purchased the premium I Got no access to the premium tools. Placed a support ticket still not answer to this issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyankee
    their ticket system is EXTREMELY slow.. i'm still trying to get a week old issue resolved.
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    • Profile picture of the author skidog30
      thanks for the confirm on that! And yes, i know they just did a product release, but a week to answer tickets from paying customers is pretty ridiculous!

      Hopefully we'll hear from them soon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10588944].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author skidog30
        FYI to all, they did respond today to every ticket and email I submitted, so maybe just backlogged I guess. But I wanted to update my situation that they did get my issue fixed today and did respond, to be fair.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfern76
    thanks for the info, I decide not to buy this product.
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    • Profile picture of the author leedev
      Please note the C copyright on the site is dated 2014.

      Not encourging for the quality and being up-to-date, Oz

      That is enough for me.

      For real results, go to, the leading service.

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