My Take on Ryan Deiss' Continuity Blueprint
Here's something I thought was interesting though ...
In Video 1 you'll see him outline his entire business plan on the napkin - the SLO that leads to the continuity program, then the small ticket upsell that leads to the big ticket upsell, followup systems and webinars, call centers, the whole shebang.
In Video 2 he goes over some of the numbers involved to make it all more "real".
Awesome videos Ryan. This is great free content. But here's my first reaction ...
Why not just follow the 80/20 rule and keep things simple?
As demonstrated in Video 2, around 80% of the total revenues come from the continuity program. And all the other "stuff" that generates the remaining 20% of revenues comprises at least 80% of the work.
Why not just have a simple SLO that leads to a continuity program and be done with it?
Sure on the surface you'll make 20% less money, but you'll do 80% less work and have 80% less hassle.
You'll still be making plenty of money, and you can re-invest as much of the profits as you want into getting more people into the funnel. Sure another 20% would be nice, but not for 4X the work.
I guess my point is that the last 20% of revenue that comes from the 1st upsell, 2nd upsell, webinars, call centers, etc. isn't really that important in the overall scheme of things when you really look at the numbers. And it's TONS more work and hassle.
So why go through all of that and complicate things? ... am I missing something here?
And yes I know a lot of the product creation, etc. can be outsourced but still it's a TON more work.
If anything, wouldn't you be better off spending that time creating another SLO => Continuity program in another niche? All else being equal, then you'd be making 2X the revenue instead of just an extra 20%.
nothing to see here.
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