New Rev Share Model that has blown away the Competition
I'm now into only Rev Shares that ''Compound outside the system''. This means that your earnings from profit share must be withdrawn to a payment processor and then repurchase more ad packs by bringing the majority of the funds back in. The rest of the amount can be withdrawn to your bank. Rev Share Businesses that compound outside get fresh daily funds coming in every single day as members realize that if they buy more ad packs, they will earn more profit share. I stopped joining Rev Shares that compound within the system as no new funds are received and the companies then start doing funny things.
You can achieve consistent residual income with only 2 top Rev Share Companies. These new ones have blown the competition off the radar and they have trusted Admin with a proven track record. There's no need to join more than two.
Please share your experiences with Rev Share Companies.
extrememan -
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[ 1 ] Thanks
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