Any experience with

24 replies
I have been keeping my eye on Imnica Mail for a while now, but I haven't seen anyone report back with their experiences with it yet.

Staying off blacklists?

With aweber at the moment, but would like to take a serious look at this as I know it is run by a great warrior.

Let me know your thoughts.

Best Regards,
James Campbell
#experience #imnicamailcom
  • Profile picture of the author OpenBookSupport
    I Just Got The Trial and Will Tell You Soon
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  • Profile picture of the author James_Harkin
    Yes, I would like to know if anyone has had long term success with their service before I sign up for their trial.


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    • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
      Originally Posted by James_Harkin View Post

      Yes, I would like to know if anyone has had long term success with their service before I sign up for their trial.


      Hi James,

      The service has been in the works for around 2 years, but, only started taking on customers about 3 months ago. As such, it will be a while before anyone can comment on long term success.
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  • Profile picture of the author OpenBookSupport
    The Service is Quite Good .
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    • Profile picture of the author Spiritman
      Sorry to say my experience so far has been far from ideal.

      I just reached the first payment after a disastrous trial.

      I REALLY wanted this to work, but my biggest beef is how SLOW the system is.

      I click on a menu and it takes 20 or more seconds to load.

      It's so bad I have to click, leave and go do something, then come back.

      I don't pretend to be an expert so I learn with trial and error...and having to wait so long to learn anything is a pain.

      I've used both aweber and getresponse.

      I think they are both just fine but aweber's prices got goofy so I went with getresponse..and they just had a major screwup with their changeover to a new system and pricing etc...

      So the door is/was wide open for imnica. I was rooting for them.

      But I'm getting discouraged I'm relooking at aweber

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      • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
        Originally Posted by Spiritman View Post

        Sorry to say my experience so far has been far from ideal.

        I just reached the first payment after a disastrous trial.

        I REALLY wanted this to work, but my biggest beef is how SLOW the system is.

        I click on a menu and it takes 20 or more seconds to load.

        It's so bad I have to click, leave and go do something, then come back.

        I don't pretend to be an expert so I learn with trial and error...and having to wait so long to learn anything is a pain.

        I've used both aweber and getresponse.

        I think they are both just fine but aweber's prices got goofy so I went with getresponse..and they just had a major screwup with their changeover to a new system and pricing etc...

        So the door is/was wide open for imnica. I was rooting for them.

        But I'm getting discouraged I'm relooking at aweber

        This sounds more like an issue with interface.

        I'm far more concerned with delivery rate and handling of the list/list building activities.

        Thanks for the opinion though.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
    Hi Spiritman,

    What browser are you using? The only reports we have had of slow loading, is people using IE8. The browser which works BEST with Imnica Mail is Google Chrome, although, any NON IE browser is best for ANY site.

    I do admit that our JavaScript libraries are WAY too big, which DOES slow things down a bit.

    Because of that, we have completely replaced the JS libraries with MUCH smaller ones in our new interface which is due out in a month or so.

    We have taken onboard all user feedback, and based on the feedback, built a completely new interface. For those who prefer the current one, it will still be available as well.

    Please open a support ticket so we can see if we can help you speed up your access, and get things working more smoothly for you. After deliverability, customer support is our most focused on area!
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    • Profile picture of the author Spiritman
      I traditionally use firefox but because the cut and paste option doesn't work with your interface I've resorted to using IE7...which was incidentally faster than Firefox for some reason...
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    • Profile picture of the author jeffo42
      Originally Posted by Richelo Killian View Post

      Hi Spiritman,

      What browser are you using? The only reports we have had of slow loading, is people using IE8. The browser which works BEST with Imnica Mail is Google Chrome, although, any NON IE browser is best for ANY site.

      I do admit that our JavaScript libraries are WAY too big, which DOES slow things down a bit.

      Because of that, we have completely replaced the JS libraries with MUCH smaller ones in our new interface which is due out in a month or so.

      We have taken onboard all user feedback, and based on the feedback, built a completely new interface. For those who prefer the current one, it will still be available as well.

      Please open a support ticket so we can see if we can help you speed up your access, and get things working more smoothly for you. After deliverability, customer support is our most focused on area!
      My experience with your mail service is that invariably takes forever with an unsubscribe window when I have been lucky, most times your page delay just expires. I use Firefox.
      This delay fits perfectly for any one sending the emails and is not a good look
      for a mail service provider.

      I tried to contact your service directly but you only provide contact for members, another good look.
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      • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
        Originally Posted by jeffo42 View Post

        My experience with your mail service is that invariably takes forever with an unsubscribe window when I have been lucky, most times your page delay just expires. I use Firefox.
        This delay fits perfectly for any one sending the emails and is not a good look
        for a mail service provider.

        I tried to contact your service directly but you only provide contact for members, another good look.
        Anyone can contact us at any time through either or for reporting abuse, through Now, when sending any email to either of those, it goes into our helpdesk, which requires you to confirm your from email by clicking a confirmation link.

        This is for the helpdesk only, and we never email anyone off helpdesk. If you access: Imnica Mail Customer Support you can log a ticket directly on the web, but, this requires creating a free account on the helpdesk only, and in no way is a ImnicaMail customer account needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
    I personally use FireFox myself, and have had no issues with cut and paste.

    Please open a HD ticket, and let's work on getting you sorted ASAP.
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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    Me too, I would like to see ImnicaMail work! Please share...

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    • Profile picture of the author FrankHaywood
      I've been playing it softly-softly since signing up with ImnicaMail. I have many lists scattered all across Aweber, and I must have gone through the same thoughts as other people here. So I've been trying and testing things slowly, getting a feel for ImnicaMail.

      As far as I can see, there's NO difference in deliverability etc. between ImnicaMail and Aweber. I get similar response rate, opens, clicks and so on.

      My confidence is now high, and in the new year I'll begin the migration process for all my mailing lists. I'll start with the small lists, and work up to the big ones.

      I'm really looking forward to the new interface, and my intention is that all the products in my stable will eventually talk directly to ImnicaMail via their API. It will take a while to make the changes, but well worth it in the long run I think.

      Think about it. A visitor signs up to the prospect list, gets sold via the AR sequence, buys, and as the sale takes place automatically gets switched to the customer list, and also added to the sequence to sell another related product, or even an affiliate product.

      I *believe* that only high end CRM services with monthly fees and the like can do stuff like that. My plan is for everyone to be able to self-host the scripts to do the same thing at effectively pocket money prices.

      I'm quite excited about it.

      -Frank Haywood
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  • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
    I am not sure if this is allowed or not, and will completely understand if the mods delete this post.

    For those holding out for the new interface, you can read all about it here, as well as see some screen shots! New Imnica Mail Preview | Imnica Mail
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  • Profile picture of the author keithb
    I've been playing around with it for a few months now, and so far so good. Looking forward to the update!
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  • Profile picture of the author cjseven
    I am an happy customer too.
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    • Profile picture of the author warrior321
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      • Profile picture of the author add2it
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      • Profile picture of the author Justin Wheeler
        I am very impressed with it and would recommend it. Working on a review for it on my blog as we speak!
        I sometimes review products and offer bonuses at
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  • Profile picture of the author softstor
    I have been using the product for a few days and it seems to work very well. But there is one thing that I was never able to figure out...

    When you create additional autoresponder messages for a list, what time frame is it based on?

    For example... Lets say I have 3 autosponder messages for a list. Each of these autoresponder sends messages 1 day apart. Now a month later I decide to add a 4th autoresponder message telling it to send the message 2 days later. Is this 2 days based on the date that the subsciber joined the list or is it based on something else?
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    • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
      Originally Posted by softstor View Post

      I have been using the product for a few days and it seems to work very well. But there is one thing that I was never able to figure out...

      When you create additional autoresponder messages for a list, what time frame is it based on?

      For example... Lets say I have 3 autosponder messages for a list. Each of these autoresponder sends messages 1 day apart. Now a month later I decide to add a 4th autoresponder message telling it to send the message 2 days later. Is this 2 days based on the date that the subsciber joined the list or is it based on something else?
      It's based on time since joining the list.

      Right now also, only new subscribers will be able to get newly inserted messages in the sequence. So, if you add a new AR after someone has already joined, that person won't get the new AR message.

      We will be adding an option to send that new message to anyone already on the list in the near future.
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      • Profile picture of the author softstor
        Originally Posted by Richelo Killian View Post

        It's based on time since joining the list.

        Right now also, only new subscribers will be able to get newly inserted messages in the sequence. So, if you add a new AR after someone has already joined, that person won't get the new AR message.

        We will be adding an option to send that new message to anyone already on the list in the near future.
        Thanks for the info. So if I want to send a series of messages that are 2 days apart then I should set it up as follows:

        0 days
        2 days
        4 days
        6 days

        Is the above sequence correct?

        If so, lets say that I added a 5th message (8 days) while an existing subscriber is at 2 days mark (subscriber received the first two messages). Would this existing subscriber receive the 5th message that was just added?
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        • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
          Originally Posted by softstor View Post

          Thanks for the info. So if I want to send a series of messages that are 2 days apart then I should set it up as follows:

          0 days
          2 days
          4 days
          6 days

          Is the above sequence correct?

          If so, lets say that I added a 5th message (8 days) while an existing subscriber is at 2 days mark. Would this existing subscriber receive the 5th message that was just added?
          You have the right settings for 2 days apart.

          No, existing subscribers will not get the 5th messages. Not YET anyway.
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          • Profile picture of the author softstor
            Originally Posted by Richelo Killian View Post

            You have the right settings for 2 days apart.

            No, existing subscribers will not get the 5th messages. Not YET anyway.
            Thanks. You have a really nice product.

            I'm going to have to get busy and start putting in all of my autoresponder messages now.
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  • Profile picture of the author firstdrum
    Help desk support has been slow but the email service itself is solid. I've been trying to get the api to work with my system but am still waiting for feedback on what's missing on my open ticket. Even still, for the price, you can't beat it! Hope to be up and running soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author newbieproject
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  • Profile picture of the author newbieproject
    I'd like to know why all my posts were deleted?
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