Is Personal Coaching Worth The Investment?

22 replies
Hey all,

I'm just getting back in the IM game after having been out for a few years. I'm definitely not a beginner, but I'm struggling on some of the steps. I know the framework for everything, just can't quite find the "secret" behind a few things.

My question is, in your experience have you found it beneficial to hire someone for one-on-one help? Obviously it can vary from coach to coach, but in general do they actually show you what to do and truly achieve the goals they claim? I know personal coaching is pretty expensive, so I want to know that it's going to be worth it. I've seen every general course under the sun, but they all typically leave out the "secret sauce." I need that secret sauce.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.
#coaching #investment #personal #worth
  • Profile picture of the author mikesmith93
    Yes, you can hire someone for one-to-one help and it is in fact great. You can hire some freelancer who can teach you and guide you as well. Workrockers, Upwork, Guru, etc are great platforms to hire someone for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    If you hire a coach you patiently bond with, and trust, 100% of the time it is worth it. Paying for a professional's undivided attention for 1 hour is the best money you can spend. One of my clients said hiring me was the best $5 I mean $100 he ever spent. I helped him see mistakes he made that cut his learning curve by years. Now he sees greater success in months versus spending years struggling. I figure paying for good advice from a trusted source helps you take your gig seriously, accelerating your success.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      One of my clients said hiring me was the best $5 I mean $100 he ever spent. I helped him see mistakes he made that cut his learning curve by years. Now he sees greater success in months versus spending years struggling. I figure paying for good advice from a trusted source helps you take your gig seriously, accelerating your success.
      Hopefully that doesn't suggest that you sold your coaching for $5 on Fiverr...

      ....lest you've given almighty oxymoronic advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Depending on too many variables to count, it can pay off well or be a total scam.

    Originally Posted by bdunndchi View Post

    I've seen every general course under the sun, but they all typically leave out the "secret sauce." I need that secret sauce.
    If it's secret sauce you are looking for, I think you are going to be disappointed.

    Are you doing all the boring, general stuff yet to the best of your ability?

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    • Profile picture of the author akshay7
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      Depending on too many variables to count, it can pay off well or be a total scam.

      If it's secret sauce you are looking for, I think you are going to be disappointed.

      Are you doing all the boring, general stuff yet to the best of your ability?

      He just gave you the secret sauce for free.
      Add customised hyper-focused news feeds to your website and increase dwell time. Track companies, industries or strategic topics in near real time. Message, or
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Bradley
    The real 'Secret Sauce' is HARD WORK, DISCIPLINE, FOCUS etc.

    There you go...just saved you a few bucks in coaching fees
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckles
    Most coaches have NO IDEA what they are doing in my experience, and have branded themselves as coaches whilst knowing nothing.

    If you want a coach make sure they DO know what they are doing and can show you plenty of evidence (not fake screenshots!) they can show you what you want to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    The easiest way to find out if they know their stuff is to have 15 minutes chat on the phone with them.

    I never commit any of my students to paying out until I've had this 15 minute phone call, then it's up to them if they want to engage any more on a fee paying basis.

    Also gives me enough info to decide if I want to continue with them.

    If a coach won't grant you that initial period...look for a different one.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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  • tbh prolly this could be a real cool path, but I got no patience with people askin' stoopid questions.

    Plus also, better you get at this, less time you got to be personal -- less'n you jus' take on increasingly fewer people wanna pay out increasingly massive sums to have their vanity massaged by a highly finessed charlatan.

    Thing always to remember 'bout personal coaches is how their personal system is so often personal to them.

    An' unlike syphilis, it don't always transfer over so sweet an' easy from one moistened vestibule (ie the BRAIN) to another.

    See, cos we all diffrent, an' summa the best personal coachin' comes from creatin' yr own expertise on the fly.

    Wow, Princess --

    That Sounds Like My Kind of System!

    Gotta hope so.

    Thing always to bear in mind 'bout gurus is how their ability to think outside the box is inversely proportional to the precise horde numbers they got signin' up for personally tailored eu-frickin-reka.

    So What If You Were To Offer

    Personal Coaching
    EXCLUSIVELY TO ME, O Princess?
    I Mean ... Like How Much ...?

    You want I run with my yet-to-be-patented Eu-frickin-reka system in a way that perfectly segues trial run with ultimate offer?

    Aintchya heard how that kinda combo is sales nirvana?

    Like I Said, O Princess ...
    How Much?

    Hey, listen -- now you gettin' all kinda fired up an' pernickety, prolly I should float a figure here ... if only to stopya from foamin' at the mouth like a desperado.

    So let's say a thousand bux.

    Okay ... But For What?
    What Am I Getting Here?

    How in hell should I know less'n you ASK?

    Eu-frickin-reka Coaching
    So Singularly Personal, All You Gotta Do Is SHOW UP FIRST


    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Expert
    Good idea.
    Coaching is one of the shortcuts you can take , make sure you hire some one Genuine.

    Join One on One Coaching Program And be your own Boss >>>">Join One on One Coaching Program

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  • Profile picture of the author Pablo Visconti
    100% Worth it. It's leveraging the time someone else has ALREADY spent in mastering something. Basicallyy it's a massive shortcut. Of course you'll have to do your research and see if you can resonate with that specific person.
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  • Profile picture of the author seogurus
    I have made leaps and bounds in my own personal and business development by paying for hour long consultations and coaching. How I've done this is by going through a freelancing site like Upwork, and scroll through the list of freelancers and hire someone I like for a hour or two consultation.

    I show up to the meeting with my topics in hand and simply use the time as a sparring session of sort, trying to learn what I can and shake up my creative juices as much as possible.

    Give it a try! It works with every budget and the list of credible people to work with is fantastic.
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  • Profile picture of the author ASE Group
    i agreed with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidDiamon
    About personal coaching the answer is always "It depends" . IT depends on can that person actually give you what you actually need. And yes ,its hard to say. But in the end you have to make the decision yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by bdunndchi View Post

    My question is, in your experience have you found it beneficial to hire someone for one-on-one help? Obviously it can vary from coach to coach, but in general do they actually show you what to do and truly achieve the goals they claim? I know personal coaching is pretty expensive, so I want to know that it's going to be worth it. I've seen every general course under the sun, but they all typically leave out the "secret sauce." I need that secret sauce.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.

    Spent years with courses and coaches, making promises of joint ventures and such, but in the end it either didn't work or they backed out, or lied.

    I am in an online trading forum at present, and the kid has a good track record and freely gives us the fundamentals, (seeing him do it live or seek his advise one on one, has a cost).

    So l would say that he is probably the first person l have followed who delivered on his promises, at least overall.

    Yes, secret sauce, that usually takes years of hardship, so if anyone here has it, they are locking it in a safe.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Yes, secret sauce, that usually takes years of hardship, so if anyone here has it, they are locking it in a safe.
    You can hand someone the key to the "safe" and it will do no good if that person is not intelligent enough to put the ******* key in the lock and turn it.

    IM coaches have become convenient scapegoats, for sure.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Mark Bradley View Post

    The real 'Secret Sauce' is HARD WORK, DISCIPLINE, FOCUS etc.

    There you go...just saved you a few bucks in coaching fees
    What!!! No, down your throat no pause, double click to start videos, full of platitudes by has been gurus.

    But l would add, whittling down, to the process.

    And l have looked into some personal coaching around online trading, and phew, all l can say is review it first.

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  • Profile picture of the author dp362pradhan
    Yes, Personal coaching worths because you can personal attention but value for money depend on how much your caoch is qualified & skilled.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Originally Posted by bdunndchi View Post

    Hey all,

    I'm just getting back in the IM game after having been out for a few years. I'm definitely not a beginner, but I'm struggling on some of the steps. I know the framework for everything, just can't quite find the "secret" behind a few things.

    My question is, in your experience have you found it beneficial to hire someone for one-on-one help? Obviously it can vary from coach to coach, but in general do they actually show you what to do and truly achieve the goals they claim? I know personal coaching is pretty expensive, so I want to know that it's going to be worth it. I've seen every general course under the sun, but they all typically leave out the "secret sauce." I need that secret sauce.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.

    Ever consider "There is no secret and there is no secret sauce" and "every course that you have seen under the sun" did not have a secret or secret sauce?

    Most of us have seen coaching sales letters and courses sales letters promising a lot of different things and you say you have taken a lot of courses that lacked the secret. You will most likely discover that coaching also lacks a secret.

    Why have you never discovered the secret or secret sauce in all of those courses? A lot of people here have paid for coaching or so they say and they do not tell of a secret or secret sauce. Why? Maybe its a secret?

    Some people on this forum in the WSO section promise the how-to or the secret to $100 a day to claims of becoming a millionaire. Are their claims true?

    How do some of us judge "True Claims?" Some of us discover things like fraudulent claims wherein screenshots of income are copied and pasted from a different website that does not belong to the coach and other things like the coach is offering an eBook sold on ClickBank with zero gravity.

    Then someone claims there is a secret to becoming an internet millionaire and is selling the secret. All over YouTube.

    True? If it were true everyone would be buying and there would be a lot of internet millionaires!

    Not to say some people on this forum have not become an internet millionaire. There are in fact real people here that do very well. Have never seen them make claims, have seen them say things like "it wasn't easy", "took a lot of years" and "lost a lot, learned from the losses and finally became successful."

    My own mentors always suggested to me to establish a stable income before trying to establish an income with a foundation based on a secret.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    Personal coaching in any related field is incredibly valuable if the coach does what they say they will do. I've done general results coaching with Tony Robbins' team and real estate investing coaching with a local mentor in the past and more recently got a IM coach from a verified 6-figure earner. I made sure in each case to build a relationship first, look at their credentials, and reviews before handing my money over to them.

    There are a lot of coaches out there who seem to provide good value, but won't tell you everything like you said.

    Do your due diligence on them and you should be ok. Personality plays a big part in coaching results as well. A coach with lots of success stories doesn't mean they will be a good fit for you. Again, try to build a relationship with them first and have some exchanges so you can get a feel for if you connect or can relate to this person.

    Also, instead of looking or the "secret sauce", try to form concrete questions that you want the coach to answer so you can hold THEM accountable during the coaching process. For example, if you're struggling with ecommerce, be specific in your interview process and ask "can you help me build a full automated ecommerce website using the Shopify platform with a minimum of 50 products that will take no more than 1hr of my time per week to maintain?" as opposed to "can you help me build an ecommerce website?"

    I've never regretted any of the coaching I've purchased. They have been invaluable additions to my personal growth development and my early results in real estate.

    As is the case with most things in life, you get what you pay for. I wouldn't shy away from an expensive coach with a long and proven track record. If they stretch your wallet a little bit, you're more likely to listen to them and do the work.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    The answer is: It depends. Do a little check about your future coach first before hiring. For example, you can start by searching his name on Google (Enter his name in quotes), social media profile, his blog, forum profile. Other than that, you can chat with him on Facebook/Skype before joining.

    A good coach will be useful only if he can support you whenever you want to implement the techniques. If you just want to learn the techniques and don't need the support, in my opinion, these free forums (Warrior Forum, Traffic Planet forum etc) are more than enough.

    Forget looking for some kind of secret sauce that will make you rich overnight. You won't find that in any coach.
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  • Profile picture of the author tinytimsmith
    I wouldn't mind finding someone I could meet with in person, somewhere in the Kansas City area. I've tried online coaching in the past where he'd work with me over Zoom, but think meeting in an actual office or even coffee shop might be just what I need to get out of my comfort zone and really shake things up.
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