663 replies
Hi all,

I wanted to tell you about my opinion on the wpmage program for auto blogging via wordpress, using ebay, overstock, amazon and adsense to monetize the sites. I mentioned it in another thread and there were some questions and I didn't want to confuse the issue or hijack the thread so hopefully I'll be able to answer the questions here.

I started wpmage as a beta tester for Greg Jacobs, the creator of the system. I met him right here on the WF and quickly discovered he is a straight-up guy. I've tried other auto blogging programs without success so I thought 'what the heck?', it could be good. I'm glad I did.

First of all, the WPmage system is a program that offers 3 wordpress plugins that work together to create a powerful system of pulling content from article directories and yahoo and product from amazon, ebay and overstock. If you like adsense you can also use that. I primarily use ebay so my review will focus on that.

The plugins:
As I said, there are three: affiliate mage, content mage and posting mage. These can be added to any wordpress site, or used with the autoblogging function of wpmage to create brand new sites.

The affiliate mage and content mage can be used manual operation --- i.e., you can manually input the code in any post to monetize as mentioned above. However, the posting mage plugin is the brains that automate the system; it works with the other two plugins to create what I think is an awesome platform for autoblogging and for monetizing your blogs.

CPmage - The autoblogging feature:
CP stands for "control panel" and that's what this part of the software does. It becomes the control panel for installing a multitude of sites. You can update the sites, delete them ... whatever, from the control panel.

The ability to create blogs quickly is what a lot of people like although that is not why I love the program. With CPmage you can install a wordpress blog, with complete monetization and content ... thousands of posts if you want to ... within minutes. It is like having wp-o-matic and caffienated content on steriods with a lot more control over what you're doing. Whiz bang and its done. (No, it isn't at all like these two programs. I just mention them because that's what I was using prior to getting the wpmage system.)

All of the plugins are installed and activated ... not just the mage-related plugins, but plugins that are required for seo, spam control, social bookmarking, etc. You do not have to install a single plugin.

WPmage - The autobuilding feature:
If you don't want to use the steriods ... there's a program for you, too (my favorite). It also creates the wordpress site almost instantly, installing all the plugins just as mentioned above. The only difference in this and the CPmage is that you install the mage program on a site-by-site basis. Other than that it has the same power as the CPmage.

Greg refers to the above systems: manual, cpmage and wpmage as "paths". When you purchase the mage system you are given the option to choose any of the above paths to creating your own system. You are not locked into any one path ... you can choose any or all. It is a flexible program.

Oh, and another thing ... you can install the mage system on as many domains as you want to ... no limits whatsoever.

Now, to answer the questions raised in the other thread:

I have built 30 "mage" sites since I started in August of this year. The first month I had an income of around $150 from the sites -- I don't really count this as my first month because I was busy building sites and didn't expect any income at all. (Greg says it takes about 4 weeks to start seeing income). In September the income had increased to $350 and this month I have already made $600+. From the way my eBay report looks I should pass $1000 by month's end.

And, one thing I should tell you here (not for sympathy, but to just let you know how impressive this is), I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and have had surgery. I've had little time to build or work on sites. The October income has been totally passive.

Another question that was asked was about the seo -- If you build your site with either the cpmage or wpmage automatic program, the site will have all the plugins installed and enabled to SEO your site.

Also .. regarding content: you don't have to create any content if you don't want to. The program pulls content from article sites and yahoo. I do because I write and like to create. It takes me a lot longer to build sites, too. So, I don't advise doing that unless you can wait to start earning money. There are other beta testers who have made a lot more money than I have and they do it just like Greg says to do it.

Well, that's my review of the wpmage system. No affiliation at all ... just a review from a satisfied customer.

#greg jacobs #mage #review #thread #wp mage #wpmage
  • Profile picture of the author JackLypka
    Congrats, Linda. Excellent story and very well-written review. I've signed up for the WP Mage and look forward to seeing what it offers.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1292677].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JBanis
    Thanks Linda, thats great. I will give it a go too.

    I got a little confused about the difference between WPmage and CPmage. Is the main difference that with WPmage you add your own content? So its less automatic?

    Also, I asked the helpdesk there and the issue I have is that I like the possibility of selling my blog later. Thats not possible yet, but perhaps in the future. How long does it take you to find a niche and build a site from scratch?

    Thanks for your review. Looks promising. And also...sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I wish you all the best with that.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293195].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by JBanis View Post

      Thanks Linda, thats great. I will give it a go too.

      I got a little confused about the difference between WPmage and CPmage. Is the main difference that with WPmage you add your own content? So its less automatic?
      Hi Jan,

      CP mage is a control panel you install on a domain. After you install it and input all your affiliate info, you are able to install the mage system on multiple domains. It automatically installs wordpress with multiple useful plugins and, of course, all of the mage plugins. When the install process is complete you have a site set up and ready to go. You don't really have to do anything else to it. Then, you can just go back to the CPmage and install another and another and another.

      WP mage automatically installs wordpress with multiple useful plugins and, of course, all of the mage plugins on ONE domain only. The finished result is exactly like whiat CPmage does but it is for one domain.

      For example, say I install cpmage on Domain-a.com. After that install is successful, I login into the cpmage site on Domain-a.com and install the wpmage system on domian-b.com, domain-c.com and domain-d.com -- all from within the Domain-a.com's CPmage program.

      If, on the other hand I install WPmage on Domain-a.com I will have wpmage installed only on that domain. I cannot install it on the other three domains from the same program. I have simply installed wordpress on "mage steriods" on one domain.

      Using CPmage I can install wordpress on "mage steriods" to many domains.

      How long does it take you to find a niche and build a site from scratch?
      You can actually build a site in minutes and populate it with thousands of articles/products ... but, that's not what I do. I guess it's a blessing/curse of my personality to do things the hard way. I sometimes take two or three days to build a site out to the point that I can walk away from it and start another. Then I always go back and tweak later. I always customize my themes and always put unique content on the front end. You don't have to do that -- it's just my way. There are others who started when I did who are making a lot more money than me ... just doing what Greg says to do.

      As for finding the niche ... that's the easy part. eBay has done all the homework on that ... you just tap into their categories and you have thousands of profitable niches. Even if you use Adsense, Overstock or Amazon, you can still use the niche info you'll find freely available on eBay.

      Does that help? Please let me know if I can answer any more questions. There's a lot to the mage system and it is not for everyone ... I'm just glad I found it.

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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I'm using the full mage system from the pre-launch, like Linda.

    For me, I'm not spending much time at all finding niches. Since it takes only a matter of minutes to put up a fully loaded site with the full mage system, why should I spend hours choosing between niches? I may as well spend those hours and put up dozens of sites... one for EACH niche. Maybe I'm lazy, but I think that's the intent and beauty of the mage system.

    I'm spreading my niches all over the place, all kinds of different products and topics. I think it's fun! SO much less stress.
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    • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
      Unfortunately, the majority of the tools aren't available right now and it's unclear what the price tag will be on them. While the techniques described are good they're almost identical to what I already do. What I was looking for from this system were the automation tools and they aren't available. So, I'm somewhat disappointed with it at this point. Greg says that he'll have the tools available after November 5 so we'll see at that time.

      If you're new to niche site marketing, WP Mage is a pretty good method to follow, especially for eBay EPN, Amazon and other product affiliate sites.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293620].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author perswealth
        Hello Linda,

        What is the website address for wpmage so i can get more information? Sounds interesting
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        • Profile picture of the author michaelmac
          Originally Posted by perswealth View Post

          Hello Linda,

          What is the website address for wpmage so i can get more information? Sounds interesting
          Hi perswealth,

          You'll find information and a free download at:


          HTH's Ya!


          Steal My Proven Squeeze Page That Converts Like Crazy!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1295553].message }}
          • Originally Posted by michaelmac View Post

            Hi perswealth,

            You'll find information and a free download at:

            WORDPRESS MAGE

            HTH's Ya!

            Is this product still available? I go to the "buy" button and there is no price, no place to even sign up for it.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1490580].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author twinmom
              Originally Posted by selfmademillionaire View Post

              Is this product still available? I go to the "buy" button and there is no price, no place to even sign up for it.
              I don't believe it's for sale at the moment. Go to WORDPRESS MAGE (not my affiliate link - goes straight to Greg's page) and I'm sure he will send updates if it is for sale again in the future.

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      • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
        Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

        Unfortunately, the majority of the tools aren't available right now and it's unclear what the price tag will be on them. While the techniques described are good they're almost identical to what I already do. What I was looking for from this system were the automation tools and they aren't available. So, I'm somewhat disappointed with it at this point. Greg says that he'll have the tools available after November 5 so we'll see at that time.

        If you're new to niche site marketing, WP Mage is a pretty good method to follow, especially for eBay EPN, Amazon and other product affiliate sites.
        Well, as Greg says, this is not for everyone.

        However, I don't think you have to be new to niche marketing for this to be a good product for you. I am certainly not a newbie ... started IM marketing in 1996. I've been fairly successful but I've never really had a way to make passive income.

        That's why I was interested in the mage system. I've tried other programs that promised a way to create passive affiliate income but for whatever reason these didn't work for me. I can't see the future, and don't know how it will be tomorrow ... or next year ... but I can truly say this is the only affiliate income system I have ever tried that I earned from right out of the starting gate. If I gauge my finishing on my starting ... and if all things remain the same ... I will be making a substantial affiliate income this time next year.

        Sure, there's a little work required to put it into action ... and there's some work to keeping it going ... but it's the most passive affiliate income I've made to date in such a short time span so I'm sold on it ... and at age 65 with almost 13 years of IM under my belt that was a pretty hard sale .

        Nov. 5 isn't very far off ... Greg has said he wants only satisfied customers ... and he's happy to guarantee satisfaction so if you really want to try it out you'll not find an easier marketer to work with. That young man exudes integrity.

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    • Profile picture of the author teodoras35
      Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

      I'm using the full mage system from the pre-launch, like Linda.

      For me, I'm not spending much time at all finding niches. Since it takes only a matter of minutes to put up a fully loaded site with the full mage system, why should I spend hours choosing between niches? I may as well spend those hours and put up dozens of sites... one for EACH niche. Maybe I'm lazy, but I think that's the intent and beauty of the mage system.

      I'm spreading my niches all over the place, all kinds of different products and topics. I think it's fun! SO much less stress.
      Hi I have read your post about WP Mage , what can you tell me about your experience of using it.Thank you for your time .I want to know more about it before i will jump in .Please help me with your advice.Thanks.Ted.
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  • Profile picture of the author LIndaB
    I'm wondering how much of the income potential is dependent on Ebay. The reason I ask is that right now it seems to be extremely hard to get accepted by them. Not sure why. I've never had any problem getting accepted by any other affiliate program, including CPA programs. Can as much be earned from Amazon and Overstock?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1294119].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author twinmom
      I too, had the privilege of being one of Greg's beta testers. Linda covered everything very nicely, but I just wanted to chime in as another that is having wonderful success with WPMage.

      It's surprisingly simple, but so powerful. Of the methods that Linda mentioned, I use CPMage to set up all of my sites. It's all pre-configured and after a few clicks, my site is set up. I do some tweaking to the site that same evening, and other than going back in to browse stats, that site is done. Unless I want to change something, there's no more work to that site.

      I will mention that not all sites are winners. I have a few that haven't made much money, but for the amount of time that I spent putting the site up, it's really no big deal.

      I have also been trying out the Mage system with some variations of what Greg teaches, and am finding success that way too, so it's certainly not limited in use.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1295590].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
        I too, had the privilege of being one of Greg's beta testers. Linda covered everything very nicely, but I just wanted to chime in as another that is having wonderful success with WPMage.

        It's surprisingly simple, but so powerful. Of the methods that Linda mentioned, I use CPMage to set up all of my sites. It's all pre-configured and after a few clicks, my site is set up. I do some tweaking to the site that same evening, and other than going back in to browse stats, that site is done. Unless I want to change something, there's no more work to that site.

        I will mention that not all sites are winners. I have a few that haven't made much money, but for the amount of time that I spent putting the site up, it's really no big deal.

        I have also been trying out the Mage system with some variations of what Greg teaches, and am finding success that way too, so it's certainly not limited in use.

        Can anyone using the Mage system give us an idea of the stats they are having with the system? Obviously the numbers will vary depending on the niche but, for example:

        How many of the posts, on average, are being indexed by search engines per day?

        Where is the traffic coming from? YouTube, other sites or blogs, Google, Yahoo, MSM searches, etc.

        How many hits are they getting a day on average and if it´s increasing by what percentage?

        Are they getting any spam in their email that´s attached to the account?

        Is anyone adding an opt in option on their homepage and building a list? Is it converting?

        How much time does it take for you to build your average site?

        How many keyword or long-tail keyword phrases is the program mining from your seed keyword on your average site?

        What´s the most time-consuming step in the process of building a mage site and how long does that take?

        Can anyone PM me with a link to one of the Mage sites they built so I can look at ot as a customer would? That would be so much better than watching a video

        Some real numbers would be greatly appreciated from anyone using this program. It looks like a fantastic deal but any hard facts from someone actually using it would ease my mind before spending the money to get one.

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        • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1376858].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
          Originally Posted by Frank Tocco View Post

          Can anyone using the Mage system give us an idea of the stats they are having with the system? Obviously the numbers will vary depending on the niche but, for example:

          How many of the posts, on average, are being indexed by search engines per day?

          Where is the traffic coming from? YouTube, other sites or blogs, Google, Yahoo, MSM searches, etc.

          How many hits are they getting a day on average and if it´s increasing by what percentage?

          Are they getting any spam in their email that´s attached to the account?

          Is anyone adding an opt in option on their homepage and building a list? Is it converting?

          How much time does it take for you to build your average site?

          How many keyword or long-tail keyword phrases is the program mining from your seed keyword on your average site?

          What´s the most time-consuming step in the process of building a mage site and how long does that take?

          Can anyone PM me with a link to one of the Mage sites they built so I can look at ot as a customer would? That would be so much better than watching a video

          Some real numbers would be greatly appreciated from anyone using this program. It looks like a fantastic deal but any hard facts from someone actually using it would ease my mind before spending the money to get one.

          Hi Frank,

          Do you really live in Cancun ... I am green! It is getting cold where I live.

          I can't answer all of your questions ... but, here's a few. Maybe Greg will pop back in soon.

          --- Traffic comes from the search engines and back links (we purchase expired domains)
          --- hits? you mean visitors, I think. It depends on the quality of the domain name you have purchased. I have some that hit the road with 100 visitors a day and some that start of with as few as 10 vpd. As you keep adding posts your traffic continues to climb. Sorry I don't do percentages.... I just look at my income .
          --- I haven't noticed any more spam than a blog normally gets with my maged sites. We use Akismet. You are free to add any other spam control plugins you'd like to add.
          --- I haven't added an optin list; others have talked about it on the forum. Yes, I know I am probably leaving money on the table .
          --- I am slow, so I'm probably not the best person to answer your "how much time" question. I focus on quality, not quantity. You can actually put a site up in minutes (after you know what to do).
          --- keywords ... EVERY niche is different, so you can't really give an average.
          ---the most time consuming process is listening to the videos and reading the pdf files ... i.e., laying the foundation of knowledge. BUT if you will do that, then the rest is a piece of cake ... a lot of people want to jump in and start building sites without the slightest understanding of the mage system. Some don't even know what a wordpress blog is ... and they want to be a success today.
          --- send Greg an email. He will share URL with you.
          --- I started this thread with real numbers. When I started the thread I had nothing to gain ... no affiliate link, nothing. I just happen to love the mage. I kept getting pm's from people asking my affiliate link (a lot of people have joined the mage because of this thread) so I finally asked Greg if we have an affiliate program that I could join. I joined it this week. I have made no money from this ... I have given you unbiased fact. I know my figures are not all that great when compared to the big IM marketers ... but I'm very happy with the return!

          Okay ... that's the best I can do.

          Hope it helps a little.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1377401].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
            Hi Frank,

            Do you really live in Cancun ... I am green! It is getting cold where I live.

            I can't answer all of your questions ... but, here's a few. Maybe Greg will pop back in soon.
            Thanks Linda,
            Your post is very helpful and yes, I really live in Cancun.

            Watched all the videos and read the entire PDF that Greg put out and emailed him and he answered all my questions promptly and professionally which I found impressive.

            If anyone here can PM me a link to one of their live sites mad with the Mage so I could browse it ( maybe even buy something) I´de really appreciate it.

            I´m glad you´re seeing good results with the program.
            Thanks again.
            Talk soon,
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1378124].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
              I am this |..| close to ordering.
              My wife is this |...| close.

              Can someone also PM me a link to one or two of their mage sites?

              This would be of great help in making my decision.

              I also want to thank everyone for contributing to this thread.

              Thanks for any assistance...
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    • Profile picture of the author twinmom
      Originally Posted by LIndaB View Post

      I'm wondering how much of the income potential is dependent on Ebay. The reason I ask is that right now it seems to be extremely hard to get accepted by them. Not sure why. I've never had any problem getting accepted by any other affiliate program, including CPA programs. Can as much be earned from Amazon and Overstock?
      I didn't get approved by Overstock, so can't speak for that option, but most of my income does come from EPN. Right now, I've only done a small amount on Amazon, and my Adsense runs about 20% of my EPN.

      Included in Greg's info is a PDF with information about what EPN looks for. I had been denied a couple of times. After I got into the beta, I tried again using Greg's information, and I did get accepted.

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      • Profile picture of the author admiral
        thanks linda for the review.
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        • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
          Originally Posted by admiral View Post

          thanks linda for the review.
          You're very welcome!
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          • Profile picture of the author RisingPhoenix
            Thanks Linda for your excellent feedback on Greg's system. It is very honest and helpful.

            I wanted to know though, how do you get traffic?

            I can't wrap my mind around it. You post all these blog comments and then just wait for traffic to come. Is it all about buying those aged domains that Greg is talking about.

            I know your extremely busy, but I'd really like to know how you get your traffic.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1299037].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
              Originally Posted by RisingPhoenix View Post

              Thanks Linda for your excellent feedback on Greg's system. It is very honest and helpful.

              I wanted to know though, how do you get traffic?

              I can't wrap my mind around it. You post all these blog comments and then just wait for traffic to come. Is it all about buying those aged domains that Greg is talking about.

              I know your extremely busy, but I'd really like to know how you get your traffic.
              Hi RisingPhoenix,

              Thanks for your kind words.

              You don't really post blog comments ... just posts and products. You get almost immediate traffic because of the aged domains. You should purchase domains that have backlinks and, if possible, good PR. I like to buy older domains because they seem to have more authority. If you have 3000 blog posts indexed you will get natural, organic traffic. It just happens.

              Does that help?

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307595].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by LIndaB View Post

      I'm wondering how much of the income potential is dependent on Ebay. The reason I ask is that right now it seems to be extremely hard to get accepted by them. Not sure why. I've never had any problem getting accepted by any other affiliate program, including CPA programs. Can as much be earned from Amazon and Overstock?
      Linda, I am only doing eBay at this point. I understand some have had a hard time getting into the eBay system ... but it is not impossible so I'd say, bang away at their door.

      Greg has an excellent free ebook on how to get accepted in ebay. You can get it here: http://www.wpmage.com/EPNApproval.pdf

      Good luck,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1298515].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dschoen
      Originally Posted by LIndaB View Post

      I'm wondering how much of the income potential is dependent on Ebay. The reason I ask is that right now it seems to be extremely hard to get accepted by them. Not sure why. I've never had any problem getting accepted by any other affiliate program, including CPA programs. Can as much be earned from Amazon and Overstock?
      This is the big problem with the Mage, don't get me wrong it is an excellent took, it builds site fast, puts in videos, articles, photos, product pics. You fill in your id's product and info are pulled, and you just collect the checks.

      I had a 5 year old site with tons of content, like over 100 pages, but got rejected by Overstock and ebay. Greg has a neat little pdf, how to prepare your site for acceptance, which I folowed to a T. They said in the Mage forum that you have to have some kind of cj.com sales record to be approved by Overstock.

      Wehn I was in the mage forum, it seemed like most people that were making great money and I mean great money, all were approved by ebay. Most said to just go with cj, Amazon and clickbank. But the ones I talked to in the forums weren't doing to good with those, they were making money, but not what that system can put out with Overstock and ebay.

      I know it is kind of confusing at first, but when you get into it, it really not that hard to get it up and going. I just didn't see the potential and was bummed getting rejected by ebay and overstock. Greg was really good on refunding, I don't refund at all but it was too much money in this case, if you are approved by ebay and overstock, the others like cj, Amazon, and clickbank of course is no big deal, but if you can get approved or are approved this is the best system out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelmac
    Hi Linda, PM sent to you.



    Steal My Proven Squeeze Page That Converts Like Crazy!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1295550].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I'm using it and that is exactly correct. You just simply wait. No further promotion or SEO is needed. Greg says he's never built a backlink in his life. I think the trick is because my posts target such obscure longtails, that traffic is bound to come.
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  • Profile picture of the author dubhlinn
    looks really good.
    I know if you live in Rhode Island USA, I cannot be an affiliate with amazon. Is this the case with the other programs e-bay etc?
    Congrats to you Linda hope you make plenty adn the other testers.

    Ps Does anybody know the final price being offered to warriors ? Is it $995 or 400 of this price?
    The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307411].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by dubhlinn View Post

      looks really good.
      I know if you live in Rhode Island USA, I cannot be an affiliate with amazon. Is this the case with the other programs e-bay etc?
      Congrats to you Linda hope you make plenty adn the other testers.

      Ps Does anybody know the final price being offered to warriors ? Is it $995 or 400 of this price?
      Hi dubhlinn ...

      Thanks for the congrats. I'm working on that "plenty" part!

      I honestly don't know what programs would be available in your area. If I were you I'd check it out first before making any kind of purchase.

      I'm not sure of the price, either. Haven't had a chance to look at the sales page.

      Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author cowboyrob
    I believe it's $400 off that price. I'm looking at the final page right before I click pay right now, and with the warrior coupon, it's $597.00.

    I'm still debating whether I should make the purchase. I feel like I could do well with it just based off of the reviews, but that's a pretty big monetary commitment. And then there's the $27 monthly fee.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307588].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      I believe it's $400 off that price. I'm looking at the final page right before I click pay right now, and with the warrior coupon, it's $597.00.

      I'm still debating whether I should make the purchase. I feel like I could do well with it just based off of the reviews, but that's a pretty big monetary commitment. And then there's the $27 monthly fee.
      Hi cowboyrob ... are you the one who called me?

      It is a lot of money and it's something only you can decide. You could try it out. Greg does have a great guarantee.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307605].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      I'm still debating whether I should make the purchase. I feel like I could do well with it just based off of the reviews, but that's a pretty big monetary commitment. And then there's the $27 monthly fee.
      No, it's not a good deal. You can use the same pattern of niche site building for free and you can buy automation tools that cost about 1/4 of that price.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311016].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
        Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

        No, it's not a good deal. You can use the same pattern of niche site building for free and you can buy automation tools that cost about 1/4 of that price.
        Hello Sir

        I wanted to say that I %100 respect your opinion, but I just need to provide some information so that people have the correct Facts to complete their investigation on this product. As it is not for everybody, but some will find it useful based on what is offered.

        So these are the facts:

        Like you said, you can use the same Mage Blueprint System for free.

        In fact we do the Blueprint as a giveaway. It is similar to other systems, except it takes a few very DIFFERENT approaches. But no matter. It is a free giveaway that you have already read, so its out there and do as you will with it.

        Re: "Automation tools at 1/4 the price" ... I have actually used most of these "automation tools at 1/4 the price" and there are actually quite a bit of free automation tools on the market. (WP-o-Matic to name one)

        Also many of our current Mages have used and purchased most of these tools as well. Well the fact is that these "tools" work, but you also get what you pay for.

        Meaning that they can in theory do a similar thing. But what you are getting is a piecework process where you are essentially gluing together 10 different processes to replicate a similar effect as to what the Mage does in a single click. and then you still do not know.

        The fact is that there is NOTHING like the Mage on the market. I know because Automation is my life and I try everything and actually built the MAGE, not to sell, but for my own useage.

        If there was a combo of tools (even using SSH and CLI) that did it with this ease, then I would have used them and never developed the MAGE.

        So the fact is that you are correct, yes you can in theory piece together a similar process. However in practice, I just prefer to click a button and have a website ....though to each his own.

        -Greg Jacobs
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311700].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author twinmom
          Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

          . Well the fact is that these "tools" work, but you also get what you pay for.
          What I like about the Mage system is that I can set up a complete, ready to go site in less than an hour. And it's set for life basically, unless I want to go back and add more posts later. Now, if this site "flops" and doesn't make but a few dollars a month, okay no problem - it was just an hour.

          However, the really interesting thing that I find about my Mage sites is that "they work". I have some sites that I actually built with the Mage, and then added on some other autoblogging tools (WPRobot,UAW,WPOM,etc) just to experiment. Those sites don't do nearly as well as pure Mage sites.

          It's really had to wrap your mind around how the entire system works until you have tried it out.

          At the moment, I'm actually testing out several different ideas with the Mage and the more I use it, the more potential I see. Even after using it for 3 months, I continue to be amazed.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312295].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
          Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

          So the fact is that you are correct, yes you can in theory piece together a similar process. However in practice, I just prefer to click a button and have a website ....though to each his own.
          Sorry Greg but IMO the extremely high price for your tools isn't worth it to me based on the opportunity cost. I think you've priced yourself out of the market beyond selling to people who haven't taken the time to review their options and do a cost analysis, who lack a lot in the technical department and/or who're new and need a lot of hand holding. If that's your market, that's great, I'm sure you'll do quite well with that.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312311].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
            Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

            Sorry Greg but IMO the extremely high price for your tools isn't worth it to me based on the opportunity cost. I think you've priced yourself out of the market beyond selling to people who haven't taken the time to review their options and do a cost analysis, who lack a lot in the technical department and/or who're new and need a lot of hand holding. If that's your market, that's great, I'm sure you'll do quite well with that.
            say all you like about me, the Mage or my prices, but please leave our userbase out of this. I will say you are %100 mistaken and have NO IDEA what you are talking about. And if you found out who some of our users are, you would probably swallow your tounge to think that you just said that about them.

            Until you actually use our product or can move beyond the realm of speculation, then please leave it be, you have said your piece and it has been noted and I hope we can leave it at that.

            On a more friendly note.

            . You will be surprised some of the users that we do have. I have a few guys who I would say are much more advanced at automation and development than myself and they find this useful and even amazing at times.

            I have one user who already makes over 100k a year setting up automated sites and he is switching all his new sites over to the Mage Platform because it saves him time.

            I have other users who don't even know how to FTP and we get them started with the Point and Click Generation and they earn.

            I am going to try to stay out of this thread now, unless there is compelling reason to come back. So I hope we can leave it at that.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312448].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
              Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

              Also I know for a fact you have never used our complete system, so we can take partially what you say as speculation.
              It is true that I am speculating but, then again, business cost analysis (aka speculating) has been part of my work for quite a number of years. As such, I tend to look at IM products with a lot more critical eye than most people do.

              I'm not saying your product is bad and I could see it being a good fit for some people. I think your basic niche site building plan is good. I just think that you're way overpriced for the WP automation tool market and I don't see the extra value to justify the considerable extra cost.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312577].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

                It is true that I am speculating but, then again, business cost analysis (aka speculating) has been part of my work for quite a number of years. As such, I tend to look at IM products with a lot more critical eye than most people do.

                I'm not saying your product is bad and I could see it being a good fit for some people. I think your basic niche site building plan is good. I just think that you're way overpriced for the WP automation tool market and I don't see the extra value to justify the considerable extra cost.
                Probably the root of our disagreement is that this is not a "WP Automation Tool"

                How many people have used "WP Automation Tools" and never earned any significant $$. Probably many. I have used all these too and have earned some, but never enough to call it a fully earning system

                The reason is that they are all piecework. It is difficult and long to bind various systems together. And there is no solid core to push people towards.

                To make the money using the Blueprint you need the following things
                • Fast Site Creation and Configuration
                • Targeted Unique Content creation
                • Tageted Affiliate listings
                • Content and Affiliate listings need to be mashed up on the same page and relvent
                • Massive creation of posts based on the above stipulations
                • SEO Optimized and non-footprinted layouts.
                Like Brian above, I used to do this manually. I had a desktop full of patchwork scripts I would actually generate text files in Linux and do SQL imports and actually did quite well. But it was ALOT of work.

                What we have done is esentially taken the knowledge of how these systems work and put them together into a singular plug and play system. And it works! It really really works

                Yes in theory you can do it all on your own... but it depends how you value your time.

                Regarding the investment. Well, its not a $20 script. I agree with you on that front. It just comes down to being able to see the value in the Mage and do a Cost-Benefit-Analysis on whether you can save more time by using the turnkey system than you will by doing it on your own.

                This can only be determined based on how you value your own time and the weight of benefit you can get from using the Mage

                I can tell you that despite being about to create these sites through Linux, I use the Mage now for all my own sites.

                Because my time is valuable and I know the forumla that earns and I prefer to earn rather than tinker.

                So you can see, I am not really in disagreement with you, but I would recommend to stop thinking about the Mage as a "WP Automation Plugin" but more as a complete system and coursework for earning an income online. (that just happens to be based on wordpress)

                hope that explanation puts us in alignment.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312739].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Freeon
                  Did someone say you cannot sell a site built using Mage???
                  That would be my first reason not to try it.
                  And do you have to keep paying monthly after creating your site?
                  That would be my second reason...
                  I'm not trying to bash the thread but...
                  I like to own what I create.
                  I hate a monkey on my back feeling.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1314545].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                    Originally Posted by Freeon View Post

                    Did someone say you cannot sell a site built using Mage???
                    Unless you implement significant measures, you need the plugins to keep the site running, so selling a site would for the most part require the person you are selling to having a copy of Mage. (since you cant give them your license) makes sense?

                    Originally Posted by Freeon View Post

                    And do you have to keep paying monthly after creating your site?
                    That would be my second reason...
                    No way. You pay once for the software and you are finished, done. You can install unlimited domains on unlimited servers as long as they are all owned by you.

                    The software is yours %100.

                    the monthly fee is for a basic service and trial, that you get %100 included when you get the full system

                    Basicly, Once you invest in the Full Master Mage, you never pay anything to us ever again and have lifetime usage.

                    hope that answers your questions
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1314679].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author clarencechew
                      Hi Greg,

                      Can we use sub-domain to setup for all mage sites ??

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359384].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
                    Originally Posted by Freeon View Post

                    Did someone say you cannot sell a site built using Mage???
                    That would be my first reason not to try it.
                    Hi Freeon,

                    I'm glad Greg has joined our thread and is giving the *official* answer to a lot of the questions. (Thank you, Greg!)

                    From a user standpoint, I totally understand your feelings. When I first tried Greg's domain tool that he gave away to war room members my intention was to buy $5 expired domains, build sites and sell them. Greg said (in a thread on that forum) that I would make more money putting affiliate links such as the ePN on the sites.

                    Well, I had tried affiliate marketing and never really made any money but his post inspired me to give it a focused try. I didn't know he was going to offer the mage program so I purchased another program and built a couple of ebay stores. Unfortunately, I didn't make any money ... not one cent with the. It's not a bad product ... it looks nice and is easy to use ... but it didn't generate any income for me.

                    I was on the verge of selling the sites when Greg asked me to beta test his mage system. What did I have to lose? I asked myself. I quickly put up a few new sites on expired domains and watched in amazement as I started getting sales. What a difference! The other sites built with the other program just sat there looking pretty but the new sites started making money right out of the box (so to speak). I quickly realized I could make a lot more money keeping the sites than selling them.

                    So, while I certainly understand your statement I can say with absolute assurance ... you will make more money keeping the sites using the mage system. I love to create sites ... I do it for people as part of my business model. I may never stop doing that but one thing I love more than anything is to see that residual income increase on a weekly basis. Now, that's just plain fun.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1318663].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Richard Crooke
                    Linda and others,

                    Thanks for the positive feedback on Greg's product. I just saw a sales video today and its very interesting. I like the business model as I am a recent googlesniper member.


                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358533].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author askloz
                    I'll give ya a few more reasons not to.

                    1) the guy has absolutely no idea how search engines work
                    2) the content is duplicate content
                    3) those pages will end up disappearing from the search engine and rankings will not become stable.
                    4) the guy has no clue how to do seo
                    5) it's obviously rushed software / launch, you even see errors in the posts via that magesniper video - Sorry George, not trying to put you down mate, but you have made a BIG mistake promoting that guy's software... And for the price, what a rip off! Tried to help ya mate before stepping into that big hole of a mistake. oh well

                    I'll be having mine completed soon, and you will see the big difference in how it does things, the right way, from a person who excels in SEO.

                    Originally Posted by Freeon View Post

                    Did someone say you cannot sell a site built using Mage???
                    That would be my first reason not to try it.
                    And do you have to keep paying monthly after creating your site?
                    That would be my second reason...
                    I'm not trying to bash the thread but...
                    I like to own what I create.
                    I hate a monkey on my back feeling.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358635].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93

                      I think you should be careful mate. I understand you may have tried similar software programs in the past but I think you should give Greg a chance to respond to be fair. I'd tend to agree with you that this thing is complete rubbish, but many may see it that you're simply trying to promote your own software. It would be a shame if you got removed because of stuff like that.

                      Just a suggestion!


                      Originally Posted by askloz View Post

                      I'll give ya a few more reasons not to.

                      1) the guy has absolutely no idea how search engines work
                      2) the content is duplicate content
                      3) those pages will end up disappearing from the search engine and rankings will not become stable.
                      4) the guy has no clue how to do seo
                      5) it's obviously rushed software / launch, you even see errors in the posts via that magesniper video - Sorry George, not trying to put you down mate, but you have made a BIG mistake promoting that guy's software... And for the price, what a rip off!

                      I'll be having mine completed soon, and you will see the big difference in how it does things, the right way, from a person who excels in SEO.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358645].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author askloz
                        I don't need to be careful...

                        the video was enough proof in it self...

                        AND, I personally went over to google translater, after watching his video 5, at how he translates the text to 2 other or more languages then back to english, have you tried it?

                        did you see that it only changed a few words?

                        COUGH: Duplicate Content

                        I have my own personal software that I have been using now for over 2 years that does a MUCH better job than his software, and far much more.

                        I have over 1600 of my own sites out there that using my script, churning out over 100,000 posts a day to my network of sites, with over 12 million pages indexed, knocking out over 10 million unique visitors to my sites.

                        So I think I know what I am talking about.

                        Im not trying to promote my own software, besides, over 14,000 people already are waiting for my software to launch, so I dont need to promote here or anywhere else. and I can tell ya now, it wont be going for $797. nowhere close.

                        Originally Posted by cgallagher93 View Post


                        I think you should be careful mate. I understand you may have tried similar software programs in the past but I think you should give Greg a chance to respond to be fair. I'd tend to agree with you that this thing is complete rubbish, but many may see it that you're simply trying to promote your own software. It would be a shame if you got removed because of stuff like that.

                        Just a suggestion!

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358667].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author askloz
                      Excuse you, i never swore.

                      I dont need to try his product, i've seen his demo videos... I know enough about this industry (SEO) to know his software is lame.

                      you're just a newbie that doesn't have a clue how things work in the SEO world.

                      Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post


                      Mind your manners man really! Did you even try out his product? Give the guy a chance before you jump in here bashing his balls and everything.

                      Stop sounding like a monkey man and give us some proof for your accusations.

                      How can that be done when I fixed all the problems years ago.

                      and stop telling me what to do, you aint my mother...
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358824].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author askloz
                        Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                        Loz, I bought your products "teaching" us how to do SEO, and I learned SQUAT from you. You keep bashing in here and accusing everybody of being noobs and not knowing what they are doing, but I don't see any TEACHING from your side.
                        Well, thanks for being a member

                        If you learned squat, is that my fault. Did you ever ask me any questions? Not as far as I recall. If you had, then I would of taken you to one side and helped you even more.

                        You dont see any teaching on my side? where you been living then? pull that curtain from your eyes.

                        VTGP has heaps of info there about SEO, more than you already knew. And I bet to this very day, you dont put them into practice.

                        I've helped thousands learn how to do SEO and increase their search engine rankings. If you're not gonna take action, like 90% of peeps do, not really much I can do since it's out of my hands from that point.

                        Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                        If you cannot add anything useful to the discussion, why are you here? We all know you are all mighty rich and powerful, so you don't have to keep telling us.
                        I am being useful, giving my SEO experience based on what his does, this is a review section. I am giving my review based on his lack of seo experience and how SE's work.

                        Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                        Nobody says you cannot complain, but you need some PROOF to backup your claims. Watching videos and saying the system sucks is really ignorant in my opinion.
                        Listen, like i said, my sites have been corrected of the mistakes, so there is nothing to show you proof of something where i used my custom software...

                        but if you want proof of one of my article directories. then go here:

                        site:Article Directory, Post Articles, Free Articles For Websites

                        That's how many articles I have, google has removed most of them, why? cos they're ALL duplicate content, that article directory is about 3 years old.

                        That proves my point that duplicate content, after X years will drop from the index. at one stage I had all my articles indexed and receiving like 3-4,000 visitors per day, now dropped to approx 50-200 a day.

                        Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                        And how on earth would you know I'm an SEO noob? Really man c'mon.

                        I never said his product is excellent, I haven't tried it so don't KNOW YET.
                        You just answered your question, you dont know, I do. how? based on intense testing and studying. I'm able to test things for many hours per day, im online for 14-18hrs a day, testing, testing, testing.. I know what works, I know what doesn't. Many others out there dont even have 2 hours online to do the amount of testing that I've done over the years.

                        And most ppl wont even test.

                        I didn't get where I am today by not knowing what I am doing. I got where I am today by knowing what I am doing by ignoring most SEO posts online and test things out myself.

                        if you're not gonna do deep testing on 100's of sites like I have, then you wont have that picture of how SE's work. You can't work things out by having just a couple sites.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358910].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author askloz
                          Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                          All I tried to tell you is that you should not accuse people or products without explaining WHY and giving the proof.
                          I already did, and those who know about SEO who haven't spoken up know what I am talking about too.

                          Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                          Nobody here is interested in opinions, or at least not I am.
                          i think you will find that over 70% of the people here do, that's why a lot of ppl go to review sites, or ask their friends for their opinions.

                          any way, i aint gonna say any more on the matter. I'll let ppl waste 800 bones.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358978].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author askloz
                            OMG, I dont need to use his software.

                            My FIRST version 3 years or so ago, did EXACT same thing! I am telling you ALL from experience... take it or leave it... up to you.

                            Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

                            We all appreciate your opinion, but the problem here is you have not actually tested the product yet. You only watched the videos.

                            But maybe that was enough for you to make a decision.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359083].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author KARRAX
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360513].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author powyoung
                      Just go to wpmage.com/oto and you can get it there.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360592].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
                        I'm close to pushing the button, my only concern really is that we have all these people building sites pulling and spinning the same content in the same way as they will all probably use the internal keyword tool.

                        So we have a gazzilion or so sites all using the exact same spun content all in the same niches, that concerns me, the internal keyword tool is a nice feature but I think the downside is from the primary seed keyphrase it's goign to churn out the same long tails for everybody.

                        Wish it had a more impressive spinner, but on the other hand it's still a damm easy way to implement a lot of sites.

                        I'm also unsure as to why there should be any serious delay in indexing, I can wang a site up and with a tiny amount of social bookmarking and nothing else get it indexed in 24 hours or so, if I throw in some RSS and even a couple of 2.0's backling to it and then socially bookmark those I can get in the top 3 in google within a week, why should it take weeks to index the content ?

                        Despite the issues, it's still tempting.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360645].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author pandorabox
                        Originally Posted by powyoung View Post

                        Just go to wpmage.com/oto and you can get it there.
                        This doesn't get you the software to build the sites, does it?
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360730].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
                          Originally Posted by pandorabox View Post

                          This doesn't get you the software to build the sites, does it?
                          Greg's already sold out of the full package, full details here:

                          WORDPRESS MAGE

                          Been waffling about deciding whether to buy or not, been somewhat moot .

                          I've just been going to the oto page as well entirely forgetting the original URL from George's page.

                          He who hesitates and all that malarky :-)

                          Catch em on the re launch, be some good feedback by then as well.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360749].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Danny Keegan
                          Originally Posted by pandorabox View Post

                          This doesn't get you the software to build the sites, does it?
                          Correct, it gets you the "adept" membership where you have access to the information and tools to build the blogs manually but for the automation tools you need the "master" mage membership.

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360764].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
                            Originally Posted by Danny Keegan View Post

                            Correct, it gets you the "adept" membership where you have access to the information and tools to build the blogs manually but for the automation tools you need the "master" mage membership.

                            Cheers, was just about to ask about the basic differences.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360770].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
                    Did someone say you cannot sell a site built using Mage???
                    That would be my first reason not to try it.
                    And do you have to keep paying monthly after creating your site?
                    That would be my second reason...
                    I'm not trying to bash the thread but...
                    I like to own what I create.
                    I hate a monkey on my back feeling.

                    Here´s a clip from the sales page but I´m not sure if you can sell the sites you create or not. Does anyone here know?

                    When you own your WP Mage licence, you are given the system. (We'll install WP Mage on your server for free or you can install it yourself.)
                    There is no limit to the number of sites you can make. We do NOT charge you for each installation.
                    You also get ALL the tools needed to implement the system. You don't have to find and piece together this tool here and this tool there.
                    We do NOT have high monthly fees you have to pay to access our tools. Nor do we have low monthly fees...
                    You are given unlimited access to every tool you need for FREE.
                    And for life.

                    Sounds like a one time payment to me.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1372705].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
                      Originally Posted by Frank Tocco View Post

                      Here´s a clip from the sales page but I´m not sure if you can sell the sites you create or not. Does anyone here know?

                      When you own your WP Mage licence, you are given the system. (We'll install WP Mage on your server for free or you can install it yourself.)
                      There is no limit to the number of sites you can make. We do NOT charge you for each installation.
                      You also get ALL the tools needed to implement the system. You don't have to find and piece together this tool here and this tool there.
                      We do NOT have high monthly fees you have to pay to access our tools. Nor do we have low monthly fees...
                      You are given unlimited access to every tool you need for FREE.
                      And for life.

                      Sounds like a one time payment to me.
                      Yes,.. the full Mage membership is a one time payment.

                      As far as the notion that you cannot sell a site built with Mage,- that's not correct,.. you can sell any sites you create as long as you have a willing buyer. One thing you could not do would be to set up a site so that is continually adding content via the Mage "drip feed" and thereby requires the installation of Mage. In such circumstances that buyer would have to invest in Mage him/herself but then the issue of availability from Greg may come into play (i.e. at the time of your sale, Mage may not be available for sale). But,.. having said that, there would be nothing to stop you creating a MAge site and then selling it later (although if it was producing you regular passive monthly income.. why would you want to sell?), and the purchaser would then have to look after the ongoing content and management as is the case with the sale of any site.

                      @cashtech29 if you're not "technical" and need things to function simplistically then the Mage system would be ideal for you. I can't recall the last time I saw a system that is so streamlined and "one-click" install and management oriented.
                      As pointed out by Linda Van Fleet, Greg gives a 30 day satisfaction money back guarantee so you could really put the Mage through its paces in that time and the system and all the user friendly functions would be made quite clear. On the other hand,.. the $27 Adept Mage membership would give you a clear insight and at present the $27 is waived for the first 60 days. The only problem I see with "sitting on the fence" would be that Master Mage membership openings could be closed by the time you realized it was worth pursuing.

                      I'm not affiliated with Greg in any way,.. and although I live in Thailand I've never met nor spoken with him so I can speak honestly and without bias,.. and having said that I'll say that if I wasn't myself very technically capable in being able to set up sites, tweak wordpress, and plugins etc, and if I could afford to lay $797 or 3 x $297 on the table then I think I'd jump at the chance. With all the "get rich schemes" and overwhelming information on the Internet today, I see the Mage system as being a way in which any serious person could set to work with it and establish an ongoing cash-flow stream. That could be enough for your to quit your day job,.. but at the very least it would provide a solid platform upon which you could build and grow your eventual self sustaining IM business. There aren't very many opportunities out there that the same could be said of (I should know because I've tried and failed with many of them).
                      Cheers, Russ

                      Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1372835].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
                        Thank you for your feedback.
                        I am curious; Once the system is bought, is it or the adept mage extra software linked
                        back to Graig's system?

                        I would be concerned that if something were to happen to Graig, such as
                        loss of interest, incarceration or even him passing away, would the system then become useless to anyone who has it???
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1373255].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                          Originally Posted by cashtech29 View Post

                          Thank you for your feedback.
                          I am curious; Once the system is bought, is it or the adept mage extra software linked
                          back to Graig's system?

                          I would be concerned that if something were to happen to Graig, such as
                          loss of interest, incarceration or even him passing away, would the system then become useless to anyone who has it???
                          hopefully none of those things would ever happen. but if I just decided to turn off my computer for a year, your Mage would still function 100%

                          ie.. its standalone.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1373293].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
                            Thanks for the reply Greg.
                            I hope none of those would happen either.

                            So when someone buys the system and they are then instructed to
                            turn off their $27 monthly payments, is this because that extra software, then also becomes stand alone?
                            If I had you install the initial system, would I also need to have you install the extra Adept software once I turn off the $27 monthly payments?

                            Hope these questions aren't redundant...

                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1373308].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                              the $27 is for some hosted tools for domain and keyword research. you get lifetime access to that with the Master Membership.

                              so you dont have to pay monthly. We dont plan on shutting down the server anytime soon as it still has quite a few paying $27 a month members that makes it worth our time.

                              even if for some odd change that we just dropped completely off the face of the planet or moved to some country where they dont have the internets, then your core Mage will still function fine.
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1373330].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
                                How long does it usually take for Google to find all the comments in newly formed Mage site and index them? Does anyone know?
                                Seems like it does a few at a time but does anyone have any first hand experience with this? Is there any way to speed up the process?
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1374620].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author oldwarrior
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1376022].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author SuccessMatrix

                    Thanks a lot for all your posts, and especially the frist one, that clarified A LOT for me, that I was not clear about because I didn't get the picturea how all the tools are connected.

                    Especiall what CPmage is needed for compared whth the other plug ins.
                    I joined wpmage 3 days ago, soaked all in, and sounds doable for me, even with intermediate technical skills. I know basic FTP etc. but finally there is still the option to get an affordable webmaster, if get stuck at any point - or simply to save valueable time versus figuring details mayself.

                    Also big thanks for the effort and energy you put into explaining!!! It really is extremely helpful!!

                    You're actually an hyperactive helper

                    Also saw your posts inside the wpmage forum! Those were among the most helpful onse!!

                    Also thanks to Greg, I think you are really doing a lot to make this system be a real help!!, and not just another "product launch" out there.

                    I am curious how fast with my experience level I'll be able to get cranking out sites.

                    Therefore Linda's experience gives a good orientation - thanks again.

                    SOMETHING TO THINK:

                    But now, during my calculation I came accross one point: to go ahead and make 50 blogs means buying 50 of the $5 domains ... IF I am lucky to get 50 GOOD domains at $5.
                    This is a domain investment of $250.... I know there is no biz w/o being prepared to invest.
                    But when starting out, that might be a lot, not knowin yet, how much the blogs will return.

                    If 50 blogs made $50 each, that would be $2,500.... so investing $250 should be a no-brainer.

                    Yet, will they really all convert in $50 per month?? Probably rather not.

                    And this is my beginner-concern right now.....
                    The beta-testers report having earned $150 - $600 with say 30 blogs?
                    This is not $50 income per blog yet...

                    My question to the experienced Mages:
                    Did you really break even in the first month? (domain costs vs. revenue)
                    And can I expect to really get good domains all at $5 each?

                    The main "consumption material" (allow me to call it like that), are domains!
                    A BUNCH of them is needed!

                    100 domains x $5 = $500!!
                    Could a webmastery-beginner manage to build 100 domains in one month?
                    and would they break even in the first 4-8 weeks? :confused:

                    This now is really a question of breaking even, e.g. if to speed things up I would buy CPmage the investments at the same time becomes SUPER HUGE, since with making hundreds of blogs fast, also means buying domains like mad.....

                    Just some brainstorming here :rolleyes: ... appreciate every feedback.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1395381].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
                      You are asking the same question as many others.

                      When I started, I bought several expired domains to get things going. They are earning more and more every day.

                      But, yes, they do get pricy while you wait for your earnings to increase.

                      So I started buying and using new domains, even cheap .info's. It strays from Greg's recommendations, but it was my only option. And they are doing fine, and earning more and more every week. After I have good money coming in, I will reinvest some of it back into buying more expired domains.

                      Work with what you have. Even if the new domains don't do AS well as the expireds, if you put up 100 sites/week, they will make you money.

                      And yes, it's VERY doable to put up 100 of these sites in a week. Even with new domains, or even just adsense, that's pretty awesome!
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1395445].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author SuccessMatrix
                        Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

                        You are asking the same question as many others.

                        When I started, I bought several expired domains to get things going. They are earning more and more every day.

                        But, yes, they do get pricy while you wait for your earnings to increase.

                        So I started buying and using new domains, even cheap .info's. It strays from Greg's recommendations, but it was my only option. And they are doing fine, and earning more and more every week. After I have good money coming in, I will reinvest some of it back into buying more expired domains.

                        Work with what you have. Even if the new domains don't do AS well as the expireds, if you put up 100 sites/week, they will make you money.

                        And yes, it's VERY doable to put up 100 of these sites in a week. Even with new domains, or even just adsense, that's pretty awesome!

                        Oh wow, really 100 per week is realistic?
                        Actually I can imagine that, based on Greg said somewhere that 20 blogs in one afternoon are possible.
                        (And I don't mind the work, as long as it IS doable, and pays in the end.)

                        But I did not dare to even thik of 100 per week. I considered 100 per month may be a lot for a starter already.

                        Anyhow, thanks for sharing your experience, especially with .info!!! I wouldn't have dared to use them ;-)
                        I have some .infos, they have no PR but a considerable amount of backlinks on them, which might help to get started! THANKS FOR THAT TIP!!

                        Take care,
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1396058].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Technologize
                    I think anyone using this system is playing with fire.

                    In six months, my bet is on...

                    1. Google Slapping any of these sites right out of the SERPS
                    2. EPN Booting anyone sending traffic from these sites

                    Look, i think it's a great, well thought out system. But like anything in life, short term effort = short term results.

                    Be careful with this... if you do it.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1427885].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author ronmojohny
                      Works on sites that YOU OWN.. many of my domains have private registration, does the software do a whois check?
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                  • Profile picture of the author ionsysproject2
                    i really like the way you have set up your site Steve .. its very clever and well thought out .. Lots of good forum for everyone and great information too ..Congratulations! linda for mage...
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1482748].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author copywriter
                    After building scores of sites with the Mage and having numerous friends do likewise (Some creating literally hundreds of sites) Greg has just confirmed what most Mage users already know. 90% of Mage Users fail.

                    Not MY words but Greg's: Strengthen Core Foundations – Greg Jacobs

                    What has me gobsmacked is that Greg accepts no responsibility for this but says basically if you don't succeed with the Mage it is because you don't understand success.

                    In a nutshell the sales copy promised the earth and the big let down was in the Mages ability to deliver.

                    When many of us posted on the Mage forums regarding massive foot printing issues, our posts were deleted.

                    Meantime the software is still being sold.

                    And the saddest part of all is that IF Greg had said: "Guys the software doesn't work but tell you what - we will create something that does and give it to you for free" he could have won the respect, admiration and loyalty of 90% of his clients.

                    Just watch the body language in the video - it says everything.

                    Unique Facebook Group Reveals How to Explode Your Influence http://www.facebook.com/groups/lawofinfluence

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2092367].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                      Originally Posted by copywriter View Post

                      What has me gobsmacked is that Greg accepts no responsibility for this but says basically if you don't succeed with the Mage it is because you don't understand success.
                      Chris Bloor, please dont put words in my mouth. you have misinterpreted what I said and seem to be on some sort of personal vendetta. but thank you for linking the video. I think people would find it useful.
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                      • Profile picture of the author copywriter
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                      • Profile picture of the author Pubster
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                        • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
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                          • Profile picture of the author Pubster
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                            • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
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                • Profile picture of the author PowPow
                  Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

                  Probably the root of our disagreement is that this is not a "WP Automation Tool"

                  How many people have used "WP Automation Tools" and never earned any significant $$. Probably many. I have used all these too and have earned some, but never enough to call it a fully earning system

                  The reason is that they are all piecework. It is difficult and long to bind various systems together. And there is no solid core to push people towards.

                  To make the money using the Blueprint you need the following things
                  • Fast Site Creation and Configuration
                  • Targeted Unique Content creation
                  • Tageted Affiliate listings
                  • Content and Affiliate listings need to be mashed up on the same page and relvent
                  • Massive creation of posts based on the above stipulations
                  • SEO Optimized and non-footprinted layouts.
                  Like Brian above, I used to do this manually. I had a desktop full of patchwork scripts I would actually generate text files in Linux and do SQL imports and actually did quite well. But it was ALOT of work.

                  What we have done is esentially taken the knowledge of how these systems work and put them together into a singular plug and play system. And it works! It really really works

                  Yes in theory you can do it all on your own... but it depends how you value your time.

                  Regarding the investment. Well, its not a $20 script. I agree with you on that front. It just comes down to being able to see the value in the Mage and do a Cost-Benefit-Analysis on whether you can save more time by using the turnkey system than you will by doing it on your own.

                  This can only be determined based on how you value your own time and the weight of benefit you can get from using the Mage

                  I can tell you that despite being about to create these sites through Linux, I use the Mage now for all my own sites.

                  Because my time is valuable and I know the forumla that earns and I prefer to earn rather than tinker.

                  So you can see, I am not really in disagreement with you, but I would recommend to stop thinking about the Mage as a "WP Automation Plugin" but more as a complete system and coursework for earning an income online. (that just happens to be based on wordpress)

                  hope that explanation puts us in alignment.


                  I'd like to know when you will be opening the WP Mage system back up again, and what it will cost to join for Warriors? Are you allowing people in now for those who request it? I'd love to be added to your testimonials.

                  Thanks so much...
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1785139].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Terry Matthews
                    I get quite a few people asking me about the Mage system. I wonder if any other beta testers (and early adopters), could just jot down their stats to see what kind of trend we have.

                    Like the couple of people above.... total sites built (at which level of automation, amount of time invested, and the initial and current income levels.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1785261].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Brian Johnson
          Hey Everyone

          Interesting as I have done this quite a bit in the past and the results are staggering. The core concepts here are powerful and when put to use they can make you a lot of money, in fact during the spring and summer of 2007 I targeted this same method (and did things manually). I had great success with the idea of "piggy backing" ...

          It worked incredibly well for me and over the course of six months I had built up an ebay income of about $2500 monthly and also added another 2k or so to my Adsense income.

          I will be interested to see how this program rolls out, and I wish Greg luck as he rolls Mage out.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312550].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JBanis
            Originally Posted by Brian Johnson View Post

            Hey Everyone

            Interesting as I have done this quite a bit in the past and the results are staggering. The core concepts here are powerful and when put to use they can make you a lot of money, in fact during the spring and summer of 2007 I targeted this same method (and did things manually). I had great success with the idea of "piggy backing" ...

            It worked incredibly well for me and over the course of six months I had built up an ebay income of about $2500 monthly and also added another 2k or so to my Adsense income.

            I will be interested to see how this program rolls out, and I wish Greg luck as he rolls Mage out.

            Hi Brian

            Could you give us an indication of how many sites you built per week/month or so, orhow many you had after six months to get to that level of income?

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312617].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Brian Johnson
              Originally Posted by JBanis View Post

              Hi Brian

              Could you give us an indication of how many sites you built per week/month or so, orhow many you had after six months to get to that level of income?

              Sure Jan,

              My method was simple:

              Find domains that were expired, based on products or services that were available at ebay. I probably worked about twenty hours a week, however note that I had a very good system down and I understood wordpress (platform of choice for me for years).

              In the course of the six months I purchased about 100 expired domains, and launched about 75 sites based on those domains. Each site had just anywhere from 1 to 25 posts on them.

              I hired out for unique content on some sites (after they were making me money).

              I have revised this method often in the last year and a half to ensure that Google still ranks the sites high (they do when you know what type of domains to buy).

              - This is not a magic bullet.
              - This takes work.

              The results are well worth it.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312631].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author JBanis
                Originally Posted by Brian Johnson View Post

                Sure Jan,

                My method was simple:

                Find domains that were expired, based on products or services that were available at ebay. I probably worked about twenty hours a week, however note that I had a very good system down and I understood wordpress (platform of choice for me for years).

                In the course of the six months I purchased about 100 expired domains, and launched about 75 sites based on those domains. Each site had just anywhere from 1 to 25 posts on them.

                I hired out for unique content on some sites (after they were making me money).

                I have revised this method often in the last year and a half to ensure that Google still ranks the sites high (they do when you know what type of domains to buy).

                - This is not a magic bullet.
                - This takes work.

                The results are well worth it.

                Sounds good, well done. A good working system is all it takes often. It does sound like it could be well worth it. I for one would like to try such an approach. Do you have a system for keep track of all the data of all those sites? Sounds like an admin nightmare :-)
                And do you have more than one server?


                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312669].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Brian Johnson

                  Quite honestly I would say you should jump right in and get started, yes I have systems in place to manage. I have tons of hosting simply because I have been fulltime online for years.

                  However, you could get started with a simple hosting plan
                  (hostmonster is great) and with say five sites. One thing I
                  see many people do is they try to look into the future and
                  they think what maybe or what maybe difficult.

                  -how would I manage?
                  -gosh what about hosting?
                  -how do I do ... blablabla

                  Instead your better of just thinking:

                  - what can I do right now today to move forward.

                  Worry about managing sites once you have twenty, just do it.

                  Get started.

                  Take action.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312689].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      I believe it's $400 off that price. I'm looking at the final page right before I click pay right now, and with the warrior coupon, it's $597.00.

      I'm still debating whether I should make the purchase. I feel like I could do well with it just based off of the reviews, but that's a pretty big monetary commitment. And then there's the $27 monthly fee.
      What Warrior coupon ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358668].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93

        I wasn't suggesting for one minute that you're trying to promote your software here, I was just saying that others (Greg in particular) might get pretty offended and see it as that way as it is a reviews thread to be fair.

        On the other hand, if your software is *that* good, I'll certainly be interested. Could you please PM a link to get on the waiting list buddy?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358675].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author askloz

          I consider George to be a good ole chap, and feel offended that he's been mislead. But I can see the over all "WOW, this looks good" that George had running through his mind. I tried to help the guy. But I guess you can't lead a horse water, they'll merry along their own path and drink the water when they want.

          oh hum, kinda sucks, as soon as he builds a good name for himself, it's gonna be tarnished 10 times as quick.

          Originally Posted by cgallagher93 View Post


          I wasn't suggesting for one minute that you're trying to promote your software here, I was just saying that others (Greg in particular) might get pretty offended and see it as that way as it is a reviews thread to be fair.

          On the other hand, if your software is *that* good, I'll certainly be interested. Could you please PM a link to get on the waiting list buddy?

          link is in my sig.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358697].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lockch
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      I believe it's $400 off that price. I'm looking at the final page right before I click pay right now, and with the warrior coupon, it's $597.00.

      I'm still debating whether I should make the purchase. I feel like I could do well with it just based off of the reviews, but that's a pretty big monetary commitment. And then there's the $27 monthly fee.
      Warrior coupon?
      What is it?
      Can you give me the info ?
      I want to buy it ASAP

      The best IM forum I ever joined and earning money from..

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369331].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cowboyrob
    I'm definitely leaning towards it, Linda. I'm just wondering if there's still room for me to profit from it. By the way, is there a pretty decent wealth of info in the private forum Master Mage's get access to?

    And no, I'm not the one that called you. Sorry!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307620].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      I'm definitely leaning towards it, Linda. I'm just wondering if there's still room for me to profit from it. By the way, is there a pretty decent wealth of info in the private forum Master Mage's get access to?

      And no, I'm not the one that called you. Sorry!
      Sorry about that ... someone called me yesterday (re. wpmage) from Texas . Don't know if he was a cowboy, though.

      The private forum has a lot of info about full level stuff. It's a good forum.

      Always room for profit using wpmage. You have to be sure, though -- don't do it unless you are. It is a good system, but not for everyone. If you join us ... I'll see you there.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307685].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lockch
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      I'm definitely leaning towards it, Linda. I'm just wondering if there's still room for me to profit from it. By the way, is there a pretty decent wealth of info in the private forum Master Mage's get access to?

      And no, I'm not the one that called you. Sorry!
      You mentioned a discount for WARRIOR FORUM members?
      Can you share it with me pls?

      The best IM forum I ever joined and earning money from..

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shane Dolby
    it makes money plain and simple as long as you do the work like anything else you get back what you put into it.

    oh and the training is excellent and the forums have much great info
    Master Mage
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307647].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I think the forums are very full of help. This can't really be saturated, so there's no reason for us not to help each other. Greg offers a money back guarantee, so if you're hesitant, just go for it, build a ton of sites fast so that you'll know if it doesn't work for you after a month. It takes at least that long to really start to get indexed and getting good clicks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307720].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cowboyrob
    So, since I don't really have a site that I think matches the criteria to be accepted into EPN just yet, I would most likely want to start with AdSense. Is anyone that either of you, or anyone else for that matter, have actually heard of doing well with AdSense and the Mage system?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by cowboyrob View Post

      So, since I don't really have a site that I think matches the criteria to be accepted into EPN just yet, I would most likely want to start with AdSense. Is anyone that either of you, or anyone else for that matter, have actually heard of doing well with AdSense and the Mage system?
      I have the same problem regarding Rob. "site that I think matches the criteria to be accepted into EPN just yet" Adsense not sure any thoughts guys?
      Greg emailed and mentioned that e-bay shouldn't be a problem but unsure as to overstock.(for myself)

      Really like to give this a go, just wish i knew that partnership with affiliate programs was a go.
      Rob / Dubhlinn,

      No one can promise success ... you just have to dive and make waves.

      I am not an Adsense fan. I have one site (not mage) that has been earning $250+- Adsense each month ... for many years. It used to earn $1200+- per month before the Google algo change that knocked a lot of folks out of the boat. You have to have a lot of page views and a good niche to make money with Adsense.

      On the other hand, Overstock, Amazon and eBay are product driven. People will find your pages because they type in a product in the search engines. When they get to your page they are likely to click on your product link because that's what brought them there. After that, it up to the affiliate site to sell them. You have done your job by providing the link.

      Can you make money? YES.
      WILL you make money? Yes, maybe, perhaps, hopefully ... who knows? It depends on a lot of things. Your success cannot be measured by what I, or Amy, or anyone other person using this system is doing, although it is encouraging and helpful to see what others are doing. It can be only measured against your own efforts.

      But there is one thing for sure ... if you are persistent ... keep following Greg's plan of action - you have more chances than someone who just puts up a couple of sites and quits. The money will be made in the numbers. The more sites you build the more chance you have to make the money.

      Greg has a great plan for success. I'm following it (customized to my personality) and I am having success. Will you have the same success? I honestly don't know. I can only tell you what I am doing.

      Always keep in mind that Greg believes in his program enough to provide a guarantee. You really have nothing to lose.

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      • Profile picture of the author lyonsmusic
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        • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
          um - i don't know what php5 is so i'm going to say "no".

          As for hostgator, I have them too and it's not recommended as a host to install cpmage on. You can, however, use the wp mage plug-in's to "pimp" blogs that are already installed (wp only) and hosted there. I have done that with no problem.

          there are several recommended that are approx. $5/month that are shared hosts and work fine with the system. the idea is that you install cp mage on that shared host, use it for 30+ sites or so, and then move on and set up another hosting account with another cpmage install elsewhere and repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I'm using adsense on several of my Mage sites, but they are too young to say if I'm "doing well."

    Here are my stats so far for adsense:
    Page CTR is 2.35%
    Page eCPM is $8.26

    Maybe others can tell me if that's good? It's not based on much data yet, though. Most of these sites are just a few days old.

    I am excited to see my traffic increasing every day. And if traffic increases, so will the clicks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307907].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dubhlinn
    I have the same problem regarding Rob. "site that I think matches the criteria to be accepted into EPN just yet"
    Adsense not sure any thoughts guys?
    Greg emailed and mentioned that e-bay shouldn't be a problem but unsure as to overstock.(for myself)

    Really like to give this a go, just wish i knew that partnership with affiliate programs was a go.
    The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1307927].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I'm monetizing my sites across seven different networks. So even if you don't get into EPN, there are plenty of other ways. I think I've said this before.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gabbie Mills
      Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

      I'm monetizing my sites across seven different networks. So even if you don't get into EPN, there are plenty of other ways. I think I've said this before.
      It's so hard to get into EPN these days. what are some of these other networks you were referring to?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1308350].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Right now, I have ads running from all of the following:

    1. Markethealth
    2. Adsense
    3. EPN
    4. Ads 4 Dough
    5. AdDrive
    6. Amazon
    7. Clickbank

    There are hundreds of places on the internet that want to place their ads on your website. Mage automatically will place EPN, Amazon and ebay. But with an extra 2 minutes of work, I am placing other alternatives, as well. Check out the CPA forum for ideas.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1308544].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dubhlinn
    Thanks for the information linda. I think i am going to take the plunge. At work so hopefully its still a go by the time i get home.
    C'mon Rob get in there..
    See you on the inside
    The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310891].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JBanis
    Well...I am still pretty interested and have looked at some other tools. I think others do ok with a selection of other tools glued together, just like Greg says. And part of me doesnt lik to be dependent on an external system...yet...its the speed, the automation...I know for a fact that I would get distracted with details, like a good perfectionist ;-) when I'd try to set various tools up properly, it would take me quite a while. Mage seems to ''magically solve that problem (sorry, couldnt resist ;-) )

    I also dont think I have much chance with being accepted by Ebay, but im heartened by the other possibilities.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312393].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JBanis
    Totally agree, great advice. I've been online for a bit too and do have hosting, but Im not sure how many sites per host etc...

    But you're darn right about just get started, and then...follow through. 99% of people fail right there.

    Thanks again

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul1256
    I have a question. Would it be better to get accepted into EPN and then buy the Mage system?

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    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      Originally Posted by Paul1256 View Post

      I have a question. Would it be better to get accepted into EPN and then buy the Mage system?

      People do well with EPN, but EPN is not necessary for success with the Mage either.

      Once you get into the powers of the massive site and content generation you can start to get creative and monetize in hundreds of different ways.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1320729].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gallus
        Am I correct in assuming that you could add extra affiliate links and banner ads and CPA offers, over and above the built in Mage ones, and will it work with premium templates such as Thesis.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1340447].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author twinmom
          Originally Posted by gallus View Post

          Am I correct in assuming that you could add extra affiliate links and banner ads and CPA offers, over and above the built in Mage ones, and will it work with premium templates such as Thesis.
          Hi Gallus
          Yes, you can add other offers as well. You can customize templates for your posts to include other banners, etc or you can use the WhyDoWork plugin (my preferred method).
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1340494].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
          Originally Posted by gallus View Post

          Am I correct in assuming that you could add extra affiliate links and banner ads and CPA offers, over and above the built in Mage ones, and will it work with premium templates such as Thesis.
          Hi Gallus,

          Tracy is correct ... you can add anything you want to the wordpress site built with mage just as you can any other wordpress site. While mage does not come with these "built in" you are free to utilize any and all so long as the plugin doesn't conflict with mage.

          I do not use mage with a premium template ... just the freebies that I customize ... so I can't answer your specific question about Thesis. However, if it they haven't modified the core -- i.e., you can use other plugins ... it should work as the mage is powered by plugins.

          I do know Greg is working on adding even more auto-monitization features that will be available very soon and, in a word ... rocks.

          Greg will probably pop in and give you more details about your question and about the upgrades.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1342040].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I don't think so. It's better to just get your sites going and getting indexed, so you can start making money as soon as possible. For starters, you could just put a few posts up (like 100-200). Then, when you are accepted, add thousands more with epn links!

    Lots of people are just monetizing with adsense and other methods while they wait.
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  • Profile picture of the author mtucker
    Hello Mage members, I was part of a downsizing this past Friday. I have 60 days to find another job internally at my company or I can leave the company for good. If I leave the company, I"ll get a severance package that will be about 8 months of living expenses. If I decide to leave my company and go into IM fulltime, what is a realistic expectation of income I could make in 8 months if I dedicate 40 hours a week to using the Mage system? I know it's impossible to give me an actual number but best guest estimation would be greatly appreciated!!
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    • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
      If you team up with ONE other trusted person and work 40-60 hours a week, and do things RIGHT from the beginning, you should have no problem creating a residual income that you can comfortably live off of.

      If you do it by yourself and you work 80-100 hours per week (I'm serious), don't lose your motivation, in about 10-12 months you'll be golden. 8 months should provide you with an income to live on. 10-12 months and you're set.

      If you do it and do it right from the outset, you're good to go.

      We are using mage on a limited basis right now. However, that is soon to change, very soon.

      Good luck and if you have any questions, PM me.



      Originally Posted by mtucker View Post

      Hello Mage members, I was part of a downsizing this past Friday. I have 60 days to find another job internally at my company or I can leave the company for good. If I leave the company, I"ll get a severance package that will be about 8 months of living expenses. If I decide to leave my company and go into IM fulltime, what is a realistic expectation of income I could make in 8 months if I dedicate 40 hours a week to using the Mage system? I know it's impossible to give me an actual number but best guest estimation would be greatly appreciated!!
      My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
      Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
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    • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
      Originally Posted by mtucker View Post

      Hello Mage members, I was part of a downsizing this past Friday. I have 60 days to find another job internally at my company or I can leave the company for good. If I leave the company, I"ll get a severance package that will be about 8 months of living expenses. If I decide to leave my company and go into IM fulltime, what is a realistic expectation of income I could make in 8 months if I dedicate 40 hours a week to using the Mage system? I know it's impossible to give me an actual number but best guest estimation would be greatly appreciated!!
      IMHO I would advise you not to go out on a limb and gamble your family's welfare using "scared money". What I mean by that is that 8 months seems like a long time now,.. but it will soon fly past and in 4 or 5 months from now if you hadn't replicated your current earnings then you'd really start to be feeling under pressure. I've been there several times since being online and I can tell you that one's thinking and choices tend to become blurred and panicked under such circumstances.
      I certainly feel that within 6 months you could be in a situation where you could be consistantly earning between $2,000 to $4,000 per month with such a system as Mage (Perhaps realistically even more than that depending on your level of application and a little good fortune along the way.) As with anything though,- there are always downsides (and blindsides...been hit by a few) and as such, your level of success would be somewhat speculative at this stage.
      If I was in your shoes I'd probably take the internal transfer and hang on to that steady cash flow of income. There's nothing quite like embarking on any new business (especially IM) knowing that you have a very comfortable cash buffer on hand.

      The thing with Mage that seems clear is that the necessity to spend 40 to 60 hours per week "working" the system is absolutely unnecessary. In fact, it's specifically been designed under a very simple automated system both from mechanical and a theoretical/blueprint aspect,.. and as such I'd suggest to you that if you were to spend 10 to 15 hours a week on this to get started that you'd probably see just as remarkable results as you would sitting behind your PC for 40 hours per week.

      Sometimes, I strongly feel that when I have limited time to spend on my IM projects that I get more done,.. simply because I have to force myself to remain focused. It's so easy to waste away hours when you're online "full time".
      Once you had established yourself and your Mage system to the point of consistent and rising income you could then retire from your day job.
      Hope this helps in the overall perspective, and I wish you the best in whatever eventual choices you make.

      Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

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      • Profile picture of the author mick535
        I am currently testing the WP Mage system. I have only been at it for a short while now as I am a long time Auto blogger, I find the tools here ot be a great add on to what I already do.

        I have found that using Plugins like phpBay and ReviewAZON by modifying my templates (5 minutes of work) have made a big difference in the SEO of the sites. By making your EPN and Amazon Links SEO Friendly you keep the GoogleBot coming in.

        For my content sites I am using Adsense, but I am using the MaxPress Ninja Cloaker to automatically add Affiliate links to preset keywords that I have chosen. The links themselves are seen as pages by Google and they have been indexed in some cases by most of my pre-existing blogs created with WP Robot and Autoblogged. It creates anchor text links in the content and I normally get more from those links than I do the Adsense.

        The worst thing about WP Mage is that the Page Tiltes are not maximized for SEO. They are not bad. But they could be better. I have made some suggestions to Greg on this.

        I have over 20 Blogs that are in the works right now and I have several domains with over PR4 and PR5 with thousands of backlinks that I am hoping to capitalize on. I am using the Redirection Plugin along with a 301 redirect to take advantage of pre-exiting links to pages that don't exist for the Expired and Auction Domains that I have purchased.

        It is a great system, but just linke any Autoblog, the out of the box solution is not the answer. To get the most out of these blogs you need to "Pimp" them as Greg says.
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        • Profile picture of the author thinredline
          Thanks Mike for your very helpful insights. I have ReviewAzon too, but don't know MaxBlogPress Ninja Cloaker is so powerful.

          Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

          I am currently testing the WP Mage system. I have only been at it for a short while now as I am a long time Auto blogger, I find the tools here ot be a great add on to what I already do.

          I have found that using Plugins like phpBay and ReviewAZON by modifying my templates (5 minutes of work) have made a big difference in the SEO of the sites. By making your EPN and Amazon Links SEO Friendly you keep the GoogleBot coming in.

          For my content sites I am using Adsense, but I am using the MaxPress Ninja Cloaker to automatically add Affiliate links to preset keywords that I have chosen. The links themselves are seen as pages by Google and they have been indexed in some cases by most of my pre-existing blogs created with WP Robot and Autoblogged. It creates anchor text links in the content and I normally get more from those links than I do the Adsense.

          The worst thing about WP Mage is that the Page Tiltes are not maximized for SEO. They are not bad. But they could be better. I have made some suggestions to Greg on this.

          I have over 20 Blogs that are in the works right now and I have several domains with over PR4 and PR5 with thousands of backlinks that I am hoping to capitalize on. I am using the Redirection Plugin along with a 301 redirect to take advantage of pre-exiting links to pages that don't exist for the Expired and Auction Domains that I have purchased.

          It is a great system, but just linke any Autoblog, the out of the box solution is not the answer. To get the most out of these blogs you need to "Pimp" them as Greg says.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jdean2009
          Mick535 Hi, I'm interested in the redirection plugin (as a buyer and user of old domains) - is this part of the Mage package or a seperate tool ?
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  • Profile picture of the author thinredline
    So Greg, the CPMage and Master Mage are no longer available, right? Is Adept Mage Toolkit is a less sophisticated solution?
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    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      Originally Posted by mtucker View Post

      Hello Mage members, I was part of a downsizing this past Friday. I have 60 days to find another job internally at my company or I can leave the company for good. If I leave the company, I"ll get a severance package that will be about 8 months of living expenses. If I decide to leave my company and go into IM fulltime, what is a realistic expectation of income I could make in 8 months if I dedicate 40 hours a week to using the Mage system? I know it's impossible to give me an actual number but best guest estimation would be greatly appreciated!!
      The short answer is that nothing can promise success, however the Mage is going to be as close as you can possibly actually having that push button system. It was built to earn for me, not to be marketed. selling it was an afterthought. I have sent you a PM and we can discuss further offline as needed

      Originally Posted by thinredline View Post

      So Greg, the CPMage and Master Mage are no longer available, right? Is Adept Mage Toolkit is a less sophisticated solution?
      Master Mage will be available again shortly. But for now get your feet wet with Adept to get an idea for the landscape
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    • Profile picture of the author mtucker
      Replied to your PM and would like to continue dialog. Thanks :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author thinredline
    Greg, can you PM me your demo site? I guess I will test the water with Adept Mage.
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    • Profile picture of the author seminyha
      Hi all.
      I understand the many postings will be listed all over the search engines.
      My question is how well are these posting ranking.
      They have to be up there to be seen right?
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Yes, several rank well because they are such longtail, specific keywords. I'm shocked at how specific the longtails are that people are using to find my sites. Of course, many will not rank at all. That's what makes it a numbers game.
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    • Profile picture of the author PanamaMark
      Greg et al,

      WP Mage looks very exciting however I'm a bit jaded and have a few questions. First of all I've tried the auto blogging thing with a few different programs and haven't seen any discussion as to the differences.

      1. How is this different from BANS (build a niche store) which had a nice run for a few months but then Google picked up the footprint and shut those sites down (de-indexed) pretty fast. What makes WP mage different?

      2. Next came Niche Devil - Vic was very cautious in only releasing this for a few hours but again Google picked it up and shut it down in a matter of weeks. How do we know Google isn't going to pick up on this and shut it down quickly too?

      3. We know Google will already be aware of the program and already has I'm sure a squad of techies ripping it apart and figuring out how to tag it and shut all of our sites down. What is your strategy for protecting us from that?

      4. I noticed one poster to this thread that said he wasn't even doing market or kw research - he's just building 100 sites a day. That's sure to raise red flags and bring all of us down.

      I could go on but you get the idea - Google has unlimited resources and people dedicated to shutting down programs like WP Mage before they even get started. I just don't want to put effort and $$$ into this next greatest thing only to be disappointed. Thanks for any clarification - confidence you can provide. :confused:
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      • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
        Originally Posted by PanamaMark View Post

        Greg et al,

        WP Mage looks very exciting however I'm a bit jaded and have a few questions. First of all I've tried the auto blogging thing with a few different programs and haven't seen any discussion as to the differences.

        1. How is this different from BANS (build a niche store) which had a nice run for a few months but then Google picked up the footprint and shut those sites down (de-indexed) pretty fast. What makes WP mage different?

        2. Next came Niche Devil - Vic was very cautious in only releasing this for a few hours but again Google picked it up and shut it down in a matter of weeks. How do we know Google isn't going to pick up on this and shut it down quickly too?

        3. We know Google will already be aware of the program and already has I'm sure a squad of techies ripping it apart and figuring out how to tag it and shut all of our sites down. What is your strategy for protecting us from that?

        4. I noticed one poster to this thread that said he wasn't even doing market or kw research - he's just building 100 sites a day. That's sure to raise red flags and bring all of us down.

        I could go on but you get the idea - Google has unlimited resources and people dedicated to shutting down programs like WP Mage before they even get started. I just don't want to put effort and $$$ into this next greatest thing only to be disappointed. Thanks for any clarification - confidence you can provide. :confused:
        I will answer your question in aggregate.

        This is the most powerful thing to ever hit the market by a longshot.

        It is like the iPhone. Nothing even comes close.
        Its not only user friendly, but its modular and template driven

        Meaning that 100 people can use it and each will be completely different way of putting up their sites.

        Meaning that its powers rest it in abilities to function through templates and create massive content easily. The user then decides how to arrange display and what content to use, thus avoiding the issue of footprinting.

        If a user uses the Mage well, it is impossible to make a footprint to other users because it rests on their own tweaks, variables and keywords.

        After you get your hands on it and had a good dig, you will see what I mean.

        Hope that answers your questions.
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        • Profile picture of the author PanamaMark

          Awesome response time! Thanks for being so quick. If this is an indication of your customer service you're going to be a great guy to do business with!

          You did answer one of my questions regarding 'foot print'. Not sure if you or anyone else for that matter is familiar with Niche Devil (very similar program to WP Mage) or BANS. It would be nice to have someone comment on comparisons and my other points. Anyone else care to comment - compare?

          Thanks again Greg for your lightning fast response!
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          • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
            Originally Posted by PanamaMark View Post


            Awesome response time! Thanks for being so quick. If this is an indication of your customer service you're going to be a great guy to do business with!

            You did answer one of my questions regarding 'foot print'. Not sure if you or anyone else for that matter is familiar with Niche Devil (very similar program to WP Mage) or BANS. It would be nice to have someone comment on comparisons and my other points. Anyone else care to comment - compare?

            Thanks again Greg for your lightning fast response!
            BANS doesnt even come close to this. Not even in the same league.
            BANS pulls eBay Feeds based on Category. MAGE can do that if you want but it is like 1 of hundreds of different options depending on how you arrange your templates.

            I have never used niche devil so cannot comment
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        • Profile picture of the author askloz
          Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

          This is the most powerful thing to ever hit the market by a longshot.
          If you think that, you're living in a world of your own.

          Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

          It is like the iPhone. Nothing even comes close.
          ROTFLMAO... again, you're dreaming. If I had to pay $797 over yours or the iphone, i'd get the iphone, well, i have 3 of them..

          Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

          Meaning that 100 people can use it and each will be completely different way of putting up their sites.
          There is only so much content you can create based on the same keywords, your software is gonna spread more duplicate content out there. You have taken no respect in regard to Google's terms, your site is just a mass duplicate content creator...

          like i said in George's thread, im not knocking your idea, it's not just very well thought out.
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  • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93
    Hi Greg,

    I've got a few questions I'd like to ask as I'm rather concerned as to whether WP Mage has any substance for near $800. From what I've seen in the launch video, this is pretty much going out and creating duplicate content (bar changing a few words by multi-translation). I really think George has somewhat reduced his credibility by promoting such a product and at almost eight times the price of the Google Sniper course itself is just ridiculous!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not usually one who criticizes stuff before it stands the test of time, but I've seen nothing in the video interview with you and George to suggest that this thing does anything other than simply changing a few words around from an Ezine Article or Yahoo Answers thread. I mean, how on earth can a piece of software possibly re-write an entire ten posts for you in approximately 2-3 seconds without it being almost plagiarised?

    I might just be being picky here, but another thing is why are you living in Thailand? I'm not sure if FTC laws apply over there but something just smells very fishy to me about this and was wondering if you're running from someone such as them...

    Finally, what happens if multiple users are in the same niche and select the same root keywords? Is there anything within WP Mage that prevents it from churning out fifty versions of the same sites?


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  • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93
    I don't know much about Google Adwords but if that "quality score" malarkey has anything to do with duplicate content then I suspect a few people could have their accounts closed?

    How about "Google Mage Slap 1"?
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  • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93
    Gotta say, I have to agree George is risking becoming like "every other guru" unless he does something about this... In addition, doesn't seem like this Greg fella is too quick to defend his product. If it was me, I'd be in here ripping my balls off by now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    I have a bazillion sites with a degree of dupe content on them and they are all still indexed and do nicely, it's an issue but not one that bothers me to the same degree it seems to be bothering other folks here.

    Hell Jeff makes a killing doing almost exactly the same thing infact he doesn't even bother spinning it.

    I dont' see how George is tarnishing his image, I wouldn't use it to make my quality sites but for cheapie Adsense sites etc, doesn't seem like a half bad tool, lots of stuff from Firepow etc all integrated.

    I can live with the negative aspects.
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    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      lots of hating going on in here. Not sure how it all came out of the woodwork. The Mage has been around for months. I took dozens of Beta Testers from the WAr Room in August. And the ones that followed through are earning. We had a WSO a few weeks ago and everybody bought and loved it.

      Now all this hating because my friend George promotes it. Not sure what the reason is, but regardless....

      re: the Mage

      I am not going to get into a leading technical debate with people who obviously know more about everything than I ever could know about anything

      however....I know my system works .

      I know it works for me
      I know it works for others

      I know it earns people money.

      Re: comments about duplicate, footprints whatever... .

      It is always a concern, but thats why the system is templated.
      At the guts it is a fast installer and massive posting creation engine that you can use with templates for whatever you want.

      We are adding more mods all the time. Just in the last week we added the CJ API and the CB RSS to the engine as well.

      Our soution is TurnKEY

      Anyways. The stuff works, If you guys want to complain some more then feel free to do so, I prefer not to make anybody else wrong.

      I am just going to continue doing what I was doing and earning

      If anybody has constructive questions then happy to answer.

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      • Profile picture of the author askloz
        Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

        lots of hating going on in here. Not sure how it all came out of the woodwork. The Mage has been around for months. I took dozens of Beta Testers from the WAr Room in August. And the ones that followed through are earning. We had a WSO a few weeks ago and everybody bought and loved it.
        it's not hating, I know it can come across that way. but your soft is just lame, its not very well thought out. you haven't taken in to consideration how search engines work at all.

        Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

        Now all this hating because my friend George promotes it. Not sure what the reason is, but regardless....
        dude, no one is hating, George contacted me before about your site before he even decided to promote your soft', and I told him straight up, the software is not worth that price, and has many flaws in it.

        Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post


        I am not going to get into a leading technical debate with people who obviously know more about everything than I ever could know about anything
        Oh, ok, so you're a SEO Professional? hmmm.

        Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

        however....I know my system works .

        I know it works for me
        I know it works for others

        I know it earns people money.
        I never said it wouldn't... first, you have no respect for search engines, breaking one of the major rules of Google and others - and in time when their algorithm finally gets to your sites to judge how to rank you, it'll spit you out faster than you can say your name - i know, cos i've done EXACTLY what you were doing 3 years ago, those sites I had, many of them dropped out of the top 1000 listings, while others got de-indexed, but as soon as I made changes to it, doing things the RIGHT WAY, things have remained stable..

        secondly, you have no idea what duplicate content does, it dies into the background eventually, turning your site into a worthless piece of c**p of other ppls' articles.

        Why do you think Article directories are starting to lose their power now? even ezine articles are facing the same problem.

        Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

        Re: comments about duplicate, footprints whatever... .

        It is always a concern, but thats why the system is templated.
        At the guts it is a fast installer and massive posting creation engine that you can use with templates for whatever you want.
        LMAO, having a template does NOT get rid of the foot print. unique content and randomly "******" (not gonna say) does.
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      • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
        Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

        If anybody has constructive questions then happy to answer.

        Hi Greg, here's a few constructive questions for you, give George a hello from me as I'm guessing he's sat next to you watching this unfold.

        I wouldn't ideally want every blog installed on the same IP, same hosting area, do you enter some FTP details somewhere to allow it to install into different locations?

        Is there functionality within the s/w to have the home page of the blog left for manual editing with internal pages being automated ?

        Do you retain any hooks into any of the sites built with WP mage from a technical perspective, by that I mean when the s/w is installed on the domain of our choice does it run entirely from that domain or does it make any calls to a central server ?

        If you're only selling 500 copies of this, seems like a small return for such a big investment, is there no recurring fees at all for development, upgrades, support etc?

        Do you feel Google may well start looking for a WP Mage footprint I doubt it will be hard for Google to see sites made with the s/w ?

        On your sales site it says make 100 sites with 8000 pages each , that is a huge amount of thinly duplicated content, in addition do you think Google will have an issue with a site going from 0 pages to 8000 iin an unnatural time scale .

        IIs there a module which would allow you to run the code from an ad platform such as OpenX? I ask this because I'm not overly keen on Amazon etc, I would like to run CPA offers in many cases and I like to rotate them , for this I need to run an ad server.

        I notice you have included a full Adsense theme based on Xfactors work, sounds, good, there was a theme made for it by a Warrior some time back, which I have used with some success of late, one of the nice features it had was that you could add some code in a widget and it then displayed the relevent add on to every page on your blog, can WP Mage do something similar to make it easy to add my choice of ads asa opposed to Amazon, Clickbank etc.

        Does WP-Mage offer functionality along the lines of mass plugin installation, similar to firepow, ie install a new plugin but to 100 blogs at once ?

        Sure I may have more questions but there's a few to start with.
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        • Profile picture of the author wolf29
          Greg, I watched the video with you and George and it looks very interesting, but wanted to know how long have you been using your own system? My main concern is the duplicate content issue. Changing some words around, and in some cases they don't make sense, concerns me. Have you checked some of your posts against copyscape?

          Thanks for posting here to answer questions.

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          • Profile picture of the author willystyle
            It is fun reading this forum to see what everyone has to say about Wordpress Mage. I would love to find something that would truly be automated and work.

            The $800 price tag is a little steep. What was the price for the WSO?
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        • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          Hi Greg, here's a few constructive questions for you, give George a hello from me as I'm guessing he's sat next to you watching this unfold.

          I wouldn't ideally want every blog installed on the same IP, same hosting area, do you enter some FTP details somewhere to allow it to install into different locations?
          You install CPMAGE on a single IP and then it creates as many sites as you like there. You can just use differnt hosts/IPs for other installs of CPMAGE (you have unlimited)

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          Is there functionality within the s/w to have the home page of the blog left for manual editing with internal pages being automated ?
          We recommend this. Set a PAGE to static to guard against manual reviews (who most of the time only look at the homepage

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          Do you retain any hooks into any of the sites built with WP mage from a technical perspective, by that I mean when the s/w is installed on the domain of our choice does it run entirely from that domain or does it make any calls to a central server ?
          Best answer I can give is that for all intensive purposes it functions as a standalone. Hope that is satisfactory.

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          If you're only selling 500 copies of this, seems like a small return for such a big investment, is there no recurring fees at all for development, upgrades, support etc?

          Do you feel Google may well start looking for a WP Mage footprint I doubt it will be hard for Google to see sites made with the s/w ?

          On your sales site it says make 100 sites with 8000 pages each , that is a huge amount of thinly duplicated content, in addition do you think Google will have an issue with a site going from 0 pages to 8000 iin an unnatural time scale .
          There are different strategies for populating mage sites. We have numerous thread in our internal forums discussing the various ways. And I have huge amounts of my own testing data. (which is still inconclusive)

          though the summary is that if Google already 'trusts' a site then it is more or less ok. Its just a matter of building that trust (or getting domains with it)

          Without that trust we have roadmaps for adding posts in bursts

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          IIs there a module which would allow you to run the code from an ad platform such as OpenX? I ask this because I'm not overly keen on Amazon etc, I would like to run CPA offers in many cases and I like to rotate them , for this I need to run an ad server.
          we use a plugin that can put in whatever code you need wherever you need it. so yes.

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          I notice you have included a full Adsense theme based on Xfactors work, sounds, good, there was a theme made for it by a Warrior some time back, which I have used with some success of late, one of the nice features it had was that you could add some code in a widget and it then displayed the relevent add on to every page on your blog, can WP Mage do something similar to make it easy to add my choice of ads asa opposed to Amazon, Clickbank etc.
          This is %100 developed inhouse. Never seen before
          We have an color picker/changer , inline header upload and auto-inserting of adsense code creating the recommended blocks and a few other tricks

          it blows away anything else.

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          Does WP-Mage offer functionality along the lines of mass plugin installation, similar to firepow, ie install a new plugin but to 100 blogs at once ?

          Sure I may have more questions but there's a few to start with.
          You can bundle your own plugins in with your installer package if that is your question.

          And btw... just to note. MAGE is all Hosted by you. Unlimited installs on unlimited domains as long as you own them all. No limits.

          Whew.... that was alot of questions. Hope I got them all

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          • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
            Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

            You install CPMAGE on a single IP and then it creates as many sites as you like there. You can just use differnt hosts/IPs for other installs of CPMAGE (you have unlimited)

            Whew.... that was alot of questions. Hope I got them all

            Yeah I think so thanks Greg, how easy is it to install CPMAGE, I know you include one installation yourself but I wouldn't think it's wise to install dozens of these sites on to the same IP so I'm thinking spread it around a little, is it relatively easy to upload to a different hosting account myself?

            I wasn't 100% clear on your statement about whether it makes a call to a central server either, could clarrify that either way, what I'm asking is there any communication at all between my copy of WP Mage on my server and anything of yours , is it 100% autonomous ?
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            • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
              Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

              I wasn't 100% clear on your statement about whether it makes a call to a central server either, could clarrify that either way, what I'm asking is there any communication at all between my copy of WP Mage on my server and anything of yours , is it 100% autonomous ?
              When you set up your Mage plugins it will check your license ... you don't need to be connected to Greg's server to operate the mage, though.
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              • Profile picture of the author Berticus
                Can the WPmage be unintstalled at a later time while leaving the blog and its contents intact? I believe removing it from the website would mean that the blog itself becomes a salable product all on its own...
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                • Profile picture of the author askloz
                  You can uninstall it from your mage hosting account that will create the other sites for you...

                  but why would you want to do that? to flip the site? fair enough I guess... but if you do that, then you wont be able to create any more sites.

                  Greg has thought of this already, but at current, its not advisable because a few elements can cause some plugins not to work correctly because it needs mage installed on the main website hosting creation account.

                  Greg is going to work on a mage-site-flipper plugin that allows you to keep mage installed on your main account and suspend, or even perhaps allow the site to build over time. the details i dont know fully yet, since he's still working on some ideas.

                  but for now, leave mage installed, build your site empire first.

                  Originally Posted by Berticus View Post

                  Can the WPmage be unintstalled at a later time while leaving the blog and its contents intact? I believe removing it from the website would mean that the blog itself becomes a salable product all on its own...
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359578].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
                  Originally Posted by Berticus View Post

                  Can the WPmage be unintstalled at a later time while leaving the blog and its contents intact? I believe removing it from the website would mean that the blog itself becomes a salable product all on its own...
                  Hi Berticus,

                  You can uninstall WPmage from any site at any time. The content, once loaded, will remain. It is my understanding, however, that the products will no longer be on your site.

                  You can sell your blog without the mage plugins (until Greg adds the "flippable" license). If you're like most mage's however, you will discover it is much more lucrative to keep the site.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359598].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author twinmom
              Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

              Yeah I think so thanks Greg, how easy is it to install CPMAGE, I know you include one installation yourself but I wouldn't think it's wise to install dozens of these sites on to the same IP so I'm thinking spread it around a little, is it relatively easy to upload to a different hosting account myself?
              Simon, CPMage is very easy to install and Greg's documentation is top-notch. My 12yo son set up a new hosting account with CPMage for me a couple of days ago and didn't ask for any help - he was just using Greg's PDF.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359833].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author clarencechew

                Anyone can answer me what is the different if i using sub-domain for create mage website compare with to buy different domain name ? If i create few thousand of website, probably it will very costly just on domain name itself. Thanks.


                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360148].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                  Originally Posted by clarencechew View Post


                  Anyone can answer me what is the different if i using sub-domain for create mage website compare with to buy different domain name ? If i create few thousand of website, probably it will very costly just on domain name itself. Thanks.


                  The term 'subdomain' get confused. Not to get into technicalities, What we mean in practice is add-on domain which basically means its a domain. But it is configured different.

                  You can in theory do real subdomains as you like. Though that strategy will have to be researched.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360201].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author clarencechew
                    Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

                    The term 'subdomain' get confused. Not to get into technicalities, What we mean in practice is add-on domain which basically means its a domain. But it is configured different.

                    You can in theory do real subdomains as you like. Though that strategy will have to be researched.
                    Thanks Greg for your instant replied. Subdomains or add-on simply means that I just bought a domain for example clarencechew.com and create multiple website like clarencechew.com/weightloss, clarecechew.com/dogtraining, etc to create my multiple mage sites. Is it practical to do in this manners ? How to configure differently if i used this type of strategy ? Thanks.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360244].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cgallagher93

    Fair enough. On the other hand, I still don't think it's worth $797 not by a longshot, and don't think you really addressed my questions properly.

    I'm certainly not a hater as you call it. It's called constructive critcism or in this case, constructive questionism (is that even a word?)

    Just trying to unearth the details...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      Originally Posted by cgallagher93 View Post


      Fair enough. On the other hand, I still don't think it's worth $797 not by a longshot, and don't think you really addressed my questions properly.

      I'm certainly not a hater as you call it. It's called constructive critcism or in this case, constructive questionism (is that even a word?)

      Just trying to unearth the details...

      Constructive anything is welcome.

      You can assemble together your own collection of scripts and processes and approximate the same thing. Its actually how i used to have it before putting together in a more easy to use package.

      So is it worth the investment?
      It just depends if you use it to its potentiality.
      If so then yes absolutely. It will save you years and months of gathering together piecework processes.

      If you already have your system down pat and it earns and works for you then you would have to investigate deeper.

      Re: your earlier comment about thailand. I have lived here for about 8 years because it is a nice place to be. that is all there is to it. You can and come visit too.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author willystyle
    what type of software will you have coming out Loz?
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  • Profile picture of the author Vibrant Warrior
    Would Mage work ok with Bluehost or will I have to change my hosting service? I heard that Mage doesn't work well with some of hosting services out there.

    Also do you think I can get into profit within about 4 weeks or so (I am looking at a $500+ mark for the first month) or will that take longer? I know the feedback here does say the first month is very mediocre but I am just wondering what my chances are of a $500 first month?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359371].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
      I would say it's unlikely to make $500 your first month. And that's purely because it takes Google that long often to find and index your posts. I have a couples sites that are only 6 days old, and they've gotton a couple clicks, but even that is pretty fast.

      I have about 70 sites up now, over about 6 weeks, and I'm not making $500/month yet. Well, maybe this month. It's still young. I made around $25 yesterday, and I think I'll make $30 today. As long as the $$ continues to increase, I'm thrilled.

      That money, of course, is mostly coming from my earlier sites. It just takes a little time.

      But there's nothing faster than the Mage. If you want to play the numbers game, this is the best tool for it in my opinion.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359385].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bdegrossa
        Can someone knowledgeable about Mage talk to why it takes so long to get indexed? I launched two Sniper sites last week and it took only 2 and 3 days to get indexed. I'm already getting 10 hits per day on a very, very targeted and low traffic terms. I bookmarked one site and didn't bookmark the other.

        Also, is there anything like the XML Sitemaps plugin built into Mage?

        I'm also interested in the question re Bluehost that was just posted by someone else.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359414].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author askloz
          it's nothing to do with mage, or any software for that matter, all sites take about on avg 2-3 days to be indexed if you dont do anything...

          to speed things up, go to mixx.com and digg.com and bookmark 2-3 pages over a course of say 20-60 minutes (dont make it look like your spamming), and run a ror.xml file to your websites page headers, or grab the rss feed from your site and submit it out to rss feed directories. and they'll be indexed in about 12-24hrs, but the site will disappear for a bit then come back.

          Originally Posted by bdegrossa View Post

          Can someone knowledgeable about Mage talk to why it takes so long to get indexed? I launched two Sniper sites last week and it took only 2 and 3 days to get indexed. I'm already getting 10 hits per day on a very, very targeted and low traffic terms. I bookmarked one site and didn't bookmark the other.

          Also, is there anything like the XML Sitemaps plugin built into Mage?

          I'm also interested in the question re Bluehost that was just posted by someone else.


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359501].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
        Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

        I would say it's unlikely to make $500 your first month. And that's purely because it takes Google that long often to find and index your posts. I have a couples sites that are only 6 days old, and they've gotton a couple clicks, but even that is pretty fast.

        I have about 70 sites up now, over about 6 weeks, and I'm not making $500/month yet. Well, maybe this month. It's still young. I made around $25 yesterday, and I think I'll make $30 today. As long as the $$ continues to increase, I'm thrilled.

        That money, of course, is mostly coming from my earlier sites. It just takes a little time.

        But there's nothing faster than the Mage. If you want to play the numbers game, this is the best tool for it in my opinion.
        Hi folks,

        Can I ask you, how many posts per site on average have you generated?

        70 sites, $35 a day is, and I don't intend this to sound derogatory but a flat out awful return, however I guess this could be down to the monetizing of the sites etc, but I put up 8 small sites for a friend in a gaming niche a couple of weeks ago that are already generating nearly 3 x that a day from 8 sites..

        Just makes me concerned as to how Google is indexing these sites, indexing should be short and sweet, there's no requirement what so ever for it to take weeks on end unless Google doesnt' like something , if all's ok you should be indexed and ranking fine unless you're choosing hard to rank long tails.

        My fear i think is will Google see WP Mage's footprint a mile away and users see issues.

        Unfortunately as this is such early days it's impossible to tell.

        *hovers over buy button * :-)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360649].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
          Why are you hovering over the buy button when you can obviously do much better building sites the way you have been. If you can build 8 sites and make over $100 a day within a couple of weeks why are you even contemplating buying this system?

          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          Hi folks,

          Can I ask you, how many posts per site on average have you generated?

          70 sites, $35 a day is, and I don't intend this to sound derogatory but a flat out awful return, however I guess this could be down to the monetizing of the sites etc, but I put up 8 small sites for a friend in a gaming niche a couple of weeks ago that are already generating nearly 3 x that a day from 8 sites..

          Just makes me concerned as to how Google is indexing these sites, indexing should be short and sweet, there's no requirement what so ever for it to take weeks on end unless Google doesnt' like something , if all's ok you should be indexed and ranking fine unless you're choosing hard to rank long tails.

          My fear i think is will Google see WP Mage's footprint a mile away and users see issues.

          Unfortunately as this is such early days it's impossible to tell.

          *hovers over buy button * :-)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360685].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
            Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

            Why are you hovering over the buy button when you can obviously do much better building sites the way you have been. If you can build 8 sites and make over $100 a day within a couple of weeks why are you even contemplating buying this system?

            I'l explain it for you Steve.

            Just because you can manually build 8 sites with unique content in a considerably longer period and make more revenue than one person is quoting from their results, doesn't negate the fact that there's a huge benefit to being able to build a vast number more in half the time. There's also no reason to believe unless there are issues with indexing that a greater revenue stream could be eaked from the WP Mage sites, so while this tiny comparisom between the different approaches is intriguing, it doesn't take away from the benefits the WP Mage program brings to the table.

            Of course you were just being a smart arse for some reason, got any more attitude to serve up for no benefit whatsoever or just bored ?

            Can't think why good threads go bad on this forum sometimes, just no need whatsoever for your post, none, as if comparing results, somehow makes it impossible for you to look at other avenues.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360695].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
              Whoa there with the sense of humour breakdown.. It was a simple question that's all. Sheesh! I was merely pointing out that you can obviously make a lot more money using the manual approach than by creating a bunch of trashy automated sites that will only last a few nanoseconds in the search engines.

              Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

              I'l explain it for you Steve.

              Just because you can manually build 8 sites with unique content in a considerably longer period and make more revenue than one person is quoting from their results, doesn't negate the fact that there's a huge benefit to being able to build a vast number more in half the time. There's also no reason to believe unless there are issues with indexing that a greater revenue stream could be eaked from the WP Mage sites, so while this tiny comparisom between the different approaches is intriguing, it doesn't take away from the benefits the WP Mage program brings to the table.

              Of course you were just being a smart arse for some reason, got any more attitude to serve up for no benefit whatsoever or just bored ?

              Can't think why good threads go bad on this forum sometimes, just no need whatsoever for your post, none, as if comparing results, somehow makes it impossible for you to look at other avenues.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360771].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
                Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

                Whoa there with the sense of humour breakdown.. It was a simple question that's all. Sheesh! I was merely pointing out that you can obviously make a lot more money using the manual approach than by creating a bunch of trashy automated sites that will only last a few nanoseconds in the search engines.
                Oops, indeed , sorry Steve I entirely misread the tone and inflection of your post - unreserved apology.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360778].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author twinmom
          Originally Posted by SimonHarrison View Post

          Hi folks,

          Can I ask you, how many posts per site on average have you generated?

          Just makes me concerned as to how Google is indexing these sites, indexing should be short and sweet, there's no requirement what so ever for it to take weeks on end unless Google doesnt' like something , if all's ok you should be indexed and ranking fine unless you're choosing hard to rank long tails.
          Hi Simon and all,
          I know the offer is closed now, but thought I would give a little input on your questions for when the Mage is available again.

          I have given 100% to at least 3 other very popular courses here on WF in recent months, and honestly, was unsuccessful with all. I'm not saying those programs don't work, they just didn't work for me. The thing that I found discouraging with other systems is that I would pour heart and soul into a site, tweaking, testing, etc. and when it didn't produce results, that led to a lot of time lost. I am not doing IM full-time (yet) and only get a couple of good IM work hours a day after the kids are in bed. Although that would probably be more if I would stay off the forums.

          I have the Master Mage membership. I aim for creating an average of 1 site an evening. More than that in a couple of hours is very do-able, but I just choose to do one usually. Typically, I have 1000-3000 posts per site. I don't do any backlinking, article marketing, etc. When I first started Maging, I did use SENuke with my sites, but it really didn't seem to make much of a difference, so now, I just leave them alone.

          As far as the indexing, the sites do get indexed quickly, but what Mages are looking for is lots of pages indexed, not just the main page. Mage sites thrive on individual post pages being indexed, not necessarily the home page. My sites generally start by having a few pages indexed and then that number will climb over the next month or so. Not all pages get indexed.

          I've been very pleased with the results I'm seeing. I've made more than 3x the price of the mage already, and I can only imagine if I were doing it full time.
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    • Profile picture of the author quista
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      • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
        I'll chime in again. I've had the Mage for a few months now, and my earnings continue to increase. This week I had two record days. One at $99 for ebay, and one at $30 for adsense alone. I'm one of those who gets most of my mage income from ebay. But then again, most of my sites are epn sites.

        Here's my idea of why the epn sites do so well... The ebay ads themselves are great content for the search engines. The titles of the auctions are somewhat unique and the ads change, so I think the ebay sites just get more google love.

        And I think this would be true whether you use the mage or not. I think any site with ebay ads would have a leg up.

        So, my idea for those of you who do not yet have an epn account... put ebay ads on your sites anyway just for the google love! Put them at the bottom. If someone does click on them, you wont' get paid, of course, but you'll get more traffic just by their presence. Just put a few. Put your main monetization method at the TOP of the posts, whether it's amazon, adsense, cpa or whatever.

        The mage is just a tool that builds websites super fast. And it makes it easy to monetize those websites. I mean, super fast and super easy. What I described above is a more advanced mage technique. You can make great money with it "right out of the box." But you can do many many more fancy things with it, to put it simply.
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        • Profile picture of the author Vinod Kumar Jadge
          Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

          I'll chime in again. I've had the Mage for a few months now, and my earnings continue to increase. This week I had two record days. One at $99 for ebay, and one at $30 for adsense alone. I'm one of those who gets most of my mage income from ebay. But then again, most of my sites are epn sites.

          Here's my idea of why the epn sites do so well... The ebay ads themselves are great content for the search engines. The titles of the auctions are somewhat unique and the ads change, so I think the ebay sites just get more google love.

          And I think this would be true whether you use the mage or not. I think any site with ebay ads would have a leg up.

          So, my idea for those of you who do not yet have an epn account... put ebay ads on your sites anyway just for the google love! Put them at the bottom. If someone does click on them, you wont' get paid, of course, but you'll get more traffic just by their presence. Just put a few. Put your main monetization method at the TOP of the posts, whether it's amazon, adsense, cpa or whatever.

          The mage is just a tool that builds websites super fast. And it makes it easy to monetize those websites. I mean, super fast and super easy. What I described above is a more advanced mage technique. You can make great money with it "right out of the box." But you can do many many more fancy things with it, to put it simply.
          Hi Amy and Linda,

          Thanks for your reviews, I would really appreciate if you could tell how this product is different from the WP ROBOT 2.0 mentioned in the WFO.
          I know that as the price mentioned and the capabilities of WP mage, it's something that can really pumpup your account, traffic and everything related to IM.
          But most of warriors like me, who can't afford this product and already using WP ROBOT 2.0. Is it a good idea to use both of these products at the same time.

          Kind regards,
          Vinod Kumar jadge
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2016579].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
            I used the old version of wprobot, amazon autoposter, and it worked nicely! Those sites continue to rank and get some traffic. But I haven't used their whole package, so it's hard to compare exactly. I'll try to tell what I think is different or better about the mage, but please correct me if I'm wrong about any of the wp robot features.

            WPMage actually builds the entire site. You don't have to do an addon domain or anything in cpanel once it is installed. It creates the contact page, privacy and TOS pages, all configured. It installs AND configures other plugins like all in one seo, robots, site map, etc. I don't THINK wp robot does those things.

            As far as content generation and pulling ads, I think they are similar. But for me, the time savings from creating the ENTIRE site so much faster is wonderful. I also believe wpmage is more configurable if you want to play with the advanced features. You have control over much more.

            I'm sure there are more differences that are not coming to mind right now.

            As far as ROI.. indeed I have spent a lot of money on domains and hosting. I now have a dedicated server for around $200/month. I have around 150 expired domains that cost me around $15 each. The rest are just cheap .info's for $1. But I'm making a steady $1600/month and this month is on track for $2000, so I'm happy.

            I know google has deindexed some of my domains, maybe around 20. However some of those are getting traffic still. Must be yahoo and Bing. I know you all want more specific numbers, but I just don't spend my time checking stats and deinidexing. I have 3 kids 3 and under and try to spend my time building instead. I DO however, check my money stats... those are my favorite!

            I met some other mages in Thailand last month who have less sites than me and making significantly more money than me. We each do things a little differently. Linda, for example, is awesome. She takes a little extra time and crafts a beautiful mage site that will stick in google and seo'd to the max. I'm lazy and impatient and just build fast. Both approaches are good. You can do things however you want.

            If you can't afford the mage, then it's obviously not an option for you. But if you can afford it and are looking for a way to build microniche affiliate sites huge and fast, then it's great.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2016687].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author johnny_h
              Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

              As far as ROI.. indeed I have spent a lot of money on domains and hosting. I now have a dedicated server for around $200/month. I have around 150 expired domains that cost me around $15 each. The rest are just cheap .info's for $1. But I'm making a steady $1600/month and this month is on track for $2000, so I'm happy.

              thanks for the good info - I was wondering if you use the used domains like the system suggests or if you just buy fresh ones?

              Also, a few posts up a guy mentions that he had some trouble getting an epn membership - I know there's a guide included for setting up & improving your chances of getting approved - did you follow those instructions to get approved?

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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Bluehost does not work for using CPMage, but it will work for installing WPMage. The difference is that CPMage will install multiple sites from one backend. WPMage package installs the Mage on one site at a time. It's still fully loaded, just takes a little longer.

    I got that information from the Mage forums. I haven't personally tried it on BlueHost. Apparently, it's the same situation with HostMonster.

    Oh, and yes, it comes with sitemaps configured, robots.txt, allinone seo pack, etc. All configured.
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  • Profile picture of the author bdegrossa
    Thanks, Amy. Do you know why so long to get indexed? Seems like it doesn't take much to get a site indexed in a couple of days, anymore.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359448].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author askloz
    Linda, Greg said it's still not advisable - im on skype now with him.

    Its complicated with content mage
    [7:42:02 PM] Greg Jacobs: because it doesnt load the content until the first page load
    [7:42:26 PM] Greg Jacobs: so we are working on a solution and want to sell it as a sperate license/plugin
    [7:42:42 PM] Greg Jacobs: basicly right now if you remove the plugins, the sites may not work right
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359602].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Berticus
      Originally Posted by askloz View Post

      Linda, Greg said it's still not advisable - im on skype now with him.
      Ah, thank you for that. So testing would have to be done. Understandable.

      Thank you as well, Linda.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359607].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Yes, that is correct. However, while not advisable, it is still doable after the content is loaded.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359608].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author askloz
        heehe, not gonna argue with ya, just telling ya what he said to me... "problems may occur with the plugins". so I think if he says not advisable, dont do it.

        Originally Posted by Linda Van Fleet View Post

        Yes, that is correct. However, while not advisable, it is still doable after the content is loaded.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Cheah
    Hi Greg

    Is there any future free updates?

    Don't see any answers from you concerning
    this area.

    Please comment.

    Yours sincerely

    Richard Cheah
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359658].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author askloz
      Greg's been awake for about 27hrs, he's knackered, so he wont be able to answer your Q's right now... any Mage members can submit support ticket to his other guy who's helping out.

      Originally Posted by Richard Cheah View Post

      Hi Greg

      Is there any future free updates?

      Don't see any answers from you concerning
      this area.

      Please comment.

      Yours sincerely

      Richard Cheah
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359674].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      not quite sleeping yet...

      Future free update? You get lifetime access to Wordpress Mage and all future updates of this version. (there may be upgrades offered at a later point, but they will be something completely different)

      Originally Posted by Richard Cheah View Post

      Hi Greg

      Is there any future free updates?

      Don't see any answers from you concerning
      this area.

      Please comment.

      Yours sincerely

      Richard Cheah
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359706].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Berticus
        To be completely honest, I dropped just under 1k for this... I am hoping this will provide the passive income I require.

        @askloz - As to a site empire: we'll see how many I can generate in two months on my off hours. You see, I'm a soldier and I deploy in January. Internet access is a dubious concern of mine at best and so continuations past my deployment date are also dubious, at best. Thus the passive income I require.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359772].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author askloz
          Originally Posted by Berticus View Post

          @askloz - As to a site empire: we'll see how many I can generate in two months on my off hours. You see, I'm a soldier and I deploy in January. Internet access is a dubious concern of mine at best and so continuations past my deployment date are also dubious, at best. Thus the passive income I require.

          You should be able to invest in 20 domains for approx $100 - $190, spend 5 minutes doing your keyword research with the tool Greg provides. Then compound your earnings on a new site.

          I've suggested quite a few improvements for Greg to work on, to increase the onpage seo factors, cos there's none present with mage right now...

          once incorporated, you'll see your rankings become more stable and heaps of indented listings.

          I'm running a few tests right now with it and will give Greg even more suggestions to make the rankings stick to the first page of google, yahoo, and msn.

          BTW, you be careful over there mate...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361113].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Sid Kaplan
          Just wanted to thank you for your service as a soldier and offer my appreciation of your efforts

          Originally Posted by Berticus View Post

          To be completely honest, I dropped just under 1k for this... I am hoping this will provide the passive income I require.

          @askloz - As to a site empire: we'll see how many I can generate in two months on my off hours. You see, I'm a soldier and I deploy in January. Internet access is a dubious concern of mine at best and so continuations past my deployment date are also dubious, at best. Thus the passive income I require.
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  • Profile picture of the author oldwarrior
    I came here because of Georges recommendation for WP Mage. I respect his opinion but this is not something you buy for dinner at the supermarket. it affects your business.

    I had some questions after i saw the vid. The language quality I saw from the article on the Mage site in Georges video did not look good. English is not my native language but I read some text on the videoscreen that I guess potential customers would not be impressed with when they arrive on a site from someone they don't know. I could not make very much sense of it. But I only saw this little shot so maybe it is not all like that.

    I also had questions about the SEO. Another thing is that there is not much trackrecord.

    I always want to listen to others. So what is the verdict? I also read the other WP Mage thread on the forum and, especially Loz, makes some critical notes. I thank him for being this way because it is better to get it into the open now and not discover some issues later. After reading the threads it looks like there is a private discussion going on.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1359771].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author powyoung
    I don't understand what everyone is complaining about? It's $27 a month through the regular non-Sniper link right? It's only $797 if you want to do an outright purchase. Firepow has similar functionality and costs $120/mo., but Mage looks like it does more.

    Granted you may get some dupe content penalties, but I've had some articles that I've posted that I've barely spun, probably less than 15% unique and have had 2-3 places in the top 10. A lot of your pages may not rank with this software, but you can crank out so many non-competitive long tail word pages that you should get a good number that do rank. For the keywords that do get lots of searches just make sure you have unique content. This seems like a no-brainer for me. Also he has a 60 day guarantee.
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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Greg , if you're still alive check your PM please.

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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I'll try to answer some questions. I base my answers on my experience so far, Greg's training, and other Masters' comments in the forum.

    I think the whole thing of Mage indexing has been misunderstood. I don't think it takes any longer for a Mage site to get indexed than any other. I don't check my indexing/stats every day on 70 sites. So my first notice of traffic to that 6 day old site was the first adsense click.

    Greg tells Mages don't expect to be making money for 3-4 weeks. That's where this "month to index" thing comes from, I think. Really, though, with aged domains, it can happen faster.

    When you have a site with 4,000 posts on it, it will take weeks for google to index the site fully. It starts as only a trickle of posts, and builds from there. So I think that fact that I got a click on a 6 day old site is pretty decent. Those 4,000 posts are built with such longtail keyword, they are likely not searched for often.

    This Mage game is a little different than what we're used to. I'm still wrapping my head around it. Highly searched for keywords are great, but I don't really care too much. If I can build a 4,000-post site in 10 minutes with 4,000 lesser searched for keywords, I'm pretty happy about that.

    Another thing I didn't make clear is that I have 70 sites, but they are not all 6 weeks old. Some I built this week. Yes, if this is all I ever make over 70 sites, I'll be dissapointed, and hope that's not the case. So far, every single day I'm getting more clicks, and more money. I don't check the traffic stats, much, like I said.

    Hmmmmmmm, what else? Let me know if you have more questions. I'm not an expert, so I hope I made sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vibrant Warrior
    I personally think the software is worth a try. I mean, it does come with a 30 day money back guarantee and it does have the potential to deliver a very healthy long-term residual income. We invest hundreds on rubbish ebooks and other IM courses that don't get lead to anything anyway.

    I think George's material and his recommendations are worthwhile investments. We can obviously see the results. The testimonials speak for themselves. I missed my ticket this time because I was waiting until Monday for more feedback on the forum. Even if one website were to generate a $5 monthly income, if you can build about 50 sites a month each month, it would add up over time. I suppose you could build sites manually for the more lucrative niches to guarantee a higher conversion rate if the quality of the sites look rubbish.

    While on the topic, can anyone recommend me any other tools or programs that can genuinely generate a passive in a similar manner?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361035].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author goingup
    How much do the aged domains cost each? Limited funds right now, and Id want to give the 30 day try it out period a good go.

    Is there an automated clickbank plugin(for quicker earnings?)

    How long does it take for ebay to pay you?

    If you are going to do the maximize the site thing that you can do, how much time does it take per site, or does it cost extra to do it? Or take technical ability?

    Are you going to be able to sell the sites in the future if you want to, to people who also have the software?

    So the cost is $597 (30 day money back guarantee) and than $27 a month?

    Can you build some for several months and get to a point where you dont want anymore, and cancel the memebership and keep your sites?


    Only dead fish go with the flow.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361063].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author askloz
      Originally Posted by goingup View Post

      How much do the aged domains cost each? Limited funds right now, and Id want to give the 30 day try it out period a good go.
      I think his site says from $5, via godaddy auctions.

      Originally Posted by goingup View Post

      Is there an automated clickbank plugin(for quicker earnings?)
      there's one in there I think.

      Originally Posted by goingup View Post

      How long does it take for ebay to pay you?
      monthly, check their terms.

      Originally Posted by goingup View Post

      If you are going to do the maximize the site thing that you can do, how much time does it take per site, or does it cost extra to do it? Or take technical ability?
      just a couple clicks, 3-5 mins top?

      Originally Posted by goingup View Post

      Can you build some for several months and get to a point where you dont want anymore, and cancel the memebership and keep your sites?

      why would you want to cancel? that's like throwing money away.

      I have 1600+ sites, and still want to do more, there's no limit, more sites you have, more money you make.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361100].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KARRAX
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361576].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
          I just recently signed up for the trial myself. Personally, Domain Mage is by far the most valuable tool. It's worth the $27 by itself, easily. With the other tools included in the basic package, Adept Mage is a no brainer.

          As for the big $600 WP Mage package, I'm going to use Caffeinated Content, which I already own. Invest the $600 in outsourcing fees instead.

          I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

          Connect with me at www.Scarpero.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361833].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Victoria Gates
            Im sure his product is worth the almost $800 price tag it has right now but for someone like myself who only has maybe an extra $100 to $200 a month to apply to marketing.. it's just really too much...

            Greg maybe you could offer monthly installments of $199 for 4 months or something.

            Otherwise well... im building google sniper sites by hand for now. Perhaps I will have more than plenty in a few months.
            Victoria Gates - Digital Marketing Specialist

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361985].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author pandorabox
              Originally Posted by journeyforself View Post

              Im sure his product is worth the almost $800 price tag it has right now but for someone like myself who only has maybe an extra $100 to $200 a month to apply to marketing.. it's just really too much...

              Greg maybe you could offer monthly installments of $199 for 4 months or something.

              Otherwise well... im building google sniper sites by hand for now. Perhaps I will have more than plenty in a few months.
              Yes, I'm the same, this would interest me too.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1364105].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Greg is best to answer these questions, but I think he's sleeping. If I'm off on anything, he'll correct me.

    As of right now, you can't resell the sites with the Mage plugins. Greg is working on a reseller license for the future.

    When you buy the Master Mage, you get lifetime access to the packages and plugins. You don't NEED the additional $27/month Adept Mage which is access to some tools.

    Yes, there is a clickbank plugin. I haven't tried it out yet.

    Not sure how of ebay payout policy.

    Buying one of the $5 expired .com's will cost you around $15 total. I bought a few, but then funds got limited, so now I'm buying .info's for $.89/each. They are doing fine so far.

    I can create a LARGE site in about 15 minutes, total, including the time to get the keywords, and for the site to load. Most of that is loading time, it only takes a couple minutes of actual clicking.

    Mind, you, though, that I'm doing this as quickly as possible. Other mages are tweaking their sites more, and one Mage is spending about an hour or two per site. His front pages probably look much better than mine, and may not get deindexed as quickly. I'm not as picky. Just want to make money quick, then will take my time later.

    Setting up the CPMage on your cpanel takes little bit of tech work, but Greg has a video and pdf with step by step and screenshots. Someone said his 12 year old did it just fine. Greg will do your first install for you.

    I'm not going to speak to the cost, I'm not sure.

    The only extra costs after the initial purchase would be:
    domains... $15 for good aged/expired, down to $.89 for .info's
    Hosting... You can get it as cheap as $8/month. You will likely use one hosting package for 20-30 websites.

    I can't think of any other costs. Well, the $27/month for the other Mage tools, which is not required, but helpful.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361106].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vibrant Warrior
    You don't get to keep the sites unfortunately. That's the only thing. And in a way the 30 day trial isn't long enough to see results according to many. But there doesn't seem to be any question about whether or not it has the potential to generate a residual income as it has already done that to many people. The price is $797 flat and no monthly subscriptions (unless there is a $597 deal that I am not aware of). The $27 monthly subscription is optional and will complement your purchase but for now the doors are closed for the software.

    I just have a feeling that this software will meet some stiff competition in the near future (as with any market). So no regrets there at all.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361108].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oldwarrior
    Hi folks. I was wondering has anyone looked at the writing quality of the 2 times translated posts? I was a little bit afraid that potential visitors will click away.

    I read above that Loz has given Greg some tips for SEO improvement. Will that take long for him to implement? Can we do it ourselves (8000 posts...)?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361200].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Here's my thoughts on the translation...

    First, the most google-loved websites will always have original content, and provide great service to the visitor, I totally understand that.

    But, I don't have the time to create sites like that on a large scale.

    So... I'm content to load sites with scraped content using Mage.

    About the translation... My best sites have no translation at all. Just the original English article.

    Also, though, I don't honestly care much if the content is poor. I don't want people to read the content, I want them to click my ads. And the ads are what they are looking for. Most of my sites are product-based. So if someone was searching for a canon camera lens waterproof, they will see that ebay listing, which is exactly what they want.

    Definitely, the readability is poor when you translate the content. Sometimes, very poor.

    To overcome this, I am using a template that puts my ebay listings on the top of the page, so most visitors probalby won't even scroll down to the bottom and see the scraped content, anyway. If anyone wants that template, pm me. It just takes a couple more clicks to add it to your sites.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361221].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
      Presumably cp mage doesn't violate the rules when articles from ezine and the other directories are scraped. I assume they are left intact and are not translated back and forth.. Is that right?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361253].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author powyoung
        If you want an instant blog generating software like WPMage check out Firepow. They appear to be basically the same more or less. Can anybody using firepow confirm this?
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    • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
      Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

      Also, though, I don't honestly care much if the content is poor. I don't want people to read the content, I want them to click my ads. And the ads are what they are looking for. Most of my sites are product-based. So if someone was searching for a canon camera lens waterproof, they will see that ebay listing, which is exactly what they want.

      Definitely, the readability is poor when you translate the content. Sometimes, very poor.

      To overcome this, I am using a template that puts my ebay listings on the top of the page, so most visitors probalby won't even scroll down to the bottom and see the scraped content, anyway. If anyone wants that template, pm me. It just takes a couple more clicks to add it to your sites.
      See Amy, this is where most people get all hung up-- perfection. The goal isn't "pretty". As a matter of fact, ugly sells. Ha.


      My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
      Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1363898].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mick535
        Originally Posted by digidoodles View Post

        See Amy, this is where most people get all hung up-- perfection. The goal isn't "pretty". As a matter of fact, ugly sells. Ha.


        Ugly brings in more Adsense clicks than anything. People get to your site because of your content, but quickly click on a link to leave and find something better. It is a beautiful thing.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1367632].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
          With all due respect, I have got to disagree with you on this. Ugly sites or sites with no valuable content on might get a click yes but more likely will result in the back button or "close window"..

          Far better to think in terms of reducing the number of exit points on a page (links) and selling the click through smart, well written copy..

          Sorry to take this thread off topic from wp mage. I see it is back on the market again BTW for google sniper customers.

          Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

          Ugly brings in more Adsense clicks than anything. People get to your site because of your content, but quickly click on a link to leave and find something better. It is a beautiful thing.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1367691].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mick535
            Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

            With all due respect, I have got to disagree with you on this. Ugly sites or sites with no valuable content on might get a click yes but more likely will result in the back button or "close window"..

            Far better to think in terms of reducing the number of exit points on a page (links) and selling the click through smart, well written copy..

            Sorry to take this thread off topic from wp mage. I see it is back on the market again BTW for google sniper customers.
            No worries. I have to tell you though. For over 3 years I made $50,000 per year in Just Adsense from Blog and Ping using Blogger Generator to create thousands of Blogger Blogs and RSS Evolution which made some of the worst looking money sites you will ever see. With my ads above the fold and in the right Sidebar they killed daily. I only wish Google hadn't gotten smart on it or I would still be doing it today. Every site I put tons of effort into didn't have near the conversions of those ugly sites. There is a hapy medium, don't get me wrong. They had templates and were "normal" sites, but it is a valid technique. Don't knock it till ya try it.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369979].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
              Been there, done it, worn the T shirt and thankfully saw the light and realised what a waste of time and energy it is continually chasing after ways to buck the system with trashy, ugly, junky sites. Black hat, bluefart, whatever you want to call it, yes you can earn a few bucks for a while but it will only last for a while. A far far better strategy now is to build something that has a future.

              Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

              No worries. I have to tell you though. For over 3 years I made $50,000 per year in Just Adsense from Blog and Ping using Blogger Generator to create thousands of Blogger Blogs and RSS Evolution which made some of the worst looking money sites you will ever see. With my ads above the fold and in the right Sidebar they killed daily. I only wish Google hadn't gotten smart on it or I would still be doing it today. Every site I put tons of effort into didn't have near the conversions of those ugly sites. There is a hapy medium, don't get me wrong. They had templates and were "normal" sites, but it is a valid technique. Don't knock it till ya try it.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370102].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author mick535
                Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

                Been there, done it, worn the T shirt and thankfully saw the light and realised what a waste of time and energy it is continually chasing after ways to buck the system with trashy, ugly, junky sites. Black hat, bluefart, whatever you want to call it, yes you can earn a few bucks for a while but it will only last for a while. A far far better strategy now is to build something that has a future.
                Don't get me wrong. I agree with you completely. But they have their place in a world where it is best to diversify your portfolio.

                I promote and do a lot of Auto Blogging, but 90% of what I do is straight Affiliate marketing building websites just as you described. Google is too good to waste time on getting good domains slapped constantly. There are a lot of good Grey Hat ways to roll that are truly effective though.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370495].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
                Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

                Been there, done it, worn the T shirt and thankfully saw the light and realised what a waste of time and energy it is continually chasing after ways to buck the system with trashy, ugly, junky sites. Black hat, bluefart, whatever you want to call it, yes you can earn a few bucks for a while but it will only last for a while. A far far better strategy now is to build something that has a future.

                Earn Online Cash with Ugly Websites | Earn Online Cash

                This guy is quite successful. As is Greg Jacobs. The model of ugly works well, depending on what you are targeting.

                Adsense= ugly sites.

                Your ebook that you are trying to sell? Pretty.

                Ugly sells.

                Pretty Sells.

                Depends on what you are doing.


                My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
                Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1371020].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Yes, you have to change your way of thinking a little when you use the mage. Mainly, you have to simplify. Ooooooh,that's tough.

    For example, we are so accustomed to making sure that our main keyword is in our domain name. Well, with Greg's method, that's not important. I bought one expired domain that has the absolute dumbest name ever, it's really quite funny. Loaded it up with completely unrelated ebay products, and it's one of my best performing sites! I get a chuckle out of how simple this is. Don't over-think!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1363917].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author twinmom
      Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

      Yes, you have to change your way of thinking a little when you use the mage. Mainly, you have to simplify. Ooooooh,that's tough.
      Amykay - you are so right on target here. That was my biggest hurdle when I first started with the Mage - getting over everything I had learned previously and realizing it wasn't necessary.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1364336].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
        Originally Posted by twinmom View Post

        Amykay - you are so right on target here. That was my biggest hurdle when I first started with the Mage - getting over everything I had learned previously and realizing it wasn't necessary.
        It's funny that y'all say this.. because.. there is so much misinformation about seo and traffic out there.. and I read stuff and just kind of chuckle. There's no way I would actually bother correcting someone because it'd be to no advantage- they'd never believe it unless they tried it.

        Some myths die hard... or never at all


        My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
        Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1364377].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author rstmarketing

          I am looking forward to having a go with WPM when it is re-released. Does anyone have any good tips to get started, and how to make a really good front page?

          Also can you add an aweber form?
          Can you add any CPA banners or a html banner code on front page or should the front page look as natural as possible.
          Can you add a link on the bottom of the template for the new FTC ruling earnings disclaimer.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1365049].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author twinmom
            Originally Posted by rstmarketing View Post


            I am looking forward to having a go with WPM when it is re-released. Does anyone have any good tips to get started, and how to make a really good front page?

            Also can you add an aweber form?
            Can you add any CPA banners or a html banner code on front page or should the front page look as natural as possible.
            Can you add a link on the bottom of the template for the new FTC ruling earnings disclaimer.

            It's based on wordpress, so anything you can do in wordpress, you can do in WPM. So to answer your question, yes, you can add any of those things.
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            • Profile picture of the author rstmarketing
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1366184].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paulmac
    I am looking for plugins like this 1 linda will give it a try.
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  • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoria Gates
    Wow he did make a payment plan. I got wpmage now.. Wish me well!
    Victoria Gates - Digital Marketing Specialist

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    • Profile picture of the author phu
      I wander if I should take on the free 60 days trial at no cost then 27$ after a month, but does this include the whole features like buying it for 3 installments offered by george?
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir.S
    Hi just wanted to know from anyone who has brought wpmage, if there are any up sells?

    It is also a one time fee or is there an ongoing monthly fee to use the softwares?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1368186].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FH
      Hi Amir;

      There were no upsells or monthly fees. In fact one of the 1st things they tell you is to cancel the $27 membership.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1368261].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir.S
        Originally Posted by FH View Post

        Hi Amir;

        There were no upsells or monthly fees. In fact one of the 1st things they tell you is to cancel the $27 membership.
        Thats great FH, thats for that.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1368395].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author COLIN C
    hey now what about a newbie on his last legs if i buy this software it has to work for me i got google sniper last week and made some sites and got 2 sites the top of rankings so i need to push on and put some food on the table do you all reckon this can push me on the price is a bit steep
    and ASKLOZ seems to know the deal i cant afford to blow $800 just a little honesty would do it for me cheers for any advice
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  • Profile picture of the author RobWake
    Hi, new here and been following this thread from the start, I am quite keen on this system but would really like to see a site which has been put together with this system, even if it is one of the flops I just really want to see the end result / output of the system...anyone willing to share a URL?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mick535
      Originally Posted by RobWake View Post

      Hi, new here and been following this thread from the start, I am quite keen on this system but would really like to see a site which has been put together with this system, even if it is one of the flops I just really want to see the end result / output of the system...anyone willing to share a URL?
      Check out my Video Review here: WP Mage Review: Taking Wordpress Auto Blogging to the Next Level

      I had to cloak the url because my website has the words black and the word hat in it and this forum automaticaly changes the links. It is not an affiliate link.

      In the video I show you the output of a site created with this system and I show you the entire Member Area of WP Mage so you can see all the tools inside. I was kind of rushed when I made it so excuse the lack of close ups in the video. It is in HD though so you can go full screen.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369994].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author askloz
        Liar, it is a affiliate link, you got affiliate links all over that thread!

        Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

        Check out my Video Review here:

        I had to cloak the url because my website has the words black and the word hat in it and this forum automaticaly changes the links. It is not an affiliate link.

        In the video I show you the output of a site created with this system and I show you the entire Member Area of WP Mage so you can see all the tools inside. I was kind of rushed when I made it so excuse the lack of close ups in the video. It is in HD though so you can go full screen.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370236].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mick535
          Originally Posted by askloz View Post

          Liar, it is a affiliate link, you got affiliate links all over that thread!
          I did not lie, you just misunderstood me. There are affiliate links on the target page, yes. I tell everyone that on the page. The link I placed to the Review and Video is not an Affiliate Link. It is a link to my Blog.

          The Content of the Review and the Video provides exactly what was being asked for, an Inside Look at the Program and to see a site which has been created with WP Mage.

          What I said was that this was not a direct Affiliate link. It is a link to a page on my website. I was using a bit.ly link instead of a direct one since my website is called: (Black) - (Hat) -(Software)

          Sorry for the misunderstanding.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370485].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author askloz
            you're not allowed to promote links in a post with your affiliate link to it, or to a page that has affiliate links in it... that's what your signature file is for.

            Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

            I did not lie, you just misunderstood me. There are affiliate links on the target page, yes. I tell everyone that on the page. The link I placed to the Review and Video is not an Affiliate Link. It is a link to my Blog.

            The Content of the Review and the Video provides exactly what was being asked for, an Inside Look at the Program and to see a site which has been created with WP Mage.

            What I said was that this was not a direct Affiliate link. It is a link to a page on my website. I was using a bit.ly link instead of a direct one since my website is called: (Black) - (Hat) -(Software)

            Sorry for the misunderstanding.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370638].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author mick535
              Originally Posted by askloz View Post

              you're not allowed to promote links in a post with your affiliate link to it, or to a page that has affiliate links in it... that's what your signature file is for.
              No. The Rules as I just read them state that you may not post affiliate links here in the forum. It does not say anthing about the Sites people link to from here.

              Here: (sorry to those of you here for content on WP Mage)

              The rules for this section:

              7. No Affiliate Links - Sorry but if we allowed affiliate links in these reviews it would be a big ad forum within a few days instead of an unbiased review forum.

              There is also a rule about not promoting your own Products in these threads yet some people seem to do that regularly.

              5. No threads will be accepted if the owner of the product is posting their own product just so it gets advertised. We can tell, so please don't try it.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370721].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1375416].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Gee S
            I've seen the blueprint and it seems really cool. I guess it can be adapted in many ways.

            Greg, will there ever be an option to include CPA in this somehow? I know it wont happen any time soon, but could be a thought for future updates.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1375481].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author askloz
              Originally Posted by MrEyeconic View Post

              Greg, will there ever be an option to include CPA in this somehow? I know it wont happen any time soon, but could be a thought for future updates.

              There's already Commission Junction in there. More are being added so I have been told and a new plugin that I recommended them to make, an incontent linking plugin, but needs some additional tweaks to make it a tad better, but it's the first draft of the plugin.
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              • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
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                • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1375683].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
        Sorry to go a little off topic but this is important.

        I can't stand Black Hats!
        I just don't trust them folks!!!
        I had a Black Hat Slither onto my server one time and he took
        every file that I had for my membership site and posted them openly
        on a Black Hat forum... It was a free for all... hundreds and hundreds of my membership products plucked away...

        Don't trust them folks!!!

        DANGER!!! DANGER!!! DANGER!!!
        RUN I SAY,,, R-U-N!!!


        RUN, RUN, RUN,,,
        DANGER!!! DANGER!!! DANGER!!!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1372063].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    I don't think any of us will share our sites, for obvious reasons. If you contact Greg, he might share one of his.

    I think that WarriorCoupon is expired. It was part of Greg's WSO launch.

    The price today is $797 at once, OR $297 if you want to pay 3 installments.
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  • Profile picture of the author COLIN C
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369842].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
    This is good stuff!
    Thank You for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author f173030
    Hi Everyone, thank you for sharing. By following this thread and review. I have a better understanding on WP Mage now.
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  • Profile picture of the author earlt
    I have been sitting on the fence on this one, hard to do any real research on the product because it's so new.

    Wish more of the beta testers were able to give some feedback on this. Plus I'm wondering if without an Overstock or EPN affiliate program (denied by overstock, have not tried with EPN) will this still be worth it?

    Got a few hours left, but I'm thinking I'm going to jump on the bandwagon as it were..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370151].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author imnoob
      Hi Greg,

      is the wpmage offered to google sniper customers the whole, full mage software with no recurring payment? I ask because it seems there are different version, adept mage, master mage, wp mage. I'm confused...
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    • Profile picture of the author earlt
      Originally Posted by CoolAromas View Post

      there was a post on the first page that someone said they are a beta tester. Check him out.
      Yes, I have read the whole thread, and I believe the first poster was a she ;-)

      I think approx 3 or 4 people have stepped up to give their thoughts-I'm guessing there was more than that who beta tested?
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      • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
        Originally Posted by earlt View Post

        Yes, I have read the whole thread, and I believe the first poster was a she ;-)

        I think approx 3 or 4 people have stepped up to give their thoughts-I'm guessing there was more than that who beta tested?
        Yep, I'm a *she*. There were around 30 beta testers and some have chimed in on this "wpmage review thread" - although it seems to have taken many twists and turns since I started it. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the mage ... I'm not an affiliate and haven't profited at all from the review. It's a great program -- for me. It's not for everyone and some will not like it at all. That's because we're all different and have different needs.

        And that's why Greg offers a guarantee of satisfaction.

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  • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
    I really like the Mage system and Kudos to Greg for creating the software and for putting the forum together. The 60 trial offer really is terrific and very worthwhile joining. Of course some trial members will continue with the membership (at the Adept level) once the trial has ended, and some will be poised to invest in the full Mage system once it gets re-released down the track (I'm assuming that it'll be a "when" rather than an "if" ,..even if it is in moderation). But having said that, I do feel that it is extremely generous of Greg to open the doors to his system and in doing so he has shared everything... all the videos and the pdf reports of which a lot of effort has gone into. Added to that is the free Affiliate-Mage tool that he really didn't need to give away but chose to in what seems to be a genuinely gregarious spirit.

    I've decided I'm not going to pursue becoming a full Mage at this stage (hey that rhymes!), because I'm more focused on other projects which includes following through with my plans in implementing the Sniper system. Although George has acknowledged that there can be some distinct and profitable benefits from "pimping" Sniper sites and packing them out with hundreds of other long tail phrases,.. I tend to think that it could also water down the laser focused sniper impact that a simple site focused on a single keyword phrase can have. Having said that, I will definitely set up several (OK maybe 20 or 30) Mage-istic sites using current autoblogging tools I have which whilst not offering the full scope of features that Mage has they still have the basic elements that can go a long way to populate blogs with decent content that I'd probably hand tweak as well,.. plus I can incorporate the free Mage Affiliate plugin that Greg has so kindly and generously made available.
    For me, in being very adept with systems admin and Wordpress it doesn't pose any challenge to me to set up blogs on multiple sites and/or servers because I have done so many of them and have designed a sweet little flash upload script that cuts down my time in doing the setups.
    Having said that,.. I think that for anyone that perhaps doesn't have that hands on experience and skills or maybe they'd just like to save a stack of time automating the whole thing and intend on setting up dozens and dozens of these site then I can understand the investment which can be justified or at least ratified against a time & motion model.

    I'd have to agree that the price tag does seem a little hefty but at least it is somewhat more manageable being split into three payments. It seems quite clear from reading in the Mage forum that there are many full Mage members that are really getting a lot out of this system and even in the early stages seem to be showing promising results,.. both in monetary returns and in increased levels of self confidence and enthusiasm to move forward with their IM dreams and objectives. The thing is that from a software point of view, there really isn't anything else that's directly available that will do everything that Greg's software will do,.. plus I do appreciate the fact that he's selling a system and along with that comes full and direct support from him personally,- that's a lot more hands on and productive than many "gurus" have come forward with previously and at the same time charged $1997 for their systems that look fine in theory but in practice they fall way short of the mark.
    Anyway,.. sorry for the longer than intended post but I just thought I'd make a point of saying that I think Greg is a genuine guy who's put a lot of work into this software and system, and also has given guys such as me a chance of road testing it and using his information and free Mage affiliate system. I think that's awesome,- sincere thanks there Greg!
    For anybody that's kind of floundering or at a loss to get stuck into something,.. I'd say that Mage is really worth having a run with because if you are focused and committed I can't see how you could not at least turn this into a passive monthly money spinner that could range from several hundreds of dollars to several thousands of dollars.
    Best wishes to all that decide to get stuck into this Mage system one way or another, and looking forward to hearing some of the success stories down the track.

    Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

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  • Profile picture of the author earlt
    Thanks for your response Linda.

    I hope I did not offend you, my response was to CoolAromas comment "Check him out."

    Anyway, I decided to jump on board and am quite busy reading/and viewing the info presented in the members area. I tried to do whatever due diligence I could, but ultimately it was a bit of a 'gut' decision.
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    • Profile picture of the author mick535
      The WP Mage system isn't really any different than what I was already doing with my Auto Blogs. The main thing for me was the automation aspects of it. What I have found is that what used to take me a week or so, I now can get done in a day. 1 site per day is incredible and the amount of options on what kind of sites you create and what you promote is limitless.

      Greg has done a great job and as we have seen already, he is improving it almost daily.
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      • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
        Okay, I am not tech minded.
        I'm somewhat shy of getting this system and then not knowing how to use it to it's full advantage.

        Is there a way that I can get a baby system, just to make sure
        that it is not over my head?
        I heard of a $27 a month system but I don't know how to go about getting it,

        I could use that until I get advanced enough to go for the whole thing.
        I also heard that you don't get to keep or own the domains that you buy, not really sure
        what that was all about, I just saw it in another post...

        Does the $27 a month system come with full and complete video training?
        If so how do I get it and what is its name?

        Thanks for any feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    You do get to keep your domains if you buy them. I don't know what you heard otherwise.

    To use the system, you would really have to buy the whole thing. Keep in mind that Greg has a 30 day money back guarantee. That's plenty of time to get in there, and see if you can do it.

    In the Mage forums, it looks like there are some newbies who are figuring it out just fine using Greg's step by step videos and instructions. Even the instructions have pictures.

    It's a tough call, I know. When I first bought it, I used the "quick and dirty" method. I just used the Mage package as is without any extra tweaking, and put up sites as quickly as it would let me. So basically, everything I needed to know was in Greg's training. You don't really have to do anything else at all.

    Bottom line, you are probably already advanced enough for the "whole thing." If someone thinks I'm wrong, and that it is tricky, please chime in.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    For the one time fee you get the package downloads that install the Mage sites.

    The monthly fee is for the adept mage membership which is optional. It includes tools that help you with you mage building like finding good expired domains, indexing, and getting keywords.

    Last I heard you cannot resell these sites. Greg is considering offering a reseller's license in the future, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
    I´m not using Greg´s Mage system yet, but I just wanted to say that I watched all the videos and read the Mage Blueprint and it looks like a great, fully-operating, complete system.

    I had a lot of questions and contacted Greg by email and he was very responsive and helpful. If this is any indication of the kind of service and support provided when buying his system, I have to say it's the best support I´ve ever seen anywhere, on or off-line.

    He´s already over-delivered even before buying and that has as much weight in my choice of purchasing anything as the product or service itself.

    Very impressive Greg and thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author angel12
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Someone asked about CPA. I am using these sites with CPA. On a small scale for now, but I intend to pursue it further. I mean, if I can get 4,000 weight-loss related keywords and spit out a site in a matter of minutes, and spend 2 more minutes to copy/paste an html cpa banner onto the top of each post... I may just be able to compete in the weight loss niche! Or ANY niche.

    Wow, that was a very long sentence.

    So, yes, think CPA.
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  • Profile picture of the author earlt
    I believe it closed again for now- it only reopened for 36 hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author earlt
    I did not see any mention of price, only that it would re-open on the 23rd.
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  • Profile picture of the author pcgirl
    I determined recently that there is money to be made on the internet. So I have been reading and trying to learn everything there is to learn to be successful at this. I came across this review a couple of days ago and I have been glued to the videos ever since. This was exactly what I had been looking for. It all makes perfect sense and I am looking forward to really getting involved in the mage system. I think you are really on to something, Greg! I will be looking at the Adept Mage but I believe I would really like to get into the whole thing with the Wordpress Mage when you release it I will mark the date on my calendar and I will let you know how I do along the way!
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    • Profile picture of the author Linda Van Fleet
      Originally Posted by pcgirl View Post

      I determined recently that there is money to be made on the internet. So I have been reading and trying to learn everything there is to learn to be successful at this. I came across this review a couple of days ago and I have been glued to the videos ever since. This was exactly what I had been looking for. It all makes perfect sense and I am looking forward to really getting involved in the mage system. I think you are really on to something, Greg! I will be looking at the Adept Mage but I believe I would really like to get into the whole thing with the Wordpress Mage when you release it I will mark the date on my calendar and I will let you know how I do along the way!
      Hi Pcgirl ...

      Come on in! The adept level will get you started and you'll already be on the inside learning all the automation tricks. A lot of people think the Adept Mage level is just for someone who can't afford the full mage package ... and that is certainly a wonderful solution if you don't have the money ... but they forget that Greg started without any of the tools ... he did it all manually and then created the tools later. So, don't discount the adept level ... I'm thinking you can still use it to propel yourself to a nice Internet income.

      I will look for you in the mage forum. Please say hello.

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