Anyone using SpinnerChief for creating new articles?

1 replies
Is anyone using SpinnerChief first off is it working and a good program? Seems like it has been around for a long time.

I am not wanting to use it for spinning text I have grabbed.

After watching some videos on it the features for writing my own articles is what I like.

I see it can word for word let me change words picking better ones that might work better. And adding in spin words so in the end, i could spin my own article to make a few versions of it.

Even if I did no spinning it seems like a great way to create new content?

Any great discounts on it available?
#articles #creating #spinnerchief
  • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
    Hello Eddie

    Have a look at Content Professor, they have a free version that you can try out, as well as a Pro version.

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