Is there somone here working on SFI? - Strong Futures International

2 replies
• If you have been working on SFI lately, as in this year and last year, please let me know. I saw a thread that was from way back in 2009 or so and I still wondered if SFI was a viable way to make money online.

• When I saw the billionaire say, "If you do not find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work for the rest of your life." ... - I knew I had to find something that is an investment online.
#futures #international #sfi #somone #strong #working
  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    It's an MLM just like any other. Some people will make money, most won't. It all depends on your skills and the amount of effort and investment you make.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It's an OLD MLM - been around for at least 20 years...has changed names several times - has changed pay structure many one of the MLM's people join when they are in Evans' 'Plug n Profit' - which used to have (years ago) a private discussion section on this forum.

    In an mlm - you don't have control - the entire pay structure can change. An MLM can be good training for a new person online - but much of the training is outdated.

    Lot of hype in that mlm. Most of those who earn decent money with it are marketers who lead their followers into joining below them in the downline.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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