FREE Perfect Traffic Storm?

3 replies
What do you guys think about this? It's Free alright, but is it worth the time?

I find it doesn't make sense and really confusing.
#free #perfect #storm #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author joannabenz
    I am new at this, too, Jason. Although they don't outline this in their sales letter, my take on it is that I get a free ad on somebody else's site, and somebody gets a free ad on my site. Before I joined, the sales pitch didn't mention that you have to allow ads on your own sites.

    I cannot find anything really negative in the way of complaints or scam accusations, so I guess their service is legit. They do offer a 30 day money back guarantee, also. So it might be worth testing this out.

    Joanna Benz
    Hosting Report Card

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  • Profile picture of the author gcintermed
    I've been in it for a couple of weeks and my review is mixed...

    The basic idea is that you get a slide-in ad impression on someone else's site for about 15 seconds. That impression costs you "credits". You get a certain number of credits free, and you have the option of either buying more (at a starting rate of 5 cents per impression, it is expensive) or earning more. And this is where it gets interesting.

    You earn credits by sending traffic to a site using one of their redirect links. When you do, someone else's ad shows up as the slide-in on that site. The clever twist is that you can send traffic to ANY site through a Perfect Storm redirect link. For example, I could post a tweet saying "Go check out this site!" with a redirect to Google, and I would earn credits for every click.

    And maybe now you are starting to see one of the weak points of this system. If I am sending traffic somewhere, I want it to convert for me, not for the person whose ad appears. So I am only going to earn credits by sending traffic to sites I don't care about, and it probably won't convert well.

    I suspect I am not the only one using the system this way. The conversion rates for me have been... well, nil. Over 300 impressions to three different ads, two are squeeze pages and the third is a high converting sales page, and I have had not a single opt-in or sale. Not surprising since of the 300 impressions, there have been maybe 2 clicks on my banner ads. It's also disappointing that the impressions dribble in, at the rate of maybe 20-30 per day. Maybe this will get better as the system grows.

    In summary, this is a clever twist on the traffic exchange idea. And I suspect as in many of these clever systems, the people at the top (you also earn credits by getting referrals to sign up under you, and you can earn commissions on their purchases and upgrades) can do well. But I have been disappointed with it, and I suspect most free and low end users will not get much from it.
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    • Profile picture of the author ejullya
      I had some success with Perfect Traffic Storm. I got 8 sign-ups right away, but at that time it was pretty rare (very low membership) and not so much in use. Now the mebership is upwards of 20000, so the competition is going to be tougher. I find the ads not too bad esthetically and certainly more appealing than the dropdown boxes on some websites.

      I upgraded to the elite membership. That cost me all together $234.00 lifetime, gives me about 20,000 ads which is really cheap considering the TrafficSwarm, which I find useless costs around 39.00 per month for Pro membership

      What I get with this elite membership is the invaluable opportunity to email 1000 PTS members once per week and promote whatever program I am concentrating on. Thus far I am averaging 4 sign-ups per week. To me that is really great. I'll use this campaign for a while and then I'll change it to another program.

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