Affiliate Genie Review, Case study & Success Thread

115 replies
Chris Rampel, Aka "The Lazy Marketer" released Affiliate Genie today. Perhaps Chris is having the most responsive customers list (his list is even better than Travis' list) So there must be 100's of Warriors interested in this product review.

Affiliate Genie is not another website builder which omits 1000's of pages of useless junk content. You have to write your own content. It's like Wordpress for Affiliate marketers.

It's fully online based dynamic website builder without any database!

I was BETA tester and got early access to Affiliate Genie. I'm impressed with it's features and capabilities. The test website I built with Affiliate Genie is is less than 10 days old. So I really can't say anything about its performance. It's already got indexed by Google and received few visitors. Yahoo and Bing, yet to index it.

...I'll be updating this thread whenever I find something interesting. Also please share your experience if you have already bought or if you were a BETA tester.

#affiliate #case #genie #review #study #success #thread
  • Profile picture of the author mikeong88
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    • Profile picture of the author MCDavies
      I just got wind of this one and am very interested in hearing about some good honest experience with this before I make the decision on this one.

      One of the things that intrigued me was the fact that this doesn't need a database in order to install it.

      And if you want to be able to build and sell your sites it would be easy to zip everything up and transfer to your client.

      What I want to know, is there any kind of upsells with this or membership requirements?
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      • Profile picture of the author dns7080
        Originally Posted by MCDavies View Post

        I just got wind of this one and am very interested in hearing about some good honest experience with this before I make the decision on this one.

        One of the things that intrigued me was the fact that this doesn't need a database in order to install it.

        And if you want to be able to build and sell your sites it would be easy to zip everything up and transfer to your client.

        What I want to know, is there any kind of upsells with this or membership requirements?
        From what I can tell there seems to be one upsell but it doesn't say how much, it actually says that it's optional. If you look under " Crucial Affiliate Success Factor #1" in the blue box you'll see it there. As far as the monthly fee goes he says no monthly fees.
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  • Profile picture of the author brainworker
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    • Profile picture of the author MCDavies
      Originally Posted by brainworker View Post

      There is no Pro-version to buy.

      There is no monthly fee. You get unlimited to use license

      Crucial Affiliate Success Factor #1: Here, I think Chris is referring to link building service LinkVana...which is optional.

      You can sell the site built with AffGenie. However, you can ONLY sell sites built with Affiliate Genie that are set up on a domain, and where the site is transferred with the domain as part of the sale. The buyer can use Affiliate Genie on that single domain only.

      Check the FAQ section to clarify your doubts Affiliate Genie - Frequently Asked Questions...

      Wordpress is still my favorite CMS. But I'm using heavily customized version of WP. It's still early to say anything about its success or failure.

      Thanks for your feedback. I just visited the FAQ page and it does answer a lot of my questions.

      Also great to see Mr. Rempel make an appearance and stand by his product. Let's see if you can answer this one,

      Are there any step by step video tutorials included with this?

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  • Profile picture of the author alliance
    Would love to see a sample website in action. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author alashton
    This looks very similar to Affilorama Blueprint, in fact I cant see any difference apart from the wordpress aspect. I have an AB site that is virtually identical to one of the AG demos - scarily so, same products, similar reviews etc.

    I have always liked Chris Rempel's style, have quite a few of his products and this looks a good product too. However he is not renowned for step by step methods and there are always lots of "what you need to do" and not "how to do it" tactics, maybe this is different, so if you are a newbie be careful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
    Originally Posted by brainworker View Post

    Chris Rampel, Aka "The Lazy Marketer" released Affiliate Genie today. Perhaps Chris is having the most responsive customers list (his list is even better than Travis' list) So there must be 100's of Warriors interested in this product review.

    Affiliate Genie is not another website builder which omits 1000's of pages of useless junk content. You have to write your own content. It's like Wordpress for Affiliate marketers.

    It's fully online based dynamic website builder without any database!

    I was BETA tester and got early access to Affiliate Genie. I'm impressed with it's features and capabilities. The test website I built with Affiliate Genie is is less than 10 days old. So I really can't say anything about its performance. It's already got indexed by Google and received few visitors. Yahoo and Bing, yet to index it.

    ...I'll be updating this thread whenever I find something interesting. Also please share your experience if you have already bought or if you were a BETA tester.

    So, basically, you started this thread which is neither a review, case study, or success thread, to get people to visit your affiliate genie review blog where they can buy through your affiliate link?

    As for the actual product, you'd think if it was still working so well today, the guy could put up some Clickbank screenshots from 2009 instead of using screenshots from 2007.
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    • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider
      Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

      So, basically, you started this thread which is neither a review, case study, or success thread, to get people to visit your affiliate genie review blog where they can buy through your affiliate link?

      As for the actual product, you'd think if it was still working so well today, the guy could put up some Clickbank screenshots from 2009 instead of using screenshots from 2007.
      Scroll down on the AffGenie site. I have one affiliate site built with this structure single-handedly doing about $60K a year in commissions.

      Also, see my comment #26 on this post for details on that screenshot from 2007:

      Affiliate Genie - The Price, The Launch Date & More...

      What I said was:

      "I've spread out my affiliate promotions among various networks and in house programs since 07.

      So my solely affiliate-based CB earnings these days are slightly lower than that screenshot (due to sites fading over time, some of my better merchants on CB switching to in-house, and unloading a few sites, etc.)

      But in combination with my CPA, in-house and non-CB network earnings, it's about 2 times more than it was in 2007."

      Clickbank is nice but I find that it's easier to ramp up some serious (consistent) traffic to in-house programs, which I'd rather not reveal because it would lead to mass-scale competition.

      The niches, though, in general deal with investing, genealogy, herbal remedies, high-ticket services and CPA programs aimed at the "corporate" audience.

      Maybe I should add a snapshot of 2008's tax return... that would far overshadow that old CB screenshot :-)

      Wouldn't be entirely accurate, though, since I make the majority of my money in product development across 3 main markets.

      The bottom line is that Affiliate Genie produces high-converting sites when compared to a basic structure like WP for 3 reasons:

      1. The sitewide Featured Promo. Top fold offers = higher CTR = more commissions. Not rocket science.

      2. Interactive product-related discussion (comments and rating system for users). Once again, this is Social Proof 101

      3. It's designed to publish a mix of product & tutorial content, where the product-focused content will draw serious, buyer-profile visitors. For the third time - not rocket science.

      Affiliate Genie isn't some magic-button "secret".

      It's designed to make it EASIER to do the fundamentals. Stuff that we all know works, except this sets your sites up according to those principles by default.

      It doesn't take 14 plugins and a major CSS rewrite like it does in WP.


      Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

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  • Profile picture of the author mjbromley
    I have got this yesterday, there is an installation video with it, but you don't really need it. It's a quick ftp to your web folder, log in, change your password and then add your content. It really is simple. I bought it because I found myself wanting to get simple websites up with the least fuss possible. I can do it all in wordpress, but there is so much customisation to do to get it to look like a website as opposed to a blog. And with wordpress I found myself faffing around with themes and plugins etc... rather than the more important task of getting content on there. If you are doing any kind of review sites or micro niche / adsense - just get it.
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    • Profile picture of the author CraigX
      Originally Posted by mjbromley View Post

      I have got this yesterday, there is an installation video with it, but you don't really need it. It's a quick ftp to your web folder, log in, change your password and then add your content. It really is simple. I bought it because I found myself wanting to get simple websites up with the least fuss possible. I can do it all in wordpress, but there is so much customisation to do to get it to look like a website as opposed to a blog. And with wordpress I found myself faffing around with themes and plugins etc... rather than the more important task of getting content on there. If you are doing any kind of review sites or micro niche / adsense - just get it.

      I'm kind of interested in the affiliate genie but would also like to hear what you think about Xsitepro.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman

    AG is independent of WP. Has nothing to do with it

    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    As a user of Affiliate Genie I must say I am pretty disappointed with Chris and his creation of this software.

    I have spent many years getting to a point where I could create Wordpress based websites for affiliate reviews that ranked well, and spent tons of time reading various SEO guides etc.

    And Chris just comes along and creates this software, which after trying for less than two has already generated quite a bit of traffic WITHOUT me doing any offsite backlinks yet (due to time)

    Now while I havent made any sales yet, I also havent put any effort in (other than putting up 5 unique content articles)

    I didnt even make a review article! I just placed a recommended product area above each article which is already brining in links (this is handled by the software)

    I also dont have to play around with CSS or HTML to customize the background or header area, as you can have a background and header/logo images uploaded and in place with a couple clicks.

    So ya...

    Thanks for wasting my time Chris, how come you didnt create this software 2 years ago!? Sheesh!
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  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider

    Had me worried there in the first sentence...

    Thanks Dexx :-)


    PS Did you get the latest build? Make sure you have it - it's way better and now allows for built in link cloaking, among other things...

    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

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  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider

    I just found your email now. Gmail had filtered it to the spam folder.

    I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give out review copies for the purpose of gaining "positive reviews" in the forum.

    Affiliate Genie is a product that I'm proud of and stand behind fully.

    Any feedback (good or bad) I get on this forum will be used constructively to make it even better.


    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Cheah
      Originally Posted by chris_surfrider View Post


      I just found your email now. Gmail had filtered it to the spam folder.

      I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give out review copies for the purpose of gaining "positive reviews" in the forum.

      Affiliate Genie is a product that I'm proud of and stand behind fully.

      Any feedback (good or bad) I get on this forum will be used constructively to make it even better.

      Hi Chris

      Sure, no worries.

      I have a change of plan due to your delayed response.

      Meanwhile, I will continue to monitor and wait for others'
      good feedback on the software prior to buying it.

      Thank you.

      Yours sincerely

      Richard Cheah
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  • Profile picture of the author Gavin Abeyratne
    My mini Aff Genie Review:

    Hi everyone, I've been playing with aff genie for the last few days, and can shed some light for potential buyers. There's no aff links of mine anywhere and I'm not here to kiss Rempel's ass, I'm just going to tell it like it is.

    If anyone was wondering about support, I had some issues setting the aff genie up (the problem was fixed in the latest build) and Matt Chitty, the guy who built it with Chris responded with tech support so quickly it was ridiculous. Literally a matter of minutes.

    Bare in mind this was only a few days after launch, and Im sure they were getting flooded by emails. He was genuinely very helpful, and even personally fixed the problem for me on my domain.

    Needless to say I'm VERY impressed with that level of commitment, and expertise.

    Is it really that much better than Wordpress?

    As someone who has tried to build many a review site using wordpress, including Chris's own WP conduit themes, I would have to say yes, absolutely.

    The reasons for this are manifold, though sometimes subtle, but I would have to cite my major ones as:

    - the ability to add (and EDIT) a site wide, top fold promotion. This is huge. It is a very unobtrusive way to monetize every single page on your site, and it blends very well with the content.

    - the code is very lean, and no plugins means not having to deal with multiple plugin updates, wordpress updates, stuff breaking generally due to compatibility lag times between wordpress builds and plugin updates, mysql databases, and other wordpress issues.

    - it loads quicker than wordpress in my experience, and this will play a part in future SEO as Google has added site load time to their ranking algo.

    - Its user friendly, and Google Spam Team friendly. My concerns with purely product review sites was that they could be deemed as 'thin affiliate content' and as such be penalised. Aff genie makes it very easy to add tutorial content and articles, to flesh your site out a bit both for the purposes of adding long tail keyword fodder, and adding enough valuable content to differentiate your site from a typical affiliate review. It does this in a way so that you can see from any page on the site that there is both information and reviews.

    - Its hella easy to use. Very newbie friendly, but perhaps more importantly makes mass scaling much less tedious.

    Overall, if you want to build an affiliate site, I cannot think of a better option. Wordpress was designed for blogging, and we kind of modded it for affiliate marketing. Aff genie was purpose built for affiliate marketing.

    Its like how a sports car will always handle better than sedan that has been 'sported' up. It was built from the ground up for one purpose, and doesn't need to compromise.


    Aesthetically its functional, certainly nothing flashy. Wordpress is still obviously better for blogging and that kind of personality marketing, but for affiliate sites this kills it.


    Click tracking as well as link cloaking?

    I'd love to be able to see merchant CTR's for my pages.

    Anyway Chris and Matt, job well done. Hope this helps some fence sitters

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  • Profile picture of the author nomanbd
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    • Profile picture of the author Phil The Marketer
      I've purchased AG since it's launch date and have been using it ever since and here is my take on it...

      It's really easy to use and for those who have little experience creating websites this is a perfect way to get your sites created fast and still maintain a professional look.

      The only huge problem that I see with AG compared to using Wordpress is the fact that with wordpress you can load up content and have it published on a later date meaning you could have 10 articles cue'd up ready spread out over the next few weeks...

      This is good for SEO ranking and also putting things on autopilot if you are running a lot of websites...

      With AG you have to load everything up manually each time and with multiple sites this can be very time consuming.

      If there could be a update that would include this feature I think a lot of people could benefit from it!
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      • Profile picture of the author HiTom
        Originally Posted by Phil The Marketer View Post

        The only huge problem that I see with AG compared to using Wordpress is the fact that with wordpress you can load up content and have it published on a later date meaning you could have 10 articles cue'd up ready spread out over the next few weeks...

        This is good for SEO ranking and also putting things on autopilot if you are running a lot of websites...

        With AG you have to load everything up manually each time and with multiple sites this can be very time consuming.
        I got the exact same concern, Phil.

        When you're in multiple niches you want to build a website fast and have all the content loaded, ready to be published, so you can move on to the next website. That's especially true when you outsource content writing as you generally receive all your articles at once. When all the content is created there are no more real work to do ON the website.

        That's how you can build 5 websites a week, and focus OFF the websites and do the marketing job, building backlinks...

        The scheduling feature is actually the only thing I'd truly want to be added that will make it perfect for me.

        Waiting for it Chris!
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        • Profile picture of the author Richard Cheah
          Originally Posted by Phil The Marketer View Post

          I've purchased AG since it's launch date and have been using it ever since and here is my take on it...

          It's really easy to use and for those who have little experience creating websites this is a perfect way to get your sites created fast and still maintain a professional look.

          The only huge problem that I see with AG compared to using Wordpress is the fact that with wordpress you can load up content and have it published on a later date meaning you could have 10 articles cue'd up ready spread out over the next few weeks...

          This is good for SEO ranking and also putting things on autopilot if you are running a lot of websites...

          With AG you have to load everything up manually each time and with multiple sites this can be very time consuming.

          If there could be a update that would include this feature I think a lot of people could benefit from it!

          Originally Posted by HiTom View Post

          I got the exact same concern, Phil.

          When you're in multiple niches you want to build a website fast and have all the content loaded, ready to be published, so you can move on to the next website. That's especially true when you outsource content writing as you generally receive all your articles at once. When all the content is created there are no more real work to do ON the website.

          That's how you can build 5 websites a week, and focus OFF the websites and do the marketing job, building backlinks...

          The scheduling feature is actually the only thing I'd truly want to be added that will make it perfect for me.

          Waiting for it Chris!
          Yes, this is DEFINITELY a good suggestion to incorporate into the
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  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider
    Hey guys

    We are looking at a way to incorporate that as we speak.

    It's very challenging, since AG doesn't use a database (and auto-posting content utilizes a DB to function like that).

    I'll keep you posted.



    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

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  • Profile picture of the author grover69
    OK, I've gotten a few sites setup using Affiliate Genie so I want to give another unbiased review of the software. Here goes:

    I am really digging the speed at which I can launch sites using Affiliate Genie. A simple upload of the files to my server, login at, change the default username and password, and you are good to go. I've built tons of sites using Wordpress and although I do like using WP, it takes so much longer to get a site up and running. AG has the features I needed from Wordpress built into it: namely RSS feeds and a sitemap. I got tired of tracking down Wordpress plugins to make my site work like I needed and I also got tired of the constant updating of said plugins.

    I built a 25 page site yesterday with AG in less than an hour. That is awesome. And now I am so much less hesitant about launching new sites. With Wordpress I always felt like I was trying to shoe-horn my affiliate marketing style sites into what Wordpress wanted, and I didn't like it. I didn't like the blog layout of most WP themes (yes, obviously there are tons of themes that aren't that style, and I do own Flexsqueeze as well, so I am familiar with custom themes focused towards AFF marketing). I love the simplicity and straightforward view of AG.

    The main feature that I think is killer is the Promo feature that simplifies and centralizes your promo offer. It sits above the fold and blends well with the content. Since I am building mini-sites with plenty of articles, this promo feature works great for drawing a visitor to my site and displaying my offer clearly and cleanly to those web visitors.

    The basic structure of AG should make for some fantastic SEO results in the long run. I dig the fact that it looks current because of the date at the bottom (I hate the fact that Wordpress dates your posts and it is so hard to remove that date). I've actually built and launched 4 sites with it since I bought it and will build and launch another this evening.

    Another great feature is the ability to sell your sites with a one-site use license. Very nice thinking on that one Chris. I hate (and I mean hate) transferring Wordpress sites to another host (and I am about to transfer at least 10 from my old host to Hostgator). AG doesn't have these issues at all. FTP the files back to your local computer, Zip them up, send them to the client and have them upload the files to their server and they are good to go. I am planning on flipping a few sites just to test how easy this is. The person that buys your site gets to use AG just for that site you sold them. Very cool.

    Now onto things that I want to see fixed or upgraded or feature enriched (while also being aware that AG is only on version 1.01):

    Longer names for articles or pages - Ag seems to be limited on how long the name of a article or page can be and it's a bit frustrating

    Support for strange characters in the name or title - right now AG doesn't appear to support symbols such as commas and ampersands and I really wish it did

    A better way to upload logos of headers (or backgrounds) - yes, you can make a custom header but it has to be a jpg and you have to rename it to header.jpg...I'd love it if it were a bit easier and also supported PNGs

    And timed posts as mentioned above would be great. I would also love to see an easy way to add split-testing into AG as this is something that Wordpress makes so difficult.

    Support has been awesome for me so far. I emailed support with a huge issue with version 1.01 and withing 15 minutes I received an email from the programmer with a fix (that is now included in 1.01) so I am happy with that so far.

    Maybe in the future a bit more customization so all of your AG sites don't look too similar, but as of right now I love it (despite a few rough edges).
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Can someone post a demo site by any chance?

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Mulcahy
    Been using Aff Genie for a couple days now myself. I'm having a problem inserting embedded youtube videos. Just places a placeholder where the video should be while in edit mode yet if i right click and pick edit embedded media the video shows up in the preview window. Anyone else able to successfully insert youtube video into their pages?? Got a response from Matt in support stating they haven't heard of that issue. i replied with the html code on my page but no response back thus far. Just curious if anyone else is having any issues with youtube video? I am using the latest 1.01 release.

    So far i think the software has some promise. It is super easy to use and can produce some simple clean looking sites. I would definitely like to see some more customization functions especially as far as menu's, layout and fonts are concerned. I realize the purpose of the software is very targeted but the sites can look a bit canned as they have that 'samey' look and feel. Would also love the ability to remove the huge RSS icon in the upper right corner of the header.. unless someone knows of a way to remove it? Would also be nice to be able to use a custom header AND be able to use a site name at the same time. Right now i have a custom header with text rendered already in the image. If i type text in the site name field in Aff Genie it shows up as text over my banner image which already has text in it. Not a good look lol. This can be remedied by just using spaces in the site name field but then the Browser shows nothing for the site name. I'm a newb but i'm pretty sure that's bad for SEO.
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    • Profile picture of the author brainworker
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      • Profile picture of the author Thomas Mulcahy
        Originally Posted by brainworker View Post

        I think you are an absolute newbie. Most of the software programmers will never understand your problem because it's not a problem at all -

        no problem!

        If you want to embed Youtube video code, Javascript or raw HTML code you should insert it in the "source" - just click on small "HTML" icon ...your HTML raw code would pop-up; now insert youtube embed code where you want. Then click "update" and finally click on save button.

        If you want to customize the look then you need to learn basic CSS and HTML

        Don't add header with text. The Site Name is embedded within <h1> tag and the site slogan field is embedded within <h2> tag.

        You guessed it right, these 2 codes are important for on page SEO. If you still want to remove the text then you can go to header file and remove it or you can use "display=none" tag in your CSS file.

        Warning! Don't touch any files unless you know what you are doing!

        Thanks for the response. Of course i did click the html source button and inserted the embedded youtube code and clicked update and save. It's not the clip as it happens with any clip. Does anyone have a genie site with youtube video in it? I'd love to actually see it work so that i know it's just me. I've deleted the install from my site and re-uploaded 1.01 clean to no avail. I know editing code will always get you the results you want but part of the reason i bought it was so i did not have to.. especially for simple tasks.
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  • Profile picture of the author brainworker
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    • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
      Originally Posted by brainworker View Post

      I think you must be doing something wrong. I just added a new video to my website within few seconds.

      Check it out here Affiliate Genie Videos, Tutorials and Guides

      You were a beta tester weren't you? perhaps you have a different script to the rest of us because I tried to add a video just to see how easy it was and the script wouldn't save the code correctly. I had to manually find the file on the server and add edit the code there. However I did manage to put one up. Just for a laugh.

      If you are easily offended by Kevin Wilson humour, don't click this link

      I'm sure it won't take them long to fix this little bug.
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      • Profile picture of the author tgilberg
        Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of the big RSS logo in the upper right hand corner of the Affiliate Genie sites?
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        • Profile picture of the author Thomas Mulcahy
          Originally Posted by tgilberg View Post

          Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of the big RSS logo in the upper right hand corner of the Affiliate Genie sites?

          Lol I submitted that request to support. Hopefully they provide an option to get rid of it or move it in the future.
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          • Profile picture of the author baby_butler2002
            hello everyone, quick question how are the sites built with affiliate genie doing in the search engines (as far ranking)???
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        • Profile picture of the author maldavidson
          Originally Posted by tgilberg View Post

          Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of the big RSS logo in the upper right hand corner of the Affiliate Genie sites?
          I know this is a long time after your request and it may be sorted now, but just in case.

          Also, I'm not sure if this allows to include PHP scripts but I'll try. If it looks like a jumbled old mess, I apologise.

          Firstly, if you want to change the image, ignore this. This will completely remove it and and RDD functionality that is assigned to it.

          Secondly, make sure you keep a backup of the header.php file somewhere safe as you may want to restore it back to it's original state if you make any errors.

          OK, here goes.

          In your directory, there will be a folder called includes and in this fiolder is a file called header.php

          Copy this to your local machine by FTP as I am going to assume you will make changes on your machine and then upload again after. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER COPY AND KEEP IT SAFE SOMEWHERE.

          Using some editing software such as Dreamweaver or a simple app such as Notepad, go to line 34 (may be different so check carefully) whic should start with <div id="header" Style="background-color........

          Directly below that line you should see

          if (!defined('RSS_LOGO') || RSS_LOGO === true) {
          echo '<div id="headerRight">
          <a href="'.URL.'rss.xml" title="'.SITE_NAME.' RSS feed">
          <img src="'.URL.'images/icon-rss.png" border="0"/></a>

          To remove all RSS association and the logo, put a <!-- in front of the first bit so it looks like this <!--<?php

          and then put a --> after the last bit so it looks like this ?>-->

          The complete bloack of code will now look like this

          if (!defined('RSS_LOGO') || RSS_LOGO === true) {
          echo '<div id="headerRight">
          <a href="'.URL.'rss.xml" title="'.SITE_NAME.' RSS feed">
          <img src="'.URL.'images/icon-rss.png" border="0"/></a>

          What you have done is comment out the bloack of code so your PHP server will not read it.

          Now save the file ensuring you DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME and ftp back into your includes folder on your remote server overwriting the header.php file that is there.

          You shold find that it is now working without the RSS logo.

          If you are not happy with the results, simply FTP the backup version you have saved overwriting the one you made changes to.

          Good luck.
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          • Profile picture of the author bevmart
            Hi All,
            I have been reading this thread with interest. I purchased AG 10 days ago, and am still undecided whether to request a refund or not.

            I like the program for its speed and relatively ease of use, but not happy with support or training available.

            But I am going to try and learn a little more before making a decision.
            I am trying to create a Links page, but alas no training available for this. I am interested in what DonD has stated, and like his alterations. I also know that ReviewBoss is due to launch a bonus product which includes some scripts for easily adding adsense in the right hand column and uploading pictures.

            But my main sticking point at this stage is resolving my creation of a links page.

            Does anyone have any suggestions?
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          • Profile picture of the author DavidMeade
            there's no need to comment out the header code.

            When you login as administrator to the site go to 'set preferences'. Under theme options theres an option to 'Display RSS Logo' - select 'no' if you don't want it to show.

            Originally Posted by maldavidson View Post

            I know this is a long time after your request and it may be sorted now, but just in case.

            Also, I'm not sure if this allows to include PHP scripts but I'll try. If it looks like a jumbled old mess, I apologise.

            Firstly, if you want to change the image, ignore this. This will completely remove it and and RDD functionality that is assigned to it.

            Secondly, make sure you keep a backup of the header.php file somewhere safe as you may want to restore it back to it's original state if you make any errors.

            OK, here goes.

            In your directory, there will be a folder called includes and in this fiolder is a file called header.php

            Copy this to your local machine by FTP as I am going to assume you will make changes on your machine and then upload again after. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER COPY AND KEEP IT SAFE SOMEWHERE.

            Using some editing software such as Dreamweaver or a simple app such as Notepad, go to line 34 (may be different so check carefully) whic should start with <div id="header" Style="background-color........

            Directly below that line you should see

            if (!defined('RSS_LOGO') || RSS_LOGO === true) {
            echo '<div id="headerRight">
            <a href="'.URL.'rss.xml" title="'.SITE_NAME.' RSS feed">
            <img src="'.URL.'images/icon-rss.png" border="0"/></a>

            To remove all RSS association and the logo, put a <!-- in front of the first bit so it looks like this <!--<?php

            and then put a --> after the last bit so it looks like this ?>-->

            The complete bloack of code will now look like this

            if (!defined('RSS_LOGO') || RSS_LOGO === true) {
            echo '<div id="headerRight">
            <a href="'.URL.'rss.xml" title="'.SITE_NAME.' RSS feed">
            <img src="'.URL.'images/icon-rss.png" border="0"/></a>

            What you have done is comment out the bloack of code so your PHP server will not read it.

            Now save the file ensuring you DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME and ftp back into your includes folder on your remote server overwriting the header.php file that is there.

            You shold find that it is now working without the RSS logo.

            If you are not happy with the results, simply FTP the backup version you have saved overwriting the one you made changes to.

            Good luck.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1766731].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author NVRGVUP
              Hi everyone -

              Since AG came out, almost 2.5 months ago (Dec 9?), most of these posts have been about either customer service challenges, or "in the weeds" details about building AG sites, code, removing RSS, etc. All of this is quite valid and helpful to this group.

              My question is - does anyone have anything to report about actual real world results? Is anybody gaining ranked sites? Has anybody made money yet.... even enough to repay the fairly reasonable purchase price of AG?

              The original sales page claimed something like - "AG will replace WordPress for affiliates... designed for affiliate marketing". My view is, we are in Affiliiate marketing to make money - not just to take on new learning projects. That's why I bought this product.

              So, please que up your answers here... are you making any money with AG, and has it been "better" than WP, etc?

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1767325].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Thomas Mulcahy
        Originally Posted by Janet Sawyer View Post

        You were a beta tester weren't you? perhaps you have a different script to the rest of us because I tried to add a video just to see how easy it was and the script wouldn't save the code correctly. I had to manually find the file on the server and add edit the code there. However I did manage to put one up. Just for a laugh.

        If you are easily offended by Kevin Wilson humour, don't

        I'm sure it won't take them long to fix this little bug.

        Ahhh i just did the same and was then able to see the video. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hortensia
    Hey Janet Sawyer,

    I liked the look of your site.
    How did you get the clickable picture in AG?
    Maybe it's my version of AG, but editing pages is really not easy at all.

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    • Profile picture of the author baby_butler2002
      can someone please make post about how are these site are ranking in the search engine (are they doing good or bad)???
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris_Oakley
        I'd like to know how these sites are doing as well...anyone?

        Chris Oakley

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        • Profile picture of the author tyler99
          Chris, since the default software leaves a tag at the bottom....just go to google and paste either of these:

          "Powered by Affiliate Genie" or "Powered by GenesisWex"

          This should give you some ideas of the sites that are out there and what Google is indexing.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1529483].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author baby_butler2002
            Is there anyone using affiliate genie on the first page(in the first ten) of their niche???
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          • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer

            But if you put in powered by wordpress or easymemberpro or well you get the idea!

            Here are my results.

            Using the google search term for Affiliate Link Bomber.

            Wordpress site post about it - first page of google,# 10 listing in under 45 minuites. A week later slowly climbed to spot 6 on the first page of google, also listed on page 2 and page 3 and further pages.

            Just an off the cuff post from a static site page - listed on page 2 and 4 of google for the same search term.

            Using the Affgenie script - same product used as the promo i.e. it shows up on no matter what page of the site...... google listing - nada! = nowhere. :confused:

            And that's why it's good to "test and track" folks.



            Originally Posted by tyler99 View Post

            Chris, since the default software leaves a tag at the bottom....just go to google and paste either of these:

            "Powered by Affiliate Genie" or "Powered by GenesisWex"

            This should give you some ideas of the sites that are out there and what Google is indexing.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1534032].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris_Oakley
    Thanks Tyler99 - took a quick look - definitely sites ranking - most of them affiliate genie review

    ...but at least I can see the potential and a quick look at the source code indicates these sites should rank fine - good clean code.

    Not so keen on the footprint but then all the wordpress themes I've used have the same sort of thing in the footer...unless you pay for a custom blog theme of course.

    Anyway we read - we bought - we're building sites - so we'll see very quickly how our new AG sites rank...

    Definitely hoping for the best - sick to death of upgrades and backups in wp. Thanks to everyone for the input...


    Chris Oakley

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  • Profile picture of the author jbshort
    Does anyone know if all the information in "Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate" is contained in the "Big League Traffic" eBook that comes with Affiliate Genie?Thanks for your help!
    Get straight talk about affiliate marketing, article marketing, blogging, social networking, SEO and more at The Internet Marketing Maven.
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  • Profile picture of the author brainworker
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    • Profile picture of the author MCDavies
      Originally Posted by brainworker View Post

      So far I have created 3 sites with AG. One .com site and other twos are .UK, specifically targeting UK. One of the UK site is about AG itself and it's number 1 in Google for both product name and product review. It's also getting traffic for some other long tail keywords(mostly people searching for AG installation, optimization help themes, plugins, tips and bonus etc)

      My second UK site is just few days old and already got indexed ranking number 1 in Google for 5 word long tail keyword. So very soon I can achieve top 5 position for my main keyword.

      The .com site is not doing well. But it's not a concern for me because I know the reason. First of all I'm targeting one of most competitive niche where the Sandbox issue is high. Plus it was previously banned domain name (that's why the owner let it expire) Also I published rewritten cotent. However, Google is indexing new pages quickly and indexing most of my backlinks (I can see them on my Google Web master account)

      So If I continue adding fresh unique content and build some quality backlinks my site will come out from Sandbox.

      The load time of AG is atleast 100% faster than Wordpress (static content, small CSS file, minimum HTTP requests and almost no graphics/images) That's why bounce rate is less than 60%... typical bounce rate for Wordpress powered sites is more than 80%! (if your WP site/blog/sales page is not converting or the conversion rate is very poor then check your bounce rate first - it must be around 80%)

      My revenue so far:

      My .Com site= $0
      AG UK site= made almost $1000 by selling AG & hosting- but let's don't count it
      AG Niche UK site: made $8.9 - 2 pay per lead sales @ $4.45 (long profile submit) so far received less than 30 unique visitors, so the conversion rate is good.

      I'm using my own customized version of AG. That's why I'm able to rank quickly for long tail keywords.

      If I can achieve top 10 ranking for my .com site it will bring me atleast $1000 per month.


      PS: If you are using AG just disable "social book mark" option. No one is going to bookmark your site except you! Although those SB icons are very small it effects your overall site load time. 20 icons is equals to 20 HTTP requests!
      Hey RB,

      Thanks for the updates on this and showing us what you're doing with the sites.

      Are you going to be building more sites with this? It seems like it would be easy to do so.
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  • Profile picture of the author bcongl
    Has anyone incorporated asense? Is this a good medium for adsense or just affilate links and reviews?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Springer
      I am also curious as to the ability/effectiveness of using Affiliate Genie for AdSense sites.

      Anyone making use of AG for this ... any thoughts?

      Thanks all
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      • Profile picture of the author DonD
        Creating new sites with AG is extremely easy.
        There is a few issues that could be better from a SEO point of view - most of which will hopefully be changed with the next update.

        I am very pleased with AG and have put up 15 sites in a weeks time.

        I'll post more details when I see how Google treats them in terms of ranking.

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        • Profile picture of the author NVRGVUP
          Originally Posted by DonD View Post

          Creating new sites with AG is extremely easy.
          There is a few issues that could be better from a SEO point of view - most of which will hopefully be changed with the next update.

          I am very pleased with AG and have put up 15 sites in a weeks time.

          I'll post more details when I see how Google treats them in terms of ranking.

          Well, everybody.... several have AG sites up and running. Is anything happening? Ranking.... sales $ ?

          No action here at all, for a few days?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1592133].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    I should be able to post some initial results/impressions (and a sample site, if anyone is interested) in about a week from now.

    Overall AG is a charm to work with - software runs without a glitch. How Big G treats it remains to be seen!
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  • Profile picture of the author MCDavies
    I've been looking at this for sometime and am yet to purchase. I just wanted to see if people are actually getting some good results with their pages.

    Are you just putting an aff link to the sites, or are you inserting opt in forms?

    What kind of conversions are you getting from this?

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  • Profile picture of the author CanuckWarrior
    My Affiliate Genie Review - (the good, the bad and The Support Loophole).

    On the whole this software is a nice piece of programming for a version 1 and I found the ability to make comments without using a mysql database particularly clever. The program is dead simple to use and should help the user create clean (albeit clone looking) websites in a short period of time.

    However ...

    As others on this thread have already pointed out, there is no way to currently drip feed content to your sites. Also, the ability to customize websites is very restrictive which results in all websites looking basically the same.

    In fact, the footprint is definitely a problem. I do realize the FAQ on their website says "No, they don't - anymore than Wordpress has a "footprint", or Joomla, or Drupal, etc."

    But in reality that's like comparing the statements "finding a needle in a very large haystack" to "finding a needle in a miniature thimble".

    To demonstrate what I mean, type the following into Google: guitar "powered by wordpress"

    Look at the 1.3 MILLION+ results that come up (the very large haystack). They're all over the place. Some are obvious affiliate sites, many are not but for the most part they all look somewhat unique.

    Now try searching the following: guitar "powered by affiliate genie"

    Only 1,600 results (hence the miniature thimble). And since AG is promoted as the Lean Mean Grilling Machine of content management systems for marketers by marketers, you can be quite certain that ALL of those results are affiliate websites where the owners have gone through the effort of keywork research, writing content, etc.

    But did you notice? With the exception of graphics, colors and backgrounds they all look like clones (at least to me). Maybe I'm just jaded by all the Affiliate Project X fake review sites of yesteryear that still pollute the web and tar all affiliates with the same brush. But I digress.

    Just in case someone didn't understand the context of that last statement, I'm NOT in anyway implying that this software is a scam. Those sites simply reminded me of the potential abuse that could negatively affect all users down the road.

    On the plus side though, I guess one could say: "sizing up your competition has never been easier". ;-)

    To be fair, I suppose that kind of bright neon footprint may not be completely obvious to everybody.

    Tip: if you know PHP, you can edit the footer file and remove the powered by footprint yourself (but it's not supported), so be careful.

    But my biggest pet peeve by far is what I call "The Support Loophole".

    Some background on my question that entered the SL abyss to put things in context:

    My son is off to university in the fall and would like to earn some money without having to work the grill at BK. So I thought, why not teach him a simple method that doesn't require a ton of time but will still yield tangible results. Knowing first hand how easy it is to get sidetracked on the latest and greatest thing in the IM world, I didn't want my son to fall in the same trap.

    Since I really liked Dave Kelly's simple, evergreen, meat and potatoes approach in the Profit Loophole. I thought it would be ideal for my son, but then I remembered Chris saying in the PL webinar to avoid XSitePro (which I use) like the plague, and that you had to must use something tool like Dreamweaver if you were at all serious, and that you could get DW4 on ebay for $30, yada, yada.

    But then Affiliate Genie is launched and I see comments like the following on the sales page:

    "Easily insert YouTube videos, opt-in forms, AdSense®, etc."

    "Site Flipper? These Sites are Built to Be Sold - Unlike WordPress® blogs or other CMS-driven sites, selling a site built with Affiliate Genie is as easy as pie."

    Maybe it's just me, but I'm really getting conflicting signals between the PL webinar and the AG sales page. In any case, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that I'm just missing something and ask for clarification before I invest a ton of time (and my son's) into a potential sinkhole. So off goes my question to the support page.

    Days later ... no reply.

    Ok ... maybe they're absolutely swamped because of the relatively new launch, I'll surf over and check the Warrior Forum.

    Lo and behold, someone else can't get through to support, but post #16 from Chris Rempel says "That's weird... Matt and I have been diligently answering every request we get. Can you send it in again, to ...?"

    Cool, I'll try that email address ... oops ... the email immediately bounces back with the following message:

    "Please note that we have now transitioned ALL support to the online ticket system at:

    (support page link)

    This makes things easier for us AND you."

    Huh? ... the reason I'm emailing in the first place is because my original question was never answered when I used that link ... but let's try it again for fun:

    Can AG be used for the Profit Loophole method? In the PL webinar you say stick to Dreamweaver, etc. but on the AG site you say "Site Flipper? These Sites are Built to Be Sold - Unlike WordPress® blogs or other CMS-driven sites, selling a site built with Affiliate Genie is as easy as pie."

    That implies to me AG is suitable for PL, but I just want to be sure. Can you please clarify whether AG is suited to the PL method?

    Now wait for reply ...

    Woo hoo! A reply within 24 hours from Matthew Chitty (but only to my two technical questions not shown above were answered).

    Well at least this time I know for certain my original question was received and although Matthew was unable to answer it, he says he will forward it to Chris. :-D

    That was 6 days ago as of today ... now what's the problem? I even formed the question so it could be answered with a simple yes or no in case Chris really is busier than everybody else on the planet. Can't be a brain dead question because Matthew couldn't answer it and he's obviously a pretty smart guy.

    Hmmm ... or maybe this is just the Support Loophole way of saying it's already been answered in the FAQ section? Quick check ... nope ... still nothing there on this topic. :-(

    Oh wait, there appears to be a new message (bold font) on the support page that reads:

    "Furthermore, emails that we deem to be irrelevant, commercial or simply inapplicable within the realm of our support coverage will likely not receive a response" :-O

    Guess that must be the reason my question was never answered. Clarification of a conflicting message by the seller to a buyer is deemed irrelevant by the seller.

    Well since I do deem the answer to the question extremely relevant in making a decision to keep AG and whether to invest the time teaching my son the process, looks like I'll have to research this myself and draw my own conclusions.

    Here's what I've found so far:

    Dreamweaver 4 (full version, not just tutorial disks) for $30 on ebay? Sorry ... not even close to reality.

    You MUST use something like Dreamweaver to sell to the big dogs when using Profit Loophole?

    Well if that truly is the case, guess what? when using XsitePro 2 all you need to do is:

    Tools -> Export to Frontpage/Dreamweaver

    But if we're somehow to infer that the big dog PL buyers would rather use an AG transfer license or buy their own copy of AG instead, let's just say "I find that hard to believe". ;-)

    Actually, my research results so far now makes me want to dig and test every other claim made about the product. But I've already spent way too much time waiting for a simple reply and having to dig for the answer so I've already made up my mind (which is to get a refund). I'll stick with XSitePro2 (which I already own and know). XSP already does everything I need to build PL sites despite claims to the contrary. It includes aggregate site management, full customization, works great with Adsense, comes with 2 seat licenses for unlimited websites AND it exports to Frontpage/Dreamweaver (if that even becomes a real issue down the road).

    The only feature it doesn't have out of the box compared to AG is the very cool non-DB commenting. However, even if I do decide to add blogging style comments/reviews to my XSP2 Adsense/PL sites there's still a $47 plugin available that makes XSP/Wordpress integration seamless. Also, Intellimon may even add that feature to the core product in the future.
    Anyway, I'm not overly excited about moderating comments as it is, so for now it's not even on my radar.

    So, if anybody is still on the fence considering purchasing Affiliate Genie, here's my overall summary:


    - Dead easy to use.
    - Loads very fast (which reduces bounce rate). Which isn't really a problem for WP on a reseller account anyway.
    - VERY clever method for storing comments and ratings (no database required).
    - Web based CMS


    - Glow in the dark footprint for your savvy competitors.
    - Not very customizable (unless you truly understand PHP and CSS).
    - Can't drip feed content.
    - No aggregate management system for the sites you build.
    - The Support Loophole. (if AG support deems YOUR support question irrelevant, too bad, so sad).

    Update to my review (March 23, 2010):

    At the time of writing my review I was not aware that the makers of XSitePro had already released a social proof module (commenting module) called XCommentPro until a fellow warrior pm'd me.

    I have since bought XCommentPro and found it rather amazing. It works with XSitePro, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, etc. and comes with a license for unlimited sites and does some pretty amazing things I'd never even considered before (e.g. autoforward comments for approval to your BlackBerry or iPhone, etc.).

    However, be aware that if you sell your site, the buyer will need to purchase an XCommentPro license if they want more comments added. However, comments already present at the time of sale have no restrictions and do not require a new license.

    Internet marketing is not rocket science ... unsubscribe from every guru spam list you're currently on ... they just want to rape your wallet and make you co-dependent.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Moving on to March 2011...

      I'm just creating my first review site using AG, and so far have managed to deal with all the minor issues - mostly down to familiarity issues and getting it all uploaded with my ftp.

      One - well two - things remain...
      I still cannot get the icons to display at the top of the edit/add content WYSIWYG editor (although text boxes do show when mouse is hovering), and there's no colour pallette box showing up for either of the icons for changing the text or BG colour.

      I have emailed Chris directly (currently await response to previous para - but don't be shy if you can help! ), and he's proven good with responses.

      Otherwise, so far so good - I think...
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  • Profile picture of the author RKWebster
    I'd also like to know about AG for adsense. Any experience with this?
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    • Profile picture of the author CanuckWarrior
      Originally Posted by RKWebster View Post

      I'd also like to know about AG for adsense. Any experience with this?
      Yes it is possible. Although it's infinitely easier in XsitePro, imo.

      AG is geared more for Affiliate Review sites (think AffiloBlueprint style) out of the box, not Adsense sites.

      However, they do include a four page "Developer's Handbook" if you want to know the correct embed point for Google source code.

      Internet marketing is not rocket science ... unsubscribe from every guru spam list you're currently on ... they just want to rape your wallet and make you co-dependent.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1611657].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dredger
        I own and use XSitePro 1 & 2. I like it a lot and it's very good software, especially for those of us that don't know how to code html. I've used it for Adsense sites as well as Affiliate sites. I now use Affiliate Genie for all the sites that I build. It is quicker, easier, and professional looking. Also, because I'm building nothing but Affiliate Sites using Chris Rempel's "Conduit Method". It does the job, and helps make me money!

        I highly recommend it!


        ps. Just my most humble 2 cents worth.
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        • Profile picture of the author bellsman
          From a relative Noobie perspective. First, I have always found Chris's claims for any of his products to be the clearest statements with the least amount of hype in the entire IM industry. If you know of marketer who is more straightforward please let me know.
          Second, I have blogged with Wordpress and was immediately overwhelmed by the work required to make a blog site look like a web site.
          Third, I want to be an affiliate marketer and build my own websites - Affiliate Genie helped me build 3 in a week with very little previous html skills.
          Next, I started to actually concentrate on adding backlinks to my sites. Two of my sites are in competitive markets, but in one I am already top of page 2 bottom of page 1. For I am #1 page 1 for western canadian comedians - one of my main key word phrases.
          I have a lot fewer experiences to compare to, but I am fully satisfied with the product and love how easy I can fire up a site, add an article, feature my promo and be indexed in google. I am somewhat concerned about similar looking sites, however, the first update to the software was quick and a great improvement. I have no doubt that other updates (lifetime) will continue to make Aff Genie a superb product.
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          • Profile picture of the author reez0105
            i could agree more!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hortensia
    I like Chris Rempel's approach, but in his latest blogpost he talks about people who whine....and that they should not do that.

    That may be so, but if you can't run your own helpdesk properly, you should not be surprised that some people complain.
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    • Profile picture of the author CatherineMay
      As a newbie just wanting to get started with an affiliate site, I'm considering Affiliate Genie over Word Press, which I've never used before, and for which I suspect I would need help.

      My main concerns after reading this thread have to do with support and the ability to customize.

      It was mentioned above that a new update has already been issued. How did this improve the original AG?

      Looking forward to any comments. Thanks.


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      • Profile picture of the author eyevad
        Hi Guys

        All i can say is this being non technical, i found WP a nightmare

        Affilate Genie took me 36 minutes from buying a domain name at Go Daddy to hosting it at Hostgator and building the site with catagories etc , just waiting now for the content to uploaded and SEO optimised

        Its 1st class in my opinion,
        yes , there are some flaws but arn,t there with most products,

        I,ve not blowing Chris or Matt,s trumpets here , but
        I,ve NEVER been let down with anything they have told or sold me

        best wishes to all

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  • Profile picture of the author global1967
    i tried the affiliate genie and was not impressed. Wordpress does a better job in my opinion. also chris rempel's support desk sucks. i had to chase them back and forth for two weeks before i could contact them and get my money back.

    I help local business get new customers in and around Your Area, fast and sustainably through my unique approach online advertising.

    I've partnered with a famous marketing guru who will write top-notch ads for you. These will bring you more business once we set them live, and will re-activate old customers.."

    Local Facebook, Google & Instagram Ads as a Threesome
    Without Any Set up Or Retainer Fees. Sign Up Today

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1626200].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bwh1
      Originally Posted by global1967 View Post

      i tried the affiliate genie and was not impressed. Wordpress does a better job in my opinion. also chris rempel's support desk sucks. i had to chase them back and forth for two weeks before i could contact them and get my money back.

      AG is sold over Clickbank.

      CB refunds are the easiest taks ever (too easy IMO).


      Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1658007].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    I have been using Affiliate Genie since it came out and have build 20 sites so far.
    The final verdict in term of Google value is still pending but here is my thoughts so far:

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  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    I'll try again.

    AG thoughts so far:

    - AG is extremely easy to use. Putting up an initial site takes no more than 30 minutes and adding new pages and content are a brease.

    - The learning curve compared to WordPress is 100 times easier (especially for newbies). No add-ons or settings that demand specific knowledge to choose correctly.

    - A few people have mentioned that support is bad. I can't recognize this. I have contacted support twice with technical questions and improvement suggestions and both times I heard back from both Matt and Chris within 48 hours which is fine in my book.

    - SEO optimization. This is where my main concerns have been. AG have gotten some things wrong here, imo, like using multible H1 and H2's on the same page, having the site name and slogan as text on every page, having the first link on each page being name "Home", having the "home"-page located in 2 places and a few other minor things. Overall not terrible but probably lowering the onpage score of any page from 100% to 75%.

    - Customization (in terms of visual appearence) is not as bad as people think. AG has some options build in, but not all that many. However the script is 100% regular php and html code (nothing is encrypted) and if you know php or html changing a few things are pretty easy without risking hurting the scripts overall function.

    (So far I have added an automatic visual sitemap generator, removed the multible H1 and H2 usage, made the "Home"-link text customizable, reduced the risk of Google seing both Homepage locations (hopefully now it only sees the domain-root for the homepage location) and added www or non-www handling to the .htaccess file.

    All in all AG is the best and easiest to work with sitebuilder tool I have evet used and it has increased my productivity a lot.

    Should anyone be interested in a copy of my changes to the script please contact me: dond (at) yahoo (dot) dk

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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by DonD View Post

      - SEO optimization. This is where my main concerns have been. AG have gotten some things wrong here, imo, like using multible H1 and H2's on the same page,

      I was considering this s/w , I like Chris' approach, figured the s/w would be worth looking at but that is a big issue, Google will not be amused at any site with multiple H1 tags.

      Has this been fixed yet?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1948083].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    A quick note on Google rankings:

    My sites are in fairly competitive niches so any real rankings will take a little time however I have observed that the sites are getting both homepage and subpages indexed pretty quickly which is always a good sign.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1628153].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ben Cleary
      Hi Don,

      Thanks for your offer.

      Your email didn't work so I'll send you a PM.

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  • My main concern with this product relates to the company attitude as is expressed in no longer taking pre-sales questions but seeming to have a negative atitude towards taking a test drive of the product and thereby possibly wanting a refund if the product wasn't a good match for the user's needs.

    My business model requires adsense and an affiliate product represented ... can adsense be done without coding expertise and is there a 3 column page format that can be configured from the control panel ... easily?

    Thanks for any help someone here could provide.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1644514].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    Adsense support is very easy - simply paste the code into either the Featured Promo box or the custom script box (for either placement at the top or bottom of all pages).
    For other placement the Adsense code must be inserted on each page seperately.

    3-column format is not supported. Design format is a 2-column format with menu-links on either the right or left side.

    I don't know about their presale support - but it is, imho, very limited hoch much selling/presale support can be done for a $97 product if it is to be profitable.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1647657].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WadeWinger
      I have a few questions..

      Does AG come as desktop software? How does it work?

      Do you load files to your server and then edit them, or do you edit on your desktop?

      Also I was wondering about images and backgrounds.. Does it come with images and backgrounds you can use?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1652502].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Cheah

    Just like to find out, what is the latest version AG is running on?
    And, when was the last time AG was updated? Is the current
    version stable?

    Any comment from existing user?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD

    AG version 1.01 was releashed about 2 weeks after the programs initial release (Version 1.00).

    In my opinion version 1.01 is 100% stable. I am running 20 sites with it and have so far had zero problems.

    As you can see from my earlier post I have modified (improved) version 1.01 in a number of ways, so I am currently running my own version 1.01b.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1662264].message }}
    • Thanks to Donald for answering so many questions in this thread. My research indicates that an uncloaked affiliate link can negatively impact seo. Is it possible to remove the "powered by affiliate genie" link at the bottom of the pages and replace it with anything else?

      Is there any word of another newer version coming out soon that will add more flexibility to this platform?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1696849].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    The "Powered by affiliate genie" link is located in the footer.php file. Simply insert something else or remove it completely from this 1 file and it won't show up anywhere on your site.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1700033].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Bradley
      Hi Don,
      Just wondering if you've got any updates on how your AG sites are ranking?
      Kind regards,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1700476].message }}
      • Thanks again Don. I'm ready to buy ... would be happy to use your link to purchase ... I tried to write you at the email in your post #66 ... but it bounced ... regarding receiving all your script changes ... do you have a better email or web site to provide.
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  • Profile picture of the author cryptone24
    Has anyone given Site2Traffic a try and how do the two software compare?
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  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    I can be contacted at "dond_33 (at) yahoo (dot) dk"

    Since most of my new sites are in fairly competitive niches it will take some time (and some new links) before I have a final verdict on how well Google likes AG sites.
    My results so far are quite positive though.
    Generally my new pages gets indexed in less than a week without any extra effort from me - popbably due to the automatic pinging of RSS feed aggregators.

    One of my sites, www. (also a good example of most of my script changes) is starting to rank pretty decent (several targeted keywords rank in Top 30-100 with about 50.000-250.000 competing pages). I have only just begun to build some backlinks and I'll post an update in a few weeks.

    I require a copy of your original purchase receipt and a small donation to my PayPal account would also be appreciated.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1704941].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    My example site Sit N Go Strategy still has the Affiliate Genie aff link in the footer. (I have removed this from my current script versions though)
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  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    Hi Dredger.

    Where did you hear about a new version 1.02 of AG?
    I haven't heard about any new version yet. Once I get hold of it I will compare it to my list of issues/nice features to have and report back.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1710148].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dredger
      Hi Don,

      I didn't know either until I submitted an RSS problem with AG to Matthew Chitty. When he responded with an updated rss file, he "just so happened" to included the newer version as an attachment. It would be great if they would provide an update page for AG owners with the latest version and what the changes are. A forum would be nice as well.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1710320].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Seattle Mike
        Originally Posted by Dredger View Post

        It would be great if they would provide an update page for AG owners with the latest version and what the changes are. A forum would be nice as well.

        I second that.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1711573].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    Hi Dredger.

    I have written to Matthew and Chris requestion the 1.02 version.
    If they don't send it to me maybe you can, so I can figure out what changes they have made?

    An official forum for AG would be great - I have also written to M & C about this. Hope everyone else using AG will do this as well.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1711716].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CanuckWarrior
      Just a quick note to the person who PM'd me regarding my AG post. I'm not ignoring you.

      I tried replying to your PM but I get a warning saying I need 50 posts before I can use the PM feature (and I only have 15 posts with this one).

      I have a support ticket in to see if somebody can help me, otherwise I'll have to make 35 more posts to the forum before I can reply to your PM. Which may take awhile because I don't want to clutter the board with fluff just to get to 50.

      Sorry, don't know what else to do. :confused:

      Internet marketing is not rocket science ... unsubscribe from every guru spam list you're currently on ... they just want to rape your wallet and make you co-dependent.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1716578].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rickman
      Many thanks to DonD for filling in many of the gaps in my understanding of Affiliate Genie and helping me improve some settings in the software. I don't know the guy but he answered a load of questions within minutes. If you're hesitating getting in touch with Don regarding Affiliate Genie, just do it.

      On a separate note, Version 1.02 has been released but for some reason I didn't receive notification. Just contact Matt Chitty at Affiliate Genie support letting him know - I did earlier today and he sent me the update within minutes.


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  • Profile picture of the author DonD

    Answer for bevmart.

    To create a link-page (or any other type of page) yao can choos between a page that gets automatically listed on the top menu line (to the right of the "Home" link or one that "only" gets added to the sitemap (any other links to this page will have to be created by you).

    Go to the Admin Panel, Ad New Content, choose Content Type (either TopMenu or Pages).
    You now have a blank page that you can design as you like (or paste in the html code is you have a premade linkspage ready).
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  • Profile picture of the author DonD

    I have but up a number of sites in some fairly competive poker niches. I had no expectation to be able to Rank in Top20 without building some backlinks for these sites and the sites are strictly longterm projects of mine.

    Goggle indexed the sites and most of their subpages pretty quickly (within one week) and before I started building a few backlinks.
    I am developing the sites slowly so it takes a bit of time for me to conclude anything reliable as to AG's ranking potential.

    My initial results are still very promising. On Average my sites now have 5-8 backlinks per page (URL) mainly coming from different Article Directories and I am seing promising results. Many of my keywords are now in Top40 and some have cracked Top10 and they are still climbing.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1770812].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bevmart
      For DonD,

      Many thanks for your speedy help, I now understand and can progress, its just a pity that Ag support, could not see fit to answer this.

      If you were working for the help desk, no one would have any problems with support issues.

      I appreciate the time you have taken to help many people on this thread.

      Many Thanks once again, Bevmart.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1770967].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CraigX
        I ordered AG 1 week ago and I submitted a ticket to support and it was answered within minutes. I actually ask if there was a new 1.02 version available and within minutes I had the new version.

        I would also recommend if you want adsense and take care of a few other concerns people have stated in this thread go to the review boss's site he has bonuses he gives away for buying AG through his link.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1777263].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Energize
    How does Affiliate Genie compare to Site2Traffic?

    Any experiences with Site2Traffic site builder?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1804325].message }}
  • I was not happy with the customer service at AG ... response time at the early part of the week was usually ok but a support request in the mid to later part of the week was several days to never in response time. AG is designed to be applicable to several affiliate business models but there are not specific videos showing how to do this, although they say more videos are coming. Those that feel this is so simple and easy are probably very experienced but it was not 'dummy proof' even though I am university graduate. I will test S2T and report in their thread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1824896].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oregongal
    I am trying to figure out how to put text next to an image. I didn't have any trouble loading an image onto my page (promo page) but the text will only go above or below the picture. I want the picture on the left with the text next to it so my page isn't so long with so much open space. I have been playing with it for hours without any luck. Does anyone know how to do this?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1861324].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author liita
      Hi everybody.

      oregongal, maybe it is a setting in the admin panel. Else, you need to edit the <img> tag which holds the image.
      Add this to it : style="float:left"
      You can try it out at the link below and see immediately what happens. change the : style="float:right" into : style="float:left", and click the button above the left box :
      PHP Code:
      Value of  What it does
      --------  -----------------------------
      top       Align the image at the top
      bottom    Align the image at the bottom
      left      Align the image to the left
      right     Align the image to the right
      middle    Align the image in the middle 
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1865401].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author oregongal
        Originally Posted by liita View Post

        Hi everybody.

        oregongal, maybe it is a setting in the admin panel. Else, you need to edit the <img> tag which holds the image.
        Add this to it : style="float:left"
        You can try it out at the link below and see immediately what happens. change the : style="float:right" into : style="float:left", and click the button above the left box :
        PHP Code:
        Value of  What it does
        --------  -----------------------------
        top       Align the image at the top
        bottom    Align the image at the bottom
        left      Align the image to the left
        right     Align the image to the right
        middle    Align the image in the middle 

        Thanks for the answer - I'll give it a try!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1865897].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gavin Abeyratne
    Is anyone else having trouble getting analytics to report traffic data with AG?

    Which version of the google code are people using successfully?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dredger
      On our sites, Google Analytics works fine, but Affiliate Prophet only returns the number of visitors and no other data. I'd shoot them a support ticket.
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      • Profile picture of the author Gavin Abeyratne
        Ahh ok, thanks Dredger.

        I was having some issues with reporting, but I switched to the old code and now its all working fine.
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        • Profile picture of the author Adenrele Laguda
          Does anyone know how to manage the categories into alphabetical order?

          Everytime I try to do it, I get a 'script' error!
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          • Profile picture of the author adamv
            Is anyone else having issues with the upgrade to version 1.02?

            The titles are not lined up in the area just below the header and the "Home" link in the header is not an image button like it was in version 1 but is just a text link for me and it's not lined up right either.

            I wish I had checked it before spending the better part of the day uploading the files to 30 new urls. Now I have to go back and install the old version instead. :-(

            I'm very happy with Affiliate Genie but the upgrade doesn't seem to be working properly for me.

            Edit: I just realized my problem is not with Affiliate Genie but with the plugins that came with the bonus package when I ordered through an affiliate link. The person offering the bonus had a couple of cool plug ins that worked great with version 1 but don't quite work with version 1.02 - Bummer.

            Get a professional voice over for your next audio or video project at an affordable price -- I will record 150 words of text for just $5.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1933477].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author redw00dtrees
            On the right hand side is Menu Order.
            Highlight the Categories you want where and click the Up arrow. Then click the Floppy Disc Save Icon and its all done.
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        • Profile picture of the author Anthony Boult
          Not sure if this thread is still active, but if anyone can help it would be appreciated.

          I am currently running AG version 1.03 and when I attempt to save settings after pasting my google analytics code into the custom script box, it alters the code to something google doesn't recognise, so cannot report any visitor data. I have tried it via IE7 and Firefox v3.6 and v4


          Easy To Join CPA Network with NO PHONE INTERVIEW
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  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    Hi Adam.

    If you have the code for the plug-ins you can send the plug-ins to me and I will take care of updating them to v. 1.02.

    For those who have requested my modified version of AG 1.02 this should be going out sometime next week.

    Don (dond_33 at yahoo dot dk)
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  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    This and other SEO issues have not been fixed in the official version.

    I didn't feel like waiting so I have created my own improved/enhanced version of AG 1.02 with these changes:

    Affiliate Genie 1.02 db
    AG v.1.02: Site Name set as H1
    AG v.1.02 db: Set as new CSS style, "h1special" that supports AG-s built in Theme Options.

    AG v.1.02: Site Slogan set as H2
    AG v.1.02 db: Set as new CSS style, "h2special" that supports AG-s built in Theme Options.

    AG v.1.02: "Home"-button text set as H3
    AG v.1.02 db: Set as new CSS style, "h3special" that supports AG-s built in Theme Options.

    AG v.1.02: XML sitemap have 2 different URL entries for the Home-page "" AND "". (This is internal duplicate content to Google = not good!)
    AG v.1.02 db: Removed "" URL from XML sitemap.
    For now my changes only works when "Home" is chosen as the homepage under preferences. (This is the default for AG)

    AG v.1.02: "Home"-button text is hardcoded to "HOME"
    AG v.1.02 db: Created new setting under SEO Settings that allows for user specification of this text.

    AG v.1.02: .htaccess file is created automatically.
    AG v.1.02 db: Added automatic support for:
    ### re-direct index.php to root
    ### re-direct non-www to www
    Both to eliminate the risk of Google "seeing" duplicate versions of the sites homepage.

    AG v.1.02: Affiliate Genie link in page footer
    AG v.1.02 db: Removed AG link from footer

    AG v.1.02: No visual sitemap
    AG v.1.02 db: Added automatic generation of a standard visual sitemap. Gets build and updated whenever AG rebuilds the XML sitemap. Visual Sitemap link added to footer.

    I do share this AG version with others. All I ask is to see a copy of you original purchase receipt and for a small donation to my PayPal account.

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  • Profile picture of the author mjbromley
    Not too sure Chris will be too pleased that you are charging for a modified version of Affgenie. Have you cleared it with him?
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  • Profile picture of the author DonD
    Thx for the heads up.

    I am not selling "new" AG licences though - wouldn't dream of it. I only supply people who already bought an AG license from Chris with my add-on modules (kinda like plugins for Wordpress).

    I have suggested all the improvements I have made to AG to Chris but they were not interested in incoparating them in AG at the time.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Springer
      I have over 15 Affiliate Genie websites up and Google really seems to like them when SEO is followed correctly. They rank very well and are stable in the search results.

      Quick question to anyone who may know this answer:
      Is there any version of phpBay ( that can easily work with AG?

      Any thoughts would be great.

      (I had great experiences with phpbay when I used to use WordPress.)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1969395].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NVRGVUP
        Originally Posted by Rob Springer View Post

        I have over 15 Affiliate Genie websites up and Google really seems to like them when SEO is followed correctly. They rank very well and are stable in the search results.

        Rob & Don D.... or anyone with AG sites,

        Since AG was released in early Dec, over 4 months have passed. I asked this thread about 2 months ago, if anyone is making money with AG yet.

        So, are you generating profits yet? Is AG any better than WP? Is it necessary to modify AG, as Don D has done?

        Are there income based success stories out there yet? Not so far for me.... how about you guys? Thanks!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985186].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Hoglanta
    Just found out about AG and came here to do some research. Read through this thread and am still interested because it seems like an easy to use tool that can improve efficiency. Wondering if anyone has used both AG and Socrates WP theme and would be willing to provide a comparison?
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  • Profile picture of the author liita
    @redw00dtrees LOL your only 2+ years late with your response.
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    • Profile picture of the author Waltb
      I'm finally getting ready to install AffGenie, on HostGator. I need to know if I install at the root level, or in my addon domain folders.

      If I use AffGenie for multiple sites, and I have those sites, each with a separate domain name in separate addon domains, will I install AffGen only once at the root level, or in each addon folder? I want the visitor to see the url as and not

      Where should install AffGenie?

      I've tried to get support at the AffGenie website, but the support link is stopped by my Vipre web site security, and efforts to make an exception have failed. I also searched the forums to no avail.

      I also use Concrete5 and the css folder for C5 will conflict with the css folder of AG. I don't know how to handle that.

      Maybe this should go in a different thread?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8480450].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Waltb
        Any helpful ideas?

        Originally Posted by Waltb View Post

        I'm finally getting ready to install AffGenie, on HostGator. I need to know if I install at the root level, or in my addon domain folders.

        If I use AffGenie for multiple sites, and I have those sites, each with a separate domain name in separate addon domains, will I install AffGen only once at the root level, or in each addon folder? I want the visitor to see the url as and not

        Where should install AffGenie?

        I've tried to get support at the AffGenie website, but the support link is stopped by my Vipre web site security, and efforts to make an exception have failed. I also searched the forums to no avail.

        I also use Concrete5 and the css folder for C5 will conflict with the css folder of AG. I don't know how to handle that.

        Maybe this should go in a different thread?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8483370].message }}

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