Secure Site Symbol Reviews Please...

3 replies
Hi Warriors
I need to procure a Site Secure Symbol for a new website I'm launching shortly into the Non IM market. Any suggestions, reviews or recommendation for "Secure Site Symbol" to put on page would be greatly appreciated.
All The Best
#reviews #secure #site #symbol
  • Profile picture of the author DavidO
    I started using Trust-Guard seals about 3 months ago. They were easy to work with and the best value deal among all those I checked.

    They've provided only a slight increase in conversion, not the big increase that I expected, but I intend to stick with them.
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    • Profile picture of the author skydivedad
      Thanks David
      Much appreciated. I'll check them out. OK Any others gang?

      Making Lemonaide... Skydivedad's Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrod Morris

    Did you end up using Trust Guard for your website? Let me know if I can help you out with any future needs.

    Kind regards,


    Trust Seals...My First Warrior Special Offer...Woot.Woot.

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