Bookmarking Demon Review
I've listed everything below in steps as this is what you're supposed to do.
Step 1 account creations
1 hour to create all account with a 95% success ratio.
Out of 95 accounts only a few didn't go though but this was expected as sites constantly change.
Step 2 email verification
10 seconds to download all emails
7 minutes to verify all account emails - note that 3 showed not verified in the email status but once checking on the sites, they were in fact verified already. Also, it would be a good idea here to wait at least 10 minutes to let all the emails come in before verification.
Step 3 add pages for bookmarking
This was actually fairly fast and very easy to do. I was surprised at how the program works and how much control it gives you with regards to spamming controls. It allows you to decide on how hard you want to post your site links. I selected the lowest setting and it took roughly 1 minute to process. I now have 347 bookmarks selected for a full run of 5 pages.
Step 4 let the bookmarking begin
In all of the steps so far, I have not adjusted any of the standard settings for the time adjusters. I left everything as the program was originally installed thinking this was probably the best settings. With that said these times will reflect perhaps a longer than standard processing time should you decide to alter the settings. For example, some of the steps require up to a 90 second load time. Of course this time is reduced as the page loads and only take a few seconds. OK so I don't confuse people, I did change only one thing and that was the amount of pages to be loaded at one time which was 10. The muti-threading option helps speed things up significantly.
56 minutes total
242 submissions successful
105 submissions failed
1 program crash
tons of captchas I had to solve
Step 5 ping stuff
OK finding ping servers took me 10 seconds on Google. I added 23 servers to ping and loaded up my list. Easy enough and pretty straight forward. I also only had 23 pages auto loaded for some reason to ping. Strange but maybe I missed something here. I was under the assumption that all of the bookmarking sites that I just created would also be automatically added. Anyhow it only took roughly 2 minutes to ping all 23 pages on all of the 23 servers.
My Evaluation
After giving this program my good old college try I found it somewhat useful and at the same time not what the sales page makes it out to be. Again, I know that there are no software automated platforms that are 100% of what they say on sales pages. Thinking about the time I spent to get accounts created, verified, links bookmarked and pinged, I can honestly say wow it's a major time saver. I've also used SENuke last month and gave that program a good test run. As for SENuke, the account creation was much faster. Both of them require captcha solving so that still sucks. The bookmarking was much faster and had a higher percentage of successful submission with BMD over SENuke. There is only the one time charge for purchasing BMD which is much better than the monthly for SENuke. I've gotten my money back from SENuke so no lose there. My only decision is to see if BMD really cuts the mustard.
If I take the approach that BMD is really only for getting links noticed and indexed quickly, then I think it's a great price for what it does. If I think that it will get me higher SERP's then I'm greatly mistaken. Being this was my first run with the program, I have no clue how long the accounts will stay up for. I did use a Google email account that I've had for years to reduce the risk of that getting banned. After a few more weeks I'll run a back link check to see if I got any results from using this software on one of my sites. I highly doubt there will be any significant differences but hell what do I know. I am also wondering if I now have to ping all of the bookmarks that this program made for me. Being that they weren't automatically added onto the ping list that might be something I have to look into.
So for this one site that I'll be testing, I've already created roughly 250 profile back links from high PR sites that I know have yet to be indexed. If this program works as advertised then all of the profile links should get crawled, indexed and show drastic improvement for my site. I'll keep you all posted as thing progress.
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Larry Leight
Beats OptinMonster, Popup Domination & Co. hands down.
brit momaday leight
Larry Leight
Beats OptinMonster, Popup Domination & Co. hands down.