What's Your Favorite Keyword Research Tools

by sbucciarel Banned
25 replies
I'm thinking about investing a little money in keyword research tool(s). What's everyone's favorite. Looking for software .... not a monthly fee thing. Want to know the search volume, amount of competition, etc.

I've been using the Adwords External Tool, but wonder if there's something out there that does even more than that to find great keywords with low competition.
#favorite #keyword #research #tools
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1547113].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      You can't go wrong with Micro Niche Finder or Market Samurai Personally, I prefer MNF, but they're both excellent.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
      I really like MicroNicheFinder. Combines related search term generation, with monthly search frequency, strength of competition (onpage SEO), measure of backlinks (off page SEO), commercial intent, ppc ad cost, monthly trends from google and domain availability.
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      • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
        Google Adwords Keyword Tool (I use this as the base and also run my content through this to get more keywords for the same content).
        Google Trends
        Google Images
        Google Product Search
        Google Wonder Wheel
        Google Related Searches

        And sometimes Micro Niche Finder, usually only for PPC but sure I'm banned from that now .
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    • Profile picture of the author warrice7
      Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

      Market Samurai is very good
      How much for market samurai?
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    My favourite is Keyword Elite 2. Love it.

    Alternatives I tried are Market Samurai and of course the Google tool.

    Keyword Elite 2 is my favourite because it goes into as much or as little detail as you want. You can just sort through keywords according to traffic volume and competing pages, Google keyword style. But you can take it much further, getting stats on the top ten listed sites for each keyword, checking out how many and what kind of ad campaigns were running for the keyword over time and much more.
    I haven't even utilised half of the features yet (still working through them all).
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Thanks for all the tips. I bought MicroNicheFinder and I'm loving it so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Kingston
    Market Samurai is awesome, but i havent tried MNF so cant compare the two.
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  • Profile picture of the author aaramire
    Although you made your selection already I use market samurai and keyword blueprint ;p
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Market Samurai for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I visited Market Samurai. I'm on dialup due to zero options. I live in the country and already fired HughesNet for not delivering. The MS sales page hung due to the Flash and never loaded. I attempted to purchase and it became a hassle.

    That wasn't true with MNF, so I purchased. I could have gone either way, but opted for the slow Internet connection friendly option .... the program also performs very well on dialup, which I am relieved to see and gives me a ton of info to decide what sites to launch and products to promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author buffblaze
    i thought microniche finder made us of google data ????? so why even bother to buy the product when u can use google for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by buffblaze View Post

      i thought microniche finder made us of google data ????? so why even bother to buy the product when u can use google for free.
      It also pulls other data in and it's automated. Automation saves me a lot of time. I can put in a bunch of keywords, set it to get the data in the background, go to sleep and wake up to useful keyword and niche information ready to put into action.
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    • Profile picture of the author wizlor
      Originally Posted by buffblaze View Post

      i thought microniche finder made us of google data ????? so why even bother to buy the product when u can use google for free.
      Almost all of those keyword research software use Google data. The reason why i bought the software is to save me time. By just having data is useless till you analyze them and put them to good use.

      Those software enable you to quickly analyze, sort, and manage those data easily and select the "golden eggs" out of the mass.


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  • Profile picture of the author johagulo
    Market Samurai costs $149. AdWords is cool though, I use that
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  • Profile picture of the author Lorenzo Wardell
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    • Profile picture of the author wizlor
      Tried both Market Samurai and MNF. While both of the software are performing similar functions, they do have certain edges over the other.

      Functions that i like in MNF while Market Samurai don't include:
      1) Brain storming function
      2) checking for domain availability for your keywords

      If you don't really need the 2 function mentioned above, then just go for Market samurai.


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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    MS might be good, but if you can't order it on dialup, it's no good to me. Ordering failed 3 times due to their flash downloader, larger file size, etc.

    I imagine if their order page is slow connection hostile, that the program may be also. MicroNicheFinder works well on dialup and was a piece of cake to order and download.
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    • Profile picture of the author AffiliateKungfu
      Guess it's no harm owning knives of different sizes...

      I may just get just get MNicheFinder too, as they may be good for cutting at different angles.
      Without my favourite and only sig , my youth may just wither away unnoticed! And it makes me very sad.
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  • Profile picture of the author teddy67
    I have looked at both websites and it seems that market samurai is more geared towards seo with a website and MNF is more geared towards seo with article marketing through different networks.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by teddy67 View Post

      I have looked at both websites and it seems that market samurai is more geared towards seo with a website and MNF is more geared towards seo with article marketing through different networks.
      Not really. MNF is geared towards getting your sites ranked for the keywords you choose ... low competition, high search volume keywords. It also checks to see if exact match domains are available for your keywords, so that doesn't jive with the article marketing theory, although how you use the keywords you find and choose, is up to you.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1566532].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author juzanobo
    I love MNF, saves a lot of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliateKungfu
    Market Samurai's auto-updating feature is definitely a big plus.

    Even if it remains in beta forever, that may be better than the usual version upgrades.

    These guys have drive, and are constantly at it to improve what's already superb!

    And nothing can beat that!

    PS>sbucciarel, Just curious to know... why on earth are you still using dialup?
    Without my favourite and only sig , my youth may just wither away unnoticed! And it makes me very sad.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1591166].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by AffiliateKungfu View Post

      Market Samurai's auto-updating feature is definitely a big plus.

      Even if it remains in beta forever, that may be better than the usual version upgrades.

      These guys have drive, and are constantly at it to improve what's already superb!

      And nothing can beat that!

      PS>sbucciarel, Just curious to know... why on earth are you still using dialup?
      I live in the country. Had HughesNet. Had to call them daily to complain that my service was working at a snail's pace. They didn't do anything to fix it. Downloads would stop in mid download and not resume. Couldn't get a thing done. So I went back to dialup. Only choice out here in the sticks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1591232].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AffiliateKungfu
        I see...

        So it's a 'physical limitation'.

        You'd come out stronger with the ordeal.
        Without my favourite and only sig , my youth may just wither away unnoticed! And it makes me very sad.
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