28 replies
I got this site from Digibizpro and i need you to give me a honest oppinion about the page and the offer.

Make Money Club

Thank you!
#honest #oppinion
  • Profile picture of the author Flyingpig7
    Hmm not very exciting is it?
    Actually the content does'nt say anything to me, I mean what am I buying? An ebook, videos also what will I be learning CPA methods, adsense etc... I think you might get my drift.
    I would want to know what I'm spending my hard earned $47 dollars on.

    It could be spiced up with a video at the top, there could also be some testimonials or something like that explaining what the product is and how it's made a difference to their life /business.

    I think the site provides you with the bare bones you could definately plump up the sales page and the offer itself.

    Just trying to help you.

    Have a great day

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    • Profile picture of the author 101millionAds
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  • Profile picture of the author ozzyinyang
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    • Profile picture of the author 101millionAds
      The comments have been sent to Jamie today.
      I wonder what he will do about it-If he careat all.

      It's official: Instant Article Wizard 4.0 (IAW4) has launched!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Dunn
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    • Profile picture of the author chayil
      Hi Jeff...

      Did you ask for a refund?? I thought the refund date is only 30 days....way over
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      • Profile picture of the author Peter Nguyen
        The "sales letter" is a bit too general, it doesn't exactly imply what is being taught. I'm not surprised that other people find that the product they bought is crap.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
          Originally Posted by Peter Nguyen View Post

          The "sales letter" is a bit too general, it doesn't exactly imply what is being taught. I'm not surprised that other people find that the product they bought is crap.
          I actually wrote alot of that ebook myself. It's 63 pages and damn good. There are alot of elements that could be added as well to the sales page once it gets going. Right now it is primarily copy, which converts by itself but once getting going add videos, testimonials, diagrams.
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          • Profile picture of the author dhere889
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  • Profile picture of the author conanb
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    • Profile picture of the author wrays
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    • Profile picture of the author balara
      I purchased the program many months ago and requested a refund shortly after for reasons such as have been mentioned on this thread. The refund was prompt in coming for which I was most grateful as it was almost a thousand dollars.

      There are several threads on digibiz pro. You can locate them by clicking on Search and typing in Digibiz Pro. One of the threads convinced me to never knowingly purchase another product from the Owner of Digibiz Pro.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2548804].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
        Originally Posted by balara View Post

        I purchased the program many months ago and requested a refund shortly after for reasons such as have been mentioned on this thread. The refund was prompt in coming for which I was most grateful as it was almost a thousand dollars.

        There are several threads on digibiz pro. You can locate them by clicking on Search and typing in Digibiz Pro. One of the threads convinced me to never knowingly purchase another product from the Owner of Digibiz Pro.

        Hi Veronica,

        This was not Digibizpro 2.0 I take it?

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        • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
          If anyone would like a free review copy of Digibizpro 2.0 please Pm me and we can work out the details. I can do 10 copies for a thorough review of the Digibizpro service. (One site)

          A Digibizpro 2.0 premier account gets you ten unique sales pages/thank you pages with product for $90.00 a site. As you can see on the DBP sales page there is a video half way down that shows the process.

          Anyone who would like to put the system to work please let me know and I can get you a review copy.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
            Hey 101 Million Ads, where are you? You sold your site for $1200?
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            • Profile picture of the author cozandeffect
              NOTE: I don't want to get into the mudslinging on this thread.

              Could you guys provide an honest review of this Digibizpro website?

              How To Put on Makeup!

              Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
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              • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2553916].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author katarina1
                  You have my info Jamie, and I did send all my info to that address but there was no answer. That email is not working or people there are very busy. I'll do it again and hope for the best.
                  I am sorry I had to bother you here but I had to do it because I didn't get reply from them.
                  Thank you for your fast answer.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2553956].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
                    Originally Posted by katarina1 View Post

                    You have my info Jamie, and I did send all my info to that address but there was no answer. That email is not working or people there are very busy. I'll do it again and hope for the best.
                    I am sorry I had to bother you here but I had to do it because I didn't get reply from them.
                    Thank you for your fast answer.
                    Hi Katarina,

                    Yes with your personal information lets keep it to email. We dont outsource customer service, it's me & my main guys on the other side. Talk to you soon.

                    Thanks so much,

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2554074].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author balara
          Originally Posted by Jamie Lewis View Post

          Hi Veronica,

          This was not Digibizpro 2.0 I take it?

          Hello Jamie,
          I assume that it was Digibizpro1, but, I removed it from my computer when the refund was made so I can't be positive.
          From recollection, I was disappointed with the lack of support at the time, for what I found to be a difficult program.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2557015].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
            Originally Posted by balara View Post

            Hello Jamie,
            I assume that it was Digibizpro1, but, I removed it from my computer when the refund was made so I can't be positive.
            From recollection, I was disappointed with the lack of support at the time, for what I found to be a difficult program.

            Hi Veronica,

            That is interesting. Have you had any luck from any other program since?

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2558663].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author balara
              Originally Posted by Jamie Lewis View Post

              Hi Veronica,

              That is interesting. Have you had any luck from any other program since?

              Hello again Jamie,

              No I haven't had any luck from any other program, but I have had considerable success.

              I can run the hard yard, along with many other marketers, when support responds promptly if I need a helping hand.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2559916].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
                Originally Posted by balara View Post

                Hello again Jamie,

                No I haven't had any luck from any other program, but I have had considerable success.

                I can run the hard yard, along with many other marketers, when support responds promptly if I need a helping hand.

                What I would do is write a checklist. A checklist full of questions you may have, and then mark it off one by one. Use forums, customer support, and get the answers you need.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bina Omar
    Here are my DigibizPro (version 1) sites:
    Conversation Hypnosis
    Make Money Online!

    Also still waiting for my first sale with this one.

    I was under the impression, when I bought the sites, that I didn't have to do anything.
    Everything will be done for me, product creation, website setup, affiliate recruitment,
    promotion. Which is why I bought the sites. And so, I have not done anything to promote these sites.

    I wrote to support asking how come the sites have not made a single sale yet. I received a reply with a list of things that I can do to promote the sites to get sales.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2551434].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
      Originally Posted by Bina Omar View Post

      Here are my DigibizPro (version 1) sites:
      Conversation Hypnosis
      Make Money Online!

      Also still waiting for my first sale with this one.

      I was under the impression, when I bought the sites, that I didn't have to do anything.
      Everything will be done for me, product creation, website setup, affiliate recruitment,
      promotion. Which is why I bought the sites. And so, I have not done anything to promote these sites.

      I wrote to support asking how come the sites have not made a single sale yet. I received a reply with a list of things that I can do to promote the sites to get sales.

      Hey whats up,

      First off, log into your Digibizpro 2.0 control panel and access the affiliate recruitment forum. Second, have us fix those sites, utilize your software. This is a full service system where you have the flexibility to do so much more than what you have done with those two sites. You basically log in, press a couple buttons, have the sites built inside the members area with custom copy and then if you need any help our guys can do it. Sure we have come along way since 1.0 and we didnt always offer clientel like you the ability to do all this but we do now so use it!

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  • Profile picture of the author rankontop
    It is now, lol. only the truth should be!
    The review turned up a sally!
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  • Profile picture of the author greendolph

    I just got this one with Digibizpro notoplanetdestruction.com,
    but there something i dont understand, my paypal pay button is not functionning because apparently there s a problem with my email ! so i v been to my paypal account and evrything looks normal ...someone has an idea please ? thx
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