Any Comments on Mining Money Online by Tim Godfrey?

6 replies
Thinking of purchasing this any comments would be appreciated.

#comments #godfrey #mining #money #online #tim
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Hey there...this is Steven Doubt you'll get a lot of responses here. It's not been very heavily marketed...and it's for TOTAL beginners.

    anyway...I like it! :-)

    You can certainly ask any ?'s about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author dns7080
      What do you consider a Total beginner? Is this PPC or CPA or whatever you want to call it? I've done some PPC in the past and have nothing but the bills to show for it. I wouldn't consider myself a beginner or an expert for that matter I still have alot to learn. What would you recommend this or Commission Blueprint? I don't have alot of money to spend on PPC

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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    We've moved away from PPC as the primary means of traffic building in our courses because of the cost and complexity of it for people. MMO doesn't use it at all. Commission Blueprint 2.0 teaches advanced tactics for it...but its primary focus (as is MMO's) is on SEO...getting organic traffic.

    If you've already done PPC...then you're probably beyond MMO and I would encourage you to look at Commission Blueprint 2.0 or Niche Blueprint 2.0
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    • Profile picture of the author aaramire
      based on what you said, I would recommend you have a look at commission blueprint 2.0

      it's basically the holy grail of affiliate marketing. The tools alone are worth the purchase.

      As far as mining money online, it's a total beginners course. It looks like you've been in IM for a while, this is probably not for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Si Glover
    It is a great course for beginners, and also an introduction to other products/services created by Steve and Tim.

    You can now grab Mining Money Online completely free of charge now (see my sig file for details).

    I can't recommend Steve and Tim's stuff more highly - I'm a member of their IM Advantage membership, and other than my hosting and Aweber account it's the only monthly subscription that I keep paying month after month because of the value these guys provide.


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    • Profile picture of the author vstar650
      You can now grab Mining Money Online completely free of charge now (see my sig file for details).
      First thing I see on your website is a BIG "add to cart" button... so how is that free??
      You Only Come This Way Once... So Go For It!
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