Ross Goldberg's Traffic Magnet Strategy - How do you rate it?

21 replies
Hi folks,

Keen to know if anyone has had a play with Ross Goldberg's new tool set "Traffic Magnet Strategy". It's a revamp and overhaul of his Internet Revolution.

I'd love to hear any reviews/comments or suggestions for alternatives.

Thanks guys,

#goldberg #magnet #rate #ross #strategy #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
    do you have a url?????
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    • Profile picture of the author MChriston
      Sorry dude - New to the forum so can't post links yet... Need to get to 15 posts!

      But hey, it's easy to work out... trafficmagnetstrategy then add your .com then add your /special1
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      IMO Ross is a very good IM marketer
      the internet revolution submitter was (If I recall it correctly) a rebranded (PLR) version of!

      What I found so great about this was that the fact that he just added some video, articles and similar sites for linkbuilding and sold the whole product for 300 bucks!

      Thats pure internet marketing genius...(considering the fact that you could use free roboform or some of the free firefox plugins to do basically the same since you have to click each and every site/link then the software fills in the forms then you have to click on the next site etc)

      imo this sort of software is outdated since it doesnt allow much of automation as mentioned already above - you are better off to get some of the products from the ouzo brothers Ouzo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (incansoft) like articlebot, etc (I am not aff. with them)

      bytheway if you join kurts DomBom - Home of the Bomber Internet Marketing Systems membership site you will get a similar submitter software for free! (I am a member)
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      • Profile picture of the author MChriston
        Thanks Blue_Sky (and whoever moved the thread to the right location on the forum!!)

        I've been looking at the Incansoft stuff too - And it promises very similar outcomes, so when comparing with Ross's, are we just talking about price difference or does one offer features the other doesn't?

        Also - isn't their a debate between fully automated and semi-automated submissions?


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        • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
          let me put it this way: If you have months/years of free time then you can actually use ross software and submit to every site on the planet

          if you have less time then go use the ouzo software collection - I consider articlebot their best product and article submission is also one of the most effective marketing strategies

          this is based on my own experience - to answer your other question only google knows the answer to to this - everything else is pure speculation
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          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
            Originally Posted by blue_sky View Post

            let me put it this way: If you have months/years of free time then you can actually use ross software and submit to every site on the planet

            if you have less time then go use the ouzo software collection - I consider articlebot their best product and article submission is also one of the most effective marketing strategies

            this is based on my own experience - to answer your other question only google knows the answer to to this - everything else is pure speculation
            The Traffic Magnet software I have by Ross does a lot more than just make it easier to submit to article directories.

            And that's good because while I don't think article submitting is worthless I think there are other things that count for more if you're going to submit stuff manually. (And by the way I think any submitting by bots is not only a waste of time but will eventually make your sites a target of google's wrath. - IMHO.)
            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Peters Benn
    Michael, this is posted in the wrong forum - it needs to be in the Reviews section.
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    • Profile picture of the author MChriston
      Originally Posted by Steve Peters Benn View Post

      Michael, this is posted in the wrong forum - it needs to be in the Reviews section.
      Oops! there a way to move it or do I need to re-do it in the reviews section?

      Thanks for the heads-up!

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  • Profile picture of the author Julia Russo
    I just bought the product yesterday and feel I have gotten my money's worth. I do not have thousands, hundreds or even tens of articles to work on (which seems to be the prerequisite in higher priced article submission services). Traffic Magnet is simple and in its simplicity is the fact that I will find myself actually using it as opposed to more intimidating products.

    Time will tell but I enjoy the fact that being an interesting and inexpensive tool is more important to me right now than being "amazed" and "impressed" by a product I won't put into action.
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      Originally Posted by Julia Russo View Post

      I just bought the product yesterday and feel I have gotten my
      thats the advantage of being part of a big community like the wf - you can always check with fellow members and see what their opinion is...
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      • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
        For those of you that want to see reviews from the old version, you can see it here:

        Blue - you're absolutely right about the base for the old version, but it took hundreds of programming hours to get it to do all of the different things we built into it.

        The new version is totally different. It's done in Adobe Air and is actually a suite of tools.

        You guys are smart enough to see if it fits you or not. I'm sure more users will give their opinions here as time goes on.
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        • Profile picture of the author Bobru
          I also have the product. I am using and testing it now. I will be posting a review, along with a bonus affiliate offer on my blog in the next couple of days. I am liking what I am seeing so far!!!
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          • Profile picture of the author MChriston
            Originally Posted by Bobru View Post

            I also have the product. I am using and testing it now. I will be posting a review, along with a bonus affiliate offer on my blog in the next couple of days. I am liking what I am seeing so far!!!
            Great! Looking forward to your review!

            I'm planning on getting this out-tasked, so I'm keen to know about ease of use, that kinda thing.

            Also thanks to Julia, Blue_sky and of course Ross(!) for your comments.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alchemium
    Originally Posted by MChriston View Post

    Hi folks,

    Keen to know if anyone has had a play with Ross Goldberg's new tool set "Traffic Magnet Strategy". It's a revamp and overhaul of his Internet Revolution.

    I'd love to hear any reviews/comments or suggestions for alternatives.

    Thanks guys,

    In fact I am very interested in that product right now. But there is so little information about this, so I figure it's not worth the try?

    I started a new thread here, but got no response yet. So, if anybody has something to share about the TMS. I would appreciate any opinions.

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  • Profile picture of the author drnet
    Is proxies supported? Is the submission server based or desktop based?

    Video submission can take areally long time if it is desktop based...anybody know about this?

    Dr. Net
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Traffic Magnet just got a complete overhaul. The new version will be publicly released in a few weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author andyveer
    Hi i have search on net, but not able tp find much content , i want to know, what it can do , how many sites it has etc etc ? it is fully automated or we have to do manually

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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Hi Andy,

    It's not publicly available right now. The only way to get those details is as part of the Signal Pigeon launch. I'm planning on releasing it publicly in a few weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Madush
    it was not that good to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author uggstown
    Where can I get Traffic Magnet??
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