IPK - Still Relevant?

15 replies
Hello All,

I did not buy IPK the first time round, but because I am building a slew of product-focused sites, I got curious about it once again. I know it's been around for a couple of years, and I also know it promotes some sort of mother site - baby sites linking structure for SEO.

Does anyone know if the techniques taught in IPK are still working? Are the IPK sites still getting good rankings, or have they been Googleized? Are there better techniques being taught elsewhere now, or is IPK still worth the investment?

Just wondering if I am missing out on some good SEO stuff by not owning IPK.

Thanks so much Warriors!
#ipk #relevant
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  • Profile picture of the author stevecl
    IPK = Info product killer.

    I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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  • It still does work. But I´m not sure if making mini sites is the best way. I never made the mother sites, being afraid Google would see the mini sites as doorway pages to the mother site.

    About the SEO stuff: IPK calls it just normal SEO techniques. It still works. It´s not bl´´´ck h´´t, so you don´t get googleized for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Conduct some searches on Google for Tiffany Dow and IPK - She has used it to make money and has blogged about it. She is a warrior that can be trusted and she continues to post high praise for IPK.

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  • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown
    The mother site linking strategy is standard SEO, used by lots. If there is a problem with the sites from a Google perspective, it's lack of content - but that's easily put right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lilster
    I would like to hear from people who have used IPK successfully - as I think it sounds great, however I think new SEO strategies have outgrown the IPK technique for traffic. Anyone Buehler??!!
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  • IPK is about building mini sites. The mother sites are not part of a SEO strategy, but to prevent Amazon from knowing where your traffic is coming from, so no Amazon manager can take over your business. The core idea is to build a lot of mini sites around Christmas quick and make a lot of profit. When people talk about IPKs SEO part, it´s about OnPage SEO. The OnPage SEO seems to work, even today. On the other hand Google Sniper Sites or these X-Factor Adsense Sites seem to work without anything like IPKs OnPage SEO optimization.
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  • Profile picture of the author bjallen
    Lilster, that was my concern too - that the strategies no longer worked or would be detrimental to your sites' ability to rank.

    I appreciate everyone's input on this. I own Google Sniper, and I am still on the fence about IPK. So many strategies - so little time! lol

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    • Profile picture of the author nikhilg

      I went thru the sales letter and it was mentioned that IPK had a special price for US residents.

      I live in India and IPK is to be used mainly for promoting Amazon products. I was wondering if I can promote amazon tangibles from India and whether IPK will be good for me.

      Thanks and regards

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  • Profile picture of the author ShelbyC
    I bought the IPK course in November 2009 so I missed most of the Christmas rush, but my sites still made and make me money even now.

    IPK was some of the best money I've ever spent on a course and is a drop in the bucket compared to what I've spent.

    I think the mini site strategy is still valid, but would probably work better with a few tweaks - mainly more and better content. The SEO strategies taught are great and do work, my sites rank pretty quickly about 80% of the time, however there is no off site strategy taught.

    If you're looking for another great course I would recommend Neil V's Simple Amazon System, haven't bought it yet but he ran a killer thread on making money on Amazon fixing what I thought was the weak point in the IPK course - Testing.

    So in summary: It works if you use it, don't expect immediate income (SEO takes time), tweak the system if you aren't getting results.

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    • Profile picture of the author eebee
      IPK worked for me in 2008 even though I only bought it in early November I made $800 + over Christmas. I left those sites up and made money again over Christmas 2009.Those sites continue to make money even after Christmas even though I only keep active blogs going over the Christmas period.
      I am not sure whether the method will continue to work with toys because everyone seems to be making these very similar toy sites now and I think the whole market is getting saturated.

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