Ideas Hatchery by Ryan Deiss

13 replies
Idea Hatchery

I dunno, I do like Ryan/Perry's stuff but
sometimes he does make my chuckle.

A whopping great long copy sales page
just a couple of weeks after a huge push
from Ryan to get us to believe long copy
is dead and we should all only be using video.

Ahh well.
#deiss #hatchery #ideas #ryan
  • Profile picture of the author Techguy
    Yeah I was thinking the same thing...but

    This seems like a great idea. If I thought I would make the cut I would jump on it.

    So he has done this before? In his letter he said he did it last year. I have what I think are great ideas but I usually find that it's been done already, often less than a year earlier. I also have major problems with EXECUTION. The easy days are long gone for the beginner I'm afraid. And with competition getting tougher everyday, I guess we need to get real good at relationship building.

    Does that sound about right?
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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by Techguy View Post

      Yeah I was thinking the same thing...but

      This seems like a great idea. If I thought I would make the cut I would jump on it.

      So he has done this before? In his letter he said he did it last year. I have what I think are great ideas but I usually find that it's been done already, often less than a year earlier. I also have major problems with EXECUTION. The easy days are long gone for the beginner I'm afraid. And with competition getting tougher everyday, I guess we need to get real good at relationship building.

      Does that sound about right?
      No clue, Ryan's had seminars all over the joint for
      various things, don't actively remember exactly
      this format, I suspect he or a member of his
      staff will jump back in and answer customers
      questions, unless its' already sold out, his stuff
      tends to sell out pretty fast, he's got a big internal
      list of active buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author rdeiss
    Hey Simon, Ryan Deiss here...

    First off, good catch. You guys always keep me on my toes.

    But just to clarify, this really isn't a normal "sales letter" or "product". If you want proof...just look at the price point. Note that it's $500 even and not a more proven price-point like $497. In this case, I'm not really concerned with conversions because I'm not looking for a lot of people. I'm just looking for the RIGHT PEOPLE.

    If I were 100% concerned with conversion, I would have definitely used video. This is more of a "manifesto", however, so I felt that good ol' fashioned text was more appropriate.

    Hope that clears things up,
    Ryan Deiss
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    • Profile picture of the author thegarkofactor
      q - what do you have to be, do or have in order to be one of the "right people"
      a - if you have to ask then....
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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by rdeiss View Post

      Hope that clears things up,
      Ryan Deiss
      Not really man, no, sorta at best.

      The right people are people who arn't converted by video ?

      There's a magical price at which long copy out performs video?

      Dude, none of this was evident in the "long copy has died"
      long live the video king mantra but a few short weeks ago.

      Just sayin Ryan, generally I like your stuff but the sales
      message flip flops like crazy.

      I think you're saying you don't want people who are easily
      converted but those who were prepared to wade through
      a wall of text and still decided it was for them even with
      a non sales price point, I get it, but the mixed message
      is still pretty loud and clear.

      You got stuff to sell, that's life but you got to accept you're
      gonna get called up on shizz when folks see it.

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    • Profile picture of the author bf7007
      Hey Stormy,

      I signed up for it too and enjoyed the Idea Hatchery process.

      But after I completed all the steps and submitted the execution they way they said to - almost 2 weeks ago - I've heard nothing back from anyone yet.

      did you submit a plan yet?

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  • Profile picture of the author StormyK
    I like the idea of the idea hatchery but have a few concerns prior to signing up to it

    I would like to know how the following will be dealt with both whilst training/developing the idea and after any investment has been made
    1) My Number One concern is what legal protection is offered to the person with the idea to prevent the idea being stolen (confidentiality agreement etc) and if so how enforceable will it be eg will it protect the idea being developed by an 'associate' of Ryan Deiss.

    2) What level of support is provided (how often can call/enquire, availability etc) and will access to any of this be chargeable?

    3) How will 'profit' be calculated. Will this be Net or Gross of Company Tax? Is it after a reasonable 'wage' is taken by the entrepreneur running the venture? Presumably there will be commercial 'charges' to access Ryan's expertise and facilities. For this to work commercially, the method of profit share needs to be fair for the level of input by either party. Wouldn't like to be running the business only for all the profits to be creamed off by 'management' charges to Ryan's companies, leaving little actual profit for the Entrepreneur.

    4) What form of legal entity would be formed (Limited, partnership etc) and how would this be governed (eg rules on voting, distribution of profits, exit etc)?

    5) What level of input/access will the entrepreneur get to RD and his senior team.

    6) What will the terms of the loan be? What happens if things don't go to plan? If and under what situations can the loan be requested as 'payment on demand'?

    7) What termination provisions will there be, who can invoke them and under what circumstances. What protection will be in place post termination?

    8) Will 'exclusivity' be required ie can't negotiate with other parties for funding

    No doubt Ryan will address these issues in due course but I think some indication of how these issues will be addressed are required prior to sign up so that expectations can be managed eg I would be pretty miffed to go through the process and find that my 'idea' suddenly appears elsewhere without any funding forthcoming

    Would be interested to hear other people's (or Ryan's) views on this.

    Would also be interested to hear from people who attended the last 'idea hatchery', especially ones who have had some investment. Would be great to hear how successful and worthwhile it was (whether investment was obtained or not)
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  • Profile picture of the author forexscambuster
    Thanks for the review.. nice info.
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    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by forexscambuster View Post

      Thanks for the review.. nice info.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimwriter
    I dunno, I do like Ryan/Perry's stuff but
    sometimes he does make my chuckle.

    A whopping great long copy sales page
    just a couple of weeks after a huge push
    from Ryan to get us to believe long copy
    is dead and we should all only be using video.

    Ahh well.[/quote]

    Some of his stuff does not work either e.g. he once gave advice at a training seminar that you should offer to "Tell people the bad news" on a Facebook ad to increase the CTR. It never worked for me. In fact CTR fell drastically. He ain't all that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
    Yes I agree. I can see the irony of it all...
    but, personally, I wouldn't worry about it.

    I may not be Sherlock Holmes, but if it will help ya sleep at night I'll crack the case for you. I'd bet money that it went down like this:

    He was only offering extremely limited amount of spots. So he knew it was going to sell out in a few minutes regardless... Even he had a crappy sales page..

    He hired one of his old-time copywriters to write the copy (or he's already had this sales letter sitting around.. since I believe he launched this product last year)

    called it a day.. that way he didn't even have to bother putting together a sales video, etc..

    Saved time. Saved energy. and still got the same result of filling it up.

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  • Profile picture of the author DonDavis
    Stormy K.- Details, details. I seriously doubt if any of that has been thought that far through. Probably won't be necessary... know what I mean?

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    • Profile picture of the author StormyK
      Originally Posted by DonDavis View Post

      Stormy K.- Details, details. I seriously doubt if any of that has been thought that far through. Probably won't be necessary... know what I mean?
      In fairness to him, he did hold a last minute (prior to launch) live Q&A to answer any questions. He had also requested questions prior to the Q&A. Whilst I personally was not totally happy with the response (in particular to the lack of an NDA), I felt he answered them fairly.

      I did sign up to it (for a variety of reasons). Proof of the pudding is in the eating......

      I'll let you know how I get on. Would be interested in hearing from others who signed up as well.

      Have a great day

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