International Association of Joint Venture Brokers - Warning: No Support Desk

1 replies
Hey Guys,

This is a (unfortunate) review of Willie Crawford's membership.

I won't go into full details but suffice it to say that today, 6 weeks after ordering, I don't have access to the membership, and have, for 2 weeks, been ignored in my requests for a refund.

I don't think it's anything malicious at their end - their support desk obviously just doesn't work properly and no one seems to care.

I have products of my own and a support desk of my own and I know that mistakes happen, emails get lost, you get too many tickets etc etc... but this is not that.

If support is important to you, this isn't a membership you should join.

Sadly, I can't even comment on the nature of the content or it's value for anyone's business because I haven't seen it... 6 weeks after having paid for it. But the experience I've had is sadly, the worst experience of any customer support for any product I've purchased online... ever.

I hope this helps someone else avoid the same fate.

#association #brokers #desk #international #joint #support #venture #warning
  • Profile picture of the author owenian1
    Sorry to hear that, have you tired contacting other members of Willie's team by going through different websites that Willie Owns.

    Just a thought.

    I think that if Willie new this would be fixed.

    Good Luck
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