Any Info on "Underground Traffic Blueprints"?

30 replies
Hi All

Knowing Warriors are the best for providing "no bull" reviews and information on products; can anyone provide insight on the "Underground Traffic Blueprints" and folks behind it?

Thanks Chris
#info #review #traffic blueprints
  • Profile picture of the author money-game
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary McCaffrey
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  • Profile picture of the author money2k
    Simon and Jeremy usually release "Top Notch" stuff. I am eagerly awaiting this product..

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  • Profile picture of the author tezza
    Looks good.
    Have many of Jeremy and Simon's Products and always get good value.
    I know one of the guys who gave a testimonial and trust him.
    Pre-launch videos have some free stuff.
    Launches on July 13th. I will certainly check it out.
    Hope this helps,
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  • Profile picture of the author jprano
    The folks behind it are credible. I have done business with Jeremy for the past 5 years.
    He has produced quality products in the past with great success.

    Several IM's offering bonuses. It's a wait and see until after launch to put to test for good evaluation. Based on what I know my gut tells me to get on board.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlog1234
    Yeah me still awaiting reviews going board. Their $50,000/month blue print system looks great. Still looking for best bonus offers of affiliates and reviews...

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    I probably received 5 bonus emails from the top marketers but ended up taking advantage of Matt Callens awesome Bonues!
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    • Profile picture of the author Puravida
      Sorry to disappoint every one. Several weeks ago when I received first inside info, it peaked my interest. Jeremy and Simon are well know for good products, therefore I got a domain and thought I make some affiliate business with it. After reviewing and getting more details I decided differently last night. Our opinion is a NO BUY.

      We know that we are getting some flag for our review, but we are just tired of the continuous brain washing of the masses, that every new product is the "newly" discovered secret how to make tens of thousands in 30 days with only 30 minutes a day of work, and all on autopilot....

      Digital Portal Network

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  • Profile picture of the author RedHat39
    I posted a request for any one of the 40 some guru's endorsing this product to come on here and give a real review and not a single one did, but I can guarantee you all of them have fired off an email to their lists today about the launch.

    My concern was that in the sneak preview video what they revealed has been posted here on this forum for free and they are acting like they just discovered it. I just afraid its more rehashed methods polished up with fancy videos.

    An honest review from someone who is not new to IM would be much appreciated.
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    • Profile picture of the author Puravida
      Yes, sparkie2260, there are bonuses offered and some with great value. Even so I always wonder why people put an arbitrary price value on it, sometimes in the thousands, and short time later you get it as a bonus free.

      There are two more similar products being offered and I believe that the "super marketers" or gurus, hear earlier what the other guy is doing and then they start creating their own, somewhat different version, around the same time to participate in the wave of the hyped marketing.

      Most review sites created for the products are mostly with affiliate links for the commissions, and many have never looked at the product.

      Digital Portal Network

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    • Profile picture of the author drmani
      Originally Posted by RedHat39 View Post

      I just afraid its more rehashed methods polished up with fancy videos.

      An honest review from someone who is not new to IM would be much appreciated.
      I just reviewed the course on my blog.

      Jeremy kindly offered me a review copy a few weeks ago. The modules are detailed,
      and the instructions easy to follow. The techniques themselves may not be 'new' -
      blogging, Adwords, SEO and direct mail aren't - but there are some unique twists to
      executing their strategies that were new to me.

      My personal approach to something like this is to try it and see if it works. When it
      does, scale up. If it doesn't, drop it. So, I've put 3 of the methods taught in the
      course to work. It's early days yet, so I don't have meaningful results to share, but
      from my perspective of many years testing different things out, I believe these have
      a fair chance of working - and importantly, EVEN WHEN they get over-used by many
      buyers, as will happen with a big launch like this.

      Should a beginner get the program? That's a tough question to answer. Like everything
      else, it takes some testing and tweaking, some failures and some small successes,
      before a BIG one hits... and unless you are able to accept and work through them,
      it may appear as if the techniques aren't useful at all.

      If you're relying on these techniques for your PRIMARY source of traffic, you may
      probably want to hold off. If you've got systems in place, and want some boosts
      from unconventional techniques, this is a treasure trove of ideas that have been
      tested by experts, and shown to work.

      Hope this is of some help in making your decision to get the program.

      All success
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      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        Thanks so much for the detailed review, Dr. Mani. This is very

        I've been wondering about that product and whether I should
        get it. Not totally decided yet, but I'm getting a better sense of
        what might be in store...

        As far as the enthusiasm for promoting the product goes -- I think
        that may well be because of the recurring income potential.

        That would certainly make sense to me.


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        • Profile picture of the author AffiliateMax
          Originally Posted by wordwizard View Post

          As far as the enthusiasm for promoting the product goes -- I think that may well be because of the recurring income potential.
          And the prizes + kudos too perhaps?

          Underground Traffic Blueprints | Clickbank Affiliate Program - Leaderboard and Prizes

          Edit - Puravida - you beat me to it by seconds

          UK Affiliate Programs : Recommended UK affiliate programs and networks.
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          • Profile picture of the author Puravida
            at least my last post is or was still here. Some previous post had been deleted. Looks like some big IM flexed their muscles to get any negative comments out of here.
            I did not accuse any IM, just posted some facts and our opinion.

            Venezuela and Iran have censorship, but here..... looks like the money and connection are ruling here too....

            MODERATOR EDIT: Read the rules for this section, posted above. Promoting your affiliate links is against the rules.

            Digital Portal Network

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            • Profile picture of the author petec
              I have bought it.
              As usual Jeremy and Simon have more than delivered.
              For the price of it, to me it is a no brainer. If you can find one or two things in there to increase your traffic and conversions then it is worth it.
              I spent last night going through the article marketing blueprint, that alone is worth the money.

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              • Profile picture of the author JayC81
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                • Profile picture of the author Puravida
                  To Moderator: Just to clarify

                  Our website link, as you stated, is NOT an affiliate link. Our review is independent and not linked to the product sales. We are in no way promoting the UBT product and have no affiliate link to that product on our site.
                  When we publish a review with a NO buy content, we do not try to cash in on the negative comments.
                  Apology for the harsh censorship comment.

                  A DIFFERENT MODERATOR writes

                  We saw what you did. We are not idiots. You can change your site subsequently as much as you want but we won't forget. And we won't hesitate to ban you, even if you are a War Room member. So take this as a final warning.


                  Digital Portal Network

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                  • Profile picture of the author SimonHodgkinson
                    Originally Posted by Puravida View Post

                    To Moderator: Just to clarify

                    Our website link, as you stated, is NOT an affiliate link. Our review is independent and not linked to the product sales. We are in no way promoting the UBT product and have no affiliate link to that product on our site.
                    When we publish a review with a NO buy content, we do not try to cash in on the negative comments.
                    Apology for the harsh censorship comment.

                    LOL okay I wasn't going to comment on this but you're kinda funny Puravida

                    I have to say that it certainly seemed to me you were to use you term: 'cashing in by using negative comments' in your in-depth 'reveiw' :rolleyes:

                    I see you have now taken our banner ads off your blog that were running alongside your post

                    And the affiliate link you had at the end of the post...

                    You forget to edit this bit off though:

                    "We even have an affiliate link here on this page. So, if you still want to get this product and prove us wrong, use the link"

                    Now you know what, I've never reviewed something before that I didn't like so much as to tell folks not to buy it... then put banners up and offered my affiliate link in at the end just in case


                    Okay as I said I didn't want to come here and add any fuel to you 'fire'

                    and you know I'm quite happy if someone properly reviewed any of my products and gave their opinion good or bad - I actually find critiques useful to help improve things and make products better.

                    However posting stuff like that (it's how it seemed) is pretty poor in my view - and adding stuff that's not true (shabby journalism at best we'll call it) is lazy on your part and does an injustice to this forum...

                    Just to clarify

                    there are no upsells
                    there is no continuity
                    not sure what the heck you meant by 'higher priced follow ups'

                    (maybe it wasn't the price that was high when you were doing your 'review')

                    Oh yes and it was good how you 'summarized' around 6 hours of video as "dah dah dah" :confused:

                    That's all I had to say - don't want an argument with you SORRY

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  • Profile picture of the author jprano
    Seems like a lot of JV's offering this. Unusual for a $77 product.
    How many if any upsells that you can share with us?
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  • Profile picture of the author DrewClement
    There HAVE to be a ton of upsells or something going on behind the scenes with this product......although there is essentially nothing wrong with that of course.

    But I got about 10 emails from some internet marketers promoting the launch, and some of the bonuses were pretty impressive for a $77 product. Some offered to create an entire blog for free with purchase, some offered a few bonuses and $30 back if you bought through them, and so on.

    Pretty impressive bonuses for a small change of commission..what else is coming?

    50% Commission, Proven Products, and MASSIVE Profits
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  • Profile picture of the author MAV923
    I bought this just for PPC Web Spy lifetime. Even if Underground stinks this bouns iss worth the price alone.
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    • Profile picture of the author drwatson101
      Thanks Warriors, as usual you are great!

      I appreciate "all" the opinions, of course when you can add facts, specifics or statistics to them the value increases ;-)

      Seems I have heard that one of the up-sells may be re-occurring or monthly billing. Can anyone else shed anymore light on that or content of new traffic source information that is not an affiliate?


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      • Profile picture of the author SimonHodgkinson
        Originally Posted by drwatson101 View Post

        Thanks Warriors, as usual you are great!

        I appreciate "all" the opinions, of course when you can add facts, specifics or statistics to them the value increases ;-)

        Seems I have heard that one of the up-sells may be re-occurring or monthly billing. Can anyone else shed anymore light on that or content of new traffic source information that is not an affiliate?


        Hi Chris

        Just to clarify for you we don't have any upsell(s) or continuity element as part of this site

        It's a single payment/one time with no upsells (most people have been surprised at that) LOL

        We are planning on offering UTB owners early bird access to a new membership site before we make live to the public and there is a video in the member area that talks about it... But that's not part of the training course (or even available as yet) owners will just get first 'dibs' if you will when it's ready.

        Best Wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author RedHat39
    Thanks Puravida for your honest review. It's as I suspected for newbies a good info product - for veterans of IM look for the best bonus being offered, the product is nothing new for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ethiccash
    Hey, this is JP. I have not posted here for months or probably for years. Here is an email I just sent to my lists with some raw thoughts about this post specifically, and our whole industry (if you can read in-between the lines). I have slightly edited to remove aff links and some offending terms for our mods.

    I am on vacation with my family in the south
    of Switzerland. For some weird reason, I switched
    my laptop on, and for some even more unconceivable
    reason, I started reading some posts on the "(removed)"

    This post was related to Simon and Jeremy's
    Underground Traffic Blueprints.

    Although I can't understand why I started
    reading this post, something caught my attention.

    Not because it was interesting or clever,
    but because it was so funny!

    Basically, some forum posters were wasting their
    time trying to understand why so many JVs were
    promoting UTB program, as well as offering
    such great bonuses (like this one:

    (removed to comply with WF rules, but it's the best
    out there)

    In fact their mental block was related to the low
    price of the product and thus to the low commission
    affiliates are making on each sale.

    It seems many internet marketers have just been brain
    washed with this silly stereotype: expensive = good

    a) You're not supposed to receive a big fat $1000
    commission to promote something as an affiliate:
    meaning, something that will help your loyal
    subscribers make mo*ney online.

    b) you're not supposed to spend (waste is more appropriate)
    $2000 buying a video course to learn how to drive traffic,
    or how to outsource, or how to create an affiliate blog,
    or whatever...

    Good products still exist (althouh they're
    quickly becoming something really rare that we
    should protect creating specific Fund,
    say for example: World IMlife Fund),
    created by real and thorough marketers
    making mo*ney online by teaching people what they do,
    and not by promoting their best friends' $2,000 online

    Thus that kind of posts you can read in forums!
    Why would someone promote a $77 course and offer
    such a bonus when they only make like $38 per sale?!?

    - There might be something wrong: NO
    - There might be some forced continuity: NO
    - There might be some ninja tricks to make you spend more: NO
    - There might be tons of upsells: NO (not a single one)
    - They might enroll you into a continuity scheme: NO

    - This might be a good product that will help people
    learn how to drive traffic: YES

    - This might be something more valuable than most
    (and I could say ALL) $2,000 programs out there: YES

    - This might be something we truly recommend because
    we know it will help people make things happen
    and take action: YES

    As an affiliate marketer, we get the best results when
    we help our people reach their goals without asking them
    to spend a fortune when there's no reason to do so.

    (affiliate blurb to promote our aff link removed to comply with
    WF rules)

    To your success

    That's it. Now, I am not giving any lessons, but please get


    At last, a blog for Internet Marketer and Affiliate Marketer ran by a 7-figures Affiliate Marketer, not a blogger!

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  • Profile picture of the author RedHat39
    Thanks to DrMani, JP, and SimonHodgkinson for coming in here and posting about the product. I never doubted the product wasn't good but that its claims may have been misleading in some way. As it turns out it seems that most IM products released benefit the newbies to IM more than the IM veterans that have seen and done most all methods and systems out today.

    For what is being offered and at the price it's selling for this would be great if you are brand new to online marketing. For people with experience already this might just be a refresher course at best.

    But thanks again guys for stepping up. I believe there should be more of this. If your going to offer a sales page testimonial then you should not be opposed to offering a non-sales pitch review of the products you testify to.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Glad my comments helped.

    I promised to share my results when they were in, and so here are some
    which were the result of applying the methods in this course:

    One Traffic Campaign is on day #3:

    Total visitors: 4,643
    Opt-in subscribers: 357
    Earnings: $14.17
    Cost: $67.71
    Profit: ( - $53.54)

    Another Traffic Campaign just launched today:

    Total visitors: 723
    Opt-in subscribers: 13
    Earnings: 0
    Cost: $11.95
    Profit: ( - $11.95)

    [My average subscriber value per year has never been below $15, btw]

    Hope this is of some help in making your decision about buying the course

    All success
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    • Profile picture of the author AffiliateMax
      There are several hours of video and I have only had chance to watch the first 6 videos (underground adwords) so far. (About 1 hours worth)

      But sorry to say so far I am not very impressed - the 1c adwords clicks "method" has been around since at least early 2007 and I did not see any new twist in the underground traffic secrets videos on this "method". The method has also been mentioned on WF before (several times), eg: and the poster (Bertus) managed to sum up in a few sentences what underground traffic secrets took an hour to do (length of first 6 videos)!

      I know the so called "secret code" (finding highly viewed articles on ezine articles etc) from the free video is also nothing new as that has been on WF too.

      I realise there are another 6 hours or more of videos to watch - so I will stick with it before giving a final judgement but thought it might be helpful to give some initial impressions from someone who has actually bought the product and is not promoting it as an affiliate - for anyone who is still 'on the fence' (as I think the price goes up Tuesday morning??).

      Will give an update when I have had chance to view more of the videos (some pdfs to go with them would have been very helpful by the way for those of us who prefer to read rather than watch!) but I am unlikely to have the time to view anymore for a day or two..
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  • Profile picture of the author jrafique
    Thanks AffiliateMax for your detailed initial review. I will wait for your final review to decide whether to purchase or not. I can not decide on the basis of adwords videos because I already own adwords company and know how use adwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author slowrider
    @drmani - Thanks so much for posting your results so far. Those two examples look like a lot of my own (not using UTB). lol Your honesty is appreciated!

    Thanks to all you other WF members for your honest discussions here. I know I appreciate hearing the good, bad and ugly on any topic!
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  • Profile picture of the author Essive
    @drmani - nice to see someone really testing the waters. Sounds a bit like a rehash of many of the traffic techniques you could find right on this forum and others. It's really if you want to pay the $77 or spend the hours looking the information up. We all get so excited by new products.....

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