Kevin Wilke's new offline program. Any Good?

by TimD
3 replies
I just got an email from Kevin Wilke. He's got another offline package that he's pushing. He says it's based on "SURGE" a program that sells for $300 a month and lets you post to 15,000 blogs and sites to get massive links.

Anybody know anything about this SURGE network? Are the IPs independent? Are they quality sites? Can you get the URLs so you can backlink them?
#good #kevin #offline #program #wilke
  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    What's 'offline' about generating backlinks through blogs?
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    • Profile picture of the author TimD
      Hi Dexx,
      The offline spin is that you get membership to the "Local Internet Marketing Association" with tips and tricks and discounted health coverage.

      He's also saying that you can get offline websites ranked very quickly with his massive backlinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author AFFILIATE ROB
    I have been a member for about six days, and right now I am not real happy. The good thing is that I only paid $1.50 for a 30 membership, so it's not like I'm losing any money. If I feel that I will get value from this, I'll stay and pay the $299 / month. But if not, I'll bail way before my trial period is up.

    This is what I found so far:

    9 modules, plus two bonus modules that are videos, but the modules don't really teach you anything about Local Internet marketing. The SURGE program is not even activated
    now. In fact, I'd say the other modules are pretty pedestrian:

    > Create Your Profile
    >View Your Sample Website
    > Order Your Website
    > Download the LIMA Logo
    > Initial SEO Interview
    > Initial Website Design Interview
    > Request a Custom Quote
    > SURGE Network

    Like I said, pretty darn pedestrian.

    The only value I see so far, as it relates to why I agreed to pay the $299 / month, is the two video series. The first is on one method of getting a site ranked in Google. It involves setting up a blog and getting it ranked, along with a nifty way to do keyword research to focus on clients. This is a 3-video series. The other video shows how a local Internet marketing guru uses webinars to sell clients. This is good, too.

    But it is not enough. I went through those videos in one day.

    I wish I had the money for Howie Schwartz IM Leadership 2.0, but I don't have $2,000.00 lying around.

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